Adventures Unlimited
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1998.
Ranked 292nd of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 131st of 348 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
2 (7 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
5 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
3 (last 30 days) ▲50%

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
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          |:|  _.-"" " _/(  Original Diku MUD \\"\  "" \" """-.  |:|
          |||-"" "  "_/-=/   Hans Staerfeldt   \=| " ""  "\" """-|||
          |:|"" "  "/-=// Katja Nyboe           |\\_ "  "   "\ " |:|
          | |" " _/-=/=/              Tom Madsen \=|\_    "   "  | |
          : ;   / =/ // Michael Seifert           \ \=\          : ;
           V      / '             Sebastian Hammer ' \            V
              Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
              ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
Names should not consist of 2 or more words, names from pop
culture or slang words. Please choose a name suitable for a
medieval setting.
By what name do you wish to be known?
Adventures Unlimited began over 8 years ago as a modest stock rom mud with not much more to offer than any of the thousands of other stock muds. Over the years, the mud has grown into a multi- faceted community with a detailed world, consistent roleplay and many features. We pride ourselves in bringing a game with integrity, stamina and honesty to our players. Our channels are free of cursing and the environment is friendly. Our players are helpful and enjoy aiding new players. Our immortal staff is talented, experienced and dedicated. Many of the staff have been part of AU for over 5 years. Adventures Unlimited is not a cookie cutter rom based mud. The development has been focused not on what muds...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[Rom] 2.4b6(pretty darn good) [1]
ROM - Uniquely Modified [2]
Rom [3]

1999 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Medieval Fantasy [1]
High Fantasy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Adventures Unlimited began over 8 years ago as a modest stock rom mud with not much more to offer than any of the thousands of other stock muds. Over the years, the mud has grown into a multi- faceted community with a detailed world, consistent roleplay and many features. We pride ourselves in bringing a game with integrity, stamina and honesty to our players. Our channels are free of cursing and the environment is friendly. Our players are helpful and enjoy aiding new players. Our immortal staff is talented, experienced and dedicated. Many of the staff have been part of AU for over 5 years. Adventures Unlimited is not a cookie cutter rom based mud. The development has been focused not on what other muds provide to their players but instead on the path that AU occupies alone. The land of Tharel has been developed continuously throughout the years of the existing of AU. It has gone from a completely stock world with no original areas to 75% original with over 14,000 rooms. AU continues to develop and evolve. Our website contains logs of all of our changes made from 2001 to the present day. The vast amount of work shows our longterm dedication to the game and the player base. We have high player satisfaction and provide a quality and fun product to our players. Come and join our community! Experience the land of Tharel! [1]
Adventures Unlimited began back in 1999 as a modest stock rom mud with not much more to offer than any of the thousands of other stock muds. Over the years, the mud has grown into a multi-faceted community with a detailed world, consistent roleplay and many features. We pride ourselves in bringing a game with integrity, stamina and honesty to our players. Our channels are free of cursing and the environment is strictly PG. Our players are friendly and helpful especially when aiding a new player. Our immortal staff is talented, experienced and dedicated. Many of the staff have been part of AU for over 7 years. Adventures Unlimited is not a cookie cutter rom based mud. The development has been focused not on what other muds provide to their players but instead on the path that AU occupies alone. The land of Tharel has been developed continuously throughout the years of the existing of AU. It has gone from a completely stock world with no original areas to 80% original with over 14,000 rooms. Our numbers are not among the highest in the mud community, but we have high player satisfaction and provide a quality product to our players. Please come and join our community! [2]
Adventures Unlimited is a fun dynamic place to play. We enjoy good roleplaying and have altered our code to encourage people to roleplay. The following list is a sample of the features we offer the players of our mud. * Fishing, cooking, whittling and other rpish skills. * A fabulous in-room automapper that updates as you move * A system of Temples complete with tithing, ranks, and Excommunication. * A religion oriented, player run clan system with non pk ways for clans to compete (NEW) * PK Justification and Enforcement * Racial languages and an introduction system * An elected Mayor for the main city * A unique autoquesting system based upon the player's god's alignment and level which makes autoquesting more rpish. * Social stature, upgradeable manor houses and houses * A friendly helpful staff and playerbase. We are a great mud. Come and try us out. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Mud Magic
This mud has been the same story repeated over and over, just look at the previous reviews compared to this. I was driven out of the mud by the Imms and their bias. I have watched many other dramas with the imms happen every few years to the point where the playerbase is now averaging max 2-3 a day and up to 8 players on a saturday night. I persisted along with my friend, Arken because we loved the tradition and the familiarity. It got to the point where the Imms were never online, and when we post about balance issues/bugs it took far too long to be seen. Thats ok, people have lives. Arken was then muted and was put up for banning which the Imms took a vote on. Because Arken had done some in-character things to piss off the Immortals mortal character, she and her husband swiftly voted for the ban. The Immortals themselves dont even play anymore, what little playerbase the mud had left has been driven out. I decided to quit voluntarily like many others before me because the mud is basically dead and I got sick of playing basically by myself. It is really a shame that a great mud like this has been destroyed by out of character shenanigans. We loved this mud, we grew up on it together, we wanted it to thrive, we kept suggesting things to build the playerbase back up, we helped the newbs who would just quickly leave after they seen the embarassing player list. Its hard to move on, but the mud is officially dead.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2019
However despite these issues, I've moved past it and still play, because great games make you want to keep coming back.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2019
One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had, No matter what I try I just keep coming back to AU! with 17k rooms and a comprehensive newbie school the game is easy to pick up but hard to put down! You have your choice of religion to enjoy RP enforced PK without fear of looting, we have a comprehensive auto map so you can see your enemies coming or even better, see your victims before they see you! I urge you to at least try AU once or twice for that matter, if you like MUD fantasy games with alot of choices, characters and freedom this is a top choice in my opinion.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 6, 2018
I always promised myself that if I ever had decided to post a review i would make sure it was true... The game is great. The players are amazing, the mechanics of the game absolutely incredible. They are incredibly newbie friendly, easy to play. The PK system is fabulous, the temple list extensive. Not a big playerbase, but close knit. They do alot of fun stuff for us there... But, all good things have bad to them as well... I have seen numerous people kicked off this mud, most of the time, making no sense whatsoever to myself, and still, I stuck around because I had faith the the immortals were fair, and honest... Boy, was I backwards... I thought that until I, myself, got kicked off the mud, and no matter how much I pleaded for a reason why was given no honest reason, other than being told that I was spreading rumors about the immortals, which confused me, and left me wondering what I had said. I pleaded for them to enlighten me and got nothing, other than a disconnect. I love the game, and will miss it, but I find that the immortal staff need to at least somehow communicate better. I am not spreading rumors, not talking behind anyone's back, and should I ever get an explanation will delete this post actually, for the game is a great mud, and great community.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2017
Sounds like typical megalomaniac MUD. Avoid it like the plague... there are plenty of friendly MUDs out there.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2007
As stated above I have played this game for about 7 or 8 years. Within that time I said and did a few things that broke regulations and I was punished for them. The staff here are HIGHLY lenient and if you're banned from the game it is because you broke a regulation thats punishment is considered grounds for banishment. All the regulations and their punishments are posted when you first enter the game and should be one of the first things read when you start playing. The staff of AU don't have to build and code. It is not their job, but more a pastime for them and should be shown the highest of respect for their dedication. Please don't let the review I am commenting on sway you from playing a mud that is truly a Legend in itself. I have been playing here for a REALLY long time and the mud gets new areas and changes so often that I still haven't seen all of it or done even half of what there is to do. Just keep in mind when you come that this game is also played by kids and it is one of our missions to make sure it stays safe and fun for them to play. With that in mind disregard this review and stop in, have some fun, and see for yourself. That's about all I can say since Anaia's review down from this one about sums up what you can expect to find in our wonderful Mud. Sincerely Damen Blood, Soul Reaver
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 16, 2007
I would like to note that the above commenter Hiro doesnt even play anymore as he left due to the same reasons.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 30, 2017
I just recently got back to this game after about 6 or 7 years(?) of me being inactive, well that is what it feels like, too long! I really love this game, that's one of the main reasons i came back to it and the staff is brilliant here, fair and really newbie friendly. Adventures Unlimited offers alot of things for the roleplay fan, but i think one of the best parts is the actual Map (automap) that shows you everything happening in the room and where characters are in the land. It gives you this wider perspective of things and makes it alot more fun to play. I was a hardcore PK fan of this mud and it's still active and kicking after so many years. I urge you to at least try AU once or twice for that matter, if you like MUD fantasy games with alot of choices, characters and freedom this is a top choice in my opinion. /Bobby
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 12, 2011
Around the end of 2008 my fiancee introduced me to Adventures Unlimited. I was new to mudding, the only net gaming experience I ever had was paragraph role play, and was very unsure of myself when I first began playing. I didn't understand anything at the time, but the players on the game were very quick to help and advise me. This made it a more enjoyable experience, the fact that everyone was patient and willing to lend a hand. Of course at times there weren't any players online, but that happens. But more often then not there are people on who are very friendly and a pleasure to game with. Being a new player to the whole mud gaming, I had a hard time navigating the newbie school at first. But soon it became easy and I quickly fell into a comfortable playing state. There is an automapper which is awesome and makes the game even more enjoyable. I have been told about bad experiences on the game from times long passed. They are very few compared to the good stories and experiences that have been shared with me as well. The mud is under new ownership and the new owner is wonderful, as helpful as he can be and always trying to sustain the level of excellence the mud has. Rules and regulations are enforced, but leniency is there. I have never seen someone no channeled or banned for a ridiculous reason. All have gotten what was due to them for their behavior. Immortals are selected for their understanding of the game, how they interact and what they can offer to the game. All of the immortals and staffers I have met so far are wonderful and very helpful. The game is still receiving new areas, built by people who have played the game, so the areas are unique and made specifically for Adventures Unlimited. The stock areas are going to be going through a face lift as well, which will make the game stand out even more. The only problem I have with the game is role play. Personally I have a hard time starting or continuing a role play but players have worked with me on that. Other than that, it is mainly that participation in role play is low. Recent events have boosted the rp, but more is definitely needed. Any who are looking for a new, friendly and well put together mud should give Adventures Unlimited a try. Since I began mudding, I have tried many others and AU stands out. I prefer it and have become an AU addict.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 4, 2011
I was having problems connecting to the mud I usually play, so on a recommendation I tried AU. At first glance, it has everything one could want in a fantasy based mud. Interesting race choices and most of the standard classes one would expect with a few more creative ones. I quickly made a character, which was very easy to do and jumped right into the action. I found the newbie school and quickly started to get some xp so that I could move on to questing and player interaction. The school was easy enough and seemed like most I have encountered on similar styles of muds. The mud is listed as RP encouraged and I do like to RP so I was very interested in getting done with the school. About ten minutes into the game my first hunger warning flashed up. I didn't give it much thought. I just ate some food and kept on xping. Then almost ten minutes later it happened again. So i ate once more and went back to killing mobiles. The third time the hunger warning flashed was ten minutes later. At this point I started to get a bit annoyed. How many times do I need to eat in one day? Well after just sort of an hour I had to eat five times and drink a lot. I am not sure what causes my intense need to be eating all the time, but is was very annoying. I asked why I had to eat so often on the newbie channel and was told that once my constitution was higher it would happen less. This was really not the answer I was looking for. Luckily for me I had chosen to play a warrior char and was spending training points on con already. While I will probably try to get past the eating annoyance, more than likely I will not make this my mud of choice. I really can't understand why on an RP mud you would have the hunger come up so fast. I can imagine myself getting into some nice RP with another player and having to eat three or for times before we can finish a single conversation. Other than the eating problem, Adventures Unlimited looks like a great mud filled with countless hours of exploration and quests. Oh, Did I mention the other players were very friendly as well.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
Hi! I have been playing AU (as we old players call it) for many years on and off as time dictated. We are a very novice friendly mud and enjoy helping fresh faces get started. AU has a number of diverse races, each with their own stats, vulnerabilities, resistances, language, and region of Tharel. AU has 9 solid classes to choose from. The classes range from a monk to a cleric to mage to knight classes. With two new coders we are looking for some exciting changes!! There's an ASCII map that's updated with every move to make movement extremely less painstaking. Unlimited Questing, roleplaying, temple roleplaying, gaining levels, Clan wars, Idol pushing and reward winning are just the start of what this mud contains. You will never become bored and if you do happen to become bored, try another race and class for awhile. So many races and classes to choose from makes it even more interesting!! That is without even going into detail about the guilds you may be able to join. If you are a person who cannot follow the written rules of the game - that are listed, then this is not the mud for you. Immortals are fair in their decisions. They don't spend their time on the mud simply to make the player's base miserable. They work very hard at keeping the peace on the mud and making it a clean and fun place to roleplay, quest, even chat a bit to friends. Want a fun, fair, clean place to play? Come on over to Advetures Unlimited and remember the Immortals are not your slaves, but they are there to make your stay fun and enjoyable!!
