4 Dimensions
Multitheme-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1996.
Ranked 507th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 12th of 18 worlds in the Multitheme genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
0 (42 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
                                                _        _     _        _
           _,.-----.,_      | |   |\  | |\  /| |   |\ | | | | / \ |\ | |
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    Y  ,--._    I    _.--. Y
    | Y     --. | ,-     Y |             Travel through time
.   | |    ^   }:   ^    | |
    j l       / | \      ! l
 .--  (__,.--- .^. ---.,__)  --.   Brought to you by the 4D admin:
(           / / | \ \           ) 
 \.____,   -  \/-\/  -   .____,/       Owner: Shorty   Host+Coder: Kalten
  ^.____                 ____.^    Developer: Mordecai  Architect: Molly
     | |l   _ _ _ _ _   !| |    World Design: Sonya
     | l \/V V V V V V\/ j |                           
     |  \ \|_|_|_|_|_|/ /  ! Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
      \  \[T T T T T TI/  /  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
       \  `^-^-^-^-^-^'  /
        \               /
         \.           ,/
                                       Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
                                       Created by Jeremy Elson

By what name do you wish to be known? 
4 Dimensions is set at a time after a massive nuclear war has caused great rifts in the Time Warp of Universe. Due to those rifts, generally known as 'Time Traps', you can travel freely between different time periods. Some enterprising people have set up a Travel Agency, making it easier for adventurous Travellers to explore the different Dimensions of Time. There are 4 main 'Worlds' that you can visit; Pre Historic, Medieval, Old West and Future, each with 100% unique zones - you won't find any stock areas in 4D. This makes our mud especially interesting for those that like the extra challenge of exploring and solving Quests. Even our Mud School is customized, with 4 grades (one for each Dimension) and unique...
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English [1] [2] [3]

[Circlemud] bpl15 modified [1]
CircleMUD - heavily modified [2]
CircleMUD [3]
Circle [4]

1996 [2] [3]

DikuMUD [3]

Sub Genre:
Time Travel [3]

USA [1] [2]
United States [3]

Adult [1]
Time travel [2]
Original World Built [4]

Not Listed Here [2]

Science Fiction [3]

Adventure [3]

4 Dimensions is set at a time after a massive nuclear war has caused great rifts in the Time Warp of Universe. Due to those rifts, generally known as 'Time Traps', you can travel freely between different time periods. Some enterprising people have set up a Travel Agency, making it easier for adventurous Travellers to explore the different Dimensions of Time. There are 4 main 'Worlds' that you can visit; Pre Historic, Medieval, Old West and Future, each with 100% unique zones - you won't find any stock areas in 4D. This makes our mud especially interesting for those that like the extra challenge of exploring and solving Quests. Even our Mud School is customized, with 4 grades (one for each Dimension) and a unique 'Quest Academy' at the top, teaching some of the tricks of mudding, that usually only very experienced players know about. At present there are over 200 zones, more than 70000 rooms and over hundred built-in Quests of varying difficulty. Many of our long time players build for us, so the world is growing at a steady rate. With the Quest prizes you can buy some of our special 'features' like crash-proof houses, and personalized equipment, pets, mounts and vehicles. 4D is and will always be totally free, although we have more features than many Pay-to-Play Muds. Our remort and skill system is very advanced, allowing you to continuously improve your character. The full potential of the Game only unfolds as you play it, but already in Mud School you'll get a taste of what to expect later on. So come and enjoy one of the most developed and original free Muds on the net! Some of the content in the zones is a bit 'mature', so this is not a mud for the very young or very prudish. [1]
4 Dimensions is set at a time, after a massive nuclear war has caused great rifts in the Time Warp of Universe. There are 4 main 'Worlds' that you can visit: Pre Historic, Medieval, Old West and Future. We offer over 200 unique zones - you won't find any stock areas in 4D. Even our Mud School is customized, with 4 grades (one for each Dimension) and a unique 'Quest Academy' at the top, teaching some of the tricks of mudding, that usually only very experienced players know about. Among our many features are: - fast and easy character creation, without any approval needed - a pretty well balanced Race/Class system with 8 Races and 8 Classes - totally free - no pay-for-perks or hidden costs - newbie friendly - equipment saves in the correct body position on log-out - no Rent, no level restricted equipment - corpses save over crash and reboot - an alias system, so you don't have to type out all commands - over 200 high quality zones, all 100% original and still expanding - lots of interactive mobiles, many of them part of different built-in Quests - special currencies, acquired only by questing, trading or performing a profession - mounts that you can ride and load - vehicles and ships that you can drive/sail/fly yourself - trains and space shuttles that take you to remote places in Old West and Future - several types of ranged weapons that kill at a distance - spaceship fights: ships can be blown up with missile launchers - a unique poison code that allows you to poison your weapon to inflict extra damage - antidotes to the poisons - at least to most of them... - crash-proof Player Houses bought by Quest tokens - personalized equipment, pets, vehicles and transport items - extra zone features - You can listen, smell, taste, feel, climb or descend ladders, look behind/above/under objects etc. - a Romance code: you can get engaged, married and divorced, have children - our Wedding Rings are famous for their magical powers - roleplay is encouraged and rewarded by imms, heroes and Roleplay Leaders - a very extensive list of funny and original socials - an IGNORE command, that allows you to shut off tells from annoying players - optional PK, you can choose between exploring in peace or becoming a Pkiller - several Clans to choose from, both good, neutral and evil - a remort system where your character grows stronger after each remort But above all, 4D is a Mud where you can have some serious fun! [2]
