Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 320th of 776 worlds statistically.
Ranked 136th of 358 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
0 (4 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
2 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
 WELCOME TO :          ___
      -   -_,               ,             /\\,/\\,        |\
 _           (  ~/||               ||   '        /| || ||          \\
(-)          (  / ||  \\ \\  _-_, =||= \\ \\/\\  || || ||  \\ \\  / \\
(-)           \/==||  || || ||_.   ||  || || ||  ||=|= ||  || || || ||
(-)           /_ _||  || ||  ~ ||  ||  || || || ~|| || ||  || || || ||
(-)          (  - \\, \\/\\ ,-_-   \\, \\ \\ \\  |, \\,\\, \\/\\  \\/
(-)                                            _-   Version 5.5.6pl1
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| |          Based on DikuMUD source by Katja Nyboe, Sebastian Hammer,
| |          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert, and Tom Madsen.
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| |          World concept and initial coding by Lars Clausen, 
| |          Bjarne Fich, Lars Balker Rasmussen, Lars Andersen 
| |          and Jesper Larsen.
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| |          Current implementors: Timos, Tigress

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Over 14 years of development has brought AustinMUD to its current state where a unique and well-designed middle-age world made up of over 11.000 rooms is waiting for you to explore. Select one of four default classes and specialize later on into classes such as Knight, Crusader, Barbarian, Necromancer, Psionicist or Druid, and try out our vast number of both good and evil player races which includes everything from Human to Vampire! AustinMUD has a nice and relaxed atmosphere thanks to both our players and immortals, and the game is expanded and improved on every day. In order to try the game, just point your client or telnet port 4000. The focus is on these areas: Socialisation : - Several old, powerful controller...
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English [1] [2]

[Dikumud] Far away branch of Diku Gamma 0.0 [1]
DikuMUD - Heavily Customised [2]

1991 [2]

Denmark [1]
Sweden [2]

Classic Fantasy [1]
Roleplay [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]
Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

