Aetolia, the Midnight Age
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2001.
Ranked 32nd of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 14th of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
28 (13 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
87 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
47 (last 30 days) ▼10%

Minimum Connected:
17 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.4.8 -- (c) 2023 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0001-000

                     ' ' ' | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' ' '

                                 A E T O L I A
                        t h e   M i d n i g h t   A g e

                          - Severn, the Manipulator, before the
                   consumption of the unnamed world housing the
                                             Creators' Monomachy
                     ' ' ' | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' ' '

              Aetolia's address is:               Contact us at:
    , port 23   

                            35 players currently online.

                            1. Enter the game.
                            2. Create a new character.
                            3. Quit.

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- Aetolia is a huge and totally original world, with no stock code or stock areas whatsoever. We have thousands of rooms, and hundreds of unique abilities in dozens of complex skillsets. Examples of our player classes include the supernatural Vampires, who use the mystical power of Blood to form their bodies into lethal weapons, alter the minds of mortals, or raise foul undead slaves; or the brave Sentinels, fighting to defend their forestal homes with their ability to shapechange into ferocious creatures, their cunning use of deadly traps, and their rapport with natural animals and plants. - Within Aetolia, you'll find hundreds of imaginative quests and NPCs, as well as developed political and economic systems. We have innumerable unique features, ranging from has...
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English [1] [2]

Custom [1]
Rapture [2]

2001 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Dark fantasy [1]
Dark Fantasy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

- Aetolia is a huge and totally original world, with no stock code or stock areas whatsoever. We have thousands of rooms, and hundreds of unique abilities in dozens of complex skillsets. Examples of our player classes include the supernatural Vampires, who use the mystical power of Blood to form their bodies into lethal weapons, alter the minds of mortals, or raise foul undead slaves; or the brave Sentinels, fighting to defend their forestal homes with their ability to shapechange into ferocious creatures, their cunning use of deadly traps, and their rapport with natural animals and plants. - Within Aetolia, you'll find hundreds of imaginative quests and NPCs, as well as developed political and economic systems. We have innumerable unique features, ranging from what has been called the finest player vs. player combat system in existence, to a realistic weather system, to lucrative trade skills, to endless opportunities for roleplay in the intricate struggles that take place daily within the land. [1]
Aetolia, the Midnight Age is a world created by the makers of Achaea, the world's #1 rated text MUD. After a reality-crushing battle between Sarapis, the Creator of Achaea, and a God from outside Creation, the new world, Aetolia, was created. Warped and twisted, player-vampires roam the land from their base in Bloodloch, attempting to dominate all who oppose them. Aetolia has fully original coding and areas, and a combat system similar to Achaea's, which is to say enormously complicated, deep, and fun. "It's a rush." is the most common comment. There's intense roleplaying, dedicated admins, politics, economics, a massive world, and more. We sit on redundant T3 lines on the latest computer hardware, guaranteeing you an excellent playing experience. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
This is an excellent MUD which does a great job of allowing each player teh ability of being extremely creative will affording greate online gaming. It offers excellent group participation while giving a great single player experience in the form of quests and leveling. I give it 10 out of 10 and recommend everybody give it a chance to grow on you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 26, 2004
As Aetolia moves further away from Achaea in concept, new features, innovations and areas have been implemented, replacing the old. Amongst these new innovations is a truly maginificent addition that will only benefit those who enjoy Roleplay at its finest - the new 'Esteem' system of rewarding Roleplay. To break this down into its basics, this Esteem system allots points that you *earn* for good roleplay (not your character's good or bad behaviour!). Your accumulated points earn you wider priveleges for your character, and you may in turn allocate 'esteem points' to other players who you have found to have consistently added to (or subtracted from) the game's fiction. Although this system is in its infancy, I believe that it will, in intself, draw new players to the Realm -those who play MU*s for social interaction in a fictional world and who enjoy their preference for roleplaying, rather than hack 'n' slash. Good work, admin!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 25, 2003
Well, yes, its a stripped Achaea all right, but its more compact, the Gods are palpably more interactive, the 'Consanguine' are a neat touch, and so on (although seeing the fine City of Hashan reduced to rubble from the off was a shock at first, as was the lack of a 'Shaman' equivalent, as a *personal* preference)...but people who play regularly rarely touch the 150 mark simultaneously. A shame, in all honesty, because its that deep roleplaying, its *that* amazing combat system and a well and competently adminstered MUD. So if you find Achaea too crowded - go on and give yourself more breathing space but staying familiar with what you already know and love. Top marks.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 1, 2003