Age of Chaos
Wheel of Time-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 126th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 9 worlds in the Wheel of Time genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
11 (17 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
12 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
10 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
10 (last 30 days)
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By what name do you wish to be known? 
The Dragon is gone... The Dark One is no more... With the new breaking, the very fabric of the world has been torn asunder; unimaginable horrors now roam the realm where dreams and nightmares are no longer bound to the world of Tel'aran'rhiod. The Wheel of Time no longer spins by the hand of the Creator, while heroes of the past are now of the present. Civilizations sundered by the trial of Ages now flourish once more. No longer are their futures predetermined... no longer is one's destiny bound to another^???. And out of Chaos, new powers emerge... - 13 different classes to choose from. - 12 different races to choose from, including Ancient Races should you challenge the insidious Labyrinth. - Battle out...
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Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[Circlemud] Chaos Code, originally Circle 2.2 [1]
CircleMUD - Heavily modified Circle base. [2]
Diku [4]

1997 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Wheel of Time Book Series, Plus Original [1]
A world based loosely on Jordan's WoT series. [2]
Wheel of Time [4]

Wheel of Time [2]
The Wheel of Time, Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

The Dragon is gone... The Dark One is no more... With the new breaking, the very fabric of the world has been torn asunder; unimaginable horrors now roam the realm where dreams and nightmares are no longer bound to the world of Tel'aran'rhiod. The Wheel of Time no longer spins by the hand of the Creator, while heroes of the past are now of the present. Civilizations sundered by the trial of Ages now flourish once more. No longer are their futures predetermined... no longer is one's destiny bound to another^???. And out of Chaos, new powers emerge... - 13 different classes to choose from. - 12 different races to choose from, including Ancient Races should you challenge the insidious Labyrinth. - Battle it out with other players in multiple arenas ranging from the Holy Warzone to Capture the Flag games. - Experience our customized 'weaves' system, which allows an endless array of dynamic and different playing styles. - Pursue a craft in one of our eight different trades. - Create your own role-playing guilds. - Construct buildings within your clantown to fortify them against invaders. - Not one to conform to society? Then become lowlife rogue, carousing and gambling for a living! [1]
The Dragon is gone... The Dark One is no more... With the new breaking, the very fabric of the world has been torn asunder; unimaginable horrors now roam the realm where dreams and nightmares are no longer bound to the world of Tel'aran'rhiod. The Wheel of Time no longer spins by the hand of the Creator, while heroes of the past are now of the present. Civilizations sundered by the trial of Ages now flourish once more. No longer are their futures predetermined... no longer is one's destiny bound to another?s. And out of Chaos, new powers emerge... - 13 different classes to choose from. - 12 different races to choose from, including Ancient Races should you challenge the insidious Labyrinth. - Battle it out with other players in multiple arenas ranging from the Holy Warzone to Capture the Flag games. - Experience our customized 'weaves' system, which allows an endless array of dynamic and different playing styles. - Pursue a craft in one of our eight different trades. - Create your own role-playing guilds. - Construct buildings within your clantown to fortify them against invaders. - Not one to conform to society? Then become lowlife rogue, carousing and gambling for a living! [2] [4]
This world features 300 skills/spells as well as a Patron God system. Using this system, your spells vary from Deity to Deity. They feature guilds such as Knights, Dreamwalkers, Aiel Clan, Warders, and Sedai. There are 30 levels, trans and do 20 more levels to be an immortal. New zones being added monthly, and they encourage players to help build zones. Player Killing is enforced by the players for the most part. If it gets out of hand, a Lord will get involved... The races include Human, Dwarf, Shade, Elf, Aracoix, Minotaur, Ogier, and Giant. Classes include Chaos Cleric, Order Cleric, Warrior, Anti-Paladin, Bard, Magic User, Barbarian, Druid, Thief, Paladin, and Ranger. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Mud Magic
I have been playing here on and off for the past 9 years or so. I have seen loads of changes - some for the better and some for the worse. I would say that I WAS a loyal and rather decent player. Was indeed. I feel that the Admin here do things on a constant basis that alienate players like me which results in them quitting for good. They like to do things to satisfy particular people as a result of a lot of bitching and moaning and don't care about what other people think. The more you complain about how unfair something is, the more likely it will change. When this change happens, it tends to really piss people off and force good players to leave. The bottom line is that the Admin like to stroke certain players more than others and tend to not care about other people. After logging in to find my character deleted with no explanation, no reason, or any notification that this was to happen, I really have no faith at all in the Admin's abilities to run a MUD and maintain a solid player base. Bottom Line: I DO NOT recommend this MUD to anyone really, especially the people new to MUDs due to the fact that the "Adventurer's Guild" (created to help newbies) is run by people with little to no experience on AoC as well as ability and skill to help new players. These people pretty much have as much ability as a monkey with a hammer.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 12, 2006
