Blood of Dragons
A Song of Ice and Fire-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 137th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 1st of 1 worlds in the A Song of Ice and Fire genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
11 (33 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
16 (last 30 days)

PennMUSH 1.8.7p0

Average Connected:
10 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
                      WELCOME TO BLOOD OF DRAGONS MUSH!                       

We are a MUSH based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire"
universe, operating with the author's permission.

The game is run by Elio M. Garcia and Linda Antonsson,co-authors of "The
World of Ice and Fire" and "The Rise of the Dragon".

Join us at the royal court in King's Landing and at the court in Sunspear, to
play the Game of Thrones.



Use create <name> <password> to create a visitor account.
Use connect Guest Guest to connect to a guest account.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing account.

Use who to find out who is online currently.
Use +n <message> to speak on the Newbie channel.
Use +g <message> to speak on the Guest channel.

Blood of Dragons is set in the low-magic, medieval-inspired fantasy world of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" (and the HBO series "Game of Thrones"). Knowledge of the books is helpful but not required for players with some MU*ing experience and the game's website is continuously being expanded with more resources. Blood of Dragons is the only MUSH operated with the approval of George R.R. Martin and its owners have written a forthcoming book with him, "The World of Ice and Fire". The game takes place 140 years prior to the start of the first book, "A Game of Thrones". King Baelor I Targaryen, who will be known to history as Baelor the Blessed, sits the Iron Throne, his rule ever...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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Average Players Connected By Week
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Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[MUSH] PennMUSH [1]
PennMUSH [2] [3]
Pennmush [4]

2006 [2]
1 Nov 2006 [3]

USA [1] [2]