4 Dimensions is set at a time, after a massive nuclear war has caused great rifts in the Time Warp of Universe. 4D has been online for over 9 years now, has a stable playerbase, a reliable server and 4 expansive, unique worlds, each covering a different time period: Prehistoric, Medieval, Future and the Old West. All four original Dimensions together cover over 60000 rooms filled with tons of quests, puzzles and challenges. 4Dimensions has a strong Hack'n'Slash background that has developed with new layers of quests, skills, trainable equipment slots, professions, and worldly depth. And the goal of most H&S'ers would be to reach GrandMaster. Roleplaying is also encouraged: you can earn awardpoints by which you can get a login/logout message or a pretitle and a few inns are only accessible by those wearing the RP-flag. We also offer other ways to advance your character without fighting. You can gain money and experience from questing, but also from different professions, like: Farming, Gardening, Mushroom-farming, Mining, Lumberjacking, Acrobatics, Necromancy, Dragon Training and Fishing – even by Gambling. There are professions available to learn, each with their own set of skills that can be acquired through questing. Around 40 professions are planned and being developed. There is also an advanced Trading system, where you can earn TradePoints that can be exchanged for 'extras' or exp points. There are also many things across the lands that you can try out. Not only can you train dragons in Medieval, you can become a space pilot and go trading all over the Galaxy. Or make a career as a pirate in ancient Greece, or try your hand at gold-digging or ranching in the Old West. Our Development Team has also performed a major overhaul and update of the code and world, making it fresh, original and filled with more new features than I can list here. 4D now offers lots of features that you won't even find on many pay-to-play muds. Here are a few: - A rather unique 8-classed 4-tiered Remort system, allowing you the choice of either spreading your skills out over several classes or specializing in one class to reach perfection in it. This means that your character will grow in strength and power each time you remort. With bonuses for each class you master completely. And a GrandMaster class is available when all 8 classes have been completed. - The Fighting system is both event- and skill-based, allowing you to develop the combat strategies that best fit your playing style and the target you are attacking. And you'll need it, as many of the denizens of the Realms can learn the skills you have too. - The Spellcasting classes are really powerful, and vastly different from Fighter and Rogue Classes. Spellcasters fight barehanded, using orbs or staves to focus their powers, and with hundreds of different spells and spell variants to choose from. - Our mounts are very useful, and skills like 'mounted combat', 'trample' and 'joust' enhance your fighting abilities when riding. There are mounts all over the place, from horses and mules to more exotic ones, like dragons and dolphins. You can even ride one of our Player Races, the Centaurs – that is, if the player in question allows you to do so, of course. - Many mobs are interactive, and will respond in different ways when spoken to, usually as part of the many built-in Quest 4D offers. - We also offer things like: crashproof Storage Lockers and Houses, Personalized equipment, and even personal mounts, pets, ships or spaceships, all bought by using quest tokens. - Rare loading artifact items are hidden through the game, each with very special benefits. As you can see 4Dimensions has lots of potential that will only unfold as you explore. Already in our Mud School you'll get some examples of what to expect, and what to look for in the zones. Our game is unusually Newbie friendly due to mainly 4 things: - A customized and fun training school with a Quest Academy on top, which teaches useful tricks of the trade along with things unique for our Mud. - A special Guild for newcomers, with helpful utilities that give advantages for the head start that new players often need. - A group of experienced players called Helpers, who have dedicated themselves to helping newcomers get started. - A 'protection net' for low level players: you won't get killed before level 10, and there are 6 zones exclusively reserved for new players. So why not give us a try now? The game is under constant active development by our wonderful team; new features and quests are being added weekly. Any problems that come up are also quickly taken care of. We offer you a fun and carefree atmosphere, a professional staff, friendly players and a very 'different' Mud experience. And most of all, 4D is and will always be 100% free. Molly O'Hara of 4 Dimensions 4dimensions.org Port 6000 [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Mud Magic
I have been playing this mud since middle school, it has been a pleasurable experience and the staff and players are awesome. There are the occasional players that are going to be mean, but overall 99.8 percent of the players are friendly and helpful, and 100 percent of the IMMS. The tier system is fun and quite extensive, as well as the world, been playing for over 15 years and am still finding new rooms and they are adding new zones every 6 months or so. The amount you are able to do it unfounded, I can quest to find Items or decide I want to buy a house and quest for tokens to have one built custom for me.(You design it.) The items are awesome and extensive as well as the spells and skills. They are games we play often for prizes among the players. Overall it has been an excellent experience, and I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 21, 2015