I'd like to start this with the fact that Age of Chaos is both for the new mudder and old, but only if you like a challenge. The mud itself is helpful and friendly, many of the heroes who've topped out their characters levels routinely tank and hit for experience groups as well as lead. That's the thing that's really hooked me on Age of Chaos, the real sense of community among the players. I took a many year break from playing while in the military, and when I came back, friendly people were still here and willing to help. Our weaves system is unique and allows unprecedented amounts of customization for various playing styles. All in all, I think this mud has everything for the intelligent and discerning player looking for a good mud to call home.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 14, 2005
I have explore a lot of mud through the age. And i have something to say, Age of Chaos is one of the Best around. We all say that our mud is the best, its sure :) But seriously, Age of Chaos is UNIQUE. Just the weave system in exemple. In all the mud i have seen, its classless system. So you practice your skill/spell once, then after each time you use it... its increase. For me, its very boring since this dont allow us to have UNIQUE char. When i mean UNIQUE its because since most of the mud are classless, every class can get these skill up to 100% Having 10 max warrior goes kinda very boring. On AoC there is the Element system. Those allow INFINITE variation on the SAME class. Since nobody have the same play style, this give a lot of variation even on the same class. The multi-class who is not unique of AoC but give a lot more of fun. You get the best of the 2 class + the spell/skill of those 2 class. Mixing the element in this = Your own personalize char who mean, extra fun to me The race, there is 3 remort. Let say you start as an human, you finish up as a titan at transformation(remort at level 30) Then, after this, you multi class (level 60) Once you hit level 90 you can challenge the labyrinth... a awnsome zone with 13 gate(part inside zone) Once the challenge is done... tada !! You can become at your choise an undead/dragon/feral/sylvan. Then you are now level 91. At level 120, another transformation(remort) undead(vampire,wraith,zombielord,lich) dragon(fire,frost,earth,storm) feral(tiger,wolf,serpent,raven) sylvan(satyr,voadkyn,sidhe,centaur) Then you multiclass again at level 150. Then you hit level 180 where you get the title Hero beside your name. Bored of poping stuff to become stronger ? Then enter the Holy warzone to challenge other player for your Lord. You are in a clan ? Challenge other clan in warzone for a castle who give bonus Just wanna test your skill ? Enter the arena to defeat the one you challenge. Challenge other clan in your own unique town where you can create building to raise your attribute You're a newbie ? Dont worry, adventurer are there to help ya with your question, lord will help you too (when they have time:)) Want extra Spell/Skill. Get a quest, and buy with your questpoint ancient knowledge... powerfull skill/spell to defeat the more dangerous opponent. You got you ancient knowledge ? No worries, continue to quest to get some random Power Weapon. Tired of those weapon.. challenge lady fortude for deck draw Or you wanna be a crafter ? Someone who seek composant over the worl to create some unique item Theres is to much thing to do on AoC to tell them all AoC is an hudge universe mixing a lot of fantasy world. Its also loosely base on the Wheel of Time (clan/weapon/weave/background/zone) After all this, if get... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 26, 2005
This is a game to be proud of. I disagree stongly with other players saying they have been deleted unfairly, that has never happend to me and i am well on my way to multiclassing. I started playing this game because of the WoT theme but in the end its the great atmosphere and gameplay that brings me back. The admin are all very friendly and willing to listen, me and my friends play this every day at lunch -i'm writing this during a class for goodness sakes- Talen (the admin) has provided extra characters (normaly you can only have 5) for our school. You cant get more original with the character creation... Hmm do i want a big strong half-giant barbarian and multiclass him into a warrior? or should i make an elvin bard and multiclass into a cunning thief? It all depends on your personality. Whats more is the ability to own your own house start a guild and join a clan! Asha'man! White Tower! Children of the light! you automaticly get enrolled into the Band of the Red Hand to get you on your feet. What if i die and lose my stuff you ask? Simply ask for help on the gossip (OOC) channel and someone will get your stuff! Man i gotta go play it. Try it out, look for me Corwin by typing who and ask me whatever. Play, then vote!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 23, 2004
Age of Chaos is a well thought out but poorly ran MUD. As a former user, I have had multiple deletions for being a 'pest', basically just asking questions about the MUD. The Lords/Ladies who run AoC have a problem distinguishing between whether they are bullies or helpers. You cannot count on any help from them unless you've been playing for 6 years or so and belong to the inner circle. The gameplay is excellent, I have sampled other MUDs and kept coming back to this one. But I always had to leave again because the masters of this game are more bullies than teachers/helpers. It would do them well to remember that simple fact.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 19, 2004
First of all, I'd like to warn RP inthusiasts that Age of Chaos, despite claiming to be an RP encouraged mud has less RP than most RP accepted muds. There is only one IC channel and it is global and almost never ever used. Everything pretty much is OOC. This is a hack and slash game. Now, stating that, this is one of the best hack and slash games out there. You can specialize in different elements making two mages completely different or two warriors... You can multi class and change to a more powerful race as you gain in power to create even more originallity to your character. The game is newbie freindly and people will usually answer your questions and often times powerful players will help struggling newbies (unless they act really stupid, than most players say so, but even then the Lords and Ladies still try to help). The greatestt thing about age of chaos is it's originallity. It is the only hack and slash mud of it's type, you have to play it to understand.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 29, 2004
