Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2004.
Ranked 75th of 773 worlds statistically.
Ranked 31st of 351 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
24 (12 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
42 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
19 (last 30 days) ▼14%

Minimum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.4.8 -- (c) 2023 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000

    IP Address:              Questions:
    Currently On-Line: 17

     .____                     __                         .__
     |    |     __ __  _______/  |_  _____ _______  ____  |__|_____
     |    |    |  |  \/  ___/\   __\/  __ \\_  __ \/    \ |  |\__  \
     |    |___ |  |  /\___ \  |  |  \  ___/ |  | \/|  |  \|  | / __ \
     |_______ \|____/ /____ \ |__|   \___ \ |__|   |__|  /|__|/_____ \
             \/            \/            \/            \/           \/

                        A G E  O F  A S C E N S I O N


                 1. Enter the game.
                 2. Create a new character.
                 3. Quit.

Enter an option or enter your character's name. 
Those daring to enter the exciting fantasy universe of Lusternia will find themselves plunged into a multi-planar realm where factions struggle to amass reservoirs of magical energy simply to survive. Within the Basin of Life, an alien evil has corrupted much of the land and people, making Lusternia a broken and perilous place. With the return of those Elder Gods who escaped the ancient Divine wars, a new age of uncertainty dawns. What power shall next ascend to dominate the world's limited resources? Lusternia: Age of Ascension, the latest award-winning text game released by Iron Realms Entertainment, breaks new ground by presenting a dynamic roleplaying environment that pioneers innovative new features, quests and skills. Lusternia is sure to challenge experienced gamers and delight new...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1] [2]

Custom [1]
Rapture [2]

2004 [2]

USA [1] [2]

High Fantasy, Planar Adventuring [1]
High fantasy - emphasis on planar travel [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Those daring to enter the exciting fantasy universe of Lusternia will find themselves plunged into a multi-planar realm where factions struggle to amass reservoirs of magical energy simply to survive. Within the Basin of Life, an alien evil has corrupted much of the land and people, making Lusternia a broken and perilous place. With the return of those Elder Gods who escaped the ancient Divine wars, a new age of uncertainty dawns. What power shall next ascend to dominate the world's limited resources? Lusternia: Age of Ascension, the latest award-winning text game released by Iron Realms Entertainment, breaks new ground by presenting a dynamic roleplaying environment that pioneers innovative new features, quests and skills. Lusternia is sure to challenge experienced gamers and delight those new to the genre of text worlds. From Iron Realms Entertainment, the world's #1 creator of MUDs. [1]
Lusternia: Age of Ascension, the latest quality text game released by industry pioneer Iron Realms Entertainment, breaks new ground by presenting a dynamic roleplaying environment that pioneers innovative new features, quests and skills. Lusternia is sure to challenge experienced gamers and delight those new to the genre of text worlds. Some Features ------------- Player vs. Player Combat: Lusternia offers the same style of intensive player vs. player (PvP) combat that has been one of the signature features of the Iron Realms games, but with Lusternia's power and feat design, combat takes on a whole new level of strategy. Trade Skills: Each player may take one trade skill from among eight choices. Not only do these trade skills offer an avenue of income but also provide benefits beyond simple item crafting. A cook can pump up a crowd with a hero's fete! A jeweler can create the perfect gemstone that only you can handle! A poison expert gains the secrets of immunizing him or herself! Simplified Skill Tree: Many skills have branches that follow a basic skill tree that allow some customization among players. Influencing NPCs: Skills designed to non-violently battle non-player characters, an alternative to the "hack and slash" method of experience gaining. If you are defeated in one of these ego battles, you will lose experience. If you win, however, not only will you gain experience but also influence the mob in some manner. Seduce the barmaid! Make the Captain of the Guards paranoid! Customizable Government: Leaders of major cities can choose a political structure and governing style for their cities. Could you be living in a despotic religious society? A benevolent government bent on world conquest? Dynamic Economy: Dozens of quests will cause a village to produce greater quantities of the valuable commodities needed to craft items. Most quests are simple and straightforward. Other quests will permanently effect a village's commodity output. Amazing Quests: One of the top quest designers in the field has spent a year developing hundreds of quests for Lusternia that range from the simple to the complex. Some quests cannot be solved the same way twice--so beware those who think quests are easy to re-do! Can you solve the murder mystery at Stewart Mansion? How about designing the weapon that will pick the next Orc Chieftain of Acknor? [2]

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  2. TopMUDSites.Com