A Song of Ice and Fire [1] [2]
Fantasy [3]
Medieval Fantasy [4]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Blood of Dragons is set in the low-magic, medieval-inspired fantasy world of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" (and the HBO series "Game of Thrones"). Knowledge of the books is helpful but not required for players with some MU*ing experience and the game's website is continuously being expanded with more resources. Blood of Dragons is the only MUSH operated with the approval of George R.R. Martin and its owners have written a forthcoming book with him, "The World of Ice and Fire". The game takes place 140 years prior to the start of the first book, "A Game of Thrones". King Baelor I Targaryen, who will be known to history as Baelor the Blessed, sits the Iron Throne, his rule growing ever more erratic as time passes. This choice of time period allows players to explore a less defined period in the history of Westeros while still experiencing how past events referenced in the books (in some cases in yet-to-be-published books) may have played out. The roleplay is focused on the political and social interactions at the courts of King's Landing and Sunspear, with players taking up characters from various noble households. Players have a choice between CGing a character themselves or taking up a previously played, fully pre-generated role. Choose the latter option and you can often be ready to roleplay within minutes. Blood of Dragons is focused on offering good-quality roleplay in a rich, immersive setting with a strong sense of history and continuity and we strive to be approachable and helpful. If you find yourself interested in the game, the following links may provide some good starting points: FAQ: IC News: About King's Landing: About Dorne: There is also a log archive, a chronicle of important IC events, the family trees for the various houses and much more to be found on the website, and of course the Admin (Nymeria & Balerion) are also happy to help out with any questions. [1]
Blood of Dragons is set in the low-magic, medieval-inspired fantasy world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (also the basis for the HBO show Game of Thrones ). Knowledge of the books is not required for players with some MU*ing experience, though it is definitely helpful. Blood of Dragons is the only MUSH operating with the approval of George R.R. Martin and its owners have written a book together with him, The World of Ice and Fire . The game takes place around 140 years prior to the start of the first book, A Game of Thrones , allowing players to explore a less defined period in the history of Westeros while still experiencing how past events in the books may have played out. The roleplay is focused on the political and social interactions at the courts in King's Landing and Sunspear, with players taking up characters from various noble households. Players have a choice between CGing a character themselves or taking up previously played, fully pre-generated role. Choose the latter option and you can often be ready to roleplay within minutes. Blood of Dragons is focused on offering good-quality roleplay in a rich, immersive setting with a strong sense of history and continuity and we strive to be approachable and helpful. If you find yourself interested in the game, the following links may provide some good starting points: FAQ: IC News: About King's Landing: About Dorne: There is also a log archive, a chronicle of important IC events, the family trees for the various houses and much more to be found on the website, and of course the Admin (Nymeria & Balerion) are also happy to help out with any questions. [2]
Blood of Dragons is set in the low-magic, medieval-inspired fantasy world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (and the HBO series Game of Thrones ). Knowledge of the books is helpful but not required for players with some MU*ing experience and the game's website is continuously being expanded with more resources. The game takes place 140 years prior to the start of the first book, A Game of Thrones , allowing players to explore a less defined period in the history of Westeros while still experiencing how past events referenced in the books may have played out. The roleplay is focused on the political and social interactions at the courts of King's Landing and Sunspear, with players taking up characters from various noble households. Players have a choice between CGing a character themselves or taking up a previously played, fully pre-generated role. Choose the latter option and you can often be ready to roleplay within minutes. [3]
Founded by the webmasters of the fan site, with previous experience in writing for and advising on Guardians of Order's A Game of Thrones RPG and currently co-authoring The World of Ice and Fire with George R. R. Martin, Blood of Dragons is the only A Song of Ice and Fire-themed MU* that has received Mr. Martin's approval and support. Set some 140 years prior to the start of 'A Game of Thrones', the MUSH is centred around the capital of King's Landing and focuses on the political and social interactions of the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms. The official start of beta roleplay took place on November 11th 2006, and consisted of the victorious arrival at King's Landing of a fleet of ships under the command of Lord Jonothor Arryn. While King Daeron, Oakenfist, Lord Tyrell, and others remain in Dorne attempting to pacify the country following the Submission of Sunspear, this small portion of the fleet returned with the 49 Dornish royal hostages, the princes Aegon and Aemon Targaryen, and many other notables from the campaign as well as wounded knights and soldiers. While King Daeron and Lord Tyrell fight to subdue the final rebel castles that will not bend the knee, in King's Landing there is a growing convergence: famed knights, courtly ladies, movers and shakers of the realm ... and those who want to supplant them, winning fame or glory, wealth or power. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. PennMUSH Community Portal
  4. Mud Magic
Time Connected Note
33m ago 11 players Beranda connected
1h ago 10 players +2 players
2h ago 8 players 4 players left and Orbert connected
3h ago 11 players +2 players
4h ago 9 players Otho connected
5h ago 8 players
6h ago 8 players Dermett connected, the db grew 1
7h ago 7 players
8h ago 7 players Balon connected
9h ago 6 players Otho left
10h ago 7 players
11h ago 7 players
12h ago 7 players Bryar left
13h ago 8 players
14h ago 8 players
15h ago 8 players
16h ago 8 players
17h ago 8 players Balon left
18h ago 9 players -2 players
19h ago 11 players Orbert left
20h ago 12 players +2 players
21h ago 10 players
22h ago 10 players Beranda connected
23h ago 9 players Bryar left
1d ago 10 players Beranda left
After finding Blood of Dragons on Mudconnect, I was excited. I have read the first three books of the Song of Ice and Fire series. After logging on as a guest, I noticed several things. First of all, you cannot create your own character. The characters you can play have already been created by the staff. The commands to search the character database are clunky and confusing, and the included help files regarding the CDB are very long, yet somehow end up being vague. I had to ask a staff member for help, and he was not very happy about helping and made it clear that I was interrupting him. After spending an hour trying to figure out the CDB functions, I was finally able to select the character I wanted. I went through a rather lengthy application process that included several e-mails and several visits to the games website. It took me six hours to get through the application process. Then I got the response from the staff. Since I had only read the first three books and not the fourth (yet), I was denied my application. I was told that I didn't have enough knowledge of the game world to play the character I had picked and was told I was welcome to go back to the CDB and find another character. All in all, I would say that I wasted six hours.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2013
It seriously taking an hour for him to learn to work the character database and somehow being unaware of character application tiers says way more about the reviewer than the game. There's a comprehensive +help file for the database, the filters are powerful and fairly intuitive, and players new to the theme can apply for cameo roles that get you on the grid more or less instantly. That he went through the more involved application process suggests he tried for a high-tier character, which the help files are explicit in their requirement for thorough theme knowledge. I personally played the game for only a short time, but staff and the system were virtually non-concerns and very accessible; I had way more of an issue with the cliquishness of the playerbase, though that may have changed in the time since.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 8, 2013