Okay first I want to point to all you strict WoT zealots, I'm a fan of the series as well. When I joined this I thought *gasp* elves? Half-Giants?? DWARVES?!? But when I got on, I went.... Wow! Over the ensuing weeks of playing this game I gained friends Nexco Tyboae, who helped get me on my feet, Felone, best guy to crack a laugh in groups, Xaen, well he's why I would go to the warzone *evil grinz*, Zora/Zoria/Sivuchachan, still think her my leader, WhiteCloaks Forever! Many friends who would help specially at the beginning. At the beginning I shouted Carai En Caldazar etc, I wanted to rp all the time. Role Playing is encouraged its just not used heavily and restrictively used in some other muds I've seen. The theme caught my eye, but AoC caught my heart, the Lord and Ladies. always there to help and chat if they have the time or when someone annoys Kirha all the time, either a Kirha goddess slap, or Tentacular Doom *shudder* I had to go away for a holiday and then do some stuff, I got time-deleted for it, nasty. But I'm back, bold as ever and still as clueless about the layouts of nearly all the zones. Still trying to find out the history of a previous Draven, finding out about friends gone or under a new title, looking at a new system, which seems interesting. Grand Quests done, Wars began and ended, friends left and it was only half a year I was gone. This is a social mud, not restricted to just role play in itself, its THEME is Wheel of Time, not restricted at all to the creatures that inhabit the books world. Come here with a open mind, as you'll meet some unusual, interesting and altogether wacky people who'll become friends or play enemies. You'll have fun.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 20, 2004
First I would like to say taht yes although we are Loosly based on Wheel of Time, there are alot of other elements to the game that are highly original. By checking the in game background story and help files for each player race you will see how we can add them to the game in our own new age for the wheel to spin. As for the slaves, Did you forget the Seanchan enslaving Aes Sedai to fight a war with them? Were the trollocs not slaves to thier masters? do you think they really wanted to go get rediculously slaughtered by all the heros? I certainly dont think they do. Now the standard rules apply that had you come to a member of admin with a problem then it would have been dealt with swiftly and effectively. I myself take pride in helping those with issues. Finding a better solution to make everyone happy. Should you decide to come back or whatever else, please know you can come to us with your problems. Some of us have been friends since the game started. And with that there is alot of joking around. One more small point as the previous reviewer posted. Mutings are seen by all admin not just the one "muting you" when a player is muted and we all dont know why, we ask.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 6, 2004
* Quite frankly the best mud out there. I'm not just saying this, because it's where I mud. With an extremely hard-working staff, always striving to make the mud a better place to play. *With the additions of tons of new features in the past couple of years this has become a great place to play. The weaves system as you've seen in other posts. This system is unbelievable having the ability to craft your character to your liking. So you want to be a mage/order cleric who helps out groups, make it. Or you want to be a barbarian/thief that rolls through the labyrinth, make it. No two characters are alike unless it's planned. *The labyrinth: another world, composed of 13 mini-zones, where you as a player test your skills to become an Ancient Race. With over 180 levels of gameplay it takes awhile to get bored. This system of play allows for even more customization, with unique sub-races(which are random). *The new crafting system is also unbelievable as mentioned by Grayhewn. This along with clantown implementation in a couple weeks makes the mud even more exciting. *And newbies are always cared for and helped out. Whether it's getting a corpse from a death trap or helping you learn new commands, there are always people to help. *You will probably see me running around somewhere on the mud. But come in stop by and send me a tell I'm more than willing to help out new players.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 2, 2004
There's just so many things to talk about when it comes to Age of Chaos. The weaves system is one of the most unique systems Ive seen in a long time, allowing you to customize each and every character you make into infinite possibilites. With the new harvesting systems being injected into AoC things are getting really interesting. If you've played muds you know that each room has a specific type (forest,mountains,inside,etc)well now with the right tools in hand and a trade you can take those rooms and "harvest" resources from them to sell and make loads of money and thats only the first phase. Soon you'll be able to take those resources and make items for you and your friends to use. Alot of people have actually stopped their daily routine of popping just to explore the possibilites....will this room load 100 ironwood? Plus, with an extremly helpful always on the job Adventurers Guild no new player is ever left in the dark. They respond as quick as possible to every question asked. Because here there is no stupid question. If you decide to log in and by the off chance no one sees how your doing just type who, the Adventurers Guild members all have a flag next to their name [ADVENTURERS]. Though there is just the slight bit of eliteism and the lords and ladies can get a little cranky and take it out on the players sometimes, All in all this mud is truly worth your time and effort to learn. There are always new zones to explore and they all vary in difficulty from the Golem Tower (Newbie zone of 1 *) to zones for those people who really want a challenge such as Underdark (zone 234 a 8* zone). All is all this mud deserves for you to just take a chance with it. I promise you if you take the time to really check it out you wont be disappointed.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 2, 2004