Over 14 years of development has brought AustinMUD to its current state where a unique and well-designed middle-age world made up of over 11.000 rooms is waiting for you to explore. Select one of four default classes and specialize later on into classes such as Knight, Crusader, Barbarian, Necromancer, Psionicist or Druid, and try out our vast number of both good and evil player races which includes everything from Human to Vampire! AustinMUD has a nice and relaxed atmosphere thanks to both our players and immortals, and the game is expanded and improved on every day. In order to try the game, just point your client or telnet port 4000. The focus is on these areas: Socialisation : - Several old, powerful player controller guilds - Players can rent houses and make them personal - Playerkilling is an OPTION, not required. Exploration - Over 11000 unique rooms created just for AustinMUD - The world is divided into 92 areas and the AREAS command shows you how much you have explored of the world so far - Each exit that leads to an unexplored place is marked with a question mark, which disappears for good once you explore it - Several buildt in quests to make adventuring more interesting. Combat - Multiplay with up to 4 chars is made easier with commands such as ACCEPTORDERS and EXECUTE - Powerful monsters sometimes has random items, items that are totally unique and thus one of a kind! - Many NPC's act intelligently in combat due to an extensive system of special procedures. - Top Playerkillers are listed on ranking list in the main city. Other - Powerful parser that accepts abbreviations, hundreds of spells and skills and much, much more... Come, join us and find out who you are in the world of austin today [1]
Over 14 years of development has brought AustinMUD to its current state where a unique and well-designed middle-age world made up of over 9.000 rooms is waiting for you to explore it. Select one of four default classes and specialize later on into classes such as Knight, Crusader, Barbarian, Necromancer, Psionicist or Druid. And try out our vast number of both good and evil player races which includes everything from Human to Vampire! AustinMUD has a nice and relaxed atmosphere thanks to both our players and immortals, and the game is expanded and improved on every day. The focus is on these areas: Socialisation - Several old, powerful player controller guilds - Players can rent houses and make them personal - Playerkilling is an OPTION, not required. Exploration - Over 11000 unique rooms created just for AustinMUD - The world is divided into 92 areas and the AREAS command shows you how much you have explored of the world so far - Each exit that leads to an unexplored place is marked with a question mark, which disappears for good once you explore it - Several built?in quests to make your life on austin more interesting. Combat - Multiplay with up to 4 chars is made easier with commands such as ACCEPTORDERS and EXECUTE - Powerful monsters sometimes random items, items that are totally unique and noone else has... - Many NPC's act intelligently in combat due to an extensive system of special procedures. - Top Playerkillers are listed on ranking list in the main city. Other - Powerful parser that accepts abbreviations, hundreds of spells and skills and much, much more... Come, join us and find out who you are in the world of austin today! [2]
Since 1991, AustinMUD has offered a unique world, which they have taken great care to make internally consistent. Rather than a hack-n-slash world, Austin offers a world containing over 5,000 different locations, giving you lots to explore and tons of opportunities for adventure. Guilds run by players add to the diversity and atmosphere, and coded and live quests make for challenges of all kinds. With a dedicated group of area builders, the mud is constantly growing. [3]
Many users, areas and features and it is still growing. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
Ah, AustinMUD. My first MUD. I played here on and off for maybe 5-6 years, and the only reason that I stayed was that I didn't know of the vast amounts of other MUDs out there. Here is what I think of Austin: Fairly repetitive game. There is little to no customization, and the skill/spell system is very dull and static. Updates and improvements are far between, often years go by with no noteworthy changes. Class balance is ridiculous, PvE was very pointless up the recent addition of "random items" (think Diablo2 items with random mods) and attaining the "best" equipment is easy. Easy enough that many people hoard piles of it in their bank vaults and give it away to their friends when they need it. The MUD has no economy, there are very few truly valuable and coveted items. Leveling up is boring - you kill a set amount of monsters, gain some levels, face new monsters that have basically improved the same as you, so you won't notice much of a difference. You cast the same spells (or a new version of your previous spell with a different name and a slightly higher damage). Melee-type characters can go through the entire game using maybe five different abilities, several classes are utterly useless or have uses in few specific situations. The IMMortal pantheon has changed countless times during the years. Players have the option of applying for immortality once they have reached the maximum (70) level. There are a handful of good IMMs, and a throng of IMMs who are abusive, oppressive, treat their mortal friends with favorism and go out of their way to punish their former enemies because they can now do it with no chance of retaliation. Usurpers, abusers, bullies and oppressors - several IMMs caused me to quit the game numerous times because they destroyed the joy of playing for me. Piss off a player? You risk having them turn IMM and follow you around an look for an excuse to punish you. The PvP environment was good once. It was fun, fairly balanced and somewhat easy to learn. However there is no reward for winning, except that you may gain experience points if your opponent was criminal/outlaw-flagged (which is easily avoided by hiding somewhere and waiting until the flag expires), and since there is a maximum level with no further advancement, this "reward" is fairly redundant. So, the PvP was fun until people started turning against each other. Spam-killing their enemies not for the PvP but to penalize them by causing loss of levels, punish them for offenses that had nothing to do with PvP, and basically blocking them out of the PvP game because you can basically force someone to log off by hunting him exclusively. In a game with spells that show you where your enemy is, and spells that take you to their location or summon them to yours, a PvP system that allows you to continually them... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 28, 2006
I have played on Austin for about 3 years now. for at least 2 of the 3 years i have been in the guild 'Ndrangheta. I currently serve on the Mortal Council. I encourage everyone to come to Austin! It is a great place. There are multiple classes and races. there are 92 areas, Some for low lvls, some mid, some high. Even some that are rough if you are lvl 70 ;). So come one, come all!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 9, 2004
Great mud for those who are in to Medieval game play and exploring. This mud has extensive quest built in with interactive mobs. Exploring takes time and it's worth it. I find something new everyday. Class oriented mud that requires joint effort. Give it a try
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 13, 2003
Hmm, this review will properly taken bad by many on Austin - but they know it's true, well most of them. Sure Austin got a huge world (10000+ rooms), unique this and that. But you never know what gonna happen - that might sound nice as an adventurer, but sadly the coders got the habbit of changing stuff back and forth - and mostly to the worst I'm sad to report. Yet - somehow I can never leave this mud for long - believe me I'we tried (deleted myself four times - or so.) What brings me back is the people, the community of Austin. We do have our share of grief-players, but I do enjoy the company of my fellow 'Austineers'. So you better not come here, or you'll get trapped in this cataclysmic world - just like me ;) Consider yourself warned. Tautha
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 24, 2001
Austinmud is the only mud I think is worthy enough for me to spend my time on submitting my thoughts on. It offers every fantasy you can dream up not to mention the most kick ass people to play along with. No matter what the reason you are playing on will be sure to leave with knowledge that you WILL come back. Maybe not in an hour or even 3 days....but you WILL return. It's inevitable.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 5, 2001
Let me tell you a little of our world, we inhabit the central continent of the world of Austin, a vast and impressive landscape that stretches from the arid desert in the south to the barren polar mountains far in the north. The Pantheon (oh, they do work hard) keep the world evolving and expanding, with new places to visit being discovered all the time, and old favorites given updates. All kinds of folk live in our lands, Humans, Dwarves and Halflings as well as us Elves, of course. There are Gods who love to play as well as work, and lead us mortal folk on noble quests and adventures, and when they do, you can be sure that your hard work will be rewarded well! Blessings, Gilwen, Archivist of Khan's Troopers of the Night.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 1, 2001
Hello Everyone, I bid yee to come take a look at our fabulous MUD here. It's all original, no stock rooms, and some of the best written zones out there. We got many build in quests for you to puzzle with, 70 levels to conquer and 6 different classes to wield the power of. You can too be 4 different races if you want pointy ears, being half as tall as human or being grumpy, gnarly and a stump. I hear there's 20 races to be introduced so even more goodies to you all out there. The playerkilling in here is exceptional, the system is based more on tactics instead of the usual ROT or similar so you have to think ! Plus you can hide out in the 10000 rooms on the mud and with the unique Far Vision spell you can view the room and thus you REALLY need to know your way around here. It's a challenge and i've been on it for 4 years now and i'm not far from tired of it ! Come join us and be one of the best! Fafner has many strange titles and will keep making them
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 27, 2001
Greetings, i have been playing AustinMUd now for several years (infact 3 RL) and i am in no way tired of it. I have never seen a better MUD, ROT or whatever out there and i have tried some. AustinMUD may not be as large as some other muds but then again larger than many. What makes it different from the others is the spirit, it's not just a place you log onto and kill people for fun no, it's a unique world of it's own a place to explore and meet many new friends. If you want a place to roleplay this is the place. Furthermore Austin gives you a long list of player guilds all with unique histories and goals. AustinMUD is build out of roleplay so to speak, there's a time line with history going back many thousand years with gods fighting for power and with simple farmers struggle to survive. I hope you take time to join us on this magnificant adventure! I garantee that you will never quit on this game nor will it quit on you. /Aljaia Rosendust - Found the perfect Mud
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 26, 2001