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 25, 2008
I remember joining AU about a year ago and receiving a warm welcome from players and staff alike. Questions were answered, and to be truthful I was made to feel like a part of the family. It worked, over a year later I am still here and I am lucky enough to have seen many changes. Trade guilds so a player can make crafted armor, weapons or jewelery are optional, with more trades in the works. Be warned, they are time consuming, I myself, chose the Jeweler guild and have spent MANY hours practicing and improving, but that's quite alright, because usually the OOC conversations keep me interested. We have a Temple system too, a player can choose (or not choose) from a list of Temples throughout Tharel, where they can work on gaining temple rank and become a Temple Leader. Player run clans, player owned shops, a wonderful quest system, all this and more, keep us interested and coming back. The PK system is fair and optional, although granted I don't see much action, but then I play a scholar who really isn't THAT into warfare. There are a few Stock rooms remaining, but the staff continue to work to change this, a lot of the MUD is unique to AU, built by people that also play themselves. I hope you try it, I hope you like it, and I hope you stay to become a member of the AU family.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 24, 2007
23584 This is one of the best games I have ever played. Sure, it has all the features we expect from MUDs these days; autoquests, occasional immquests, well balanced races and classes. I know, it doesn't have a flashy medieval name, but don't judge a book by its cover! Here are a few things that I really love: * Armorsmith, weaponsmith and jeweller professions (miner soon to be implemented) * Social ranking system from Citizen to Duke * Player owned shops and manor houses * Runes that can be used to increase armor stats and give weapons elemental damage * Fishing - which is technically useless, but awesome all the same. Combine this with an intensely deep RP environment with a temple and PK system and you have one of the best MUDs going around. The people are friendly OOCly and are happy to help out the new guys and the helpfiles are extensive. Imms are constantly working towards the improvement of the game, visit the webpage and check out all the recent changes. Then check out the consistency of game improvements with the changes archive. While all these great changes are taking place, it has not made the game unplayable for newbies - which is fantastic. If you come on by, look out for Giuseppe (that's me), I'm always willing to help out a new guy.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2007
I started playing on A.U when in college at the suggestion of a friend and quickly got addicted. Since then I have tried a few other muds and mmorpg's and nothing could hold my attention for more than a day or so, usualy less. A.u has been an on again off again affair for me since I first started playing. Some players come and go here, but the core community remains and gladly welcomes all newcomers. Plainly put, I love Adventures Unlimited; it's a lot of fun.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 23, 2006
I could say a lot about AU, much more than would fit in a review. The following is just the first things that come to mind when I think about the MUD. For more information, please check the website ( or visit the game itself - we'd love to have you. THINGS I LIKE (in relation to...) players: - Even with a fairly small playerbase of all different types, I frequently come across someone I don't often have much to do with (or even avoid) and discover that roleplaying with them is actually very rewarding. staff: - They are dedicated to working on the game. There's always new code being worked on, ideas in planning, areas being built. Even if things might not be implemented tomorrow, they can be expected in future, and there's always a lot to look forward to. themes: - There's a main focus (a powerful artifact) that everyone can take an interest in, work towards, and shape roleplay around. Bits and pieces of the artifact come into the game regularly, some as roleplay, some to give rewards, and some to have interesting effects on other characters. world: - There are great original areas with character and depth, many helping to shape the roleplay of characters and religions. They're all fun to explore; many are fun to hunt and quest in, and there are plenty of fun places to take all sorts of roleplay as well. code: - There are frequent updates, both for large projects (tradeguilds, advanced quests, new class skills, etc) and smaller, neat little skills that can really enhance the game. THINGS I DISLIKE (in relation to...) players: - Many players use IC skills and actions in OOC ways to avoid disadvantages, for example 'sparring' enemies in order to avoid the IC repercussions of attacking someone else, sharpening weapons for enemies by OOC agreement because there are too few sharpeners of some alignments, hunting with enemies because it's more difficult to level alone. It causes problems for witnesses and the IC environment in general. staff: - Though some player requests receive a quick response, others can take too long. The reasons might be good (time differences, RL commitments, etc) but it can be frustrating when a simple request drags out for days. themes: - Though there are major ongoing conflicts in the game, there are often periods where nothing seems to be happening. Everyone seems content to be friends, there are no important threats or challenges to drive the characters. world: - Some stock areas remain (to be replaced in future), and especially compared with the current area standards, a few are really bad. Unfortunately, they're low level areas and commonly visited... code: - The death system in particular (though I think it's common across a number of MUDs), and perhaps a few other aspects, can be really frustrating and difficult for new players, often something they can't get through without a great deal of help. At quieter hours, or when aren't... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2006
I am one of the co-owners of Adventures Unlimited. I have played the game for 1000's of hours and been involved in the development of this mud from its infant stages to what it is now, 7 years later. The mud has evolved and changed drastically over the years. This review is meant to inform a player who might want to consider Adventures Unlimited as their new mudding home. I will try to provide realistic and truthful insight into this game. AU has been developed over 7 years. This development includes 7 years of high quality area creation and code additions. The mud is stable and has a long term dedicated staff. The world (Tharel) is 150 areas of 10639 rooms. 8545 rooms (actually more) are original. Prior to adding an area to the world, each one is edited for content and grammar as well as balanced for mobile strength and equipment statistics. The world is cohesive and consistent with background information provided about the land of Tharel. Some stock areas still remain in the world (approximately 2000 rooms). The world would be better without some of these areas. Additionally, the introduction area (Jarrel's Survival Training) could use revamping. The transition from that training area to the regular world can be difficult. Some of the areas are very difficult and can be frustrating for players who are not experienced with the game. The code has been regularly developed over the years. Although the development has been fairly consistent, it does not always reflect what the players want to be developed. Each of the classes have their own unique skills. The classes could be more developed to provide more depth into their abilities. An introduction system is provided to allow players to roleplay their actual knowledge level of who is who. Racially based languages provide varied communications. AU has channels, most of which are ooc. The channels that are ic can only been seen with a charged magical mirror. Tradeguilds, multiple forms of questing (conquering areas, autoquesting, mob lists and collecting souls), roleplay, hunting other players and much more keeps the player base busy. The tradeguilds are not fully completed and development is sporatic. The code is good but certain features could use revision or expansion. Player killing is regulated and must be justified through the player motivation/justification system. This system requires all attacks to be consistent with a character's roleplay. Their motivations must be submitted to the staff prior to joining the system. Most roleplay is based on temple affiliation or political bias. AU could use some new blood to infuse more life into the roleplay. Some of the roleplay can be a bit stagnant however this problem could be alleviated with the addition of more players. The roleplay on AU has improved greatly over the years and the staff does a good job of promoting a roleplay friendly environment. Overall AU is a pretty good mud that with further work will continue to get better. Players enjoy... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 27, 2006
I just celebrated my 6-year anniversary at Adventures Unlimited. I have tried other MUDs, but none of them offers nearly as many of the features I enjoy at AU. Some of these features include: -A friendly playerbase that is ready to answer any and all questions thrown their way. When you create, you are greeted by many players, and often Immortals, all encouraging you to ask questions. -RP encouraged status allows for a couple general OOC chat channels, with a global IC channel explained through the use of enchanted mirrors. -An RP-enforced, optional PK system. Players are not forced to join the player killing system, but if they do, they know that a team of Immortals is making sure other characters don't go around murdering people for OOC reasons. -An indepth mythos that has impacts on the current state of the world. -A medium-sized player base of around 25 players at peak time allows for characters to become well-known legends, remembered even after their deaths. -A complex system of religions based on the Gods of the mythos. -An elected, character-run government. -A complex repair/crafting system. -Customizable equipment, which you can make to suit the roleplay of your character. The list of features goes on, but I'm running out of room. The main thing that I love about AU is the playerbase, which is dynamic, friendly, and close. I have made many friends on AU over the years, and I intend to make many more in the future. Stop by and visit us some time, you'll be welcomed.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 21, 2006
Au is the best newbie friendly Mud out there..sure it has its up and downs and goods and bads like anything, but over all it is a very very good and addicting game. Also its still in the works for adding newer and cooler things like spells and classes ect. AU always seemed to hold my interest over the past 5 years and i never knew what it was...but ive tried other muds and just never stuck around. It seems like the past players always giving bad reviews because maybe it was a off day for a au staff member and they got the short end of the stick. I dont know but anyways over all AU is a great game with lots of features so try it out!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2006
Even though I am the implementor, co-owner and a long time player of this mud, this review will be honest and forthright. Like with any other game in this community, we do certain things well and some things not so well and some things we just suck at. A few things we do well: Newbie friendliness - Over the years AU has been extremely lucky to have players who are happy to help someone new to the game. It is usually pretty easy to get help on channels, through in game notes, through the website forums and through our extensive helpfile system. Long term game progressiveness - Game improvements come at a fairly regular rate. We try to reevaluate recode inadequeate systems, develop new skills and spells and add new systems for advancement. Change logs are posted on the website for the last 6 years and they illustrate our long term dedication to the game. Roleplay - The game has evolved significantly from its early years as a primarily hack and slash game. The majority players like roleplay and are very involved with the community. We have a religious system, city government, clan system (religiously based) and hierarchal ranks that all provide a base for roleplay. World - 7 years ago AU was completely stock. More than 80% of the 10,000+ room area is now original. Builders have been churning out new quality areas consistently for many years. We have an editing staff that examines description quality, mobile strength, object strength to maintain the high quality that our players prefer. Things we do not do so well: Code progressiveness - We have some projects that have been in development for years now. Sometimes our develpment follows more of a whimsical line. We have actually gotten a little better at this but not much. Promoting ourselves - We don't do a good job of showing the world what a great mud we are. Oftentimes we have let our fun come first and the muds' promotion come second. Things we suck at: Dealing with players with issues - we give people too many chances. Only recently (mainly because we have a new head implementor) have we stopped giving as many chances. In the past we have allowed some people to walk on our staff (I say we, its really I for the most part) with the hope that people when given the chance will actually try to change for the better. I let a few players that were disruptive to the game remain on the game and that disruptiveness and apathy spread to more of the player base. Reviews - For some reason we still allow them to be given - hopefully we still have some sort of reputation left with all of the negative crap that gets posted about us. Our staff actually cares about the game - the bad reviews we receive are typically from people who have not gotten their way on the game most likely they... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 23, 2006
Hear ye Hear YE! Come join us and be apart of the best mud there is! There is lots of fun roleplay and fun fun PK database and so many races (about 22 to be exact) and all have their own unique racial skills abilities and weaknesses! then there is about 8-9 different classes you can be! so come be a dark thief or maybe a good hearted paladin is your thing!? well come give us a try and have the time of your life!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 17, 2006
A-U is a fun place to play and is worth everyones time to come play! lots of unique features and lots of roleplay! there are many classes and races each with their own unique skills and unique racial abilities and weaknesses. so if you want friendly players and awesome staff members play A-U. i have for about 3 years now and still play! SO COME JOIN THE REALM!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 17, 2006
I've been playing at AU (as we call it) for quite a few years now. I've taken a short break or two, and I have played a variety of characters, generally one after another. But I've never grown tired of the game as a whole, and I still feel as excited about playing these days as I did almost five years ago, when I first began. The first thing that keeps me here is the players, the people behind the characters. They aren't all perfect, I admit - as someone who really hates OOC conflict (as opposed to IC conflict, which the game would be pointless without), I find myself sometimes annoyed by the things players say to and about one another. But overall, I've had a great time playing with, chatting with, and most of all roleplaying with the other people at AU, including the staff. The second thing that keeps me here is the range of things to do. First and foremost, my favourite: roleplaying. Admittedly not all players at AU are entirely interested in roleplay, but many are (and we'd love to see more!). At most times, even during the quieter hours, there's generally someone about who'd be willing to roleplay. Apart from that, there are plenty of ways you can spend your time: AU has automated quests, where a character runs small (rewarded) errands for their deity, with an extended quest for levels 50 and above, which can be full on and time consuming but also a lot of fun. There's the usual gaining of levels and a variety of skills and spells for each different class to work with. There are tradeguilds, which currently deal with repairing and building equipment - only a few have been implemented, so there will be even more options when the others are available to join. There are lots of areas to explore (over 10000 rooms), many of which have secrets to uncover. And if you choose to join the player killing system, there are even more options. Attacking other characters, sure. But also joining clans, invading enemy clanhalls, conquering areas for your clan and freeing them from other clans, and participating in the "Days of Redemption", a MUD-wide struggle between the clans for control over the banks. The third thing that keeps me here is the wide variety of options for the characters I create. At the moment, I have a sylvan (woodland) elf cleric (coded), who is a priestess (roleplayed) of the Goddess of Dreams (coded). She has risen to the highest rank of her temple (coded), and if she so chooses, she can have a shrine to her goddess raised somewhere in the world (coded). She has joined a PK clan of like-minded hunters of evil (coded), which, along with her choice of temple and her background, has given her an assortment of allies and enemies (roleplayed). She has bought property in the main focus city of the game, on which she could build house,... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 27, 2006
AU: Own a house in the city, own land in the country, be Mayor, be Sheriff, be a Duke, be a Lady, be a citizen. Make a fortune off your magical skills, become a terror with your physical skills. Lead an army, study magic in a college, become a ranger of the forests, become a demon bent on destruction. Build shrines to your deity, become a leader of a temple, become a master weaponsmith, become famous throughout the land for your skill in crafting armor. Create beautiful jewelry. Compete for owning a tax on the bank, become involved in politics and wars...and more!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2006
After playing this game for two and a half years, I think I can give a fairly accurate review of it. This mud is a roleplaying mud, with some of the best areas you will probably ever see, for the most part very balanced player classes and usually decent Staff. It is probably a good idea not to be a hero mage in pk, as they are slightly underpowered. If you want to be tuff, youshould probably look into being a hero monk, which are a bit overpowered. Do not be fooled by the "roleplay encouraged" flag it has, try not roleplaying here and you will fail. You will recieve no favor from the staff, have no leeway with anything, be able to do anything that has anything to do with rp, and still be effected by everyone elses rp. The rp is great when you can get into it, it is the best you will probably find anywhere, including all these big muds up top. You may wonder why this mud is not up top then? Well I personally believe because it is aimed at a narrow group, the group of people that feel like (or have the time to) spend LITERALLY thousands of hours questing to make your character a viable pker in the lower levels (On that note make your character worth a lick at all power wise). It used to be possible to wait until level 65, skipping questing (not spending hundreds of hours questing is just about always a bad idea though, you will be HORRIDLY weaker than anyone else your level that has), then pk join and fly to level 100 as fast as you could, then level up as fast as you could, in order to gain hps (this is also very difficult if your character was weak from not questing in the first place. the stronger characters will probably kill you many many times and loot your good items along the way). Doing that would allow you to have a decent pk character, even if it was a hero one but still the people with the quests and the pull would have the edge, they always do and always will there. On that note, getting some of the best items and ones that make the game good only come from questing as well, which takes -alot- of time. To make good weapons also takes loads of time, and then if you die in pk and they are taken, or any of your VERY hard earned items are taken, it is very frustrating. I suppose you eventually get used to it though... You can always just completely skip the pk route, go through all your levels only losing your items really if the game crashes after you have died or dropped something (Dont bother asking for a restore of your character after that happens, they dont care if you have a 1000 hours of collecting items and eq that are lost... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 20, 2006
i played this mud for two months. during that time i saw the imp throw a temper tantrum and shut down the mud. i saw numerous "tweaks" to the skills and spells to "equalize them". i saw players become disgruntled at the overabundance of rules, and leave. during my stay here, i felt chained and smothered due to the overabundace of rules regarding what may be done in every single instance of play. i tried the pk system and gave up due to the enormous set of rules involved with it. you are required to submit requests to 3 separate immortals with a detailed explanation of reasons that your character might some day ever want to pk another char before being accepted into the system in the first place, and then once in the pk system, you must submit a note to those three immortals, your clan leader, and his/her mother detailing exactly why your char chose to get involved in that particular pk incident, stating three separate reasons based on the in-depth note you previously had to submit in order to join the pk system to begin with. you must do this for each and every pk your char in initiates. if you do not follow these rules your char is placed in the bad little boy corner. if you do not submit said "justification" in a timely manner, you are also sent to the bad boy corner. bleahhhhhhhhh!!!! no thanks!!! how exactly anyone is supposed to enjoy that experience is beyond me. one single pk incident took up nearly an hour of my time just to research my original pk request note to find three reasons that my char committed the attack and note those reasons to everyone required. and that is just one single instance of the overabundance of rules on this mud. if you are dedicated to RP, or you enjoy PK at all, i say that you should pass this mud by, as you will not enjoy all the red tape involed in nearly every aspect of playing there, however, if you happen to be an IRS agent, or a politician, or an accountant, or any other government official who happens to ejoy filling out requests in triplicate just to recieve permission to place your left foot in front of your right, this is the place for you!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 17, 2006
I left this mud after about 3-4 years of playing. The mud itself is superb. I have tried plenty of others and never was able to find anything to give me a hook. The one thing that this mud does have in common with most other muds is that it is being swarmed with kids who don't know what they are doing. I talked to several other long time players before I left and, though they were not so put off as I am, they certainly are tired of how AU is getting degraded by children who don't know how to roleplay or treat others with respect. The immortal staff seem entirely blind to the problems that are so obvious to their player base, but the staff is a whole other story. I would also like to put it out there that people can pretty much ignore reviews from Yregwyn. He got banned and so now he is mad at the implementor and his wife. He has this idea that a crusade of reviews is going to bring down AU forever. The mud itself is awesome and if the immortals can get a handle on the idiots they allow to play there, it will be a great place to mud.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 9, 2006
I thought I would offer my own review of AU, I have been playing on and off for about a year, having varying incarnations, 3 of whom I've actually kept...for now. With so many negative comments, I thought it only fair to add my own two cents worth as it were. I will cover the bad points first, I have heard complaints that RP is hard to get into, that people are quite cliquey...I do not agree with the clique....but yes it can be a little difficult to get involved in RP, BUT, and here comes the good is possible...I came here knowing not one person, now I am involved in rich RP, I love the quests and rewards. Soulstones are a wonderful thing! ;) The areas are wonderful, descriptions rich as are the dreams while sleeping. Immortal run quests are fun too, available for anyone, newbies and pkers alike. And the rewards are plentiful. As for the comments about the the time I have been here, I have seen people 'no-channed' for cursing on the public channels. Sorry guys, but this IS a PG rated game, so of COURSE theres not going to be cursing...old players are nochanned, even if its a mischan...why? because we should know better of course and I totally agree! Respect should be shown for one and all, another thing I agree with, its a social game, you want to fight, go to a bar or to the park...whatever, just please do not bring it to AU. Friendly is what we like :) You know what else we like? new players....and even better, new players with a willingness to learn and ask questions. :) Seriously, I love this place, I enjoy everything about it, please, dont let the words of a peeved banned player, fool you into ignoring AU. He might not like it....that doesnt mean you have to too. Check it out and make up your own minds, see why some of the regulars have stayed for 5 years or more....why we get more characters every day... I hope to see you soon.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 3, 2006
Definitely a game that is worth your time. If you're new to MUDs, this place is a very good starter. If you're an experienced MUDder, then this place is definitely for you. If you want a game that stays challenging, even after 5-6 years of gameplay, then definitely choose Adventures Unlimited. There's an infinite number of things you can do, combinations of things, and off-the-wall ways to advance through the game. The role-play is active and rich. All the characters seem to put their chips into the role-play, making the game that much more entertaining. There's an endless amount of skills and spells to explore; especially with tradeguilds. Tradeguilds are definitely one of the deal-makers of AU. The item creation system on AU is challenging and rewarding, with a great rewards, but also a great time consumer. All-in-all, this game is very much worth your time, even just to check out. I've been playing since barely after it started up, and I've spent nary a week away from this amazing game. Try it out now!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 13, 2006
