Cajun Nights
World of Darkness-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination) founded in 1993.
Ranked 451st of 773 worlds statistically.
Ranked 18th of 23 worlds in the World of Darkness genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (32 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)

RhostMUSH Alpha 4.1.0RL(A).p2

Average Connected:
1 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
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                  Welcome to New Orleans - The Dark Future
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  "Cajun Nights" uses the Storyteller(tm) game system.  All terms used in
 conjunction with this system are copyright and used with express permission
   of White Wolf.  Reproduction of any of the text files containing game
     mechanics without permission of White Wolf is strictly prohibited.
          (White Wolf Game Studio and the Management, do not assume
               responsibility for the contents of this MUSH.)

Be advised, this MUSH deals with adult themes. Your acceptance of those
themes is implied when you connect. This does not mean that unpleasant
behavior is condoned, but is an unavoidable plot device that is used in
storytelling situations. We assume NO liability for parents who let their
minor children connect to this site without supervision.

Furthermore, by logging onto this MUSH you verify that you are of legal
age, or have your parents' permission to log on.  The MUSH and its
administrators are not responsible for the action of any of its players.
The management of Cajun Nights MUSH does not condone, nor encourage /any/
form of  Real Life "illegal" activities.   Any persons suspected of these
activities should be brought to the attention of Game Management.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character to look around.
  "create  <name> <password>" will create a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "+help" gives help on softcoded commands, policies and procedures.
  Questions?  email:
Cajun Nights, New Orleans by Night, has been running for over 10 glorious years now with a good playerbase and a great team of staffers. All our supernatural spheres are active, as is the crime/civil/law sphere and we are running regular cross sphere plots to involve mortals and super alike. Rhost is our game server and it gives us several terrific features. Obfuscation and the Umbra are now coded, as are the Auspex and Mind Shield effects that go along with it. Our new queue system gives the staff more information about what player requests are still pending and what needs to take place to get them resolved in a timely fashion. Our mortal and mortal+ sphere has many openings for those who prefer playing characters without supernatural abilities. Whether you want to be the high-society type or be involved in the University or one of the street people, there are plenty of opportunities. If the world of crime--being one of the bad guys or being one of the people trying to catch them -- is your thing, there are plenty of openings. There are openings for everyone from mooks and drug-pushers to white-collar criminals. Things are as open on the other side of the street as well -- patrol cops, state police, FBI agents, to name a few. The shifter sphere is a terrific place to serve Gaia. There are openings for every tribe except Red Talons, and for every auspice. Kinfolk are needed as well, and we are also accepting bete/fera. The Umbra will be very important in the stories to be told in the coming months, so those of you with an interest in Terra Incognita may find it an especially good place to play. Kindred: There are openings for all Camarilla clans, including the Gangrel (who, in our chronicle, have never left the Camarilla) and for Setites as well. New Orleans hosts a vibrant Voodoun community, which anyone, mortal or super, is welcome to join. Not everyone is chosen for a special relationship with the lwa, but each spirit is seeking followers right now. We operate our own version of Voodoun, developed for us by Sam Chupp and recently updated by our own staff. Last but certainly not least, Cajun Nights offers a large Mage sphere. New characters are welcome, but we are a bit pickier about which traditions are available. Acolytes and consors are being accepted almost across the board. Contact Information: God eMail: Shakron -- Website: MUSH: 7373
- The Mud Connector (2009)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

March, 1993 [1]
1993 [2]

World of Darkness -- New Orleans by Night [1]
original World of Darkness 2nd Edition MUSH [2]
World of Darkness [5]

USA [1]
Highland, NY [2]

RhostMUSH Alpha version 3.9.0RL(A) patchlevel 4 #9 [1]
RhostMUSH - Up to date Hardcode [2]
RhostMUSH 3.2.4RL(A).p18-32U [5]

Horror [2]
Worlds of Darkness [3]
StoryTeller [4]