so yeah, whoever is prolly just pissed off because he got deleted and banned from playing. i've been playing age of chaos for years and you are so wrong! :) ofcourse theres always imm's or lords that are pricks themselves, but most of them are pretty damn cool and fair, and dont just ban people for being a prick. In all the years i've been playing i've yet to see someone get banned that did not deserve it. I love this mud and with the weaves system, theres always new stuff to do. Lords are almost always working on new things as well... It sure takes a while to get bored here.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 21, 2004
Crap mud, totally crap, lords banish you for 5 days for "being a prick", they stay invis cause they dont want anyone to know who's such a dork etc, all they do is lame crap. They make lozers imm, and leave the cool people.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 20, 2004
I've played this Mud for almost 2 years. I like it. It's rather charming, and although it's loosely based on WoT, and maybe some of the Role-Playing things don't make sense... I don't really care. The idea of Role-Playing being encouraged is that YOU have to provide the fun, we just give the set-up. The "weaves" system, as stated makes no character the same, regardless no matter how many times you try. They'll end up different. And it's a good thing. The huge power behind the Mud is it's ability to be flexible. It seems rather large and I've still yet to learn the more dangerous zones, (Although they tell me I'm getting better all the time) I patiently await the day that I can. For those that expect to come on and have "Fun" handed to them on a silver platter, that is something you must create. With no dismissal of the Lords and Immortals, I think the other reason why this Mud stays as high as it does is it's players. The Mortals that run the Mud take it upon themselves to have Fun, they create the Fun, and it's a lot easier to have it when you don't have Immortals or Lords thrusting it down your neck. Experienced players will still get a challenge, and the Lords will provide that to them, either with silly games or huge quests, it might be huge clan battles (Which I get fried a lot in) or even little quizzies on the WoT books. (Which, I got all wrong) The Mud is adaptable, flexible, changable and we can work on the world that has been provided, instead of having the world work on us. The Adventurers are intesively active, and can provide support for newbie players... Almost everyone jumps in to answer a question and even some will ask you to do minor things to give you some really nice things... And perhaps you might see a cute Demi-Fox give money away, who knows... The characters that you can play as are balanced... And if they aren't, they're given a thourough look over to see if they can be... Just be reminded that all combinations of races and classes simply won't work, so don't expect to be helped out because you picked a silly combo. That being said, the game requires a lot of thought, a lot of fun, and maybe a little bit of dedication. It really tires this poor girl's brain out sometimes... And who knows, I might see you there... It would be nice, and we'd be glad to help you get started... I want to say "Hi" to my friends, they know who they are. It's a wonderful place. Even I can do it! Kind of...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 22, 2004
I have played AOC on and off for about 5 years now, and I keep coming back to this MUD everytime. Why? Several reasons: 1) The Lords/Imms are extremely fun to interact with, from stepping lightly around Kirha when she's angry, to Esbet's random trivias, to Azakhets yearly Halloween contests. 2) The players. They are almost always mature and are almost always willing to help the new player, or just the unfortunate player who happened to get killed by going up against a mob they had no chance against. 3) The Clans. I remember the very first clan I was in, and who was the leader. I still feel allegiance to this clan to this day, even though it has gone through many changes. 4) The Zones. Having a zone writer program designed to let players input their own ideas into the MUD, plus the hundreds of zones already in existence, make for infinite exploration. I still haven't explored the entire MUD. For those who have negatively commented about AOC, I'm sorry you didn't give it a shot. I have participated in a few quests, died several times, and have had fun learning ctf/warzone/holy war zone. AOC is a social orientated MUD where having fun is the primary goal, not pkilling/pstealing as several other MUD's I have tried. If you are looking for a tight knit community with an open ear to your ideas, and a friendly and helpful atmosphere, AOC is for you. Come check it out. -Fyrius Ashmoore
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 10, 2003
mud is boring, there are no quests, it's ran on leveling and once you're done levening you PvP untill you're bored. Thats it. Dont bother with this one...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 23, 2003