Wow. Lets everyone review fight. This is most definately the best place to air dirty laundry. I've played the mud. Some stuff rocks, other stuff sucks. Some of the staff are better suited to never leave the build port, and some of them make very effective baby sitters. My point is, its a mud like any other mud. The staff are just like any staff you will find elswhere. It is a free game, so go someplace else if you dont like the favoritism. You don't pay, so you don't have a say. I can tell you though that all this flaming and defense of flaming won't bring in new players, so why doesnt everyone grow up? Act like the adults you claim to be.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 10, 2006
Oh Yregwyn your such a pip. Why dont we recount why you dont play at Au anymore...oh right you got drunk, logged on, went off on ooc disrespecting the imm staff and players, were frozen in MA (immortal jail), were asked to write an apology, decided that you could not be ordered to do so and then banned after not just 1 attempt to solve the problem but several. So tell me who exactly is the bad one here? the imm staff for taking a drunk player and isolating them and then tring to work with them to solve the problem or the player who believes they are AU and cant stand being told what to do? Answer me this Yregwyn if lets say the players relations was unnamed or went by the name of "The Void" and no one knew who it was, where would your anger be focused on then? The Void? or the player behind The Void? You see its easy to blame specific people but can you blame the position? NO, because the fact remains that you screwed up, were given a chance to make amends with dignity and choose not to and were removed. Say all you want Yregwyn people can see through you and your hostility your a 30 something child who got mad and decided to take thier ball and go home, problem is everyone here has a ball. Enough said.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 10, 2006
AU has seen fit to erase my recent reviews from December 2005... This is nothing new. It is fortunate that I log every post. Since that time there have been many disgruntled players. All of them writting negative reviews about the conduct of ONE immortal staff person. There has been ONE review defending this staff person. This game is polarized. Get rid of this CONTINUING problem. BAN THE BIMBO! I don't care who pays for the game. Mud's are cheap. Headaches get expensive. I am not a limp-wristed california codeboy with a second hand, trailer-trash wife. Your only, Duke Yregwyn... His magnaminousness, Master of many games, and just begining... PS. I actuailly had to make a new folder, holding all my A-U reviews. This looks like it will be a long project. I am prepared. Let us see how long A-U can defend itself. Let us see how long, the staff an can enslave players. Let us see how many people will work for the implementors hobby. I hope they are having fun. The players are not. Mordred, you talk too much, just bow before your queen and shut the hell up. Welome to A-U... They are going to erase this review again anyway...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 10, 2006
Oh for those reading this from AU, Yes,yes im still alive and kicking and still do play. I have read the last review and laughed so hard it hurt and needed to post this for those of you out there that honestly believe that AU is so bad. As i have stated in some reviews i am not the most angelic of players i voice my opinions and i also take punishment for doing so and i do it knowing full well what my actions could do but i am not the kind of person that just lets people walk over them. For this reason i deleted this character for being oocly disrespectfull to a player and i accept that. Some people know my alt and some dont personally i dont care. I have played here for around 5 years now and seen lots of stupid stuff mostly by the player base. You all talk about disrespect and it makes me laugh because it all eventually comes down to blaming the immplementors wife who i consider a very personal friend and who has also dealt punishment to myself for my actions. One thing i have learned in my life time is it is human nature to resent authority or authority figures that are over you. The immplementors wife has taken the job of player relations and also to be the one that deals out punishments and handles player vs players problems THIS IS THE TOUGHEST JOB IN AU BAR NONE!!!! think about it people if you were pulled over speeding and the cop fines you who do you focus your anger on? yourself? ya right, it will be the cop for catching you and not giving you a warning or break, not you who actually broke the law and was dealt the punishment that goes with it. I have been the one, seen or heard alot of the things that have gone down in AU and it always boils down to this. The players screwed up, got caught cheating or finally said enought little things to drive the imms insane...they get punished for it and come here and cry a river because they were unjustly wronged by the staff......THATS CRAP the staff is very understanding and tolerant (if they can put of with me THEY ARE TOLERANT) but like any human they have thier limits and if the imp decides to take a break from his HOBBY and shuts it down, so be it, WE DO NOT PAY TO PLAY HERE HE RUNS IT OUT OF HIS OWN TIME AND MONEY AND HE OWNS US NOTHING, but he does show us how much he cares all the time by keeping AU up and running and as stable as any MUD out there. So to all you people out there that whine and bitch and complain because you think this place is yours to control or that this place will fall apart without you i have one comment...GROW place... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2006
It's with great distress and heartache that I write this but I have to give my honest opinion of Adventures Unlimited, or as we call it, AU before I make the final decision to leave, again. AU has many features. Clans, religions, races, classes, quests, in character governments, just to name a few. These things are nice for a game, but my complaint isn't about the game, but those who run it. Recently, a situation occured in which a lot of disrespect was shown. There is a rule in this game about showing players respect out of character. If you cannot follow this rule you will be punished. But what happens if immortals break this rule? I doubt anything. Especially if it is the implementor of the game, and his wife. I will not state my opinion of what I've heard has happened but I will explain briefly my distress over it. A lot of 'disrespect' has been shown from players to other players and I can see now that this was wearing down on the Implementor. However, one person made a joke and it was found to be disrespectful. This person was transfered into a room, frozen (being unable input any commands), and harrassed with questions by the Immortal who deals with player relations. I think she did not like what she heard when she finally allowed this player to defend themself because soon the implementor was on the clan channel of a certain clan that this player belonged to, and began the conversation with name calling, directed to this player, and to another. After a lot of heated discussion, the implementor stated something about 'it not being worth it' and shut down the MUD, giving no one who was playing any warning. Only a few people who were playing the game actually had any knowledge of the discussion that was going on and so to everyone else, this was quite a shock. He later brought the game back up and appologized to the public for reacting the way he did, but I do not believe him, or his wife (the immortal for player relations) have appologized for their lack of respect towards those they were speaking to. It is this lack of respect that has made me dislike this game. It has a lot of potential, but I can't over look the behavior of these two immortals. It is their MUD, afterall, and they can run it as they wish. But if they wish to be shown respect, perhaps they could begin by showing it in return, even when tempers rise. I've played this game, on and off, for over five years and I've watched it progress. I've seen players leave bitter and angry, and complaining about the Implementor's wife. The response given by the immortal staff, if one is given, is always that they broke a rule, or disrespected the staff. But perhaps there's more to it. Perhaps the former players cannot take the they... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 8, 2006
I recently logged onto AU, played some, got excited, typed "holy crap" on a public channel, and was reprimanded for bad language. I think that says it all
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 5, 2006
I've had a few successful characters at AU, here are some things one can accomplish... My current character is a human. He is a Baron of the land and owns property far to the north in a very mountainous region. I wrote and designed the property (rooms/manor) myself and the Imms put it onto the MUD. Technically he is a monk, one of the stronger classes at AU, but ICly he is a warrior. He worships the Goddess of Fate, Destiny and Dreams and followers of this Goddess (at least mine) believe when they pass on they fall asleep eternally, forever dreaming and forever being with their Goddess. Monks rely on their spirit and mind, the two things my character will have when he passes on, therefore he chooses to use only his hands - material items are useless in the afterlife. The character I recently deleted (I was not forced to delete by the Immortals, he had a good run and it was time to retire him) was also a human. He worshipped the God of Honor and War, the God of Knights. An Order of Knights formed around this God and the Church ideals, an order with a strict heirarchy, very militaristic, fanatical and loyal. He began as a lowly Page and after being battered and knocked around by the Knights above him finally became a Knight one day. He was granted his knighthood by the leader of the Order, the Chancellor. After long rp this Chancellor died and the position of Chancellor, leader of the Knights and leader of the Church, was passed on to my character. The questing is addicting at AU. Various rewards make it worthwhile and the rp that comes simply with sitting at your questmaster with other followers is great fun. While having fun and rping a character of mine went from a useless teen to the leader of a faith. My monk went from a small child locked away in a monastery to a Baron with his own estate. Watching your characters grow and develop at AU is amazing and the possibilities are endless.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 12, 2005
I started with a character alt about 4 maybe 5 months ago. I have since then created the character known as Clista. I have had several years of muding experience and have found Adventures Unlimited a most delightful place to play. I am an avid roleplayer and quite quickly found my place in the roleplay community. There are some really magnificant roleplayers that frequent this game which makes it very easy to slip into character and feel like you are part of the world. They currently have nine different clans (player run) to choose from as well as many different religions to follow giving a wide variety of roleplay options. I am having a lot of fun watching Clista grow in this world. The friendships as well as the enemies she has gained and created through the course of the three months I have been playing her have been a great source of entertainment. The game mechanics are really enhanced. There is always something to do with the many areas to explore and activities that give player bonuses available. Trade guilds to craft armor and class skills to enhance this armor making truly unique items for use in game. Stop by and get to know Clista as well as all the other great players at Adventures Unlimited.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 27, 2005
I spent some time on AU a few months ago, and got to around 14-15 level before I decided to give it a miss. I was impressed with the initial idea, and fully agree that quests and hunting are both interesting and fun- but I left because I couldn't find a stable or involved group for RP. A few times I approached higher-level and 'Titled' characters, in OOC tells, and asked about how to get more involved with RP- to be told that 'RP wasn't big on AU, and not a lot of people bothered with it. I want to be fair- some people (but very rarely) did RP with me, and made an effort, but generally it seemed to be because I had pursued it, and not because the players Rped as a matter of course. The quest system is enjoyable- if a bit hard after level 7 or so, especially if you don't know the areas well, and a (rather short) time limit on quests makes it pressurised and sometimes quite frustrating. People were generally very friendly, which is appreciated always, I think, but the lack of RP (please note, it's not enforced, and therefore I'm not slamming the lack of it, but suggesting that it might greatly improve the experience) was a shame, and made the MUD rather pointless in my opinion. Full points for the newbie-friendly atmosphere and relatively decent treatment on public channels, but at the end of the day it seemed more focused on Questing and H&S, and not, I would say, for the Mudder searching for a good place to RP. Fair enough, they never said it was an RP MUD, but a bit more would do this MUD no end of good.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2005
I have been inactive for a month or two due to moving and what not. I love this mud for many reasons. If you are a person who cannot follow the written rules of the game - that are listed, then this is not the mud for you. Immortals are fair in their decisions. They don't spend their time on the mud simply to make the player's base miserable. They work very hard at keeping the peace on the mud and making it a clean and fun place to roleplay, quest, even chat a bit to friends. The immortals have spent unlimited hours on building areas, comming up with quests and even once in awhile roleplaying with the mortals. They have lives as well and simply asking them to do everything really isnt fair. Once you start playing the game however, you will see what most of the players who have written things about the game are true. Very newbie friendly, Many many many help files, Very helpful playerbase, and Immortals who bend backwards to help as well. Questing, roleplaying, temple roleplaying, gaining levels, Clan wars, Idol pushing and reward winning are just the start of what this mud contains. You will never become bored and if you do happen to become bored, try another race and class for awhile. So many races and classes to choose from makes it even more interesting!! That is without even going into detail about the guilds you may be able to join. Want a fun, fair, clean place to play? Come on over to Advetures Unlimited and remember the Immortals are not your slaves, but they are there to make your stay fun and enjoyable!! Thank you. Mary
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2005
I'm a teeny twink with nothing to do. All day long I play A-U. Don't make me mad, or I'll make a rule. I'm busy thinking of fun things for you. I'm immortal, you better pay attention. You better listen. You can enjoy exactly what I tell you to. I know better than you do. I still go to school. Everybody likes me. I am kewl! I monitor every channel every night. I am never wrong, I am always right. I am A-U's greatest fan. I can write reviews. And, I do. They love me, I can even site ban. Rah! Rah! for A-U! Go team! Everyone should play, we are the best! Number one! Forget the rest! ...Best Wishes... Kato, the midnight flame.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 24, 2005
I can describe AU in two words. They are...SITE BAN. Anyone who plays A-U long enough to gain staff attention will inevitably be site banned. If this be possitive, or negative attention, makes no difference. No player, no person, nobody who is not a staff person can keep a charachter at A-U. The game is worthless time, and worthless effort. Simply because the staff persons might not like a certain person. The staff changes constantly, as does the enforcement of thier regulations. Kato,,, I have better things to do than read A-U's fanboy...cheerleader, reviews. Whoever reads this might save some wasted time. I know continued reviews are only creating interest, I cannot be silent. Look at the people who are writing them. They are children, who have a very lot to learn. These goofs couldn't write a Harry Potter comic, and if they did they would giggle. These little children somehow gain power with thier keyboard, and The staff at A-U giggles right along with them. The world of A-U cannot grow up, it is infinatly infitile.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 15, 2005
Last month was my five year anniversary at Adventures Unlimited. I started play here at the tender age of 14, and even now that I have a full time load in college and a part time job on top of it I still find time to play. In these past five years I have... Learned how to mud. AU was my first MUD, and while I have tried many other since then, I haven't found one nearly as newbie friendly, personal, clean, and fun. You can tell that the players and Immortals really care about the well-being of the MUD. The great atmosphere is a joint effort by everyone that plays there. I have experienced the creation, ascent, and decline of many characters, some of whom really affected others in Tharel. This is something I would not have been able to do on something like an MMORPG, where all of the main characters are just blocks of code that don't do anything. This is something I would have had less chance doing on a large mud, than on the small and personal mud AU is. I have taken part in the fall of two major cities, and seen a new city rise from the ashes of one of the old. I have also seen good Mayors and bad Mayors pass in the main city. Mayors are elected and played by players, which makes living in the city very dynamic. I have seen countless temple and clan wars, both including and not including Player Killing. The player killing system is RP-regulated, and very fun, even if you don't have the time to build a super-character. There are events that you can participate in as a member of the PK pool, even if you never attack or are attacked by another player. I have participated in such a wide variety of public and private roleplay that I can't even begin to describe the richness and diversity of experience I have had, and this at a smaller mud averaging between 15-35 players at peak hours. I have spent over 2500 hours building new areas for AU. One of the great things about this mud is that you don't have to be an Immortal to contribute to the continued development of the world. Many of the areas are built by players that had the vision and time to add on to the world. I have watched the maturity level of the mud shoot through the roof. Don't come to AU if you aren't prepared to act like an adult, or if your vocabulary only consists of swear words! Rules regarding language and respect prevent surly, immature people from spoiling the enviroment for everyone else. Plenty of chances are given to those that are new to this sort of environment, but repeated breaking of the rules isn't tolerated. Not to say that there aren't improvements that could be had. That is why there is an ideas board on the forums, and I've more... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2005
I have played Adventurs Unlimited off and on for about three years now. I have tried MANY muds but AU is the only one I can really get in to. They have a very nice automap feature that really helps you navigate around withought getting lost. During my time playing I have seen huge citys fall and be rebuilt. I have seen new skills added. New areas seem to pop up quite often. The game has a nice citezenship system where you can become a citizen of the main city in the game and gain a house that you can decorate as you wish. They have a friendly immortal staff and one of the best player bases I have been around. I haven't tried the pk system so I can't really comment on it, though I hear it's good. If you are looking for a new mud to play I can highly recommend Adventures Unlimited, come try it out!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2005
I've been playing on this MUD on and off for a few years (around three or four; I've lost track). I've played on a few MUDs other than this before I found Adventures Unlimited, and I was even a part-time builder/immortal on another MUD. But unlike the other MUDs I've been to, I keep coming back to AU. I can't play everyday because of my busy schedule that doesn't sometimes even allow me to use the internet whenever I want, but whenever I get a chance, I try to log on even for a few minutes to play. Why does this MUD repeatedly draw me to it through the years? It's simple really. Aside from some really nice features, it has a great playerbase. The world is dynamic, just like any good MUD should be. I've seen the world change and evolve through the years: whole cities being destroyed and rebuilt, the gain and loss of new religions and temples, even a mayor system where a mayor is elected every month to govern the capital city. About the playerbase, Adventures Unlimited has a lot of Immortals who are almost always online, though almost always busy doing whatever it is that Immortals do to make the MUD better. I see changes regularly posted, and new areas always being built, so I'm sure they're working hard. They've even had to hire channel monitors, who are just players with special privileges like removing channel priviledges from players who break channel rules for example. Sure, sometimes the rules can be strict, but such measures have to be taken to keep a more-or-less orderly MUD running. Come to think of it, I find that's the other reason I keep coming back to AU. Every society on the internet, whether it's a MMORPG, a BBS, mail group or whatever, has some people that are just "difficult". People that always pick fights, those who might log on just to annoy other people or whatnot. In AU, it's greatly controlled. I guess when I get mad at one internet society, I know I can turn to AU and people won't go around making me mad there, as long as we all keep the rules. And if you want to log on to the MUD to just chat and not play, you can even do so, by going into the OOC lounge. Finally, AU is a great place for people new to MUDs. I've seen a lot of good help being given to newbies. Not necessarily by giving them items directly, but rather, teaching them to learn how to play on their own, which, in my opinion, is the best help a newbie can possibly get! Additionally, the built-in automap is a great help for newcomers to learn how to get around the huge world. I strongly recommend new players to try AU, whether or not they have any experience with MUDing. With all the changes the MUD goes through, even the changes that are yet happen,... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 10, 2005
This has been one of the best MUD systems I've ever played. There's an ASCII map that's updated with every move to make movement extremely less pain staking as the typical muds where third party maps are required most of the time. The battle system applies numerical values for damages, which gives you a better feel as well. Everyone has been very friendly as well. I will definitely be playing in Adventures Unlimited for a long while.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 9, 2005
I have played this mud game over two years and I have to say there is stuff that I am learning about it. I have played over fifty mud games and I have to say Adventures Unlimited. This game has a friendly immortal staff, players that are helpful, and many channels to fit your needs. I have also seen a channel I have not seen on many mud games with a channel called ic. You probably figure out that ic stands for in character. This is the main form of communications where friends and rivals bicker and argue and just have a good time. There is also an advanced temple and clan system. Each immortal has their own temple and certian things they go by and clans where you can attack your rival's temples. There is also another unique thing about AU.(We call that for short). Is taht when you reach level 6 you can quest for your temple. Each time you complete a quest you get quest points and gold. the qp is for buying quest items like a flask that hold over 200 drinks, a belt that holds limitless items, and a blanket that has around 200% healing rate. You can also buy practices so you can stronger. Every creature has their own lang. you learn and learn different ones on the way. What i like the most about AU is that when you create a char. you get to pick what skills you get to learn. Come and Join the mortal team of AU. where roleplaying is required as well the fun.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 23, 2005
I have played at Adventures Unlimited for several years now and overall I have enjoyed it very much. I have also played on quite a few other muds and have chosen to stay at AU and develop my characters here, rather than anywhere else. I stay here because the playerbase is far friendlier than any other, especially to newbies, and because the majority of the Imms are also very friendly, but all are dedicated. AU has a number of diverse races, each with their own stats, vulnerabilities, resistances, language, and region of Tharel. Some are at a serious weakness, particularly giants, frost giants, dwarves and duergars because of the horrible dexterity, for some horrible vulnerabilities with no good resistance: the high constitution of these races simply does not make up for the 14, 15, and 16 dexterities (the most important stat in pk besides hp and mana). They also have horrible intelligence. Most classes are evenly balanced and have unique spells/skills. Mages are by far the worst class to pkjoin with, however, and the monk class is unbalanced. A powerful warrior/myrmidon/antipaladin/etc simply cannot beat a half way decent monk. Monks do take longer to develop, but one can put just as much work into another class and never win. PKjoining is optional, so one can avoid the disadvantages of mages and the advantages of monks entirely. There are a number of different temples which allow one to rp and express their character whichever way they choose. The large number of areas (almost entirely original) with informative descriptions and history allow for deep rp and a deep character background from the start. Not only Imms run the mud, players themselves play a huge role. The clans (each based on a temple) are completely player run and every month (1 IC year) elections are held in the main city of Tharel, Naerlan. A player with social status can decide to run in the race and choose a Sheriff and Deputy Mayor to run with them. Mayors can change the guards to fit their rp and the city they want to rule, tax, exile, and add on to the city. I have not provided AU with financial support, but I am still posting this review, and I have developed a character to becoming the leader of a clan and the mortal leader of a religion without the "backing" or "favor" of the Imms. One can succeed without being an Immortal's favorite player, or without doing something extraordinary for the mud. I am very satisfied with AU, the only things that bother me are the inbalances in the races and classes mentioned, but I can express my concerns without lowering myself to insulting the players and spreading lies about them. :) If you do not like a game, just leave, do not behave like a child and gossip and complain afterwards. Greg, the player behind Mirein Thieldel, Chancellor of the Most Sacred Order of the Snowrose (clan: snowrose, leader) Rha'sion of Church... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 22, 2005