I've been a player on 4 Dimensions since 2005, and have been coming on and off as RL issues do get in the way. However, each time I come back to the MUD, I always find the MUD improved with new features, zones, scripts, and of course, with good company. So I thought about making this review kind of unique, by listing down 5 reasons why I like 4 Dimensions, which makes me come back to it again and again. 1. Extremely detailed zones. You really feel like you're immersed in these zones - for example the PreHistoric and Old West time periods make me feel I'm living a life within a historical novel. 2. Quests. They're not the run of the mill: 'Give item A to person B, collect 100 of item X, or kill 50 mobs', but are more complicated than that. While it's true there are simple quests like these in 4D, the majority of quests are much more involved, needing the player to interact with the environment and puzzle out quite a bit of stuff. Think of old adventure games by Sierra or LucasArts (but with no Insane Troll Logic or Moon Logic Puzzles, though admittedly some quests suffer from the You Can't Get Ye Flask trope). 3. Non standard MUD commands and features. There are commands like '--' which allows you to clear the command buffer, or aliasing many commands with one alias. 4. Nifty equipment/items. These items are usually quest rewards, though my favourite pieces are actually 'utility' equipment. Some examples are a hat that allows you to peek into a room and see mobs / room descriptions, an 80s game console that allows you to play an animal chasing mini game (which was scripted in early 2000s, and from what I heard, an iPhone game app is now modeled after it), a wand that allows you to 'save' a room location and teleport back, etc.. There's also items that help players in combat - like a sword that levels up as well, and golems (which assist the player and gain xp alongside him). 5. Ability to help out in the MUD. 4D has a separate BP where players can build zones / tweak / add in stuff. You don't need to be an imm to be able to do this. Some of the MUDs best features come from the BP, such as golems, or the improved newbie school and tasks. So do come and check 4 Dimensions out if you are looking for a different MUD to play, or if any of the above 5 reasons appeal to you!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 23, 2014
I wanted to like this game. I really, really did. However, I found that it was just another place where knowing the right people or being around at the right time trumps all forethought and ingenuity. I'm a fairly avid MUDer, and consider myself fairly intelligent. When I get frustrated with a quest it is rare that it's because I missed something obvious. One of the quests in the very first area of the game has managed to completely stump me, and what's worse, this area is designed to get you through your first remort. No quest completion means massive, massive grinding, on the level of thousands of mobs per level. I'm not suggesting that this area should be completely spoon-fed to you, but even a nudge in the right direction would be nice. Speaking of nudges, players are essentially forbidden from helping each other on quests. Newsflash! if people don't do your quest, then the only use it has is in the padding of your self-worth. You get to sit back and pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on how fiendish it all is, while newcomers wander off and others just grind. By no means am I discounting the amount of work that does go into quests, both for those who solve and those who build. But for heaven's sake, the occasional hint should not be punishable, particularly not if it's delivered privately. For instance, 'It's on the second floor' or 'If you want out, try a window somewhere'. I think hints, if they are vague, should be permitted. I'm taking issue with this, and writing a review, to warn people about this mud. It's deep, it's full of mobs, it has hundreds of quests, but if you can't get a foot in the door then you'll be killing thousands of mobs just to get a single level. I wish you luck, because this mud sure as heck wasn't for me.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 17, 2014
I have played 4D for a few years now. My specialty is working with new players. I can appreciate that you had a difficult time with the quests but the newbie school is pretty spoon fed to newbies. There are signs in each room that tell you exactly what to do each step of the way til you get about half way through. Then the signs slack of a bit but it is still very user friendly. We are a quest-heavy mud, yes. And we are told not to give out quest hints but by that it is meant we cannot give the quest away. And helping newbies is in no way part of that. When we say we cannot give out quest hints, it is more to prevent players' growth from being stunted by being spoon fed through the whole process. All in all, we are an extremely newbie-friendly mud. A lot of the oldbies make it a point to be helpful. We struggle with player base so we would not alienate a new player simply because he was having trouble getting used to the mud. Do we have our trolls? Sure! What mud doesn't? (I think our trolls are cooler though) But we do not sit back on our laurels and congratulate ourselves for completing impossible quests while newbies struggle and leave. The rule is in place because of our tendency to give out too much info. Come back and give it another try. Look for me and I will help you get the hang of it. -Loria Alderisio
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 12, 2014
Once again 4Dimensions strikes one of their one of a kind amazing updates. This time they have updated three of the oldest places in the realms, West trade road and Camelot, Elven forest, and the Elven metropolis. Some of the features are the amazing smell, taste and feel descs. There are also amazingly well-worked new quests added, that are sure to test your wits as well as your muscle. There is even an entire new area that will unfold before your eyes as you embark on one of these epic quests, no other than the legendary Avalon will unfurl itself in the mist. That is if you can get there. The thing that still strikes me after so many years, is the amount of work that goes into designing and constructing the quests and zones of 4dimensions. They are all A LOT more amazing than the pay-to-play muds. If you are looking for a brain-puzzle then come on in! You will be tested to your wits end by the hundreds of quests and zones. And if that is not your cup of tea then hack'n'slash offers alot of bonecrushing mobs that will battle you into oblivion. There is also Roleplaying that offers a lot of fun and thriller-throbbing sessions. So what are you waiting for, come join the adventure!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 15, 2011