I've spent many years searching for the 'perfect' MUD, being invited by a friend to first play the game genre nearing the end of 1998. Although I haven't played as long as most, I can honestly say that I've seen quite a few MUDs, MUSHs, MUCKS, etc... and Age of Chaos is, hands down, my personal favorite. -The Gods, such as Kihra, are strict but fair. The rules are there to be read, the boards are there to be read also. There is no corruption and the Gods are usually very friendly. -AoC is one of the most newbie-friendliest places I've ever been to. The adventurers are there to help any player, young or otherwise, in any way they possibly can, and have no problem doing so at all. Unlike most MUDs, this doesnt consist of just giving a new char a few easy levels(although they do offer such when they have free time :) ). They are actually experienced people who want to help. -The player base is very mature, regardless of the players true age, and any of the more arguementive types usually dont find a very warm welcome here, which makes a much better experience! Going back to the Imms, they will not hessitate to enforce the law when it is broken, or if the attitude of a certain player or character is hindering the game for everyone else! -New additions are always being made, all the time. Although most of these additions, I'll admitt, are not listed in the help file, they are listed on the boards, and the Adventurers guild is more then happy to explain any changes made in the system if not clearly understood. Overall, this is THE best mu* I have EVER played on. Great Immortals. Great players. Great times. What are you waiting for?! Dont take my word for it, check it out for yourself! :-)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 7, 2003
I have played MUDs for over 20 years, since Adven. AoC is not the largest MUD, but it is my favorite, and for five years I have played little else. The gods are terrifying, especially Kirha, though perhaps that is as it should be. But the newbie help community is astonishing in its support for new players.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 28, 2003
Been to this mud and a bunch of others during the last few years and from what ive seen AoC has few competitors. This mud is positively huge with new zones being added on a regular basis. New features and ways for the expert players to keep building their chars have also been added - building a powerful, truly develeloped char doesnt take a week as on some muds. You can spend years here without really tapping all the potential class combinations, weaves setups etc. Alltho this mud is not truly rpish the imms and mortal guilds take a firm stance against "silly" names, harrassing newbies and pkilling outside the various warzones/arenas. The newbies also receive help from the Adventurers Guild. As on all muds/online games there are bullies that would ruin the experience for new players, but on AoC we keep those elements FIRMLY in line. Imm and mortal controlled quests also add depth to an allready great game. It also provides a chance of obtaining the coveted Ancient Knowledge - spells and skills which will further strenghten your char. When you have mastered your character and provided it with a good set of equipment the final challenge awaits - the Labyrinth. An immense area spanning thousands of rooms designed to be the ultimate challenge for any player. Thorwahl
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 27, 2003
I am writing this in response to the negative reviews. First in the discription it says, "A world based loosely on Jordan's WoT series.". Notice the word loosely based. I have been playing AoC for almost 7 years now and I still love it. I've tried other muds but they just can't seem to capture the atmosphere of Age of Chaos. The reason I like AoC is because it does have a Wheel of Time theme but it isn't restricted or confined by it. I've played WoT theme muds and while they are okay they just don't have the freedom that AoC does to create and be orginal. Now on the flip side if you are looking for a strict RP mud then AoC probably isn't for you. While we do have some RP we are mostly a social mud. I suggest you stop by with an open mind and check us out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 25, 2003
Ok, I've been playing MuDs for around 10 years now.. I've tried many different ones.. and have been playing AoC for around 5 to 6 years and can honestly claim it to be my absolute favorite. Seeing some of these posts.. especially the previous one.. I felt compelled to write a review. AoC claims to only be LOOSELY based on the WoT series and that the previous poster, I felt, was only making a plug for a MuD they prefer and never really tried to give AoC a chance. I feel that by not restricting themselves to be exactly like the series.. it gives them a lot of room to grow and to make the MuD a better experience, which it has. It is great trying to think up a different combination than what you have played before.. or even re-creating the same multi-class combo but setting your Weaves differently to see how effective and what you are capable of. Majority of the player base are mature and like to have fun just like the rest of us, while the imms and Lords/Ladys as well as the Dreamwalkers are quick to put in line anyone who tries to ruin the gameplay of others. The mud does tend to be more group oriented in your younger levels, but as you gain more experience of the areas and of your character, you can strike out on your own to pop your own equipment at higher levels and gain money to buy items from the Auction channel. If you want a MuD that is very restrictive to be exactly like the WoT series.. then this isn't the place for you. However if you want a MuD thats fun, on-growing, well balanced play, challenging, and not picky about being exactly like the series, then AoC is a good choice for you. Melanthe Duluth
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 20, 2003
I haven't been playing on Age of Chaos for long (maybe 3 weeks now), but I have been mudding for a number of years - even ran my own for a little while - ugh! Okay, enough about that. I have to say, Age of Chaos has it right. They give you plenty of things to do, they are helpful for those just getting started, and I love the fact that groups are not just encouraged by the players, but that the code supports it. It makes for a playing environment that is inviting and fun. Another key factor is that it seems well balanced to me. The game stays a challenge throughout your time there (or so it seems). There is plenty to do and everyone has a chance to be successful and create a fun, enjoyable, useable character. And of last thing. I am impressed with how many players have stayed around and continue to play. Many muds I have been on lose their players as they get to the top because they get bored. Not here...there are players in all level ranges and some veterans are making new characters to try out other classes or accomplish other things in the game. Pretty sweet environment. Highlights: *Newbie friendly - zones close to town, helpful people *Group friendly - ask around and you will find a group and the code supports grouping well *Well balanced - don't drop or leave a gold coin around, cus you will need it and they aren't everywhere *Fun! - people are great, world is fun to explore and you can do a great deal with your character That's it from me. Colbey