Ok Yregwyn lets do it your way then shall we. Yes i did indeed give AU a small and i mean small amount of money 2 years ago. Why? simple...i felt that a small donation to a great game that i had played for free for over a year and had the time of my life playing and meeting new people and making some freinds was very much worth this cost THAT I DECIDED TO GIVE AND NO ONE MADE ME. After this donation i wasnt treated any differently then i was before hand. Now lets get to the nitty gritty. I will probably take flack for this because i am letting my emotions take over a bit but it needs to be said....Plain and simple Yregwyn you got booted for abusing the staff over gobal channels and then over private ones. You cussed where kids under 16 could see and you call yourself an adult. You were given a chance to make amends and decided not to and so after what? 2 months of tring to work with you they decided enough was enough. Ya i could see how the staff treated you badly and didnt try to help at all....NOT!!!! Man grow up your an adult taking a 2 years old fit cause you didnt get what you wanted when you wanted it and that just sickens me because for one thing this game is FREE. The staff puts a great deal of effort into making AU a progressively moving game and your complain because you screwed up and cant admit it to yourself and think that the Implementor and his staff owe you for playing there. This is just wrong. I do hate the fact i did this but i could not just sit here and read the garbage this person who claims to be writing unbias reviews which if anyone can see is simply bias. For the record AU is a family oriented MUD and his behaviour was treated exactly the way it should have been and he was given ample chances to come back. AU will not ban people on a whim but instead try to work with them. So Yregwyn GROW UP and play a new game other then bash AU it only make you looks like a younger child then you need to be.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 22, 2005
I have posted reviews about this mud ocassionally during the past years. Many times have I asked myself, if they were just biased because I was a player there, and of course very enthusiastic about the features and other players and the atmosphere, and everything. Well, I have stopped playing at Adventures Unlimited a couple of weeks back, due to many reasons. Interestingly though, one of the reasons was that AU offers too many things, and with the little time I had at my hands, I just could not do as much as I wanted to. With your character, there are so many goals to achive, like - gaining rank and fame in one of many different religions, finally even being allowed to put a small shrine or altar for your god(ess) into the world - becoming proficient in tradeguilds (jewellery, armorsmithing, weaponsmithing) and other professions like cooking or fishing - partaking in clanlife, either in friendly pacifist ones, or in fierce guilds focused on world domination or destruction, either by means of war and fighting (RP enforced playerkilling), or diplomacy or even gaining wealth and power for your clan (by means of various clan competitions) - gaining worldly rank and possessions, from a mere citizen up to a powerful Duke with a gigantic player-owned, customizable mansion, maybe even winning the mayoral elections and becoming the elected government leader of the largest city on the mud, dictating policies, levying taxes, imposing fines, and so on - exploring dozens of different - mainly unique, not stock - areas, with wonderful room-, mob-, and object-descriptions, with over 10 000 rooms and many many things more. There are so many things to do that I guarantee that you will not be bored soon. Some people and long-term players (see the reviews below) even spent approx. 10000h before they felt it became repetitive. For me, in 4 years and only 2000 hours, this was never the case though. Adventures Unlimited not only offers many things to do and achieve though but also a wide variation of very different races and classes to choose. Every combination is unique and plays differently, and to make it even better, each race has its own language besides the common tongue. Of course, over time, you can also learn foreign languages, allowing for great roleplaying opportunities. Regarding roleplay: AU offers many ways and opportunities to roleplay. Temples and clans are mainly player-regulated (although for temples there are gods who can crack down on disbelievers, in a RP sense), the capital city is player run (with a mayor, a deputy mayor and a sheriff), politics and diplomacy are an important part, and there are thousands of places where you can meet all over to have a discussion under 4 eyes, for planning and plotting the next strike. Before I start to bore you, I think I should make my final statement. I played many years at Adventures Unlimited, and I had a great time there. I really that... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 14, 2005
Well.. i cant really say much but that i DO love AU its the greatest.. i play it non stop.. its so addicting. I have never really played a mud before this is the only one i have ever played. And the players there are just the friendlist people i have ever met. Everyone there is helpful with the newbies and they DO go out of their way to help newbies. When i first started i had help non stop and i didnt know what i was doing because like i said i have NEVER played a mud before. And they made me feel like home..and let me tell you words cannot explain how great this mud is. I know i may sound like im over exaggerating,but im not,once you tried this mud and played it you will know what i mean. Plus the roleplay is the greatest. There are some really good roleplayers in AU, and when i login i know that im gonna get my laughs of the day because they are good people. As of everything else, like i said, words CANNOT explain how great this mud is, so try it out, i gaurantee you will LOVE it!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 13, 2005
Well.. i cant really say much but that i DO love AU its the greatest.. i play it non stop.. its so addicting. I have never really played a mud before this is the only one i have ever played. And the players there are just the friendlist people i have ever met. Everyone there is helpful with the newbies and they DO go out of their way to help newbies. When i first started i had help non stop and i didnt know what i was doing because like i said i have NEVER played a mud before. And they made me feel like home..and let me tell you words cannot explain how great this mud is. I know i may sound like im over exaggerating,but im not,once you tried this mud and played it you will know what i mean. Plus the roleplay is the greatest. There are some really good roleplayers in AU, and when i login i know that im gonna get my laughs of the day because they are good people. As of everything else, like i said, words CANNOT explain how great this mud is, so try it out, i gaurantee you will LOVE it!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 13, 2005
Well.. i cant really say much but that i DO love AU its the greatest.. i play it non stop.. its so addicting. I have never really played a mud before this is the only one i have ever played. And the players there are just the friendlist people i have ever met. Everyone there is helpful with the newbies and they DO go out of their way to help newbies. When i first started i had help non stop and i didnt know what i was doing because like i said i have NEVER played a mud before. And they made me feel like home..and let me tell you words cannot explain how great this mud is. I know i may sound like im over exaggerating,but im not,once you tried this mud and played it you will know what i mean. Plus the roleplay is the greatest. There are some really good roleplayers in AU, and when i login i know that im gonna get my laughs of the day because they are good people. As of everything else, like i said, words CANNOT explain how great this mud is, so try it out, i gauruntee you will LOVE it!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 13, 2005
Well.. i cant really say much but that i DO love AU its the greatest.. i play it non stop.. its so addicting. I have never really played a mud before this is the only one i have ever played. And the players there are just the friendlist people i have ever met. Everyone there is helpful with the newbies and they DO go out of their way to help newbies. When i first started i had help non stop and i didnt know what i was doing because like i said i have NEVER played a mud before. And they made me feel like home..and let me tell you words cannot explain how great this mud is. I know i may sound like im over exaggerating,but im not,once you tried this mud and played it you will know what i mean. Plus the roleplay is the greatest. There are some really good roleplayers in AU, and when i login i know that im gonna get my laughs of the day because they are good people. As of everything else, like i said, words CANNOT explain how great this mud is, so try it out, i gauruntee you will LOVE it!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 13, 2005
As all games this one has some pros and some cons. The pros are: - very well balanced races - many skills and spells to choose from, but not too many so you don't get confused - well balanced classes (except monks in my opinion) - secular and clerical rank system - very newbie-friendly userbase - many unique areas - optional player killing pool, you are usually not forced to join it - tradeguilds everyone can join no matter which class you choose - usually very helpful staff There are also some cons: - monks are a bit unbalanced, while you mostly have a hard time against NPCs they are the ultimate player killers, but you are warned during creation that monks are only for advanced players. - sometimes the staff behaves a bit strange, i.E. the telescope bug was reported constantly for over two years and not taken care of until it was a disadvantage for a mortal alt of a staff member - in my opinion too little feedback about reported bugs (would be nice to know if it has been noticed, is being worked on or even fixed) - more and more restrictions and changes on player skills which create an imbalance in my opinion - The 10 level attack-range on PK is too huge (especially in the lower levels). A level 20 player just doesn't have a chance against a level 30 player. After all the cons are not that huge, it's a very nice game, I love playing it. I try other muds all the time, but none compares to this. As soon as you get used to it during the first 5-10 levels you will feel at home and never want to leave again ;)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2005
Well it seems there have been a lot of opininated reviews from angry people, or maybe person, but there are a lot of angry people in the world, not just in MU*'s. I have been playing AU (Adventures Unlimited) for over 5 years and my experiences have been fairly good because I obey the rules and show respect. As in any situation, if you're not 'nice' you probably won't be treated the way you want to be. Playing this game is a privilage, not a right. But this review is not a rebuttle so on to what I enjoy about AU. I have played countless characters and all but the one I play currently were deleted by myself. The reasons were not however because I was 'done' with the game and could advance no more, but more of a personal choice to end that roleplay and try something new. The possiblities for roleplay are amazing and although there are a few guidelines the immortals ask you follow, they are not too restricting and are only there to create a more 'real' world in which there is some uniformity as there is in real life. The roleplay posibilities include different faiths to belong to, different races and classes, a help file on how to become a vampire, involved player based government, clans based on religions that are player created and run, and many additions to the code/game that can affect your roleplay if you so wish: Immortal interractions in character, a questing system, a dream code, and rewards for followers of temples through questing, tithing, roleplay, or other player interractions. About Temples: There are currently 17 different religions a player can join if they wish to. The details on each God/Goddess can be found on the Adventures Unlimited website under "Immortals". When one joins this temple they get a temple rank, there are 10 different ranks, for each alignment (Good/Neutral/Evil) the follower's God is, that a person can hold, and they are attained through devotion points that are usually aquired through tithing gold to the temple, although you can be rewarded them through the questing system or Immortals who like your roleplay. Upon reaching the 10th rank a player can build a shrine to their God to be place someplace in Tharel (the world) and they can run quests for all the followers of their god's faith with rewards and such. About Clans: Players, once they reach the necessary requirements, can submitt a clan for approval from the Immortal staff to take their faith to their God to a higher level. To join a clan you have to join the PK (Player-killing) system, which is optional. The benefits to a clan is the ability to get an upgradable clanhall with guards and 'safety' from others who are out to attack you. The clanhalls are usually attached to the temple their are associated with by a doorway, and another doorway from the clanhall leads to the street. Joining a is... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 9, 2005
Not worth investing in. very disppointing. They monitor anyone who seems to be making progress. Then make changes to prevent them from advancing. There have been no changes to expand the gaming environment. Every change I have ever witnessed has been to restrict the players. They are not adding features. They are simply creating a tryanical dictatorship. They are not unique. Egotistcal immortals and powermad staff are hardly unique. Anyone can write rules. Thier automapper is out dated. Thier race and class selection is lame. Thier "Unique" skills consist of three tradeskills which are insanely difficult to attain. The other features which they boast of are weak and pathetic. I don't have the time for Adventures Unlimited. The time I did spend there was very disappointing. The thirst for adventure is the vent which Destiny offers. ...Ralph Waldo Emerson. X-player
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 9, 2005
Ok this is my first time ever reviewing a mud and as creative writers go im not very good but i know what i like and i know why. I came to AU about 3 years ago lead here by a coworker at the time who thought i might be intrested in this sort of thing as i have never played a MUD before in my life. I instantly feel in love with this type of game and AU. I have never played any other mud ever. Upon my arrival here i was greeted by numerous people at creation and it was a happy atmosphere. After playing for about 3 or 4 months i got use to the commands and started to understand more and more of the game mechanics themselves. I wasnt a big time RPer but was having the time of my life doing everything else. Well like some poeple a small evilness grew inside me and so i decided to try and scam the system right. Well this did not go well for me, I was caught multiplaying and instead of ranting and raving because i was caught and throwing a hissy i calmly sacrificed everything i gained by doing so said i was sorry to the immortal who caught me (by chance it was the implementor) and accepted the fact that i screwed up and was busted. Right there and then i assumed i would be banned for cheating and punished good. To my surprise i was told to reread regulations and to not let it happen again. As of that day it never did and at the moment i enjoy a great relationship with most of the poeple here and immortals also and i have a great deal of fun playing. Now as for being limited...I have put 4500+ hours into my character and and no where near completing goals i have set for myself, This Mud is constantly changing, New areas being added, new quests being added, new trade guilds, new skills, new everything. Some of my clan mates get annoyed with me because i try to do everything at once and have no time to sit and talk (im a bit obsessive). And to reply to the Yregwyn review...MAN YOU PUT IN 15000 HOURS AND NOW YOU FINALLY RUN OUT OF THINGS TO DO????? I would hope most of you out there would take note to that line and see the absurity behind it. Now the game...Immortals are fair..dont cheat or be abussive to them and they will let you have fun. The visual map is the greatess thing imaginable, and the people are the most friendly and helpful out there, But at the same time will not baby you through the game but will nudge you along. Player kill is a bit slow i will admit but it has grown leaps and bounds lately. RP can be serious or hilarious at times Game Machanics...well there are so many things do... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 31, 2005
I have played this mud since 1999 or 2001, forget. Anywho, some of the people that have said a few negative things about this mud say them slightly one-sided. Like the war veteran person, I believe I remember hearing him 'yell' at people about something or the other. Which I believe wasn't called for. By the way, Mortals never and HAVE never had Immortal powers. Immortals can go 'wizinvis' and 'incognito' to hide themselves from Mortals and Immortals lower leveled than themselves. I do not really like this ability, because it can confuse people and really serves no purpose to the mud though. Also, Yregwyn when I met him seemed like a very nice guy, he made great rp and was just a fun person to be around. I never knew he'd be the type to have a fit over something small. And public apologies...How can you not do them? They aren't hard at all. Sure you might think your right (or you might be right), but who has the power in this situation? It'd be better to make it, but totally deny that you meant it. Sincerly, The person of niceness
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 31, 2005
This mud has some high positives and some low ones as well. I am going to try and tell about both of them, even though I have left this place now. I know it can be a good mud, as long as you keep a certian behavior. While you are here, your credibilty is subject to who you know and what you do, as in life. At first, before you join pk(if your one that likes that if not stay clear, trust me) you can become well known in your own right since the player base is pretty small with about 1:1 ratio of kind people to mean, self centered ones(depending on what time you log in). But the insant you join pk and a clan, if you have grievances most of the time you better not say them anywhere on the mud. Expecially if they deal with the implementors wife, who is very kind to people she likes and horribly awful to those she dosent(which incorporates most of the mud). The power balance is an incredibly ill-tilted scale, you better be planning on spending -lots- of time questing and other pretty boring things if you want to stand a chance against most people. Most of those that are new to the pk system are hounded and killed relentlessly by those that are stronger. There isnt much you can do besides recreate and spend around a thousand hours doing repeditive things. The rp on this game is for the most part the best thing. There are some(like of course anywhere you go, like most of what I have already stated) that come only to join pk and kill. Some that only want power over everything, and they really hurt the game for others. But if you can manage to avoid them and stay in the rp you can really have fun there, just be careful what you do so you do not fall off the fine line. This game was torn unbelieveably for me recently, I had been playing for about two and a half years. I know most of the people, and most of the immortal staff, expecially the implementor, are really good and caring people that realize its just a game and dont tear people from that. Read the rules carefully, and watch what you say, and this mud will keep you satisfied for a long time.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 20, 2005
My previous review has somehow been confused with a bad review from a disgruntled player. I am not suprised it was interpreted as such. Nor, am I astonished at the responces. I will elaborate further upon the features and playability of Adventures Unlimited. The reader can make thier own educated decsion, and spend thier gaming time as they wish. I shall attempt to be factual. This is not a "HooRaY!!! for AU" review. Nor, is it meant to be hatefull. There are many possitive features at Adventurers Unlimited. I will list a few. 1. Ansii auto-mapper enables quick and easy movement. 2. Questing is available, and can have great rewards for the diligent. 3. Social ranks can be gained from Citezin to Duke. These ranks have little effect other than voting power. At the rank of Lord or Lady you may build a small home for yourself. 4. Temple ranks can be achieved. But...NO mortal can ever expect to question his or her immortal diety. 5. Restrings can be used to customize equiptment. Reforges are similar. 6. Tradeguilds are under construction. 3 exist presently, you can spam yourself into oblivion training them. Only full time mudders who have no life should attempt this. I have briefly touched upon some of the possitives of Adventurers Unlimited. There are many more. Many of the features are only available to the player-kill joined players. The top staff persons at Adventures Unlimited have gone to great lengths to make player killing fair. Player Kill at Adventures Unlimited is role play enforced. In conclusion, the negative actions of a few malicious absent-minded staff persons make Adventures Unlimited unplayable. The oversensitive ones don't help by overeacting to preconcieved notions and rumor. Adventurers Unlimited is a growing mudd. If they ever grow up.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 3, 2005
I recently started on this mud and while it appeared to be a good place to play something occurred that caused some discontent with me. Let me first say that had this instance I'm about to report of not occurred, I would probably still be playing there. The mud itself for the most part is well thought out, and seems well coded. _Most_ of the players there are extremely friendly and eager to help, not just willing or do it because it's their job or it's being rewarded. However, after a few days of playing the game, I noticed a comment was made about soldiers and what they do, and I took offense to it. I asked politely for an apology concerning the comment, being a combat veteran myself, and rather than it being addressed by the immortals, my character was in effect removed from the game. I created a new character to speak with an immortal about it, and was either completely ignored (I have yet in the time I was there seen a visible immortal) or there where none on. I am aware that some of the immortal commands have been given to mortal players, so it's quite possible that the person who made the comment, rather than apologize chose to remove me themselves. Or perhaps it was one of their buddies. Either way, if someone chooses to make a heated political comment, especially one that someone can take offense to, then they should be willing to make just a public an apology. Not have their friends conceal it. That is not a good way for a mud to grow.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 3, 2005
Hello, its me again. I believe this is my third or fourth post about AU. I am writing this mainly because I believe that some people may have read the post that had been put up a few days ago by some disgruntled player, and gotten the wrong impression of AU. There where a few factual things in that post though... Au does have many temples for a large variety of roleplay, for most of the imms that arent that active Ytrewtsu has elected avatars to rp their position for them. Another comment on Ytrewtsu, I doubt you will find a more devoted Imp. He has kept the mud alive though alot of hell from many players like the one that put up that post, and me heh. Anytime i wanted to talk to him about the game in general or some other thing, he would always find the time to answer my concerns, he is also constantly coding new things for the mud(just recently the jewelers guild was added, you get to make jewelry(duh haha) and engrave it and stuff its really cool) and helping promote new areas being added, and he maintains a very tight policy on areas people build as well..he makes sure they are good:P and it shows. I have never seen any mud including ones that you actually have to pay to play that has better quality areas. Many of the people on the mud are extremely newbie friendly, and those that are not openly will always answer questions if you just send them a tell. I guarentee you that when you log and and are hailed by greetings that you will want to stay a while, (the whole greeting thing is what hooked me, I remember I was playing another mud, and on a channel the immortals would greet new people that came to the mud, I asked if I could and was told NO..It just really sucked to me, I wanted to be able to greet them as well. when I logged on AU I was given such a warm welcome and was instantly told I could greet the newbies if I wanted). There is a contest every two months where clans and temples compete to drag idols into clanhalls to gain points, the clan with the most points wins control of the bank tax, the tax deductible goes into their clanaccount, and it is a very good prize. Not to mention the competition, DOR is usually the time when I have the most fun, I mean it is just incredible and fast paced all at once, if nothing else if you made a char and just had him for that it would be worth it I think. The main city of naerlan is ran by player elected...players haha, Ivellios was the sheriff twice and that was loads of fun as well, you get to arrest people and put them in jail when they break the law(or in some peoples even... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 3, 2005
This mud is a great mud I have played for a while and haven't gone anywhere else. This should tell you why. Adventures Unlimited is extramely newbie freindly. It offers a strong sense of freindship, and choice. The Immortals have always been freindly to me and if I had to guess about 50%+ of them are still active plus several Avatars for those that are not. There is constantly new areas and systems going in, generally one large update or several small updates every month or so. Sometimes even more. There is leveling up till level 100, then an infinate span of hero level where you level, but are still concidered level 100. There are quests you can do for your temple that can get you cool items and other nifty things. The RP can get intense but it's almost always fun. When it's not, it's generally because there are alot of good RPers sticking to their characters with passion and letting it all come out regardless who's listening. I don't care who you are, RP can't always be goofy. The player base is generally high enough to let there be alot of RP and help, but not so high no one can here you asking for help. Lastly regardless what some people say, the staff is kind unless you break the rules, and the rules are standard for what most muds have, or should have, no cussing on open channels, no cheating the system, things like that. Thats my reveiw, don't think I'm trying to sugar coat anything, if this wasn't the truth, why would I still keep going back?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 1, 2005
