Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 30th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 14th of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
48 (14 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
52 (last 30 days)

[Dikumud] Heavily Modified

Average Connected:
49 (last 30 days) ▲4%

Minimum Connected:
46 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
e to BurningMUD - reopened 1 january 1996!

 ::::::           ::::::   :::::             :::::   ::::::::::::::::
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 :###: :##::###:::###::### ::##:  ##### ###  ###::#####:###  ###     :::::
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 :###:  ##::###   ###::### ###::  ### #####  ###::###:#####  ###    ###:::
 :######## ::#######:::### :###:  ###  ####  ###::###::####   ########:::
 :#######   : #####::::### ::###  ###   ###  ###::###:::###    ######:::
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                          Based on GAMMA code.
                 Michael Seifert   Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt  
               Sebastian Hammer   Tom Madsen   Katja Nyboe 

                     Stile   Bane   Blase   Stryder  

Account name ('new' for new account, 'old' for old login system)? 
Burning MUD has a long history of hack n' slash, going all the way back to around 1990, with the current version online since 1996. Join us and see why Burning is one of the longest running MUDs in history! Join an ancient world of epic scale and difficulty spanning across two massive continents, fighting intense battles in groups of up to 50 players or more to defeat nearly immortal creatures. Adventurer, be warned! With Burning Multi-classing, there are over 60 deadly combinations of character classes to explore such as the Rogue/Mage, a deadly combination of treachery and magic, or the Templar/Templar, so focused in his holy arts that he can perform a miracle on a dying ally, or even something more exotic the...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[Dikumud] Heavily Modified [1]
DikuMUD - Extended Diku, heavily modified [2]
Diku [5]

1996 [2]

Sweden [1] [2]

Fantasy [1]
Hack & Slash [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]
Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