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 25, 2003
I don't do reviews much, but for the AoC Mud I need to put my input. Everyone has their opinion and I respect it. There is a reason that the AoC is consistently on the top of the Mud Sites. I have been an RPer since 1975 or so. I have been playing AoC and there previous versions of the MUD. The reason I come back year after year if that I see the devotion the Admins put into the mud and most of all how much the players care about the continuation of the Mud and the direction the Mud. I see there are a few people that grips that AoC said they are a WoT based Mud and I agree that they are not always exact to the Books but I believe they have made it better, I believe that having it exactly like the books would become to boring over time, buy making it different there is more element of surprise and will keep you active for years to come. We have an average of 37 players on at a time and at many times there are lots more. Please come by try the MUD for yourself I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do. If you should see me online give me a yell and say hello. Striker Lifebringer
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 30, 2003
I have read a few negative reviews by people of this MUD for its use of races and no class restrictions for certain races such as having elves and bladewielding aiel, but i think that it sounds like these people did'nt bother to look any futher than the character creation screen. Age of Chaos is by far the best MUD i have played, its versitility of character creation by use of weaves and 3 stages of life though transformation multiclass and ancient race and 180 levels make it a challenge to become a powerful warrior or caster. The range of combat skills and spells are excellant and well balanced between classes with strengths and weaknesses able to be harnessed or exploited in combat. The clans are a strong part of AoC with clan loyalty generally placed above all other and the eagerly awaited clan wars held by the admin are an adrenelin filled 2 hours of hack and slashing. Before i go on to long and bore anyone who reads this i will say just this it is a great mud with a great bunch of players and admin, i have been playing for about 2 years and hope to continue to in the future. Trencrom.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 10, 2003
Having read many negative and positive reviews about this mud, I decided to give it a try for myself. Sadly, I was severely disappointed. I might be able to see and understand a few discrepancies, but the need for areas that did not fit the WoT world, elves, Aiel Blademasters, and all the other nonsense made me think they purposely tried to disregard the Wheel of Time theme we all love, while still calling themselves a Wheel of Time based Mud. Yeah, right. Sorry, but if you're looking for a nice WoTmud to play, walk on past Age of Chaos, because it's a raw deal. Rock on.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 6, 2003
Man you guys really need to play wotmud. Crap like this on the top of the list here makes me sick :P
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 15, 2003
AOC is a wonderful mud, with over 10000 rooms and eight ACTIVE lords that interact with the players and keep the mud interesting. For the new peoples help is easily at hand with extensive help files, a closely watched newbie channel, and a guild of players dedicated to helping you figure out what exactly is going on. By far the best thing about the mud is the people. I've been playing AOC since '98 and hope I can continue to play for a long time to come. ~wheynne
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 10, 2003
Been to this mud and a bunch of others during the last few years and from what ive seen AoC has few competitors. This mud is positively huge with new zones being added on a regular basis. New features and ways for the expert players to keep building their chars have also been added - building a powerful, truly develeloped char doesnt take a week as on some muds. You can spend years here without really tapping all the potential class combinations, weaves setups etc. Alltho this mud is not truly rpish the imms and mortal guilds take a firm stance against "silly" names, harrassing newbies and pkilling outside the various warzones/arenas. The newbies also receive help from the Adventurers Guild. As on all muds/online games there are bullies that would ruin the experience for new players, but on AoC we keep those elements FIRMLY in line. Imm and mortal controlled quests also add depth to an allready great game. It also provides a chance of obtaining the coveted Ancient Knowledge - spells and skills which will further strenghten your char. When you have mastered your character and provided it with a good set of equipment the final challenge awaits - the Labyrinth. An immense area spanning thousands of rooms designed to be the ultimate challenge for any player. Thorwahl Lightbringer
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 22, 2002
Please, it's not because i have speak of the roll system of arctic that AoC player's need to come on this mud and say in public we suck, and then quit. That juste show you're immature. So stop bother other mud. Thks Draconius Ambrosius
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 21, 2002