I've been part of 4dimensions a long time and HIGHLY recommend it. It may pose a challenge at first, but the more you play, as in any game, you will begin to appreciate it and fall in love with it as I have. Eventually everything will become second nature. If you want a place that is fun and challenging, there is no other place I found other than here. So I invite you to come join the fun! See you on the other side!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 9, 2011
4Dimensions is a mud that focuses on built in quests and on doing more than just hack and slash - though hack and slash is allowed - creating a world far deeper than most muds. While Player Killing is available for those that like that sort of thing, it is an option. If you'd like to go one on one with another player and not have to go PK to do so, there are various 'arenas' around to do that. With races that vary from the centaur (a player that can be used as a mount) to the Spacewolf, Faun and even Martian, there should be a race for any mudder (or wanna be mudder). The builders have been busy building on this mud for years and it shows. With four different 'dimensions' of time - Prehistoric, Medieval, Old West and Future - there is a wide variety of areas as well. You can choose to fight in Greece with the Trojans, figure out the mysteries of anchient Egypt - both in Prehistoric, find out the secret of the relationship between Sir Lancelot of King Arthur's court and a serf in the serf village in Medieval, find out what really happened at Tombstone while searching for gold in the Old West, or, if you can fight Boba Fett or Darth Vader in future. These are just samples of what 4Dimensions has to offer in the line of areas to visit. 4Dimensions is supported by an immort staff that has been around for years and really know their jobs, and some players that have been around for almost as long as the immort staff. Both players and immorts are willing to help new players get a start, but don't expect any answers to any of the quests for the joy is in figuring the out yourself and not being told the answers. If you want a mud where you can be challanged by areas at times or just want to run around and kill things at other times, 4Dimensions is a good place to live.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2007
As far as playability goes this mud has it all. Hack 'n Slash players have something to look foreward to in the form of Grand Master, and good questors can obtain some really nice equipment. There are several different professions which can allow a person to make money. And there are so many different things to do that if you get bored doing one thing then you can easily do something else. Some of the quests are fairly easy while some are quite hard and the types of rewards for each quest are fitting based on how hard or easy the quest is. The tier system is one of the best leveling systems I have ever seen in a mud to this day and makes sticking it out through your first few remorts well worth it. Different weapons and equipment are strewn throught the realms and the zones are almost all very well written and put together. Most zones are easily mappable and all are original. The story line allows for a greater range of people and creativity for differfent zones. As far as the people and look of the game, the people are very friendly (usually). We have HEROs and Helpers to lend a hand to newbies and more seasoned players as well. The Immortals are accessable and you get to interact with them. While some muds perfer to censor the topics and the language of the players not a whole lot that goes on here. Some offensive topics are dealt with but over all the imms stay out of the buisness of the morts and let them say what they want. When it comes to looks the text doesn't crowd the screen. The screen isn't overloaded with flashy colors and horribly written descriptions. The prompts aren't excessivly long holding useless information. And the mud is constantly changing and being added onto. All in all I would give 4Dimensions 5 stars out of 4. Come check it out at http://4d.mu-host.com or 4dimensions.org Port 6000
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 15, 2006
I started mudding several years ago but it was on and off. The muds I went to were too jumbled, the prompts were bright or took up too much room on the screen. It was hard to tell the room descriptions from character names and object descriptions. Even if you can change the prompt or turn of ANSII color, there was still way to much clutter on the screen. On top of that most muds aren't newbie friendly or they claim to be but no one will answer your questions about commands and other assorted general questions. With 4d I found several helpful people there which allowed me to quickly learn the commands they use and how to get from one place to another. Not to mention that while some to most zones are based off of something such as a book or a movie (or in some cases even a song or two) there are no zones that have been pre-created. The quests are fairly original and there is a great range in the quest difficulty level ranging from a beginning questor to quests that challenge even the most veteran mudders. It's a great place to play and the people and staff are really nice.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 6, 2006
Try a really good *free* mud for a change. Play 4 Dimensions! It's not on top of the list, it hasn't got the biggest playerbase, but it has got the things that count; quality and originality. To those of you, who have never experienced anything different from the big commercial muds with hundreds of players, I'd like to say: Try a smaller and more personal high quality mud some time. There are several small muds that offer just as many, and often better designed areas and features as the big ones. In addition they offer originality, creativity and a more specialised approach, because they do not cater to the masses, but are created by dedicated teams that work for free to realize their visions of how a fun and challenging world should be. Many of these high quality muds are also totally free. They don't just *pretend* to be free until they get you hooked, and then, after having spent a lot of time and work on your character, you realize that unless you start paying for perks you won't have a fair chance of competing with those that do. The free quality muds are usually not placed high on the top list here, because the administrators