Fantasy (German)-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 398th of 776 worlds statistically.
Ranked 179th of 357 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
2 (an hour ago)

Maximum Connected:
3 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
Ploetzlich siehst du wie dein Bildschirm herunterklappt, und eine duerre
und knochige Hand nach Dir greift. Du versuchst dich zu wehren, aber die
Hand ist staerker - sie zerrt dich in den Monitor und du verlierst die
Als du wieder aufwachst liegst du neben einem kleinen Beuteltier.

Das Beuteltier sagt: Beobachte ganz genau         (\,/)
    was dir mitgeteilt wird und gehe mit          oo  \  _ _          _
    wachsamen Augen durch die Welt. Es wird     ,/_;~\ "" " "^,     / '
    nicht leicht werden fuer dich, aber du      "'    \      _ \,   !
    kannst es schaffen und viele Abenteuer            / /   (   |__.'
    bestehen.                                       '~ `~----''~

Mit einem 'Tru-Tru' verschwindet das Beuteltier und ueberlaesst dich
dir selbst in dieser neuen, unbekannten Welt.

* ACHTUNG!! Das Beutelland befindet sich im Testbetrieb.
* Kontakt: oder
Wenn Du das Beutelland nur kurz ansehen willst, nenne Dich 'gast'.
Um zu sehen wer gerade eingeloggt ist tippe 'wer', zum Abbrechen 'q'.
Wie ist denn dein Name? 
Inventive Austrian MUD, created by informatics students at the Vienna University of Technology. The Beutelland is based upon an entirely new MUDLib called RoleMUD, which offers a wide range of features like weather, environmental stats, colourfulness, day/night change, extralogins, interactive plans a.m.m... The Beutelland features fantasy themes of basically Tolkinian flavour, but doesn't take anything too seriously. Ardent fs/sf readers and/or computer game players will surely encounter many allusions to classic genre representatives. The World (mythically created by the holy Beuteltier (zool. marsupial, opossum) contains differing climate/culture zones like plains, mountains, sea, viking island, jungle. Players can choose a hometown/region of their liking. Eligible races up to now include Dwarfs, Humans, Hobbits and Elves, NPCs will show up in whatever form our coders can...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
German [1] [2] [3]

[Custom] RoleMUD [1]
Unique - RoleMUD, new Lib written from scratch [2]
RoleMUD [3]

1997 [2] [3]

LPMud [3]

Sub Genre:
borderline/weird/multi-inspired fantasy [3]

Austria [1] [2] [3]

borderline fantasy [1]
Strange, modified and multi-inspired Fantasy [2]

Not Listed Here [2]

Fantasy [3]

Adventure, Social, Questing [3]

Inventive Austrian MUD, created by informatics students at the Vienna University of Technology. The Beutelland is based upon an entirely new MUDLib called RoleMUD, which offers a wide range of features like weather, environmental stats, colourfulness, day/night change, extralogins, interactive plans a.m.m... The Beutelland features fantasy themes of basically Tolkinian flavour, but doesn't take anything too seriously. Ardent fs/sf readers and/or computer game players will surely encounter many allusions to classic genre representatives. The World (mythically created by the holy Beuteltier (zool. marsupial, opossum) contains differing climate/culture zones like plains, mountains, sea, viking island, jungle. Players can choose a hometown/region of their liking. Eligible races up to now include Dwarfs, Humans, Hobbits and Elves, NPCs will show up in whatever form our coders imagination can spawn. (Items too). Guilds and Trades are under construction, but we offer >20 Quests of mounting difficulty and lots of interesting details to research, treasures to find, monsters to kill and of course many interesting people to meet. If you speak (any variant of) German and don't mind persisting Austriacisms, you will always be welcome in Beutelland. For further information, please have a look at our website. [1]
Rather small, very strange and fantastic MUD basing on the RoleMUD lib,which was completely written from scratch by a couple of students of the Vienna University of Technology / School of Informatics. It attracts all kinds of players and coders who were not able to realize their extraordinary ideas in other (german- speaking) MUDs. Therefore the Beutelland provides many interesting features like weather, day/night, colours a.m.m) and many different quests, interesting items, cruel monsters and unusual environmental structures. While being fully playable, the Beutelland is not yet fully operational, so there might be bugs and a lot of things are still not implemented! Up to now, four races exist in the Beutelland: Dwarves, Hobbits, Humans and Elves (constantly squabbling ).Several different regions and many more or less difficult quests await the adventurous guest! Prepare for many unexpected horrors and even more hearty laughs... [2]
Inventive Austrian MUD, created by informatics students at the Vienna University of Technology. Beutelland is based on an entirely new MUDLib called RoleMUD, which offers a wide range of features like colourfulness, maps, day/night change, weather, extralogins, a.m.m. It is a home for programmers who could not implement their crazy ideas in other MUDs.\r\rBeutelland features fantasy themes of basically Tolkinian flavour, but doesn't take anything too seriously (some say not serious at all - which is a blatant lie, of course). Anyhow, ardent readers of fantasy & science fiction literature as well as computer gamers will surely encounter many allusions to classic genre representatives.\r\rThe world - mythically created by the holy Beuteltier (zool. marsupial, opossum) - contains differing climate/culture zones like rolling hills, mountains, dark woods, viking islands, dense jungle, and even outer space.\rPlayers can choose a hometown/region of their liking. Eligible races up to now include Dwarfs, Humans, Hobbits, and Elves; NPCs will show up in whatever form our coders imagination can spawn. (Items too.)\r\rGuilds and Trades are under construction, but we offer >20 Quests of increasing difficulty, lots of interesting details to explore, treasures to find, monsters to kill, and of course many interesting people to meet.\r\rIf you speak (any variant of) German and don't mind persisting Austriacisms, you will always be welcome in Beutelland. For further information, please have a look at our website. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
I checked it out. Don't speak much German, but loved it. Everyone was so sweet. And funny! Play this mud, it's unique! Azzie
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 24, 2004
Nettes mud mit einigen interessanten Funktionen, Nette Leute, Wächst kontinuierlich
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 10, 2003
Strange, chaotic and Tru-Tru!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 11, 2003