I have played a lot of mud, and i must say AoC is one of the best mud around. Its sure, is not perfect and we can add some modification. First of all.. the roll system. I think this system suck a little. With a roller, people can roll, and roll all day, all night. You just need to go on the AoC blackbook, see the max stat for each race and is class, and after.. put in the roller, the max stat for is prime and secondary stat. This way of the game is really boring because a lot of people use roller and try to catch the perfect roll. I know about that, because I have been site ban for new character on AoC because I have try to roll the perfect roll. I think the roll system should be like on Arctic Mud. You got your char and you don't know is stat. At the second level, you got new stat and for know these stat, you must perfom little test. Like, for the dex, if you're able to carry 15 item, then you're dex is 15, etc, etc, etc. And when you're level 6, you can lore your character and see what is your real stat. I know, it's long, and sometime, its boring. But that way, you can't use a roller, and after a couple of day of leveling for nothing, you will keep you're character. Another way to decide stat is like on Shattered Kingdoms. You take your race and your class, after you have a unknow number of question to answer. Depent on how you answer on the question, your stat will change. So depen on the char you play, you must answer the question carefully. Another bad point, i think, on AoC is the RP. Ok, we have the CHAOS channel. But why people only RP on that. For most of the mud, RP is obligated. Why play an Rp game, when nobody RP, except on the CHAOS channel.. and we don't see that often on AoC. My other point... the newbie channel. Ok, that help a lot, only when people answer to you. How time, when i have start play, i have ask question, and nobody answer to me. We have the adventurer.. but only a few are good enough to help the newbie. And the auction... you see an tweak eoa... wow.. min bid... 250K... seriously... the only real equipement, only the elite player can have it because most of time, good equipement are in hight level zone, and when they have it, they sell like... a little high. And sometime, a player bought a weapon you really need... and after, put it on is alt. And the evil character... shit.. really no reduct. So what, you want to laby, you're evil... then go goodies.. got the reduct... do the laby, and after its done, return bady. Shit, why ? You got an alignement.. keep it. And pkilling..... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2002
Frankly i can't believe the previous reviews posted about this mud, having been a serious player on AoC for the last four years and only recently able to play regularly again. However, argument isn't conducive to good orderly mudding:> This mud is loosely based on Robert Jordan's series of books, The Wheel of Time, some similiarities to the book exist but at least they didn't try constricting themselves to the series of books and thus cutting out a lot of the expertly done zones that have'nt much to do with the series. The best thing i have found about this mud is the freedom to create a truly unique character. So many times have i seen muds offer awesome zones, but the same four character classes or a completely stock mud with a bazillion character classes. AoC, is a great balanced mud with some choices to offer the new or the experienced mudder. Do drop by and see what we have to offer, an extremely interesting elements system, multi-classing that doesn't suck! and No Level restricts on items and weapons as well as a strong and for the most part mature player base willing to help the new guy get going. thanks and hope to see you 'round the [] IxIx
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 3, 2002
This is in the most part a rebuttal to the three stacked negative reviews of Age of Chaos I have just read here. The premise of all three of them is that we are not based closely enough on the Wheel of Time series and I acknowledge this critisim. For the most part we used WoT as a base which we built from. It encompasses the name of home towns and the names of several zones in the mud. We are a Wheel of Time THEME mud, we sometimes stray far from that theme, that is not all we are. We have elements from several other book series, we have completely original story lines in areas throughout the mud. Some of these areas are of incredibly high quality and depth. We have our weave system for spells, which was a little about WoT, but really about giving players choices in the characters they create. We have clans with names based on WoT, do they have the same restrictions as the series would enforce? No. Why? because we think this works better and allows for a very enjoyable, balanced game. We automatically enroll new characters in the clan the Band of the Red Hand. A name taken from the books. This is because we want people newer to the mud to have the opportunity to speak to other new players, and old players with new characters, and learn about the mud. We are about as newbie friendly as a mud can get. We are lacking in RP. There is not much I can say to that. We attempt to encourage it, but we are not at our core an RP mud. We are social, story, and yup - hack n' slash. Can you RP on Age of Chaos? Yes. Many people do, taking characters concepts from the books, or a simple creative idea. I adore this mud. I played there for 5 years before I joined the staff. If you are looking for a copy of the books perhaps this is not the place for you. However if you are looking for a fun game that helps new players as much as they can, then it probably is. -Jesuel
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 3, 2002