have chosen not to spam their players with coded reminders to vote at regular intervals, or to use other, even more pathetic ways of boosting their vote numbers. Consequently they also don't have nearly as many players. But that is actually one of the best things about them. There is much less SPAM on the channels and crowding in the zones, even the most popular hunting grounds. And above all, you get treated like an individual, both by the imms and the other players. Instead of being an anonymous number in a grey, amorph mass of hundreds of players, you will be a member of a communtity. A place where people actually care about you as an individual, and where the choices that you make may affect the fate of the entire mud. There are several examples of small, high quality free Muds around, but so far I have found 4 Dimensions to be the best. It has a stable and very loyal playerbase, small compared to the commercial behemots, but big compared to the majority of free muds. 4D has an unusually large world, or rather 4 different worlds, with amazing zones, the best quests I've seen in any mud, and above all it is FUN! The areas are funny, the players joke a lot, and even the tolerant imms have a sense of humour. I've been a player of 4 Dimensions for over three years now, and I never seem to tire of it, partly because they always are adding new stuff to the game, but mostly because it gives me this warm sense of a home. So even if I sometimes stray to test other muds, 4D is the home that I always return to. Try it yourself,... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 26, 2005
Do you enjoy detail? Are you looking for a new virtual world to call home? Are you sick and tired of these 'indepth worlds' that are nothing more than renamed stock? Then 4 Dimensions might be just the place you're looking for. 4 Dimension has been up for over 6 years, and has over 20000 unique rooms, all of which are quite detailed. A few of the many commands you'll find of use in 4 Dimensions are: Look Behind - Looks behind an object or place in a room. Look Under - Looks under an object or place in a room. Look Above - Looks above an object or place in a room. Search - Finds many hidden things, depending on where you search. Smell - Describes the smell of a room or object. Listen - Describes the sounds within a room. Taste - Describes the taste of an object Feel - Describes the feel of an object. Climb - Climb an object within a room. Descend - Descend an object within a room. Enter - Enter an object within a room. As you can see, 4 Dimensions is depth. We have many indepth quests, some requiring brute skill, others pure thought. For those that don't care to fight to gain experience, 4 Dimensions has a built in Farming and Gardening system, and is integrating a crafting system at the moment. Quests are also a great way to gain experience, as is exploring if you explore the right areas. But even with all that, that's not all there is to do in 4 Dimensions. We have an indepth clan system as well, along with deep clan politics, often involving in coups, or destruction of property among the clans. Clan take overs, and many other things involving clans. The Head Coder, Mordecai, is also adding in even more clan functionality, for deeper clan fun, and clan contests. Clans are a completely optional part of the 4d atmosphere, and there is a way to gain their benefits without joining a clan. I can't fit all of the great features I'd like to into this small review , but I'll just list a few more of the many reasons why I think you'll LOVE 4D as your new home: Personalized Equipment Great Newbie Environment Detailed Player Houses Possibility to become a HERO Detailed Player Pets Roleplay in a unique setting Tier based remorts Awesome Quest Rewards Completely Free No strings attached! Indepth Quest Academy And so much more! I hope to see you there, and hope you come to love 4d as much as I do. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Once - Long Time Player 4d.mud-puddle.net 6000 http://4d.mud-puddle.net
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 11, 2005
Thanks for the nice review. :) It is particularly appreciated coming from a long-time player like Once, who is still among the most influential in the game, although he now runs a mud on his own too. He tells me that he logs on to his own mud to work, and to 4D to relax and unwind. I?ll take that as a compliment, although I suspect that the real reason why he comes to 4D is the politics, plotting and scheming of which he was always master. Few players grasp the full extent of Once?s deviousness, hehe. Anyhow, I?d like to take the opportunity of mentioning a few of my own favourite features, like; * Speedwalk ? allows you to get quickly from Place A to Place B, without the spam of seeing all the rooms you pass through. * Nobattlespam ? a toggle that allows you to shut out most of the spam during combat. * Ignore player - now blocks all output from a player that gets on your nerves, not just tells, as before. * Mounts that really are useful, both for transports and in combat, with skills like trample and joust. And even if the craft skills are not yet fully implemented ? (I swear I?ll get back to them as soon as I finish the large Trading zone that I am currently working on) ? we still have a few occupations in already, for instance; * Fishing ? catch and kill water living creatures, while having the additional chance of fishing up some really valuable object. * Mining ? dig your own tunnels, mine for ore and jewels. * Lumberjacking ? grab some high heels, suspenders and a bra, and cut down trees for timber, just like your dear papa. And of course the almost endless supply of built-in quests in the zones... And the fact that 4D is totally, 100% FREE although we have more original features than may pay-to-play Muds.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 3, 2005