Burning MUD has a long history of hack n' slash, going all the way back to around 1990, with the current version online since 1996. Join us and see why Burning is one of the longest running MUDs in history! Join an ancient world of epic scale and difficulty spanning across two massive continents, fighting intense battles in groups of up to 50 players or more to defeat nearly immortal creatures. Adventurer, be warned! With Burning Multi-classing, there are over 60 deadly combinations of character classes to explore such as the Rogue/Mage, a deadly combination of treachery and magic, or the Templar/Templar, so focused in his holy arts that he can perform a miracle on a dying ally, or even something more exotic like the Nightblade/Warlock, whom embraces the dark arts and lives her life as an assassin. Team up and explore the depths of the Well, a 20-level deep cavernous expanse of over 6,000 procedurally generated rooms, each level harder and more rewarding than the last. Facing down creatures of unspeakable power who reside in the depths of the Well can be difficult even for large groups of experienced players, but the rewards can be great. Here you can find fragments of elemental essence, which when collected, can transform your character into a new race, and more. Become a powerful force in a massive world of over 400 areas, with thousands of unique items and creatures. Join us adventurer, as there are yet powerful foes who remain undefeated, and we need your help! [1]
Burning MUD has a long history of hack n' slash, going all the way back to around 1990, with the current version online since 1996. Join us and see why Burning is one of the longest running MUDs in history! Join an ancient world of epic scale and difficulty spanning across two massive continents, fighting intense battles in groups of up to 50 players or more to defeat nearly immortal creatures. Adventurer, be warned! With Burning Multi-classing, there are over 60 deadly combinations of character classes to explore such as the Rogue/Mage, a deadly combination of treachery and magic, or the Templar/Templar, so focused in his holy arts that he can perform a miracle on a dying ally, or even something more exotic like the Nightblade/Warlock, whom embraces the dark arts and lives her life as an assassin. Team up and explore the depths of the Well, a 20-level deep cavernous expanse of over 6,000 procedurally generated rooms, each level harder and more rewarding than the last. Facing down creatures of unspeakable power who reside in the depths of the Well can be difficult even for large groups of experienced players, but the rewards can be great. Here you can find fragments of elemental essence, which when collected, can transform your character into a new race, and more. Become a powerful force in a massive world of over 400 areas, with thousands of unique items and creatures. Join us adventurer, as there are yet powerful foes who remain undefeated, and we need your help! [2]
Burning has tons of features: 50 mortal levels in 4 base classes, 50 additional multiclass levels in any of 16 combinations, a large world (7500 rooms in 100+ areas and growing), very advanced hunt system (room- object- and mobile hunters), guides and navigators, item storage (lockers), advanced automated auctioning, a meta shop for buying statistics, room spells (light, dark, healing spheres, etc), item spells (per day, permanent, charged or mana-based), player-killing arena (completely risk-free), many original spells and skills (and more coming!)..... and more features being added all the time! What Burning doesn't have: grumpy imps, limited equipment, player file deletes, or multiplaying. [3]
Fun and friendly DIKU mud (based onDIKU Gamma code) running on a dedicated server with a active teamof responsible immortals and area builders.. Features include: - The 4 standard guilds plus 3 new(Nightblade, Templar, Warlock). - Baah! Come see for yourself :)See the web page for detailed info. [4]
Burning Mud offers a fun dynamic environment, with new places of adventure added often. You can develop your character to a high powered adventurer, or explore a huge world, Burning provides an ideal environment for all types of mudding. Various means are used to ensure mobiles are diverse and unique. Enviromental changes are made possible through room progs and custom code. A personal spirit helps the novice mudder learn their way around, so being a newbie on burning is not so daunting for the novice. Immortals and Elders are available to answer questions and give suggestions in order to help the novice mudder develop into a fully experienced player. A togglable hints channel gives the new player suggestions of useful information. At level 50, players may choose either a secondary class or the same class, to create either an expert or a more diverse character. Once reaching level 50 with the secondary class, statistics may be improved via the meta shop. A functioning arena is available for controlled PK games. There are over 100 automatic quests, plus imm-led quests. Quest Points earned can be used to buy Orbs and powerful scrolls and potions. The Well contains 20 levels of over 6000 randomly generated rooms and mobs. The mobs in The Well pop elemental fragments, which can be used to gain a super race called K'ta'viir (KTV). All in all, Burning MUD is an enjoyable place to come forget the frustrations of every day life. Come join us! Note: Formerly hosted at: burning.stacken.kth.se [5]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
  5. Mud Magic
This mud is by far the best I've tried out with it's friendly players and unique challenges. The best thing must be the every day fun, which involved exp-groups and groups that go down into the Well and collect elemental essence(frags) to be able to turn into a K'ta'viir or switch alignment/race. The world is huge with it's 65000 rooms and over 10000 items, so there are plenty to try out. And more is coming soon, we are developing and creating stuffs as we go and it makes the mud even more unique. We have a OLC-system which makes it real easy to create things online, you build 'in-game' all the time which gives you a great view of how the mobiles/items looks like/works like. I have so much to say about this mud so why don't you stop by and have a chat with our players, experience the world some and get to experience the stuffs that got me hooked :-) You can always send an email to support@burningmud.com for information and questions, always a quick answer :) //Roush/Oka/Assault/Mywers
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 3, 2013
This mud is really fun since there's almost always groups going on. All the players are kind and very helpful to you. They really like new players! :-) We have alot of Immortal-lead-Quests, which means that Immortals are leading Quests, and as reward your reputation will get better and you will get QuestPoints(QP's). And we have a very special place to go hunting for 'frags'(fragments), You are able to enter the Well. In the well you can find unique items such as Orbs, Equipment and lots of cash. When you've gathered enough frags in the Well, you can transform into a SUPER-race called K'ta'viir! And you can also change races etc. When you create a new character here on BurningMUD, you can pick between 8 different races, Fighter, Priest, Magician, Rogue, Warlock, Nightblade, Templar and Animist :-) They are very good, and you can combine those with our multi-classing system! Feel free to log on and try, You are ALWAYS welcome to us, here at BurningMUD! //Roush
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 29, 2012
