Sonic the Hedgehog-themed MUCK (Multi-User Character Kingdom) that opened in 1995 and is currently down.

Db Size:

Players Connected:

Maximum Connected:
1 (final 30 days)


Average Connected:
0 (final 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (final 30 days)
Connection Screen

This world is Pueblo 1.0 Enhanced.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------  --  Welcome to ChaosMUCK Prime!   --
      _ ______  ______ _ Main TP Founded 1995!.--._    Raven = SiteWiz
     <_)______><______(_>   MUCK Founded 1997! `.  `-.   
             .| |.          /\ /\              .-'    `. 
This is a private MUCK     /  \..|_           .'      _..:._ 
which is based primarily .'--     `.         `.  .--.'      `. 
on the Sonicverse! Also  ;.    '.--.\  (<>)  _.'  \.      .--.\ 
Called the Sonic  '=-''-';      ; _ |      .'      |     |    |      
Universe, This is a     : ~''--=|;#'O     `--.     |  .--|    D 
Role-playing forum for   `\      `--'-o       `;  /'\/   ,`---'@            
serious players who want |``--.. \._ '      .'  ;'   '.__`-.__.' Application
a more structured game.    .'  ''        .'  .'        .`---'      Required!
_____________________________________   '--''    .   `-;__.--. 
         .---.        .---.          |=  =-~_-    `-..__( _==_) Public Areas
        /     \  __  /     \         |~-=  - -     ;. '   `--'  Rated PG-13!
 RD3   / / \   \(  )/  /  \ \   RD3  | ASCII Art by JGS & Raven    
      //////   ` \/ '   \\\\\\       |======================================
     //// / // :(<>):  \\ \ \\\      |NEED Help? : Type Help
    // /   /  /'    `\   \   \ \     |Guest Login: connect guest guest
   //          //..\\           \    |Disconnect : QUIT  (All Caps)
           o==UU====UU==o            |  All guest connections are monitored.
              `//||\\'         (tm)  |--------------------------------------
A production of``''                  |               BACK from the dead. ^.^
       RavenDark Enterprises Ltd.    |
Raven can be reached at
ChaosMUCK is a role-playing forum based primarily on the SatAM Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon, comics, player fanfiction, and other works. We require character detailed character applications to join; however, this process is easy and worthwhile as it can be integrated into your public profile if so desired. We offer a balanced system of role- play and powerlevels using a system of self-governed and staff assisted referees. We encourage 'pure' role-playing and character developement, and fun!
- The Mud Connector (2009)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

December, 1995 [1]

Sonic The Hedgehog [1]

USA [1]

GlowMUCK [1]

Worlds for Fans, Furry worlds, Social Role-playing worlds [2]

ChaosMUCK is a role-playing forum based primarily on the SatAM Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon, comics, player fanfiction, and other works. We require character detailed character applications to join; however, this process is easy and worthwhile as it can be integrated into your public profile if so desired. We offer a balanced system of role- play and powerlevels using a system of self-governed and staff assisted referees. We encourage 'pure' role-playing and character developement, and fun! [1]
ChaosMUCK is a themed roleplay MUCK based on the Saturday AM Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon, StH Comic by Archie, player fanfiction, and other works. Much work has gone into making ChaosMUCK's roleplaying environment a great place for player's artistic and creative expressions in a free and non-disruptive environment. Theme Details Character Application Form [2]
A themed roleplay MUCK based on the Saturday morning "Sonic the Hedgehog" cartoon, StH comic by Archie, player fanfiction, and other works. Much work has gone into making ChaosMUCK's roleplaying environment a great place for player's artistic and creative expressions in a free and non-disruptive environment. The individual tinyplots (plotlines created by the players) are carefully regulated and are kept on theme to create as much continuity as possible in line with the overall themes. There is, after much discussion, more of room for original concepts including hints of anime and other themes; HOWEVER, the basic premise is that all characters be 'Mobian' in origin. This MUCK's theme is about MOBIUS and does not have to constantly revolve around the canon characters. The staff works hard to keep the play balanced and the twinkies out. The rules are simple, have fun but not at the expense of others. Applying is as easy as coming up with a character, filling out the form found on the homepage, and E-mailing it in! [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. Pueblo/UE World List
  3. Rhal's Furry MU*s Page
I would highly recommend -not- going to Chaos if you're looking for any constructive RP at all. Most of the time this particular muck consists of about 5-8 people who sit in the Out Of Character area of the muck the majority of the day. If any RP does occur it's either too jumbled to be understood or too 'cliqued' to allow any outside RPers to get a start in it. One of the largest problems however with Chaos is the staff that runs it. The #1 of the muck, while a very learned MUF coder, is also extremely paranoid and self-centered. He writes mufs that allow him to spy on various parts of the muck from his 'personal' chambers. It would not be surprising if he logs all commands and actions so he may go through and pick out comments by people at his leisure. His insecurity has also led him to write mufs that will sweep players he dislikes from rooms if he wants to enter them, regardless of what that player is doing. It also prev2ents players from entering rooms he's in. So if he decides he doesn't like you, you can pretty much be assured you will never get anywhere on the MU*. Interaction with the rest of the staff is extremely drab. While some of them are very helpful, they are rarely around. Likely because they're sick and tired of the attitude of the higher ups. The rest are brown-noser elites and YesMen of the #1 Speaking out against the #1 is a sure way to either get yourself in trouble with the admin. Regardless of how valid your opinon, or might cause him to run away so he can hide in his room. An example happened to me personally, when the admin overheard that I disagreed with him. This is interesting because other members of his staff were agreeing with my disagreement. The #1 wrote a program that will eject the player he specifies, me, from the room whenever: 1) He enters. 2) I enter a room he is in. Regardless of what I or he happen to be doing or how idle we are. A further example is that all players online were in a room, an open OOC room, with the admin. I could not enter this room or interact with the other players due to his being there. Another player had a similar problem for different reasons. When he commented on it, I agreed, and the wiz then threatened me. When I told him if he deactivated his program, there would be no problems, he booted me, then proceeded to change the password of my character so I could never connect again. I will admit I did try to enter the room repeatedly, in hopes he would get the point I would like to come in, but he ignored the attempts. Gripes were filed, but he ignored them. Apparently, he also informed me never to use gripe again. He said this as I was repassworded but I never recieved any mail or saw any statement telling me to cease. Nor did he bother to reply to any gripes. This has happened on several occasions and actually in his sulking fits, has erased a large number of his own characters. This caused confusion and discord in other players who had standing RP with those characters. They were forced to re-write their backgrounds or read just their RPs to make up for the fact that the #1 doesn't want to play no more cause his feelings are hurt. If you're looking for quality, regular, and understandable RP, don't go here. To top off the problems with the staff, the muck theme itself has been shifted and rearranged repeatedly. There have been several 'resets' that force the players to consider anything they've done so far, null and void. In my personal opinion, if you're looking for quality, regular, and understandable RP, don't go here.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jun 1, 2003