This game has kept me entertained many hours, with bunch of great people. I've recently started playing here on 4 Dimensions again after many years of rest from MUD's and i'm stuck here again now with great people to talk and hang out with. Fun events are held on pretty regular basis too, although i mostly miss them cause i'm sleeping (damnit!). A great deal of fun and challenging quests can be found too, and not only challanging in a physical way but also mentally. I've spent countless hours trying to solve quests which is what I like most in this MUD. Great work by our Immortals I must say. Rich and finely detailed zones, and a whole lot of them too. Must say this is the MUD I'll probably stick with for the rest of my time unless the Imm's go on a real powertrip ;) Short and simple I have enjoyed my time here mostly, but there been some nuisances around that hopefully is gone now. Hope to see more people stick with us too, the more the merrier is what this beerdrinking dwarf say! Zakorath - Knight of the Table Round. (Squire actually but don't tell anyone!)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2005
I have played 4-d on and off for a year now i have never had a complaint, I find that the different zones and skill levels make the MUD extremely fun , the Helpers and IMMs i have noticed are always fair and quick to respond to your needs , they are constantly improving the MUD and bringing new things to it. i think this MUD is good for all levels of MUDding... from Newbie beginners to experianced MUDders ... Fingolfen, Squire to Autumn
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2005
$Dimensions has got to be one of the best MUDs out there. The system is precise, and balanced. Nobody has as many people who are willing to jump at the chance to assist the newbies in any way they can. Having a HERO and/or HELPER on at all times really makes it a player friendly MUD. The large amount of zones is amazing, and nothing beats their AI quests that allow full MOB interestion with very well written scripts. 4Dimensions straight up, best MUD EV-AR.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2005
I became 4Dimensions lead developer in 2003. After years of playing the game and loving the interesting layers every part of it has. Loving the way the areas were planned and created, so you always seem to find yourself caught up in some plot or a comedy of some poor NPC's erroneous ways. I added to these areas, and after working as staff for 18 months, I started developing. I have put every spare moment i have had since into 4D, 4 years into it now and i love the place. Making the game engine as flexible and dynamic, easy to build on and interesting for the players, as the world I once played in was described to me. Every day, even with my full time job as a programmer, i still come home and put more time into 4d. It is a beautiful place to work on. The team of 4D staff, are all professional dedicated workers and ex- and current players. So if you would like to come in and visit, you will be warmly welcomed. Your questions will be answered. And the game will be yours to play. Regards, Mordecai of 4Dimensions
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2005
Regarding the not very nice post by Aedrian: That post was by a player who was caught majorly cheating shortly after she began playing. After she was caught many of the players and some of the imms shunned her for her actions. Particularly one imm, myself. I don't deny it, I despise cheaters and show no mercy towards them. I work hard to create a place where people can go and have fun, so yes, I do tend to take it personally, and I never forget. So if disliking cheating players makes me drunk with power, well then drunk I am. 4Dimensions is a great place, I have been there for over 4 years now, and will continue to be there for a long time. It has a core group of players who have all been there at least 2-3 years each, and despite what she says, it is a friendly player base. We have dedicated helpers and heroes who are always around to help newbies, or anyone who needs help. Whatever the reviews or replies are, I invite you to come by and judge for yourself. I think you will fall in love and never want to leave, as so many others have.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 16, 2005
This place is a huge mud. It has 4 dimensions (prehistoric, old west, medieval, and future). One dimension of this place is probably as big as an entire MUD to most. But this place is not somewhere I recommend playing. One of the reasons is the older staff members. Three of them in particular are drunk from power. Two show favortisim towards certain players and one likes to rape people (mind you, it is not sexual rape. Just the idea of dominance and having control over someone without their permission). The owner is unaware of their dirty little habits and probably does not care how corrupt most of his staff truly is -- character wise and real life wise. Most of the players there are two faced. They will talk trash about each other behind their backs but be kind to their face or say nothing at all to them. Other players will kiss the feet of those whom could be too strong advesaries and rather than work on their flaws, they'd rather be lazy and brown nose. I recommend that no experienced or new mudder go to this place. It should be closed due to the corruption of this MUD.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 15, 2005
I have been a constant player at 4 Dimensions since 96-97 and haven't left the MUD since. It's a really excellent MUD that was built for all mudders in mind. Whether you want to be medieval, pre-historic, futuristic, or even old west. This MUD has everything available to you to be able to roleplay in every different environment. I can't really say on this review how many features that this MUD has to offer its players because it's way too much but I'll list the key features below that most players find interesting that aren't listed in the 4D listing at Mudconnector: * 8 Balanced Classes: Gypsy, Thief, Ranger, Esper, Priest, Mage, Hunter, Warrior * 8 Unique Races: Centaur, Dwarf, Elf, Faun, Gringo, Indian, Martian, Spacewolf * Advanced Remort System: Specialize in multiple classes; but if you improve in one; you'll get powerful benefits, statwise and skills/spells * TONs of Quests: Quests allow you to challenge yourself, whereas your'e also rewarded in tokens that allow for buying a house, personal eq, and more * Professions: Farming, Gardening, Lumberjack, and more! You get paid in exp, gold, or tokens! * Massive Areas to Explore, each with its own quests and challenges awaiting someone like you! * Customizable Prompt like no other, see your victim's hp percentage, their damage done to you, and your damage to them and more! * Weapons are more advanced, they give speed, attack, and defence! Even players without second attack can hit a mob multiple times before the mob hits them with decent