There are 17 different temples to chose from. The temples are based upon worshiping an immortal god, or goddess. Some of the temples have a clan associated with them. Every two months there is a competition amongst the clans for control of the bank tax. The results are decided and dictated by the staff beforehand. It can be fun to participate anyway. Adventures Unlimited has a lot of interesting features. 1. Triggered newbie greetings to make you feel welcome. 2. Several global channels. 3. A highly restricted noteboard system, and a censored forum. 4. Well crafted rules and regulations which can be used to acuse players of many infractions at will. 5. Quick and easy site banning. 6. Role-play is optional. Unless otherwise dictated by your immortal god or godess. 7. Strictly enforced role play guidelines, which are based upon temple affiliation, and the whims of your immortal deity. 8. Player run clans that are closely overseen by staff and run by puppet clanleaders. 9. Predetermined clan competitions. 10. Semi-mandatory immortal run quests. Participation is not required. However, not participating, will likely anger an oversensitive staff person. 11. Constant changes to make the game more difficult and reduce any chance of individuality or creativity. There are at least 19 immortal persons with countless charachters. This creates a situation where it is nearly impossible to say or do anything without offending some staff member. Most of the staff can be very reasonable, some are not. Some can be extremely oversensitive and take any comment personnaly or out of context. Some of the staff persons can be malicious and have a twisted sence of humor. I do not how many of the immortals are actually active, nor at what times they might be present. The average player base at Adventures Unlimited is 21 persons. I am not going to make any comment in regards to player killing at Adventures Unlimited. That would require another ten page review. If you are not an immortal, builder, or other staff person, I would not suggest playing at AU. You will encounter complications. If you say anything about it, the implementer will accuse you of abusing his staff and will likely ban you from the site. AU is primarily for the enjoyment of the staff. They allow players, but, your presence is a priveledge. You will be quickly reminded of that fact if you say or do anything which displeases them in any way. Adventures Unlimited can be fun so long as you remain quiet. Pay strict attention to thier rules and avoid immortal charachters. Even then it is only a matter of time before clashes with the staff become inevitable. If you are going to subject yourself to thier world. I would suggest keeping a log at all times. Au has a lot of possitives and some glaring negatives. People are imperfect and the staff will be quick to remind you that they work for free. At Adventures Unlimited you get what pay... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 31, 2005
I believe this is my third review for this wonderful game. Au has only gotten better since I started playing nearly two years ago. The world is constantly expanding and being improved upon, there is a unique temple system that adds to the game tremendously, everyone is friendly and wants to help players along. Stop in and give it a go, you wont be let down.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 22, 2005
Hello, i am eduard. i have played muds on and off for about ten years. i have played seriously at 4 muds total. i read all the reviews posted on this site for several muds, and chose adventures unlimited based on a number of reasons. i began playing there around a month ago, feeling my way around. the play of the mud was great, along with its dependability. i was looking for a place to RP, and found the right one. there is a ton of RP at adventures unlimited. i chose to RP my character contrary to the temple i had placed him, after speaking with several players and making sure of the consequences and such and such. i read all help files regarding RP at adventures unlimited, and all guidelines regarding channel usage and separation of out of character channels and in charatcer channels. today i am sad to announce that i no longer play at adevntures unlimited because i was yelled at and threatened by an anonymous immortal for my RP in an OOC manner, on an OOC channel, instead of in character as it should have been done. for those of you considering playing this mud, please bear in mind that the mud itself plays very very well, unfortunately there is little or no separation between in and out of charatcer issues. thank you for reading. sincerely, heine
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 16, 2004
Many years ago I started playing this mud and was overwhelmed by the friendly response I got when I logged on as a newbie. People take time to help you out and find your way around and even spell you up to start with. Talk about friendly help! We even have a new apperance code for new characters! Many many choices of races and classes and now ontop of it apperances to keep the variety going! Onto the Immortals and builders..They continually work hard to allow us to both play and have fun. New codes and areas in all the time. Devoted to having the best areas (which I must say they do) Of course I'm a bit partial though I have seen other places once in awhile. Immortals also play as gods and most of them have their own temples that you can rp from their religions. (lots of rp included once you join guarenteed!) They run quite a few quests and we have a few planned right now! We also have a new dream editor so while your character is sleeping you could be giving a good dream of a spell boost or cursed with a curse of sorts! Take time to come and see and you will not regret it. Onto the playerbase? What can I really say about the most friendly people that are willing to help and we always have new faces to be seen around. Rp is rather intense at times! From government disagreements to clan and temple differences you have a variety and nothing is really impossible to have rp'd. You could go from a Honorable Knight to a Greedy thief to a Chaotic one of the storm to a demon possessed being of the evilest temple around. No Limits! Come and give Adventures Unlimited a try! You will not go away disapointed. I can promise you that. See you around!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 15, 2004
I have been playing au for roughly a year and a half now and it has still yet to dull. I used to leave games simply because I would feel that I had become the best or that there where no challenges left, but I have yet to find that happen here. There is always seemingly someone stronger or some of this muds fantastic rp that I do not want to leave behind. By the way Rp is one of the finest points of this mud, it is better than any other I have ever played and I do not fully understand why and I have gave up trying. It is good and I do not want to leave it. New things are constantly being added, there are loads of friendly people. Ivellios is a newbie guide but when I cannot do my job to the extent that I would like I have found many other people that willingly help on thier own accord. There are many many other features to this game, it is very well balanced, the temple system is superb and with I beleive 16 gods you have plenty to choose from for your choice of rp. New things are constantly being added so there is almost always somthig new to do, new areas are always being put in so that there is a new area to explore. So come by and check it out, I promise if you just try to get to know some people and do some quests and some rp, you will not be disipointed with your visit. Ivellios Nailo
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 8, 2004
Adventures Unlimited is one of the best muds i've played! You learn quickly and the newbie help is great. The newbie guild is quite detailed and interesting. It has quite a big map and the activities the immortals do are cool. I highly recommend this mud. It would be good for both the new mudder and the expert mudder.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 14, 2004
I have to say I have joined MANY other muds but this one is honestly the best I have ever played. The people here are divided into two catagories. Magor RPers or people who RP only so they can PK. The people who do RP have very good charachters (EX: there is a guy named Chokodi who is very protecive of his clan members from the current Mayor who wants the best for education, and those that interfer are VERY severly punished by his sherrif.) This leads to interesting arguments and and good PK senarios. On the other hand the people who dont RP often find themselves well known on OOC but in IC only 1/5 peopel will know who they are. Another great thing is the Item and Money stuff. You can do anything with that stuff. Donate it to tempels, give it to poor newbies, deposit it into a personal bank. The BEST thing is the automapper, which makes the game 100% better by telling you everything about the surroundings. The game also makes use of ANSI greatly. The site also has some problems though, like the fact that new members generaly are sparse and I sometimes feel like im the only newbie who ever joined. Although this lets people make relations and keep them well, some of the same instances keep reoccuring. I also dont like the overly used rules. The PK system is harsh and one mistake or rule-break can get your charachter putin mental anguish. Also, the IP rule is very strict and if your playing with your friend who has two comps but the same IP you can be thrown into mental anguish or deleted. A miner problem is the MUD seems to crash every so often at bad times, like once I was going to get my corpse which had my rare items in it the mud crashed and I had to E-Mail the implemntor to get it back. This isnt to say that I dont love this MUD. It is very addicting and I think it is better than almost any MUD out there. If you come in remember that my other Charachter Corcoran will always lend a helping hand to those of Just and True intentions. (Dont expect Jozephon to help you, hes kinda selfish and all......)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 1, 2004
I found Adventures Unlimited about 3 and a half years ago or so. It was the first mud i had ever played, and it's the only one i play. Being new to muds when i started, i was completly lost, but with all the friendly and helpful advice i recieved helped me to quickly get used to the way things worked. Quite a few things have kept me going back to Adventures Unlimited. The first of these things is all the friendly people who play. They are always willing to lend a helpful hand to the new players, or others in need. Second, is the great immortal staff, they are very responsive to request for restrings and such, and also every now and then, they will hold an immortal quest, for the whole mud to compete in, and they are loads of fun. Thirdly, is the fact that the mud is always changing, there are always new areas to explore, and new things to do. It's a great place to play, you should definately drop by and try it out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 1, 2004
It has taken me nearly 6 years to write a review on this mud, and now that i do, I find my feelings about this mud to be very mixed. First i guess, i will list the positives. I have found the straightup gameplay more than satisfactory. For the most part, all of the classes are balanced. The areas are all original and well written, some with very nice puzzles. I found the auto questor system exceptional, and the prizes therein to also be worth the effort and fairly priced. The auto map is very nice, most likely the best i have seen. Overall, on the code side of things, Ytrewtsu has done a wonderfull job building Adeventures Unlimited. I guess, the parts i am not so happy about are on the other side of the bridge, so to speak. I have a few examples to give. Example 1. The entire time i have played, players have been subjected to numerous requests for folks to volunteer to help build. That is all fine, as new blood keeps a mud going. What is NOT fine however, is to ask for said help, and yet provide no help whatsoever, other than a suggestion that the new builder read a short paragraph written ten years ago by the person who wrote ROM code. I spent weeks of my time trying to build with no assistance, repeatedly asking for help from the head builder, or one of the oethers who i knew to be builders, only to find them unwilling, or more often, unable to answer a question asked to them about basic building techniques. Another point is that this is not supposed to be an RP enforced mud. Yet those who have no wish to RP are continually baited by other players, some of wich are mortal alts for the Immortal staff, into Rp'ing against their will. There is an Rp position voted on by the mud population of Mayor of the home city. This mayor has the power to lock down the entire city so that no one can enter or leave it. The problem is that this city that is now locked down, is the only city that non RP players can recall too. Now the player is being forced to RP. When complaints were made about this, players were run off the mud. These are just a few examples of the kind of management problems this mud has. There are many more, but i have neither the time, nor the patience to list them. I would say, in closing, that Adeventures Unlimited is a well coded mud with some very large management problems.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 14, 2004
I am playing on Adventures Unlimited for more than 2 years now, and although I tried many other muds, this one was the only one that made me want to come back and experience it. But what is it that draws me and others back? I think, it's the really different target group it's dedicated to. Many muds consist (in my opinion) of mainly hack'n'slash gameplay, and I am glad that AU is not that way. The advanced AI of the mobs will make sure that completely exploring an area or getting the best equipment is challenging and rewarding. Yet, the grade of difficulty gets tougher while you advance in levels, so newbies will still have a good and fairly easy time on AU, so they can learn the basics. Also, the players are very newbie friendly, so please be not scared if you begin playing and three or more people suddenly greet you on the newbie channel and offer you help. There of course are many other things that make AU the unique and awesome place it is. It is not roleplay enforced, but roleplay encouraged (and almost everyone decides to participate in the RP system by joining one of the 15 unique temples, all with distinct history and aims), the main town of the world is player-run, giving the government positions a whole set of commands and skills to customize laws and enforce them, a great questing system that takes your alignment and the temple you follow into account when choosing random quest tasks, a set of crafting and repairing skills, and many more. There also is a great PK system. If you want to join the PK pool ( you don't have to), you have to submit a set of motivations and goals for your character. When you later conduct a PK aktion, be it the invasion of one of the many clan halls, or for example attack someone, you will have to file in a justification for this act. With this system, the times of getting stomped just because someone could do it will be over. Other features that made me come back: .) ANSI Automapper .) Nobility entitlements, and thus the chance to get a huge customized manor-house .) Temple ranks and the mass of RP connected to it .) A great immortal staff who is both friendly in their work but who also take it as responsibility to RP with mortals .) Many immortal run quests .) And the ability to change the world yourself. You will never know what happens.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2004
A year now I’ve been playing Adventures Unlimited, I’ve seen many muds come and flourish and I’ve seen many muds come and wither away like the fuzzy white head on the dandelion in the breeze. Normally I stay at a mud for only five months at a time, boredom dwells at me after those months. “This is getting old.. fast” are my thoughts. But something about this MUD is different. Is it the friends I’ve made Icly and Oocly.. Is it the depth of the Role play that I am involved in.. is it the fact that people put time and real thought into their chars and the role play that dwells around them? Perhaps it is the skill system/ spells, maybe.. The Immortals and Owners of the mud do spend a lot of time upgrading and putting in ‘cute’ little things here and there to give us ‘mortals’ something fun to play with. The Temple system, worshiping and being awarded for it.. knowing that sometimes.. just sometimes the hard work you put into your ‘player’ is noticed.. is seen, is admired, good bad? Your Role play doesn’t matter.. I know I love that I can decide to make my ‘person’ good or evil.. and still have that ‘rewarding’ feeling when someone does notice what I do and congratulates me with small bonus points here and there. Perhaps it is that I can finally say that I’ve found a mud that I am very fond of, could I love this small world within my own world, probably so. A world where people do not hack and slash, just wanting to have their person the ‘strongest’ and go about murdering everyone in sight, a world where if you have a question someone will answer it. A world where it is OK to be a newbie, A place where I can call my textual home away from my real dwellings. Yes.. I think that it is just ‘it’ everything in one that makes me adore this game. Makes me stay, makes me want to come back. Perhaps we are not rated the best on this site, but it is not because our small corner of the internet is unworthy, maybe it’s because while dancing in our world of make believe we forget that there is this silly thing that we ‘vote’ on to say ours is the best, to us, we are and to the many that found us though this site, we are to them as well. I give you this challenge. Come and see for yourself, no amount of praise I can type or express in this box can compare to what is really there.. to us and to people to come. Noyla/Cora.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 20, 2004
THIS GAME IS KILLLER!!! I recommend this game to EVERYONE!! 10/10!!! it has everything that makes a mud AWESOME!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 13, 2004
I've looked at other MUDs that are around, and even the ones ranked in the top 10, and I honestly must say none of them compare to Adventures Unlimited. Adventures Unlimited (AU) is diverse and has the greatest players around. Everyone is incredibly friendly and the RP is incredible. AU has a wide variety of classes, races, skills, spells and equipment that allow you to fully customize your character and make him/her exactly like you want. There is a great temple system that allows you to worship a God that stands for pretty much anything, ranging from the Shadows, the Battle, whatever. AU's land is nearly all original and is extremely interesting. There are calm farming towns, large, bustling cities, dark forests and icy oceans. Please, take my word for it. AU is better than anything out there and the only reason it isn't ranked #1 on TMS is because it isn't well known. Come and give it a try just for a few minutes and I know you'll agree with me when I say AU is the best. The great players and Immortals are extremely newbie friendly and will surely answer any questions you may have. AU is constantly changing and improving, new clans come out, new Mayors are elected annualy and new areas, equipment, skills, spells, etc. are constantly added to further the experience. Just come and try it for a few minutes and you'll get hooked, trust me.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 12, 2004
This game RULES! sure ive played many other muds but this one definatly beats the rest of them outt the water by a long long shot!!! so come play!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 9, 2004
I have been playing AU for nearly a year now and it is still the best mud I have ever played. The players are still as friendly as ever, and the kind imms still love to interact with the players. I can see now why this mud has survived and why the players(Includeing myself) are very loyal. I was recently appoited newbie guide, so if you come in to check out this spectacular mud and I am around. You will more than likely see me:) Well come in and check out the mud, I assure you you will not be dissipointed!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2004
I've played this mud for over two years.. The reason I played for so long was mainly because of their auto-mapper feature.. very nice! However, this, and maybe a few other features are positives about the mud.. When I first started, I immediately learned that the 'staff' of AU.. tended to be overbearing and 'big fish in little pond' type characters. Given this fact, I tried to stay clear of their sight, knowing that if I got to enmeshed with them they would try and 'lord it over' me. This is a problem I've seen in many muds.. The builders and staff of the mud have a lot of in game 'powers' over the player base, and as the adage goes, 'power corrupts' If you plan on checking this mud, do what I did, stay clear of the immortals. Immortals with particularly power-abusing tendencies: Jirah: wife of the implementor.. was taught how to mud by her husband, and now spends most of her time picking out players and Vallien: Extremely egotistical fellow this one. Asteri: -Loves- to punish harshly for the smallest infraction of protocol. Cylad: Enjoys flaunting his immortal powers There are some immortals who keep their noses out of the player base for the most part. It would be one-sided of me not to mention them for their good 'hands off' attitude in regards to mudding... Sylune Markov Ytrewtsu - the implementor Mentmacro - she has been known to interfere with the general playing experience, but not too bad a person Kiara - as a general rule, minds her own business. See, to me, the powers that the staff wield over the players is WAY out of proportion to what their duties require of them... THe usual way to deal with them is to either ignore them completely unless totally neccessary, or to 'suck up' to them, whenever and wherever you see them.. The more sucking up the better. I've witnessed what I percieved as biased punishment desicions for offending players based on the relationship between immortal and immortal. To wrap up, this is a fun game, rom-based platform, with a few good features to keep me coming back, but on the whole I would rate the staff a 3 out of a possible 10. Enjoy.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2004
By far this is the most exiting MUD i've ever played, so many possibilites, Mayorship, Clan events, Wide Range of roleplay, Always growing and the player base is by far the most friendliest i've EVER seen, As a newbie helper myself, i've noticed alot of new players joining AU, always telling me how awesome everything is, WIDE varity of weapons, armor, places to level and an RP for every player whom ever tries. I promise you that if you give this mud a chance, you will be addicted to this MUD just as i am now Krow
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 12, 2004
Adventures Unlimited is extremely newbie friendly and is fun for both newbies and the players of the highest levels in the game. It offers wide selections in both races and classes and many skills you can learn. There is a broad variety of weapons and armor available and with so many pieces of equipment out there, no one will be quite like you. To personalize it further, you can create deep descriptions of yourself to make the MUD more enjoyable. The players who play there are great people and always help. Adventures Unlimited is very deep and has many rooms and areas. There is a great help system in use there that covers practically every feature of the game. It can help you in finding where to hunt at your level, different spells, skills, clans, etc... There are simply too many good things to say about AU and I cannot fit them all here. If you should come, hope you do, you will be immediately greeted by many of the players on and offered aid in every way. It is extremely easy to get hooked on and won't leave you with any regrets.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 11, 2004
Adventures Unlimited is an extremely newbie friendly MUD. It is great fun for both the newbies of the game and those who have been playing for years, it never gets old. The reason Adventures Unlimited (AU) stays so fresh and entertaining is because things are constantly changing in an entertaining way. Mayor elections are held anually, new characters are created every day and much, much more. When you play AU you know you are going to be unique and the only one like you out there. There is a huge variety of weapons and armor ensuring that you will be the only one wearing that helmet or swinging that axe. You can else write deep descriptions of yourself to further the role playing experience. AU has a great temple system that allows players to express themselves in many ways, you can choose to follow a great evil god, the god of good luck, the god of the sun, whatever you want to RP, there's a temple for it. There are great ranking systems for your temple, social status and clan if you decide you want to Player kill join (PKing is restricted and you only PK if you choose to). There is a great selection of races, each with it's own language and own skills and traits. To make things even more fun, with certain races you can choose what type of that race you want to be, example: Frost Giant and Giant. The players at AU are great and always answer your questions. From the instant you connect to the moment you log off, you will be given greetings and farewells, as well as friendship. The best thing about AU is the players. The way everyone roleplays is incredible and really adds diversity to the game, making it great fun. I would strongly recommend you come and stop by AU and have a look, because I know once you get a small taste of it you'll keep coming back for more.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 8, 2004
I have played several other muds in my time. Well more than several, but in any case, I have found AU to be the best among all of the ones I have tried. Why? I found that the players are helpful especially to newbies and the clueless people who have been here for years (I am included in this) Areas, new and constantly changing. I have had to take several breaks during the past couple of years when that blasted thing called life got in the way and each time I returned, something has changed. New areas keep popping up making the people who have been here for a century still interested in exploring. New skills and things have came into existance. For one, I always enjoy looking at the changes. Automated questing..I have found no fault in this aspect. It is easy to find the questor and they are always stationary. With the help of other players, this is often fun. Immortals...always fun. Wheter running special immortal quests, rping with folks, or just there chatting ooc, they are always willing to help when needed. Help system. actually there are two. one is the file system, the other is the players. both are very helpful. ah..getting repetive.. in short Au is awesome try it you'll see what I am talking about
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 19, 2003
I was told about A.U in september and have almost 250 hours logged since then. It was my first mud and as far as i'm concerned, the best. I have been to a few other muds, but they are no where near close to being as great as A.U. The atmosphere is friendly and helpful. All i can say is that I love Adventures Unlimited and would be truly sad if anything ever happened to it .