Cajun Nights, New Orleans by Night, has been running for over 10 glorious years now with a good playerbase and a great team of staffers. All our supernatural spheres are active, as is the crime/civil/law sphere and we are running regular cross sphere plots to involve mortals and super alike. Rhost is our game server and it gives us several terrific features. Obfuscation and the Umbra are now coded, as are the Auspex and Mind Shield effects that go along with it. Our new queue system gives the staff more information about what player requests are still pending and what needs to take place to get them resolved in a timely fashion. Our mortal and mortal+ sphere has many openings for those who prefer playing characters without supernatural abilities. Whether you want to be the high-society type or be involved in the University or one of the street people, there are plenty of opportunities. If the world of crime--being one of the bad guys or being one of the people trying to catch them -- is your thing, there are plenty of openings. There are openings for everyone from mooks and drug-pushers to white-collar criminals. Things are as open on the other side of the street as well -- patrol cops, state police, FBI agents, to name a few. The shifter sphere is a terrific place to serve Gaia. There are openings for every tribe except Red Talons, and for every auspice. Kinfolk are needed as well, and we are also accepting bete/fera. The Umbra will be very important in the stories to be told in the coming months, so those of you with an interest in Terra Incognita may find it an especially good place to play. Kindred: There are openings for all Camarilla clans, including the Gangrel (who, in our chronicle, have never left the Camarilla) and for Setites as well. New Orleans hosts a vibrant Voodoun community, which anyone, mortal or super, is welcome to join. Not everyone is chosen for a special relationship with the lwa, but each spirit is seeking followers right now. We operate our own version of Voodoun, developed for us by Sam Chupp and recently updated by our own staff. Last but certainly not least, Cajun Nights offers a large Mage sphere. New characters are welcome, but we are a bit pickier about which traditions are available. Acolytes and consors are being accepted almost across the board. Contact Information: God eMail: Shakron -- Website: MUSH: 7373 [1]
Cajun Nights MUSH, New Orleans by Night, is based upon White Wolf Gaming Studios 2nd Edition original World of Darkness games that has been running since 1995 with a good player base and a great team of Staff Members. Please note that this is a MUSH based on Role Play. All of our spheres are active, as is the Crime/Civil/Law sphere and we are running regular cross-sphere plots to involve Mortals and Supernaturals alike. o Mortals: the Many & Mortal Plus: the Special - Our mortal and mortal+ spheres have many openings for those who prefer playing characters without supernatural abilities. Whether you want to be the high-society type or be involved in the University or one of the street people, there are plenty of opportunities. o CCL: the Balance - If the world of crime -- being one of the bad guys or being one of the people trying to catch them -- is your thing, there are plenty of openings. There are openings for everyone from mooks and drug-pushers, to white-collar criminals. Things are as open on the other side of the street as well -- patrol cops, state police, FBI agents, to name a few. The civil world, that which everything else in the WoD is based off of, is represented here too! Medical, Political and Educational, just to name a few. Come in and join the fun. o Werewolf: the Apocalypse - This sphere is a terrific place to serve Gaia. There are openings for every tribe except Red Talons, and for every auspice. Kinfolk are needed as well, and we are also accepting Bete/Fera. The Umbra will be very important in the stories to be told in the coming months, so those of you with an interest in Terra Incognita may find it an especially good place to play. o Vampire: the Masquerade - There are openings for all Camarilla clans, including the Gangrel (who, in our chronicle, have never left the Camarilla) and for Independant clans as well. o Voodoo: the Macabre - New Orleans hosts a vibrant Voodoun community, which anyone, mortal or other super, is welcome to join. Not everyone is chosen for a special relationship with the lwa, but each spirit is seeking followers right now. We operate our own version of Voodoun, developed for us by Sam Chupp and recently updated by our own staff. o Mage: the Ascension - The sphere here is focused on the Traditions and the internal strife between them, though the Technocracy does have a play in the activities around the city and its environs. New characters are welcome, but we are a bit more picky about which traditions are available. Acolytes and consors are being accepted almost across the board. Rhost is our game code server and it gives us several terrific features. Obfuscation and the Umbra are now fully coded, as are the Auspex and Mind Shield effects that go along with it. Our +queue system gives the Staff more information about what player requests are still pending and what needs to take place to get them resolved in a timely fashion. Contact Information: Administration eMail: Cajun Nights -- Website: MUSH: 7373 [2]
The World of Darkness is very similar to our own. Same cities, same movies, same events all exist there, just as they do in the real world. However, there are many differences. Corruption is rampant, apathy and ignorance have taken the general populace and the Supernatural walk the earth, hiding themselves just beyond the perception of the mundane. The creatures have been influencing the course of the world since the beginning, all the while waging an eternal war between themselves. Few have realized the source of the dacay and darkness that surrounds them. [3]
Another World of Darkness MUSH, this one based in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [4]
Cajun Nights is pleased to announce its grand reopening, Tuesday, September 2, 2003. Months of soft-roleplay and hard work are about to come to fruition. We have a new code base (rhost), an almost entirely new roleplay staff, a new system for handling Voodoun, an all-new vampire sphere and the return of the Technocracy to New Orleans. Rhost gives us several terrific features. Obfuscation and the Umbra are now coded, as are the Auspex and Mind Shield effects that go along with it. Our new queue system gives the staff more information about what player requests are still pending and what needs to take place to get them resolved. Our com-system and bulletin boards are much more user-friendly and similar to what players have used elsemu*. Our mortal and mortal+ sphere has many openings for those who prefer playing characters without supernatural abilities. Whether you want to be the high-society type or be involved in the University or one of the street people, there are plenty of opportunities. If the world of crime--being one of the bad guys or being one of the people trying to catch them--is your thing, there are plenty of openings. There are openings for everyone from mooks and drug-pushers to white-collar criminals. Things are about as open on the other side of the street--patrol cops, state police, FBI agents. The shifter sphere is a terrific place to serve Gaia. There are openings for every tribe except Red Talons, and for every auspice. Kinfolk are needed as well, and other breeds will be considered, although Garou are preferred over other breeds right now. The Umbra will be very important in the stories to be told in the coming months, so those of you with an interest in Terra Incognita may find it an especially good place to play. The kindred sphere is being entirely reset. There are no player-characters carrying over from the past, which means there is a lot less entrenched power that a vampire struggling to make a name for himself has to overcome. There are openings for all Camarilla clans, including the Gangrel (who, in our chronicle, have never left the Camarilla) and for Setites as well. New Orleans hosts a vibrant Voodoun community, which anyone, mortal or super, is welcome to join. Not everyone is chosen for a special relationship with the lwa, but each spirit is seeking followers right now. We have a new system for handling Voodoun, based heavily on Sorcerer, which should make it easier to get involved with. You can get more information in the Sphere Information Center or on the Cajun Nights webpage. Last, Cajun Nights offers a large mage sphere. New characters are welcome, but we are a bit pickier about which traditions are available. Acolytes and consors are being accepted almost across the board. The Technocracy is returning as a PC sphere, but is only open to players who we have some history with and know we can trust. [5]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Amberyl's Almost-Complete List of MUSHes
  5. The MUSH Warehouse