speed. * More informative score, group, who, where, level, clan, helpfiles, equipment, inventory, and fighting commands * Grouping Points! New feature allows you to gain normal experience as well as group experience, you can level on both, leaders get a 10% bonus * Over 30 new skills and spells have been added recently! Allowing a vast arrangement of attacks you can do! * Convey command where you can turn gold into experience, tokens into practice sessions, and more! * 4 Dimensions is always changing! You'll find something new every week or less guaranteed! I can't say much more what's in this MUD, but I think everyone should at least give it a try it has a good playerbase and a lot of helpful mortals and immortals that'd be willing to give anyone a helping hand in need. This MUD has been around since July, 1996. It's won multiple awards by multiple players for creativity and imagination. If you want to find a home to call your own, this would be the MUD. I wouldn't trade this MUD for the world and I will never leave my home. Go ahead, give 4d a try even if you're there for 30 seconds atleast I'll know I caught your eye. You can check out the website at http://www.4dimensions.org for more information and features or you can read the listing here at TMC too. Hope to see you on! Angel 'Mortifer' Penumbra
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 9, 2004
I have been a constant player at 4 Dimensions since 96-97 and haven't left the MUD since. It's a really excellent MUD that was built for all mudders in mind. Whether you want to be medieval, pre-historic, futuristic, or even old west. This MUD has everything available to you to be able to role-play in every different environment. I can't really say on this review how many features that this MUD has to offer its players because it's way too much but I'll list the key features below that most players find interesting that aren't listed in the 4D listing at Mudconnector: * 8 Balanced Classes: Gypsy, Thief, Ranger, Esper, Priest, Mage, Hunter, Warrior * 8 Unique Races: Centaur, Dwarf, Elf, Faun, Gringo, Indian, Martian, Spacewolf * Advanced Remort System: Specialize in multiple classes; but if you improve in one; you'll get powerful benefits, statwise and skills/spells * TONs of Quests: Quests allow you to challenge yourself, whereas your'e also rewarded in tokens that allow for buying a house, personal eq, and more * Professions: Farming, Gardening, Lumberjack, and more! You get paid in exp, gold, or tokens! * Massive Areas to Explore, each with its own quests and challenges awaiting someone like you! * Customizable Prompt like no other, see your victim's hp percentage, their damage done to you, and your damage to them and more! * Weapons are more advanced, they give speed, attack, and defence! Even players without second attack can hit a mob multiple times before the mob hits them with decent speed. * More informative score, group, who, where, level, clan, help files, equipment, inventory, and fighting commands * Grouping Points! New feature allows you to gain normal experience as well as group experience, you can level on both, leaders get a 10% bonus * Over 30 new skills and spells have been added recently! Allowing a vast arrangement of attacks you can do! * Convey command where you can turn gold into experience, tokens into practice sessions, and more! * 4 Dimensions is always changing! You'll find something new every week or less guaranteed! I can't say much more what's in this MUD but I think everyone should atleast give it a try it has a good playerbase and a lot of helpful mortals and immortals that'd be willing to give anyone a helping hand in need. This MUD has been around since July, 1996. It's won multiple award by multiple players for creativity and imagination. If you want to find a home to call your own, this would be the MUD. I wouldn't trade this MUD for the world; and I will never leave my home. Go ahead, give 4d a try even if you're there for 30 seconds atleast I'll know I caught your eye. You can check out the website at http://www.4dimensions.org for more information and features or you can read the listing here at TMC too. Hope to see you on! Angel 'Mortifer' Penumbra
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 5, 2004
This was the second mud I'd ever played. I was impressed by the friendly atmosphere and the laid back attitude of the staff and players so I ended up staying there. This mud has some truly amazing zones built by some of the best writers I've had the pleasure to work with. There are zones for those who just want to run through and kill anything they see move, zones for those who love quests and a really good challenge, and plenty of surprises for both. I had the honor of being allowed to build my own zone with plenty of help from the more experienced builders. Recently the place has gotten a really neat revamp. The classes and remorts have all been redone and the abilities have been updated. Class balance isn't a major issue here like it is in most muds I've played in. I don't get to play as much as I used to, but personally I can't wait to get my characters up to the highest level there is.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 13, 2004
Of all the muds I've seen, this one has the most fully fleshed out and original world. It's really vast and there are all sorts of areas of varying difficulty, from Newbie areas which don't even allow higher level players to enter, to areas so difficult that you need a really strong group to get along. Unless you find a different way to get past the perils by solving some of the quests, of course. And they do have the funniest and most challenging quests than I have seen in any other mud. These too range from very easy in the newbie zones to some that are so hard that even the most seasoned players have been able to crack them yet. This is a mud that is actually better than most pay to play muds I've seen. And the Time Travel theme gives it an extra spice, with all the funny twists. And it all hangs together - no slap-dash assembly of half-assed or stock areas. Each one is individual and they all fit into the main pattern naturally and logically. For someone looking for exploring, challenge and originality, this would be the perfect choice. The playerbase is small but mostly nice, since this is not a mud for the common powerplayers. Try it out! You won't regret it!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 1, 2001