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 13, 2003
Come play AU the coolest MUD of all ive been playing AU for almost 2 years now and still not tired of it yet cause its always changeing and geting neater each time
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2003
Hello all of you out there! I am writeing my own little review of the best mud out there. Before I had started playing this mud I had played quite a few more, but there always was something missing, but one day I came across this mud. As soon as I started my character a legion of greetings joined my screen. I was very glad that I had found such a newbie friendly mud. That was just the begining though. I started playing and found the interface very easy to use and the automapper the most useful tool of all. I dont see how I played a mud without it. I began to meet some people and joined a temple and before I knew it I was tottally immersed in the game. There are many areas that you will only find here that are very well balanced and coded. The Imms and everyone else for that matter are the most friendly people I have ever met, they will always take some time out to rp and talk with the players. There is also an excellent questing system on the game that allows you to make your character powerful. Pk is good with rules to keep really unfair things from happening. there are simply to many good things about this game to list, so I will stop here, but before I am done let me say this. This is the best mud I have ever played and there is none better you should at least give it a try, I am positive you will not regret it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 26, 2003
About a year and a half a go, maybe even more so than that, a good friend of mine talked me into trying a text based game. Of course, having never played a MUD before I was hesitant, I much preferred consoles with their pretty pictures to text. She made it sound quite intriguing though so I succumbed and tried it out, the MUD I joined being Adventures Unlimited of course. Quickly I was turned off by everything, all the commands simply confused me, but every thing got smoothed out thanks to the players and the MUD?s staff. Everyone was quite patient with me and more than willing to offer help and advice for the newbie me. Soon enough the commands became like second nature and then the actual reality of the game came into play. To me it was actually better than just about any rpg on any console; the only real limit that your character has is a growth limit of level 100. I could waste the rest of my space on here telling you about all of it's vast features and it's wonderful players and staff, but I won?t. You should really just go and find out for yourself, and hopefully you?ll become just like me; addicted to AU and still going strong.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 16, 2003
I've been playing at Adventures Unlimited for nearly four years now. I've tried other MUDs, sure...but something has kept me here. Maybe they put something in the water. ^^; AU is constantly working towards eliminating all stock areas, and actually isn't too far off at this point. And the custom areas are _good_. In recent years they've implemented a great temple system which really bolsters roleplay. And unlike some places, roleplay actually is the focus here. There's no player killing without it, which is essential in a MUD, in my humble opinion. The quest system is quite evolved, with different questmasters depending on level and alignment.. not to mention the occassional immortal-driven quest, which are always a blast. Clans exist within the temple system, and tradeguilds have been added for additional, custom skills which are independent from one's race or class. If all the code modification isn't enough for you, the players should be. This is where AU truly shines. The staff, and the playerbase itself, is extremely kind and welcoming. If you have a question or a problem, it won't take long to get it solved. 'Plus, it has Fuujin! No other mud has the awesome Fuujin who is best of everything!' ... ^^;; Do yourself a favor and give this MUD a shot!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 16, 2003
I started playing Adventures Unlimited almost a year ago now. I was completely burnt out on mindless killing and had been hopping muds just about every other day for awhile and the first thing that caught my attention was about 15 people greeting me the moment I logged on. They have an expansive set of help files on just about anything you ever want to know. The staff there does not get enough credit for the time spent on the little things that make the world keep going. They are very friendly, easy to talk to and ready for answer if you have a question. The temple system is great. Many temples you can follow from Pure Evil to Chaotic to Neutral and Pure good and everything in between. Tithing gives you rewards on temple status and you are able to add stats to your symbol. The Immortals occasionaly take time out from the building and coding to rp with their temples and run quests(which I love doing). The players are extremely friendly and most of them do just about anything to help a new player get started. So if you are looking for a great MUD with a friendly staff and player base come on over and visit Adventures Unlimited. I can almost guarentee you won't want to leave.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 29, 2003
Having not MUDed in 7 years before I came back to MUDing at AU, I must say that a lot had changed. At first I thought that all MUDs had had these changes, but after looking around a few others, I found this not to be the case. AU is an extraordinary MUD. It goes above and beyond the normal stock MUDs, and often it goes past other, perhaps larger MUDs because of it's dedicated staff, development, and player base. I have currently been playing there for a little over a year, and recently calculated that my total hours are more then most people sleep in a year. Well.....if you only sleep 3-4 hours a day. :) A few things to keep in mind. RP is not enforced, but in all the MUDs I have ever been on, AU has the best roleplay. While there is not a huge player base, there is often a contingent of 20 players or so on during the day, and peaks of 30 or so. There is almost always someone to help if you're new to MUDing or just AU. And that helpfulness is the next trait that gives AU a special feeling. Its player base is deeply seated, often having thousands of hours, and these people know quite a bit about the MUD. Not only that but most will share what they do know. Sometimes you have to ask a question twice, but most likely someone will have your answer if you're polite about it. Do you want variety? AU has near 10,000 rooms and more are in development all the time. Having recently joined on as a builder, I know the quality of new areas put in and currently on AU, and they are beautiful to read and explore. I don't know how many stock areas are left, but the fact is that the goal is to have those areas replaced entirely by AU MUDs, which is progressing quite nicely. Did I mention the staff? A group of hard-working Immortals that are often behind the scenes making reforges happen, restrings appear, and quests that provide entertainment for all. They are fair, keep people in check, and provide a fun environment in which to MUD. But I don't want this to get too long. I'd rather you just go log on to check out the other features: Temple System Quests Thousands of items Roleplaying Delights Political System MUDwide quests and more that doesn't even come to mind...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2003
Having not MUDed in 7 years before I came back to MUDing at AU, I must say that a lot had changed. At first I thought that all MUDs had had these changes, but after looking around a few others, I found this not to be the case. AU is an extraordinary MUD. It goes above and beyond the normal stock MUDs, and often it goes past other, perhaps larger MUDs because of it's dedicated staff, development, and player base. I have currently been playing there for a little over a year, and recently calculated that my total hours are more then most people sleep in a year. Well.....if you only sleep 3-4 hours a day. :) A few things to keep in mind. RP is not enforced, but in all the MUDs I have ever been on, AU has the best roleplay. While there is not a huge player base, there is often a contingent of 20 players or so on during the day, and peaks of 30 or so. There is almost always someone to help if you're new to MUDing or just AU. And that helpfulness is the next trait that gives AU a special feeling. Its player base is deeply seated, often having thousands of hours, and these people know quite a bit about the MUD. Not only that but most will share what they do know. Sometimes you have to ask a question twice, but most likely someone will have your answer if you're polite about it. Do you want variety? AU has near 10,000 rooms and more are in development all the time. Having recently joined on as a builder, I know the quality of new areas put in and currently on AU, and they are beautiful to read and explore. I don't know how many stock areas are left, but the fact is that the goal is to have those areas replaced entirely by AU MUDs, which is progressing quite nicely. Did I mention the staff? A group of hard-working Immortals that are often behind the scenes making reforges happen, restrings appear, and quests that provide entertainment for all. They are fair, keep people in check, and provide a fun environment in which to MUD. But I don't want this to get too long. I'd rather you just go log on to check out the other features: Temple System Quests Thousands of items Roleplaying Delights Political System MUDwide quests and more that doesn't even come to mind...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2003
I have written many many reviews about Adventures Unlimited, all of which have been good, leaving out many details that I will now lay out. First, I have had several character on Adventures Unlimited, accumulating over 2000 hours in the process. I have seen many thing that I thought were just plain wrong. For example several other players, besides myself, have been banned. Krymson (over 4000 hours), Febriwyn (over 2k), Labor, Alnaron, etc. Why do you ask? Because the immortals play favorites there. It is plain and simple. In my case, the immortals thought I was somebody else because I had a similar IP address. I have nothing to lose now so I can say I am not the person who they accuse me of being. Several weeks after I created I bought 2 items off auction that belonged to this person. The immortals knew about this. However they waited until I heroed and capped.. after I accumulated 1800+ hours on this character. It says in help multiplay that a hero that is caught multiplaying is forced to delete. Even if I was him the immortals twisted the rules, but I am not. Febriwyn on the other hand was caught using a script to collect money. There was not a rule about this at the time so the immortals slipped one in there and forced him to delete. Speaking of mulitplaying and how they play favorites.. let me give you an example. There is a sophism leader named caron that provided gold to somebody called baldor and this baldor had a hero that goldran for caron's alt gelmir.. of course the immortals found out about this and did nothing to caron but banned baldor and gangor. My character on Adventures Unlimited was a monk. This class is extemely overbalanced, thus it is why I picked it. I wanted to be the best. The mage class is underbalanced.. clerics rely on their weapons, and not their magic.. Warriors have a sharpening skill there which is really dumb because their blades (which takes 100 hours to get a good one) get ruined so easily.. It has a lot of bad features like that. The worst is probably how the mayoral thing is setup. They have two mobs (kalian and somebody else) that are practically unbeatable.. Now these people are defenders of the city.. they will kill whoever the mayor tells them too basically. They are really overpowered and my capped character got killed by them in like 2 rounds.. doing butchers with each hit.. a lot of the channel monitors are corrupt.. for instance one time I caught osker and tashara (two channel monitors) cursing somebody out on the osay (ooc channel) and of course tashara got away with this because she was one of the imms favs. The person who they were cursing out was just a good pker and a good friend of mine named Mystique. Turin is the one that got Labor banned.. Labor was a decent... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 24, 2003
AU in my opinion is the coolest mud ive played. it has a cool maping feature so you can see where you are. It has alot of nice people that play too. and the immortals are fun to be around. if i could rate this mud outta 10 i would give it a 10 in all aspects! so come and try it and see for yourself!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 22, 2003
When I first started playing at Adventures Unlimited nearly 4 1/2 years ago, it appeared to me as just another stock rom 2.4 codebase which came out of the box with a few downloaded extra areas. While I was looking for another free text based RPG to play at since my prev2ious one had gone pay to play, I happened to stumble across this mud through one of my friends. While I was not familiar with ROM or any of the other types at all when I first started, I decided to stick with this one for a while since the players and staff members were helpful and friendly, two of the better aspects that I like to see in any game. While it took me a couple of years to be offered as position as a staff member, and I couldn't see behind the scenes much, AU did progress quite well out of the stock design to the layout which the land currently uses to this day. I think that was when I really got hooked. Languages were implemented, as were several other new features such as a greeting system, where you won't actually know a players name until they greet you. Until that time you will see their race titles, which is another nifty feature. Some of the better features to this day are the temples, in which the players can join the temple of one of the many gods and goddesses each with its own unique RP aspects. The clan system is also based on the temple system, which each of the major temples with their own clan or clans they can join. There is also an automated quest system that is a bit changed from the basic one. There are now 9 different questmasters, 3 for each level range and 1 for each alignment or temple. When you have passed level 35, you will have to seek out the middle range questmaster which suits your temple or your alignment. One of the newer implementations is the tradeguild system. Here players can join tradeguilds in which they can repair weapons or armor, and even create them when they reach the proper skill required in repair. While there are only two guilds currently available and many more planned, I believe this sytem could be a lot of fun. Another fun part is the entitlement system. Here players can earn ranks from citizen (lowest) to Duke/Duchess (highest). While not much is really offered through this position yet other than the RP value, those who hold the rank of citizen or higher can vote in the Mayoral elctions. This is a time in which the players can elect a new player to be the Mayor for two months real time. This is a really cool RP value, and with the addition of the Sheriff and Deputy Mayor position, even more RP can come from it, such as fines to players or even the clans, and other systems come... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 13, 2003
I have been mudding for about 7 years, This mud has a few of the things i like, A greeting system along with real sleep times and hunger and thirst. Most places do not take the time to put things like this into play to make them seem more real. The people there, seem to go out of their way to help a new person get started. Which everyone who has ever mudded knows how hard it is to get started in a new place. I would say this is one of the 'better' muds out there.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 1, 2003
I have played many other muds and I cant find a mud like this one. One thing it has an automap and there is a crew of immortals that is always happy to lend a helping hand and the players makes up the mud I think and the players i play with are always helpful and if you want you can join a temple and you can fight good/evil depends on your temple. I really love this game and this would be the only game I will play the rest of my life. It is really that good.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 26, 2003
I'm playing on Adventures Unlimited for a bit more than a year now (my main character has around 1100 hours playtime right now), and although I'm not too experienced concerning muds, I have tried quite a few before this one. One of the first things I spotted was the in-room automapper. Since I am a person that loses track of where he is very quickly, this automapper really helps me a lot and thus greatly increases the fun when playing. Another thing I found out soon is the very helpful playerbase and immortal staff. There is no 'clique' of newbie helpers around - instead everyone is helping you, no matter how stupid your questions may seem. You'll always get your answers quickly, and the responses are very friendly. The mud itself is not RP enforced, but RP is very much encouraged. There is a temple system, offering 17 different religions you can choose of. When you're an active member of a temple, you get a symbol you can wear. In the course of the game you can add powerful upgrades to that symbol. As a prerequisite for those upgrades you need to prove a certain amount of devotion to your god/goddess which can be achieved by many ways, for example questing, fulfilling tasks for your deity, or even for nice RP. The questing system is a nice feature too. There are 9 questmasters spread through the whole continent, and depending on your level and your alignment you might be able to request quests from them. In this case, you'll get a random quest that can include finding a certain item, returning it, or killing a certain mob. Although some of the quests can be very different, they don't get frustrating, because the targets get generally picked in your level range. As reward for completed quests you get gold, quest points, sometimes devotion, and you can even get practices. There are even special items available you can purchase in exchange for the quest points you have earnt, like an everfull drinking container. Connected to the temple system is a PK clan system. Usually clans are groups of people of the same temple who try to change the world in a way that pleases their deity. My main character for example is a member of a clan called 'Tzatru', which is a kind of elite sect within the temple of Ytrewtsu (an evil aligned god, who strives for the destruction of the world). As a bonus feature, clans do get special skills/spells, nobody else can get. But just being in the PK system doesn't mean that you have to fear to get killed all the time now. A justification system, led by a jury of immortals is there to decide whether your assault on someone was reasonable or if it was sheer 'bloodlust'. To help the immortals judge that, every character who is in PK has to submit a complete list of motivations and other RP related information to staff.... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 24, 2003
Adventures Unlimited is a very well conceived standard science fantasy world. Most of the MUD and it's players hinge on the Temple System and the relation of the character to the service of the god of the temple they join. Joining a temple provides quite a bonus to a character by them being assigned a "Temple symbol". Players can make donations to their temple and have their rank and standing in their temple improved. Once they reach a certain temple rank they are able to make upgrades to their symbol which add more hit roll, dam roll, hp, mana, or movement should the player so desire. Players are monitored and corrected in their following of a god should the player go grossly against it's doctrines, and might find themselves outcasted from the temple. Adventures Unlimited offers an automated quest system which allows player to purchase special 'quest items' which are quite useful. Things like Beacon Rods which allows you to set a temporary recall point close to anywhere on the MUD, as well as Dimensional Pockets which can hold quite a few items. The quest system is directly tied to the temple system in that if one's alignment is out of sync with their temple, they get lower qp whereas if it is they get a higher bonus. Players earn qp, gold from each quest they complete; and have a random chance to earn practices and devotion points (which are used to improve temple status). AU offers limited Player Killing which is entirely optional. A player may pkjoin from level 15-65 but may not opt out of it easily if they do choose to join. Normally to get out they must get elected Mayor and play an appropriate amount of time which I will go into in a moment. Players under level 15 do not PK, and even being level 15 and in PK you will never find a level 100 character running around trying to mercilessly slaughter you. Each PK instance on the MUD is regulated by a team of Staff members to ensure that each PK has a good RP reason. The Clan system is directly tied to the temples as well. Each PK Clan must have a Temple theme to it and be totally tied to that temple and it's beliefs. Players on Adventures Unlimited can purchase items known as 'Writs of Entitlement', which when coupled with gold allow a player to gain social status in the realm. There are nine levels to the social structure, but on a whole it does not have a whole of in game impact. People that are entitled may run for Mayor of the main city and vote for the Mayor. On the first, fifth, and ninth level of the entitlement the character's vote counts for more in the elections that come once every two months. Upon reaching Lord (which is the fifth), a player receives a totally customizable house which can be placed on just about any road... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 23, 2003
