Before the Fall
Pern-themed MOO (MUD, Object-Oriented).
Ranked 608th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 3rd of 4 worlds in the Pern genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (6 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)

1.8.1 of the LambdaMOO server code.

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
                       ______   _______  _______  _______  _______  _______ 
                 (  ___ \ (  ____ \(  ____ \(  ___  )(  ____ )(  ____ \
                 | (   ) )| (    \/| (    \/| (   ) || (    )|| (    \/
                 | (__/ / | (__    | (__    | |   | || (____)|| (__    
                 |  __ (  |  __)   |  __)   | |   | ||     __)|  __)   
                 | (  \ \ | (      | (      | |   | || (\ (   | (      
                 | )___) )| (____/\| )      | (___) || ) \ \__| (____/\
                 |/ \___/ (_______/|/       (_______)|/   \__/(_______/
                 _________          _______                            
                 \__   __/|\     /|(  ____ \                           
                    ) (   | )   ( || (    \/                           
                    | |   | (___) || (__                               
                    | |   |  ___  ||  __)                              
                    | |   | (   ) || (                                 
                    | |   | )   ( || (____/\                           
                    )_(   |/     \|(_______/                           
                  _______  _______  _        _                         
                 (  ____ \(  ___  )( \      ( \                        
                 | (    \/| (   ) || (      | (                        
                 | (__    | (___) || |      | |                        
                 |  __)   |  ___  || |      | |                        
                 | (      | (   ) || |      | |                        
                 | )      | )   ( || (____/\| (____/\                  
                 |/       |/     \|(_______/(_______/       


        |    To Create a Character type: create <name> <password> <email address>   |
        |    To log in as a Character type: connect <name> <password>               |
        |    To log in as a Guest type: connect guest                               |
        |    To log out type: @quit                                                 |
        |    Having trouble Creating? Log in as a Guest and read: help @request     |
        |    Need Help? Log on and type WHO for list of available Guides.           |

The lag is low; there is 1 connected.
Before the Fall exists approximately twenty turns before the 7th Pass. Plague ravaged Hold, Hall, and Weyr for turns, leaving scores dead before simply fading away as mysteriously as it had begun. Holders have had to come together within their mane Holds, Crafthalls have lost long held secrets and information, and the once mighty Weyrs have had to consolidate down to one. Now, with only a fraction of the dragons that once protected the planet, Pern is left under the protection of Benden Weyr, who now tries desperately to repopulate enough to face the coming Pass just 20 turns away. As these events unfold, a new threat looms on the horizon in the form of a glow visible within the vicinity of the edging...
Read more at MOOList.Com

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
RPG [1]

English [1]

Before the Fall exists approximately twenty turns before the 7th Pass. Plague ravaged Hold, Hall, and Weyr for turns, leaving scores dead before simply fading away as mysteriously as it had begun. Holders have had to come together within their mane Holds, Crafthalls have lost long held secrets and information, and the once mighty Weyrs have had to consolidate down to one. Now, with only a fraction of the dragons that once protected the planet, Pern is left under the protection of Benden Weyr, who now tries desperately to repopulate enough to face the coming Pass just 20 turns away. As these events unfold, a new threat looms on the horizon in the form of a glow visible within the vicinity of the starstones, edging ever closer to the eye, drawing attention as well as an ancient enemy before its due time. [1]

  1. MOOList.Com