Seeing Age of Chaos in ad's on TMS, and in the top ten of the mud list piqued my interest, and seeing the description of it as a nice wot mud with some tempting features, I went to try it out. I became very worried very quickly once I hit character creation and noticed races like elves and halflings, and classes like anti-paladins and MAGES?!?! Honestly, I don't mind muds with other themes at all, that's not what bothers me at all. It s as some other players had said, you just can't rp if you know anything about the books, it makes you cringe when you see a channeling blademaster frost giant (everyone is able to channel, which is also somewhat annoying). Weaves are not channeling, just a standard d&d type magic system... forms? fraid not. Being a newbie? Yes, you can get help from the players, if you can get everyone to see your message through the often thick spam. Guilds? Extremely annoying. Your guilded in the band of the red hand automatically as a newbie(no choice), no matter what class, race, etc you are. Sloppy and pretty annoying, it's more of a lack of effort to make a guild system to let the players choice how to make their characters. Rp only seems to exist in explaining pk and is really limited to alignment vs. alignment (in a un-wot sense, multiple gods, no creator or dark one, etc.) As a hack and slash-pk mud, it ain't too bad, has some nice features, combat is pretty good, but you can find better, honestly. Just don't expect wheel of time, or any rp.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 3, 2002
MUAHAHAHHAHAYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A WoT mud huh? WTF! It really bothers me that this mud is consecutively on the 1st page of TMS as a WoTmud. Minotaurs? Elves? Sorry, but I must have skipped those chapters when i read the WHeel of Tiem series. You people should bang your head against the wall for such Blasphemy. Posers. Go play TG or .Org even Tyme now THOSE are REAL WOTmuds. *wanders off muttering about idiots. Various explitives are heard*
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 1, 2002
I saw the Age of Chaos on the top muds voting board so i thought i would check it out. I am a huge fan of the Wheel of Time and I truly love to rp... I saw that roleplaying is 'encouraged'... How serious can anything be taken when the races offered consist of minotaur, half-giants, shades, elves, dwarves... well, you get the idea. I was flabbergasted so i had to continue on.. morbid curiousity you know. Classes.. ranger's druids monks.. paladin and anti-paladin.. great for a D&D game but Wheel of Time? Robert Jordan? Once I logged on and checked out the who list to see a "Euler Torinth the Storm Giant Lord Knight-Blade Master [Taardad]" Ok aside from giants not belonging in the WoT world, let me point something out. Taardad is a clan of the Aiel. Aiel _will_not_ touch a sword.. yet he's a blade master. Very neat. The people may be friendly, though no one would answer a question for me, on newbie channel or in the same room. Perhaps it's a great hack and slash.. I have serious doubts about it's ability to claim a mud based on the books by Robert Jordan.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 29, 2002
I started here 2 or so years ago and it was one of the most newbie friendy muds I have tried. The people are wonderful and I am proud to be part of this family. And proud to be a newbie helper myself.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 25, 2002
I have been a veteran player on AoC now for a little over 4 years. I have tried many other MUD's but none come close to the experience of AoC. Granted roleplaying is not taken to it's full potential most of the time it is encouraged whenever possible. Quests are ran quite often be it for a single individual or one that everyone is allowed to participate in. The "weaves" system makes character customizing much more challenging as you might be strong in one aspect of you character yet very weak in another. Balancing an initial character isn't bad but you can multi-class to provide an extra challenge of balancing the two classes. I have yet to complete the "Labyrinth" and become an Ancient Race but from what I understand the rewards are quite worthwhile. There are many races and classes accesible and most can be mastered with time and patience. The Immortals are some of the best I have seen as for involvement with the mortal characters. The Immortals will always listen to player's ideas and some times actually implement them. Zone writing is highly encouraged as we are continuing to grow at an astounding rate. Overall the best I have played on in many many years. Suddreth D'Albenmar
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 24, 2002
Where shall I begin... I have played at Age of Chaos for a little over three years now, and am still drawn back day after day. The world here is constantly changing, with new areas added quite frequently. AoC has one of the single best zone writers I have ever seen, an IMP by the name of Azakhet, and even veteran mudders with years of experience will be thouroughly tested and challenged by some of his more advanced areas. This mud is losely based on the Wheel of Time series, and as such recently adopted a system known as "weaves" that allows for the very unique and detailed customization of characters' skill and spell two characters will be identical. Skills and spells are divided amongst five elements, and each character chooses his own strengths and weaknesses by studying the individual elemental spheres. Aside from the new weaves system, AoC has also recently added a monstrous and incredibly challenging feature known simply as "the labyrinth". Completion of this massive dungeon/area allows one to transform into a race of the ancients [feral, undead, dragon, or sylvan, with four subraces apiece] and gain powers and spells unique to each. Clans and religions constantly make war, guilds assist in the orientation of new players and enforce the laws of the realm, and the wonderful staff here constantly runs quests and entertains the ideas of players in an effort to keep AoC a fun and fair place to play. Remor Kelvin Veteran AoC addict, long-time mudder
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 24, 2002
I must say this mud is very interesting,it is swarming with monsters and items of fantasy,but above that there are monsters and people to level off at every level,if I am correct the levels go up to 180 and there are 3 stages Transforming,Multi-classing and Ancient race,Transforming is getting to know more about your race getting new skills,Multi-class is becoming another class besides the one you are, Ancient race is reaching upon a race of ancients that has many skills
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 13, 2002