Summary Adventures Unlimited has been in existence for over 4 years. The codebase is ROM2.4b6 (modified) and the world is over 9000 rooms. Most of the time there are between 15-25 players online with peaks a little higher during prime time and dips a bit lower during the middle of the night. Coded Systems Crafting The crafting portion of this mud is in the form of tradeguilds. Although the initial tradeguilds look promising (weaponsmiths and armorsmiths) overall they lack supporting code to make the crafting and repair of armor and weapons a fully integrated part of game play. When this system is done, I expect it will be quite good and introduce some very interesting aspects to AU. Grade: C Temples The temple system drives the major avenues of roleplay on AU. The clans, player killing, questing and alignment are all affected by this system. 20 deities (or something like that) are offered with various belief systems and guidelines for play. Advancement within the temple allows for various benefits such as access to better healing rooms and upgradeable symbols (the costs for upgrading a symbol go down as the character advances in rank). The temple system is well done and creates a consistent basis for player to follow for their roleplay. It could be expanded by increasing the power for the higher ranks in the temple. One nice feature is the ability of the highest ranked temple members to build a shrine to their deity in a remote location in the world. The temple system does not seem to be adequately explained to new players. But due to the fact that most characters join a temple and that a ton of help files are available regarding this subject, the lack of an initial explaination does not seem to affect gameplay. Grade: A- Player Killing The player killing system is mostly based on flags for Aggressors, Victims and Invaders and seems to work well for the level limited pk that AU promotes. As a way of enforcing roleplay for player killing, a motivation system is used that is unique to AU. Basically prior to joining the pk system, each character must have an immortal approved motivation listing in place. This listing must include reasons for attacking another character resulting from the character's personality traits, background and history with the individuals. Although the motivation system has only been in place for several months, the out of character whining and complaints about fairness for PvP combat have ceased. Character looting has also been made more realistic for PvP combat. Looting is based upon weight of the item looted and seems to improve the chances of the dead player to recover most of their belongings (stripping a dead body naked should take time). Overall the system seems to work for AU and promotes roleplay rather than rampant slaughter. Grade: B+ Clans All clans on AU are based on temples and membership in a clan is limited by personal roleplay, temple membership requirements... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 28, 2003
I have been playing Adventures Unlimited for a couple months now, accumulating over 1000 hours total. During this time, I've really enjoyed myself having only a few conflicts. My character on AU is known as Khadgar Goldenfeather. He is rather a greedy individual in Kiradus' temple. The followers of Kiradus seek to gather the wealth of Tharel for personal gain and ambition. This gathering of wealth includes thievery, advancement of rank among the royalty of the land, deceit of the innocent, racqueteering, confidence games, and robbery. Any means necessary to acquire the wealth of the land may be used to reduce his enemies to pauperhood. Menial work is not encouraged. If you are interested in that kind of roleplay, I would love to see you come and join Kiradus' temple. My character will be as helpful as he can be. All you need to do is ask. The following is my review of Adventures Unlimited: Good Things: - The Player Killing System is setup really nice in a way that each PK must be justified using motivations that are submitted before you join the PK system. This prevents spam-killing weak players. Also, the PK system is optional. - There are many races and classes in Adventures Unlimited creating a diverse world. Races include Humans, Dwarves, Duergars, Sylvan Elves, Gnomes, Goblins, Giants, Halflings, Orcs, Pixies, Quicklings, Drows, Titans, Frost Giants, Heishan Elves, and River Trolls. Classes include Mages, Clerics, Thieves, Antipaladins, Paladins, Charlatans, Myrmidons, Monks, and a soon to be Necromancer class. - There is a REALLY nice automapper that got my attention right away. Of the few muds that have one, this one is the best in my opinion. - Adventures Unlimited has a really hard working staff that I have really come to respect. Changes are constantly being added including the recent TradeGuilds and damage code for armor and weapons. - Ytrewtsu's largest coding project was probably the TradeGuilds. As of right now there is a weaponsmaster and armorsmiths guild. These guilds come in handy to repair armor when it gets broken. In the future, Ytrewtsu plans to add a Jewelers Guild, a Skinner/Tailors Guild, an Artisan Guild, a Miners/Masons Guild, and a Herbalist Guild. - There is a questing system that allows players to get stronger by questing rather than straight leveling. In the lower levels, questing is what seperates the strong from the weak. In the end if you hero, it really doesnt matter or not, but if you plan to stay a low level, then I'd recommend questing. - There are many clans setup for PK-joined players. Each month the clans duke it out in a competition called the Days of Redemption. Each clan tries to get as many idols as they can back to their clanhall. There are many bonus idols as well that give the clan various things including gold and upgrades. Points are calculated at the end of DOR and the clan with the most points get control of the The... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 27, 2003
I've been playing Adventures Unlimited (AU) for some time now. I have written a couple of reviews but my most recent one disappeared in the recent snafu at TMS. So, I'll attempt to write another one and do my best to not make this "just another advertorial". The one thing that struck me about AU after I'd logged on to a few other diku MUDs is the colour co-ordination. Now, this is obviously a fairly personal issue but it is one of the few places that hasn't left me feeling nauseous after a few minutes. The creators tend to primarily use the darker ANSI colours rather than the bright ones which does make it rather nice. About the only complaint I can come up with is that on my less than average monitor, colours like the dark blue and dark red nearly disappear. Of course, if your monitor actually works properly then I doubt this will really be an issue. Speaking of design and so forth, a fairly large amount of effort is expended by the staff at AU to improve the asthetics of the game. The score sheet has a superb layout (as do most informational screens) and makes a welcome change from the "data dump" that some MUDs pass off as score sheets and so forth. The next thing you'll likely notice on creating a character is the warm welcome. It's rather uncommon not to receive a handful of greetings and offers of aid. Perhaps the negative here is that sometimes the players can get a little zealous in greeting new characters and you can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Still... I think it's probably better to have a little too much than none at all. Taking a couple of steps back, the actual process of creating a character is quite good. There are plenty of classes, races and skills to choose from, however this does also lead into a bit of a negative. Character customisation, while an option, is becoming an increasingly important choice to make. A lot of the players are fiercely loyal to AU and have made many, many characters over the 4+ years the MUD has been running. The tweaking and fine tuning of character creation has become quite an art form. As a result, many of the areas created specifically for AU tend to reflect the fact that many characters are, to put it simply, rather buff. For the experience player at AU, this is great. As a player who has poured far too many hours into building my character, I enjoy the areas that are challenging. However, a new player to AU may find it frustrating to find themselves often underpowered. I sometimes think AU may lose a new player or two when they find discover that their character isn't up to par with other players. This is not to say that you couldn't take a completely stock, uncustomised character and not succeed. It's just that you'll find it fairly hard NOT... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 6, 2003
Like so many other players, I've poked around the long list of MUDs out there, looking for one that seems to have the difference makers. In Adventures Unlimited, I found what I was looking for. On the surface, it offers all of the standard features seen in any of today's muds, so for this review its important to point out the things that set AU apart from other muds. I can't emphasize enough how friendly, hard-working, and genuinely interested the immortal staff at AU is. Their work makes AU an ever changing environment with new things added almost daily. In addition to the standard fare of new areas being added, and ideas being implemented, major projects include the addition of tradeguilds which allow players to take on trades from smithing to mining, woodworking, herbalist and others. A custom necromancer class is in the works, and a custom monk class is already in place, using their own skill system, which makes them completely unique. The player-base is growing and very friendly and helpful, which makes AU a great place for the new MUDer to get a start. New players are greeted warmly and help is readily available from the patient and friendly player-base. Roleplay is encouraged mud-wide, but required for the temple and clan systems, as well as for player-killing. Player killing is optional and restricted and recent changes in PK guidelines have been aimed at getting more people involved, requiring justification and valid roleplay-based motivations. All with the intent of keeping it fun, while making it fair for everyone involved. As a player that has never been big into player-killing, the system used by AU I've found to be well thought out with all of the right priorities in mind. The quest and clan-system is interesting, with level-based questing available to those interested. The optional clan system (requires pk joining) offers additional roleplay opportunity and a monthly, 24 hour long quest, where clans compete for control of the bank. All in all, AU is a well-rounded, interesting MUD and in my mind, has separated itself from the mass. I'd be suprised if a player checked it out for any length of time and decided not to stick around as it has a lot to offer, and even more for the future as it continues to evolve.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 31, 2002
From my experience, this is a wonderful mud with a lot to offer a person with some time. However, I was utterly disappointed that I was unable to save a character at level one. Apparently, even though the help files and newbie helps are profuse and wonderful, the admin of this mud expect a person to spend some unlimited amount of time in their first session on this mud. Fully customizable characterization and a broad range of races and classes were very exciting, and the role-play aspect would have been a lovely challenge. However, for a mud touting itself as "family-friendly," they sure didn't take my two- year-old into account when they timed my 30 mins of character building out and deleted me. If you have a few hours to burn in your initial session, I highly recommend this friendly and intriguing mud. Daene
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 4, 2002
Hello there, I currently play at a MUD called 'Adventures Unlimited', and I've played there for over two years. It just happened the be the first MUD I found on a search engine, and I clicked the link... and found myself addicted. Though I have tried many other MUDs since I found out what they are, very very few have met the standards I set based off of Adventures Unlimited, or AU. The main reason is the immortals. I haven't visited another MUD where the immortals are as friendly and as interactive as they are on AU. They aren't only the basis of a hard-coded religious system (which has caused RP to skyrocket), but they are also people that really love the game. They enjoy greeting you if you're new, and they'll happily answer any of the questions that veteran players can't. I find them to be extremely fair, though I don't always agree with them myself. If there are any instances of immortals abusing power in the time I've played there, not one comes to mind. The imms at AU are the best I've seen of any of the MUDs I've visited. The second thing that has kept me there so long must be the sheer volume of rp that goes on. As I said, there's a religious system which players can join that benefits the charecter. These temples are institutions where people of the same beliefs worship the god that seems closest to them. There are many temples scattered in the main city. And from the temples spring the Clans, which are the PK system. PK at AU is very rp-oriented, and based on which god you follow you can join a clan that shares similar RP beliefs. This has evolved PK into something entirely new, and very closely akin to politics. Speaking of Politics, the people who are Entitled in the realm can vote in a Mayor. The Mayor has the power to levy taxes on the citizenry and can also lock down the city and send out the protectors. It's a very big RP position, and I always love reading the speeches when election time rolls around. There are many, many totally original areas to explore. Currently the builders are trying to create racial homelands for each of the races that don't have one, and they are working on replacing the stock areas. Soon we hope to have AU as a totally original world to explore. There's a minimap, a quest system, and much more. There isn't a think that I've wanted that AU does not have. The Coder is a very dedicated man, and he's currently working on craft skills so that there is even more involvement by players with their equiptment. Au is a wonderful MUD, and if you get bored with everything it has to offer (god forbid) then.. go fishing. No sarcasm intended. Buy yourself a rod and go fishing. AU has that too. -Nivan
MUD Magic Review (Archived) by on Jul 18, 2002
Adventures Unlimited was my very first Rom style mud. When I first started, it was still mostly stock coding, but now 3+ years later, AU has evolved into a very unique mud with many neat features. While some of the features can be downloaded from the net as snippets, the original features such as a temple system is one of my favorites. It allows your character to join into a temple of one of the several dieties, and you can roleplay to their nature. You can tithe gold to attain a higher rank in the temple which you get better rewards, and upon reaching the highest rank, you are bestowed a shrine which is devoted to your god. Aside from the coded features, Adventures Unlimited has over 8,000 rooms for players to explore, along with several thousand mobs and objects to discover. The staff and players are by far the greatest asset which Adventures Unlimited has to offer. The mud is very friendly towards new and experienced mudders alike, and will always go out of their way to make you feel right at home. If you're looking for a different type of mud to try, be sure to check out Adventures Unlimited.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 2, 2002
I have been a player with Adventures Unlimited since I found it by chance some two years ago. Since then its the only MUD I have come across that I find completely user friendly and a pleasure to play. Tools such as an auto-mapper and a large number of helpful Immortals and mortals, as well as extencive help files aid anyone when enjoying AU. I have progressed from my first ever MUD char (that to look back on makes me chuckle) to a builder for AU. Let me say to hold my attention for such a length of time is no mean feat. Anyone who is interested in long term RP and hunting, exploring the 8000+ (and growing) room world, and meeting a great group of mortals and Imms should come and check us out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 3, 2002
A bit about me so you know where I'm coming from. I have mudded at AU for maybe 1 year or nearly 2. Previous to that I used to play on a mud called Hidden Worlds, this was all through Uni. with free unlimited internet access. After Uni. it was some time before I got back on the .net with unmetered access. By this time Hidden Worlds had changed quite a bit, and no longer held its appeal. So the hunt was on for a new mud. Hidden Worlds was Diku derv. so I started by looking at those. I think AU might have been the 2nd or 3rd one I tried, but its all a blur now :) What first attracted me to AU was the ROM based customized character creation. I love this, theres a bit too much powergamer in me not too. Tinkering with what skills you will be able to use is just too much fun. What kept me at AU. Firstly it was the good atmosphere. Which comes from having (IMHO) excellent Immortal Staff, and a great set of players. Secondly its all the options available when playing. Level, quest, RP, PK, work towards entitlement, become a high ranking member of a temple, or join one of the clans. There is plenty to do that doesn't involve just leveling like a mad thing. Thirdly its the Roleplay. I'm not a big RP'er, and I don't often join in, but there is always something going on. If the mood takes you, just join in! & if your not involved, whats going on will often have you laughing! Fourth its the implementation. There are lots of little things that you may not really notice while playing, and will start to take for granted after a while here. Like the Automapper, get used to that, and you'll be spoiled for other muds for life :) Anyway, if you are looking for a new mud, come spend some time with us and see what YOU think!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2002
I've written about Adventures Unlimited before and I thought it time for me to do so again. Last time I spoke mostly of the features found in AU, however I didn't really touch on probably the greatest asset that AU has.. the players! We're a friendly place, new players can expect a warm welcome and there is always someone willing to lend a hand to anyone that gets stuck. AU is the first MUD I'd ever tried to play, I had little idea as to what I was doing except that it was going to be something similar to playing Zork. I got stuck almost straight away, I couldn't work out the correct syntax to hand over my token to the trainer mob in order to get some newbie gear. My plea for help on the newbie channel was quickly answered by an immortal who appeared in person to guide me thru the process of how to correctly give an item to someone (I'd been typing give instead of give ). I've found that people are always willing to engage in some form of roleplay with you. It doesn't have to be terribly serious either, when I'm bored my favourite pastime is to switch to a certain fat, lazy (and rather obnoxious) orc just to see if I can stir up a bit of trouble. What I really like is that most of the people playing AU are rather passionate about the place, many of us spend an unhealthy amount of time there either roleplaying or questing. I think the dedication we have for AU shows best in our ratings. We don't have a player base of thousands of people, yet I think we've always managed to turn up somewhere in the top 20. Come along and try us out, I promise that you're not going to be disappointed. port:5000
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 17, 2001
After watching a friend's interest in this MUD for a while, I decided it was time I looked for myself, to see what the attraction was. I had been quite hesitant about doing so for some time – I had tried playing at other MUDs on occasion, and had found each confusing... I had no idea what I should do, and could find none who were willing to give me any suggestions. After I finally logged in to Adventures Unlimited, I found that things were entirely different from any other experiences. As soon as I found myself in a room, there was a chorus of hellos, and offers of assistance if I needed it. As I wondered if there was any way to reply, someone, or something, appeared before me, welcomed me, and asked if I needed any help. Still entirely confused, I said no, and soon regretted doing so as I ambled around, at a loss for where anything might be. As I wandered the streets aimlessly, an elf spied me, introduced himself, and asked if I needed any help. And as I learnt more about this MUD, I continued to find these offers, whenever I needed them. Learning what I needed to know became so much less of a struggle, and it was with great eagerness that I returned, again and again. Not long after, I began to discover how much more there was to the MUD than just the friendly and helpful atmosphere. Although role playing isn’t required, and there is so much to get out of AU even if role playing isn’t your thing, the storyline and the character interaction seen everywhere really turned the game into a world my characters could live in. A number of temples, each devoted to a certain Immortal, help players find their place in the world, and make many of the other features of the MUD more RP-oriented than they otherwise could have been. Clans for those who choose to join PK (player killing) are formed within temples, and the quest system offers quests depending on the alignment and aims of the character’s temple, and gives rewards that can help define a character in different ways. The vast number of other features could keep me talking for hours, before I could explain everything I really love about this MUD. And even if I tried, changes both to the map and to the rest of the code are continually being added to make Adventures Unlimited into an even more unique and interesting game. I highly recommend this MUD to anyone looking for a fun and friendly environment to play in.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 10, 2001
Well, I've been playing on AU for probably 2-3 years now, so I guess it's time to write one of these reviews. Before I came to AU, I had never mudded before. The closest I'd done was play the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text based game. A friend got me to go to AU, and I haven't been able to quit playing there (no matter how hard I may try) ;). I tried a few muds since, but none were nearly as fun, and as playable as AU is. I could spout out a whole big list of things that make AU great, but the biggest thing is the helpful players... they can add all the great code and areas they like, but it could never make up for the player base. That's what makes AU great. *steps down from his soap box and leaves it for the next person to babble* -Kadagan
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 5, 2001
if your reading this you must be thinking about starting MUDing, or changing to a diffrent MUD. This MUD is one of my all time favorites. It has an ANSi map (So you know where your going) as well as a newbie training area and newbie friendly player characters (As well as some friendly Non-Player Characters). Another great feature is the temple syestem (Givinig you some awsome RP oppertunities) and encouraged RP. Alos specialized Equipment and restring and reforge certificates give you addition abilities at RP and Character customization. Pets are also a great feature (NPC's that follow you around and help you) You can name your pets now to. race title, lanuges, title, ranks, levels, tons of skill and abilities as well as creative rooms and mibiles. With an average of about 15 players at a time over crowding is avoided. And give a shout otu to an awsome and friendly builder and immortak staff. And you can own your own house/Manson (with enough money). Quests with specified quest masters and levels are also a greate addition. If your loking for a good time and a great RP experience, Adventures Unlimited is the MUD for you. Peace out, word to your mother :p Groile/Florian
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 2, 2001