I've been addicted to mud for 15 years now and tried a lot of different ones before finally getting hooked for good on Burning. As every other mud, this one has good things and bad, but the good things by far outweigh the bad, imho. We rarely have less than 20-30 players online, and on Saturdays there are usually 75-100. The world is large - over 200 areas. Luckily there are transporter obelisks in the major cities and on a few other places, so travel is still fast & easy. When you reach level 50 you start over at level 1, either as same class with new powers, or as another class, with their abilities. And at lvl 50/50 you can buy all your stats to max and then you get level 51, 52, 53, etc. Highest sofar is level 85. This mud is heavily group oriented. You can get xp on your own, but generally it's both faster and safer to team up and do it. Mages are great at dealing damage but won't live long without someone there to protect him. Fighters can deal a fair amount of damage and protect people. Bring in a priest too and you'll have an ok group. Perhaps an animist for some nature spells, a rogue to pick locks, track, peek & backstab? An assassinating nightblade is never bad, except for the opponent ;-] And maybe a templar or warlock for extra power... and some more priests to handle healing, and more mages and... you'll have a PowerGroup! Saturday is PowerGroup day - that's when everyone interested brings his or her best player and we form a larger group (40-60 players) and do our best to bring down gods, ancient dragons, dark masters or whoever has the equipment we so desperately want. And afterwards we split up the loot, using a 'Gambler' to make sure everything is divided fairly. This is a non-pk mud, so people are generally helpful and friendly. except in the arena (where nobody loses xp for dying). Outside the arena player killing or stealing from others is illegal. Burning also has a special area called The Well, unlike anything I've seen on any other mud. It's extremely dangerous with lava rooms, dangerous winds, trapdoors, quicksand and lots of nasty monsters with special abilities, many of them deadly. It takes time (and a lot of deaths) to figure out how to survive there, but the rewards are certainly worth the danger. Other things of interest... If you perform well you might be taken into one of our mercenary groups or perhaps even start your own group. Quests (over 100 and increasing), plus immortal-held quests. An elder system to welcome and help new players, the arena for testing your skills against others, active and friendly immortals (yes, they really are!), extensive help files,... The bad things are lack of new players, which luckily seems to be turning again. And the easiness to get too lvl 50/50 (I'd prefered... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 13, 2005
I have been mudding since the early 90's and as many other mudders I got stuck on one mud and never changed. 2002 some friends of mine asked me to try Burning and I was a bit reluctant for a starters since I had heard it was heavily based on afk exping and I was used to play very actively on a PK mud. However, after playing Burning for some months trying to get a grip of it I realized the mud had huge potential. It is not a mud for you guys that has to do PK for a living, only place PK is allowed is in the arena or in special events. I was kind of bored with PK after 10 years of PK so this didn't matter to me. Burning offers a fun environment for all types of players. The loner, the newbie, the lazy, the skilled and the active ones can all have fun on this mud. This is a very social mud, people talk alot with each other and it is easy to make friends. If you need help there is always someone online who can answer since the mud has players from all over the world even though the majority are europeans. There are always at least 20 people online, normally around 50 and sometimes up to 100. During the weeks you can choose to either solo, join groups and get xp or join groups in the well. The well is a very funny area that consists of 20 levels (harder mobs each level) and from here you get good cash, elemental fragments and some nice equipment. The main reason for being in the well is that elemental fragments will let you boost your char gaining a special race and extra stats. Here you can also find orbs of great power to make you.. kick ass. Weekends there is usually some experienced leader (me among others) that lead special equipment groups (PG - PowerGroups) which heads out and kill the most badass mobs with the best equipment in the game. These groups are tons of fun, you gain great equipment and most players are online to join these groups. The immortals on this mud are very friendly and unless you are a total jerk they treat you with respect and are very open to suggestions and ideas. They also keep adding new and wonderful areas for people like me to explore and slaughter inhabitants in. I highly recommend you to try this mud out if you haven't and feel free to send me a tell or ask the elders (using 'tell elders ' for help when you do. /Gorog - Fighter forever.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 13, 2005
I've been addicted to mud for 15 years now and tried a lot of different ones before finally getting hooked for good on Burning. As every other mud, this one has good things and bad, but the good things by far outweigh the bad, imho. We rarely have less than 20-30 players online, and on Saturdays there are usually 75-100. The world is large - over 200 areas. Luckily there are transporter obelisks in the major cities and on a few other places, so travel is still fast & easy. When you reach level 50 you start over at level 1, either as same class with new powers, or as another class, with their abilities. And at lvl 50/50 you can buy all your stats to max and then you get level 51, 52, 53, etc. Highest sofar is level 85. This mud is heavily group oriented. You can get xp on your own, but generally it's both faster and safer to team up and do it. Mages are great at dealing damage but won't live long without someone there to protect him. Fighters can deal a fair amount of damage and protect people. Bring in a priest too and you'll have an ok group. Perhaps an animist for some nature spells, a rogue to pick locks, track, peek & backstab? An assassinating nightblade is never bad, except for the opponent ;-] And maybe a templar or warlock for extra power... and some more priests to handle healing, and more mages and... you'll have a PowerGroup! Saturday is PowerGroup day - that's when everyone interested brings his or her best player and we form a larger group (40-60 players) and do our best to bring down gods, ancient dragons, dark masters or whoever has the equipment we so desperately want. And afterwards we split up the loot, using a 'Gambler' to make sure everything is divided fairly. This is a non-pk mud, so people are generally helpful and friendly. except in the arena (where nobody loses xp for dying). Outside the arena player killing or stealing from others is illegal. Burning also has a special area called The Well, unlike anything I've seen on any other mud. It's extremely dangerous with lava rooms, dangerous winds, trapdoors, quicksand and lots of nasty monsters with special abilities, many of them deadly. It takes time (and a lot of deaths) to figure out how to survive there, but the rewards are certainly worth the danger. Other things of interest... If you perform well you might be taken into one of our mercenary groups or perhaps even start your own group. Quests over 100 and increasing), plus immortal-held quests. An elder system to welcome and help new players, the arena for testing your skills against others, extensive helpfiles, active and friendly immortals,... The bad things are lack of new players, which luckily seems to be changing again. And the easiness to get too lvl 50/50 (I'd have prefered if it was of... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 13, 2005
ahem.... as you say.... you had 4 people ak the other night. maybe hmms... it's not fun... i'm sorry but i played Burning before it split.... I assure you that it was much better before. Not like it is now when you go to your mud and everyone else hates you.... or you just don't give a sh*t about who does what. but lemme just put it this way... your mud sucks... i logged on just to check out the 'improvements' that have been so far happening.... none... that's what. so... just to let ya know.... S/T may not be there half the time, but at least they can actually say they've have 20-30 new members since split.... unlike you.... sorry so negative, but YOU'RE the ones that caused on yourself, and you guys call yourself burning... your not even a piece of cold blackened mud... your still wet... maybe you should close Btw... this is Cruciatus
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 16, 2003