4Dimensions has a place in every one's hearts. All who stumble through its doors are embraced with kindness and affection, keeping the place more so a second home rather than an average MU*. I joined 4D four years ago, and yet I still can't seem to keep away from the place. From the vast range of characters roaming the lands, to the social (and I must say, hardworking) and friendly Immortals, and to the special and unique zones filled with an assortment of Quests, Mobs, and Treasures, 4D has something for everyone. Unlike many other MU*'s, 4D has its own unique characteristics. Quests are designed to make the character think, not only to gain a prize, but to also learn and gain knowledge - be it in game or out. Mobiles are not built just to be killed, but to be spoken to, have meaningful conversations with, or even trade information with. Objects are not only created to be worn/used, but instead, many times I have found myself holding a significant piece of puzzle in my hands, where in other games, such things wouldn't exist. I have seen in 4D special features such as its amazing Space Grid, (where one can fire at enemies within a Spacecraft!), its exclusive remorting system, and its specially designed interactive Quests, unheard of in many other MU*'s. This mud not only stands out from other MU*'s with its unique system, but also in that it provides not just ONE, but FOUR different worlds to roam in. Many MU*'s provide solely for the one type of environment to play in, be it MEDIEVAL or FUTURE. 4D is special in that it provides both the latter, as well as introducing an OLD WEST and PREHISTORIC world for players to discover. And whats more, it even has scenarios which perfectly blend in these different lands, making TIME TRAVEL seem truly realistic! I must say, there is a place for any player in 4D. Be it RolePlayers, PKers, Hunters, or even Questers, any type of character will have no trouble slipping into the crowd and becoming one of the gang!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 27, 2001
I have been playing online RPG's for about 5-6 years. Been playing medieval types of games until now. The thing that caught my eye about 4D was it had that and three other types as well. It's a huge world. The wealth and variety of zones is just unbelievable. Using all the possible exploring commands in every single room will keep one busy for a very long time. There are quests everywhere. Good ones too that actually make sense. There is also a quest machine ready with a whole mess of quests and scavenger hunts. The mobs are incredibly interactive. You can sit there and have long conversations with some of them. They have a lot of vehicle's that take you on trips, most with adventures along the way. There is also a fishing rod that you can actually fish through the all the dimensions with. It even keeps tally for you. And now there is even farming. I gotta say kudos to the makers of some of these programs. :) The other players are friendly, but thankfully not in a pushy way. Being very into RP, I like the fact that some zones you have to be a registered roleplayer to get into. You register by sending in a short background of your persona. (Which any RP'er would have anyway ;) The remort option is new to me and I gotta say that I like it. You get to keep the skills & spells of 4 classes in a row. You can remort beyond that though. And of course the hunting! Can't forget that. The hunting is good. Very good. If you like the thrill of the kill, then you will like it here. They even have PK if that is your thing. The only negative things I have found in this game are the eating and drinking. Time flows too fast for that. And they need more help files on skills and spells. But otherwise I love it. And I am there to stay till I have explored it all.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 17, 2001
Sometimes you go on the lookout for a more ‘Adult’ mud, and I’ve found one of the funnier specimens in one called 4 Dimensions. They have a disclaimer on log-in, warning about the content being a bit ‘adult’, and even if this isn’t true about all the players, it sure is true about some of the zones, a few of them are more or less x-rated. They have a ‘romance code’ too, so people seem to seduce each other and having babies all over the place. This is the only mud I’ve seen with a Contraceptive compartment, a Maternity Ward and a Player Daycare, where you can leave your babies until they are old enough to tag along when you go hunting. Of course, the contraceptives all leak. And the babies usually get kidnapped by the Sicilians, which is a sort of mafia type Clan, which more or less rules the Realms with their drugs and poisons and blackmailing rackets. The equipment is a bit ‘mixed’ to say the least, but that is to be expected in a Time Travel mud. Also some of it is ‘adult’ as well, so you can find fuzzy handcuffs, ‘Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians’ shirts and an assortment of tight-fitting leather and lace. Some of their builders really seem to have a bit kinky imagination. But a lot of their stuff is really inventive too. They have items that transport you to remote places, garments that load an aggro ghost when you get them from a corpse, a code that allows you to poison your blade, and nifty things like ships you can sail yourself, and trains or spaceships to save some walking. On the negative side… Well, the Romance code seems awfully buggy. And the Clans seem to bicker a lot. And some of their players are far from adult and should really go play somewhere else. Also you shouldn’t be too prudent or sensitive or prejudiced if you want to have fun there, because some of the jokes in the zones and most of the language on the open channels are balancing on the borderline, if not overstepping it a bit. Sometimes the imms seem even TOO laid back… But all in all, a really funny mud, and a good one for H&S too if that’s your taste.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 10, 2000
4D is a very fun and friendly mud players are always happy to help out all the rooms are unique th the mud and player have a chance if they want to become builders in the mud. The quests are challengeing and fun to do (you have to think alot.) there is personalised eq ond houses you can even own a pet that WILL NEVER leave.all in all this mud rocks.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 28, 2000