I have been playing on AU for 2 to 3 years. I thoroughly enjoy the people there and the environment. We have a wonderful staff of hard working immortals. Adventures Unlimited is very newbie friendly and has many areas to explore. We have a unique worshiping system and new clans. Come see all the fun.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 12, 2001
Adventures Unlimited is a quickly growing MUD with an extremely friendly Player Base and a number of helpful and player-friendly Immortals. A wide range of new areas have been built into AU and are very intrigueing and oftenly fun, With over 8,000 rooms AU is growing rapidly, player-wise and world-wise, many of the Heroes on AU are willing to help any newbie or low level character that they encounter, not to mention the lower level characters are willing to lend a helping hand to anyone also in need of help. With deeply thought out classes and races, classes with special skills (Layhands, Holy Touch, Imbuing, etc.) AU is never lacking in fun. In depth help files assist anyone new to MUDs and anyone new just to AU. A large amount of characters on AU have been here for quite some time, and still enjoy the MUD. With well thought Temple System, the gods are always attracting new followers, with benefits for joining the temples, a non-mandatory Player Kill System which demands Justification. Adventures Unlimited doesn't enforce Roleplaying, but encourages it, which is useful for people new to MUDs in general.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 4, 2001
When I first awoke in the Land of Tharel, I was welcomed by several of the mortal inhabitants over the 'Newbie' channel. Being a bit shy and not really knowing if I would stay, I responded with a quiet 'newbie thank you.' Then, as I always do when exploring a new mud, I started reading the signs and plaques and the help files that were suggested during creation. Before I could get very far into this exploration, I suddenly saw, between the options [ Press (c)ontinue (or RETURN), (r)efresh, (b)ack, or (q)uit ] that another being had made an entrance, seemingly from nowhere. I was stagestruck. A quick check of the 'who' list revealed that this was an Immortal, come to earth to speak to me! Nervously I curtsied before him. He smiled at me and bowed in return. He asked if I had been here before, and when I said, 'no, but I have visited similar places', he asked if I had any questions he could answer for me. I told him I was too new to even know what sort of questions to ask but thanked him for his kindness. He wished me pleasant travels and turned to vanish as quickly as he came. It's been eight months, our time, eight years in the world of Tharel since that amazing beginning. I continue to return there almost nightly to speak and play with old friends and new, to explore the land which changes often as old, stock places are taken out and new, original ones installed, to read the 'in character' and 'out of character' notes and the ideas on the boards, to try out some new ability I have earned or to play with new possibilities added by the coders, but especially to have fun. My experience isn't unusual, I've learned. The mortals and immortals of Tharel are generally pleasant and helpful ooc. IC, of course, there are some really nasty characters in both ranks, but that's part of the fun. While your character is under level 11, you don't lose anything but experience when you die so that is an excellent time to roam the mud without much care for what kind of danger you may be wandering into. Past level 11, there are usually folks who will help retrieve a corpse. Even if help is not available, the automated questmasters sell, among other things, a 'corpse retrieval certificate' that can reunite you quickly with your possessions so the fun doesn't have to stop. My eldest character is not even halfway to hero (level 100) after all the time I have spent in this land but that has much more to do with my priorities than with the possibility of reaching high levels. I know several characters that were created after Felicia and have reached much higher levels. If power is important to you, rest assured that high levels are achievable. I have chosen, instead, to major in personal contacts and to earn and... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2001
I just managed to get myself killed on this mud. I must have spent about 300 hours on that character. Know what? It was great. I still love this place for all the same reasons I did when I started. I would reccomend Adventures Unlimited to everyone. It's all round a great place to be. Pop in and say hi, I'll show you around.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 21, 2001
I have been working on AU for nearly three years now and over time I am extremely pleased with the changes that we have been able to make. Some of the features of the mud include: An automapper that updates as you move room to room, showing the mobiles and room sector types of the adjoining rooms. A unique temple system that is based upon tithing and advancing rank in the temple. The system includes upgradeable symbols, excommunication and allows the gods to give bonuses based on roleplay in the form of devotion points. A clan system that is representative of the elite of the religious orders. Basically the clan of each religion is made up of the fanatics who will do anything for their gods. Each hall is also invadable by other clans and has hard coded guards (upgradeable) to protect it. Once a month there is a clan competition where all the clans must retrieve the idols of their gods ....the winner recieves control of the bank for a month (which allows them to tax deposits). Player killing has to be justified. Players that are in clans or pkjoined must come up with viable reasons for attacking someone and those reasons must agree with the roleplay of their god. Roleplay encouraging code such as the use of emotes and socials on channels and a recent addition to that list, emsay which is an emote say that will allow the two to be combined for more interesting roleplay. We also have languages and a very good introduction system. A unique monk class that has stances, fight moves, fighting techniques, mantras and combinations. A large mostly original world that is over 8000 rooms. Our areas are well written and interactive. Well developed mobile AI with mobs that get angry at being attacked and hunt down the attacker, will notice people "spelling" up in front of them and consider them (if the odds are in their favor they attack), spell lists for magic mobiles that cast their own sets of spells. Player housing in the form of normal player houses available in the main city of Naerlan and manor houses for those of sufficient social stature. The manor houses come with upgradeable rooms and guards and are located throughout the realm of Tharel. I think as a mud we are growing at a good steady rate and now we see around 30 people on during peak hours (hopefully this will go up). We still need further development in the way of areas (although we are over halfway there we would like to be 90% original). We could still use more work in the arena of spells and skills (when we started, most of our classes crossed over into the other classes entirely too much, we have done a ton of work to rectify this but it is still a work in process). The roleplay of the community has improved drastically over the last six months or so. Over as... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 20, 2001
I've been playing at Adventures Unlimited for the better part of a year now and I must say, I am more than impressed with the MUD. The RP-Encouraged environment provides several unique and intriguing aspects to help create an enjoyable RP setting. Primarily, the vast majority of the world of Adventures Unlimited (called Tharel), is completely original and unique to the MUD. Nearly all the stock areas have been removed and replaced with areas created by builders who work loyally for the MUD. From Equinilis to Urbyrtnol, Arthmore to Manthalaras, Tharel hosts a great number of areas that can't be found anywhere else. The RP environment is also quite strong within Adventures Unlimited. Through questing, a character can acheive rank and title within the royalty and nobility of the world. Such entitled characters gain the ability to custom-design their own manor houses, complete with guards and servants. The temples to the various deities also provide a means of advancement, as characters with high ranks in a temple receive great respect and reverence, especially from other temple members. I currently play two different characters within Adventures Unlimited. The first has risen in the ranks of the nobility to become a Lord of the land. Because of his title, I was able to select a location within Tharel to build his manor home. I was also able to write the descriptions of the rooms and the guards within the home, as well as decide on the layout. In short, I got to custom-design my own personal spot on the MUD. My second character is currently ascending the ranks of the temple he is a member of. Because of his high status, he has been presented with gifts and homage by lower members within the temple. While the RP atmosphere provides excellent fun, the out-of-character atmosphere is just as friendly. The player base is very helpful and the Immortal staff is incredibly friendly and willing to aid new players as they enter Tharel for the first time. Role-playing, unique themes, and a friendly staff and player base combine to make Adventures Unlimited one of the best MUDs in existence. I eagerly invite and welcome everyone to take Adventures Unlimited for a test drive and see what awaits them in the world of Tharel.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 12, 2001
I've been MUD'ing now for almost 2 years and the only MUD that keeps drawing me back is Adventures Unlimited. The staff and players are friendly and will usually do their best to help a new player with any questions they might have. Tensions only ever run high IC, never OOC (we have strict guidelines about remaining friendly OOC). I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a nicer place to play. What makes this MUD really great is not only the staff and players but the excellent features, and that is primarily what I'm going to talk about. It is a progressive MUD and there is always something new in development. Some of the recent updates have been most interesting -- the 2 most noticeable changes have been the introduction of a Temple system based around the gods and the re-introduction of Clans as a subset of the Temples. There are plenty of nifty features, the automapper is certainly one of them. It may look odd at first but when you know how to use it, you'll wonder how you ever played a MUD without it. The questing system is also unique (to the best of my knowledge) with a number of questmasters, each catering to a different set of alignments and levels. The quests themselves are reasonably varied in what you must do in order to complete them. As part of the Temple system you can gain devotion points by tithing to your temple, in return you are rewarded with higher religious ranks (which vary according to the alignment of your god). These ranks not only confer RP opportunities, they also provide you with increased hit points and other valuable stat increases. There is an entitlement system in place also, allowing a player to be recognised as a Citizen of the Realm (and therefore allowed to vote or run for Mayor of the main city). The entitlements stretch from Citizen all the way to Duke/Duchess. These entitlements also allow a player to own land and a house once you've reached the required rank. The PK system is interesting, players are required to post a note explaining their actions (as part of their in-character roleplay). This certainly encourages players to roleplay and think about why they would want to attack a particular person (the temple system provides a great source of RP conflict). I strongly recommend that anyone who is looking for a good place to MUD should take a look at Adventures Unlimited -- I doubt that you'll regret it. -Abraxus Adventures Unlimited -- or
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 4, 2001
Hello fellow Mudders. I would like to share with everyone some of the wonderful features my character Duchess Quililia enjoys at Adventures Unlimited. I have taken full advantage of the Entitlement system and my character has moved up in social rank from Citizen to Duchess. She enjoys a piece of property in the north eastern part of Tharel (15 rooms that I personalized around her roleplay, 6 guards to prevent intruders, a nice heal rate, and two saving pits are some of the other features of her manor home). This feature has really shaped parts of the Roleplay Community and is available for every player to enjoy. Along with the social status there is a Hotel in town that she can frequent and play some gambling type games such as a dice game (RawKill) and a wheel game (Wheel of Fate). She has been Mayor of Naerlan and had access to Tax players and "the keys to the city" which is the ability to lock down the city and call out extra guard forces if violence were to break out inside the city walls. She is in the process of seeking out a temple to join so that she may enjoy some of the benifits of the holy symbols. There are 10 different temples to choose from each with its on deity and ethos. PK is an option that she will be considering also. New clans are in formation for several of the religious temples which should make for more interesting roleplay and conflict among the players. AU offers many opportunities for players to enhance their roleplay and character abilities which provides for a rich community history.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 28, 2001
I started mudding about three years ago at a very worthless MUD. I spent about a year at this mud thinking well there can't be much better. A friend of mine who was an Immortal at Adventures Unlimited suggested I come and give it a try. So I did, and I've been here for two years since. AU has an excellent playerbase of very newbie friendly people, excellent roleplayers, and an all around fun crowd. The immortals are quite friendly, and are fairly quick about response to questions and askings for help. When I came here, I knew basically nothing of mudding, but two immortals gave me close to three hours of their time to teach me how to mud. Adventures Unlimited offers an excellent temple system that has offered an even better base for roleplay for a character. Inter-temple roleplay is good as well as the clans. The clan system is currently based off of temples, and is still relatively young, but growing. New areas are added regularly to Adventures Unlimited, coming very close to breaching 8000 rooms. AU offers an extraordinary questing system, where unique items are available as well as being able to buy more trains and practices when needed. You can level up to 100th, but still gain "hero levels" afterward to continue to improve upon your character. Through questing, one can be come Entitled, a Lord, Duke, Baron, what have you, and receive their own manor house to be designed by oneself. To continue to list the excellent features of this mud, I would have to write quite a few more lines. So why not come see it for yourself? A mud that draws others away from places they've been at for years. :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 23, 2001
I"ve been mudding for over 9 years now and recently left my old mud(thunderdome) for AU. Before coming to AU I was playing at a couple other muds but none of them was very satisfying. The Imms here at AU are very helpful and the mud is extremely interesting. The skills/classes are a good balance and the areas are all unique. The automapper is a great feature that makes mudding so much easier. This mud allows the experienced mudder to have a real challenge if he or she so desires. Come take a look I'm positive you won't be dissapointed.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 19, 2001
before coming to AU about 7 months ago, i hadnt played a mud for about 7 years. i knew about nil in regards to commands, play and the other things that make mud life go around. i lucked into this mud as it was the first one my search engine brought up when i searched for muds. i have found the immortal staff to be extremely helpful and informative. the players are all friendly and go out of their way to help newbies. the automapper system is a great help for navigation as well as for pk. the roleplay is great, but not necessary, and is never forced. the spell/skill/level system is great, allowing for pretty consistant class equality. i love the areas. they are both well made and challenging. mostly original and soon i hope they are all original. all in all, there is very little i would change if anything, and the atmosphere is wonderfull. come see for yourself..................
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 11, 2001
Adventures Unlimited offers players many options to personalize their characters. The temple system, unique to AU, gives the players a choice of 10 different religions to stylize their role-play. Within the temple system there are ranks based on tithing and bestow (immortal implemented role-play bonus system). Currently many of the temples are forming new clans based on this religious system and a lot of creative role-play has arisen from the devoted player base. AU also offers a citizenry entitlement system which awards them with property (a manor home of up to 15 rooms) in which they can personalize however they choose. Manor homes come with guards and heal rate that may be upgraded and built upon for the comfort and safety of their character. Along with citizenry, the players are offered the opportunity to run for and elect a Mayor which is granted privileges such as levying taxes and locking down the city of Nearlan. Player housing may also be purchased and personalized to suit the role-play of its owner. Automated questing, temple questing, and immortal run questing offers players many opportunities to enhance their characters and individual role-play. My personal favorite feature on the mud is the auto mapper used in conjunction infravision. This auto mapper shows a 5X5 area map that includes symbols for terrain and also number of mobiles in connecting spaces. It is a very useful tool in exploring the land of Tharel, which by the way is not your cookie cutter stock ROM lay-out. We currently have 90 areas for player exploration, 52 of which were built or heavily modified by our staff. We have over 7500 rooms to explore, over 2500 different mobiles to encounter, and over 4000 objects to check out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2001
I've tried many muds out there, and I've found very few that I actually stay at to go on for a long time. Adventures Unlimited is at the top of my list of those few muds. Why? Well, there are many features within the mud that allow for newbies to easily go through without many problems. The automapper system of this mud is probably one of the main reasons that it is at the top of my list because it is more helpful than just room descriptions. When I was a complete newbie at mudding, the people on AU were very friendly and helpful, and they still are. In fact, there have been many people commenting on the friendliness of our mud to newbies, despite someone telling me that the mud was only for experienced mudders. This mud also has the greeting system, which adds to roleplay very well. People don't really know eachothers' names until they are greeted, and you generally have to introduce yourself if you want other people to know your character's name. Speaking of Roleplay, here it is encouraged, and not required. Funny how encouragement nets more roleplayers than requirement, as I've been on a roleplay required mud before and it was no fun because the people there didn't know how to roleplay or perhaps did not wish to. The PK system and the newly added temple system encourage more roleplay than I would have expected here. As for clans, we went through a recent clanwipe due to the fact that the clans before were not roleplaying correctly. But we are slowly building up new clans that will roleplay better. Adventures Unlimited is truly the best mud that I have ever been to, and I've been here for 2 years already and many changes have been made to it over time for the better and there are more changes to come.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 1, 2001
I have played this MUD for over a year now, however I often find my self changing class and race to find how each works. This MUD is, for the most part, very fun to play. The first and most important thing to me is an automap which really assists innavagation making it easy and less of a hassle. The players are helpfull (atleast most are, but every bunch of fruit has it's rotten apples) making it realatively newbie friendly. There is a newbie school. RP is a VERY big part of the game where as for some of the choices you make you have to sometimes state your reasons for it, so being creative is an important trait. There is a wide selection of MOBs and areas as well as a variety of skills and abilities, making the game far from dull at anytime. The game has it's chalenges and obsticals making the game very interesting. And as you get stonrger new options opeb up such as getting a House or joining the PK faction (Make sure to read the PK help file) and joining a temple. You can play a variety of ways and your style should be your own. If your looking for friends and fun, this MUD is for you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 22, 2001
I'm an Immortal on Advenutres Unlimited, which might suggest that my review is a little biased. But rather than assume I'm only promoting the game I work for, consider the fact that I would never have agreed to be on the Immortal Staff of a MUD if I didn't think it was the best one out there. Adventures Unlimited has an active Immortal staff of around 9 people, a diverse and lively player base and a large staff of builders creating new areas constantly. Unique features of the mud include a temple system that brings the Immortals and the Mortals together, a political system that allows players to elect a mayor of the main city (special codes have been put in place so that the mayor can levy taxes and lock down the city during violence sprees). The entitlements avaliable allow players to go up to Duchess and get a manor house as large as 15 rooms, all of which they get to design themselves. Unique equipment, fun role playing items, and interactive mobiles are all part of the wonderful atmosphere of this mud. I highly recommend you try Adventures Unlimited out, or at least go to the web site,, and find out more about the mud. If you are anything like most of our player base, once you get immersed in the mud, you'll be spoiled for all other muds.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 9, 2001
Well i have Played AU for about 2 years now, it's a great place, i like my fellow players and Immortals, they have great orignal code and a awesome automapper, witch i love. (i am partial to the webpage, but i'm their webmaster...) the world is wonderful, and mostly orignal. There is a a new Clan/Temple system witch seem to work well, though needs a bit more fleshing out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 5, 2001