Comic Adventures MUX
Super Hero-themed MUX (Multi-User eXperience).
Ranked 128th of 791 worlds statistically.
Ranked 5th of 12 worlds in the Super Hero genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
9 (19 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
18 (last 30 days)

MUX Alpha

Average Connected:
11 (last 30 days) ▲22%

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
             _________                   _____        
             __  ____/______ _______ ___ ___(_)_______
             _  /     _  __ \__  __ `__ \__  / _  ___/
             / /___   / /_/ /_  / / / / /_  /  / /__  
             \____/   \____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/   \___/  

_______ _________                      _____                               
___    |______  /___   _______ _______ __  /_____  _______________ ________
__  /| |_  __  / __ | / /_  _ \__  __ \_  __/_  / / /__  ___/_  _ \__  ___/
_  ___ |/ /_/ /  __ |/ / /  __/_  / / // /_  / /_/ / _  /    /  __/_(__  ) 
/_/  |_|\__,_/   _____/  \___/ /_/ /_/ \__/  \__,_/  /_/     \___/ /____/  

Welcome to Comic Adventures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4220                         4220                                     MUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect superit" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".
Comic Adventures MUX is a two grid game that is all about superhero comic books and comic characters from the DC, Marvel, and G.I. Joe universes. We opened officially on April 16, 2010. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes The World in Crisis Two worlds opened eyes and found most of its heroes gone. Supervillains begot destruction and terror. Police took up arms and the Military marched as the U.S. panicked. The U.N. hid as HYDRA greedily reached out its tentacles and S.H.I.E.L.D. took the war to the worldwide streets. Earth-M161 wished upon stars for heroes, and the Atlanteans fearing for their cities demise rose from the waters. The supervillains quaked in fear, and Magneto rose above Genosha to save the world as descended....
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1]

MUX] MUX #1 [BETA [1]

USA [1]

Comic, Superhero [1]

Comic Adventures MUX is a two grid game that is all about superhero comic books and comic characters from the DC, Marvel, and G.I. Joe universes. We opened officially on April 16, 2010. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes The World in Crisis Two worlds opened eyes and found most of its heroes gone. Supervillains begot destruction and terror. Police took up arms and the Military marched as the U.S. panicked. The U.N. hid as HYDRA greedily reached out its tentacles and S.H.I.E.L.D. took the war to the worldwide streets. Earth-M161 wished upon stars for heroes, and the Atlanteans fearing for their cities demise rose from the waters. The supervillains quaked in fear, and Magneto rose above Genosha to save the world as darkness descended. Wicked armored monsters with insect wings began to bury the world. New Earth prayed on knees for heroes, and the Amazons gave a rallying cry and picked up arms even as the Atlanteans rose to find their King. The supervillain teams called a truce in fear before the dark mass. Still, the winged black metal beasts did not stop coming. There is a flash of light that burned away the darkness in the worlds and seared the souls of all in existence. The world, no, existence was changed. The Heroes in Chaos The Labyrinth summoned all who would threaten the plans of its masters. Here, the heroes fought against the coming slaughter. With battle cries, the heroes fought not only for their lives, but to find sense. Was it in vain? Victors in war, a broken world found; New Earth and Earth-M161 were one. Heroes once loved now faced fear and hatred; even the Justice League turns to the U.N. Now discovered is the meta-human and those that honor their heroes with memorials and museums; the Friends of Humanity rage and mutants are shown hope. Still, the world population barely increased even as new cities such as Metropolis and Gotham City appeared. Society struggles to restructure as two histories became reality, and the U.S. politics erupt in chaos with the appearance of supporters of meta-humans. The battles the heroes suffered felt like an Infinite War. Remaining unchanged, they stand as a beacon for the hurting masses in this new age, an Age of Heroes with infinite possibilities and dangers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
Time Connected Note
19m ago 9 players
2h ago 9 players -2 players
3h ago 11 players Richenda left
4h ago 12 players Cecannia Eirissa left
5h ago 13 players
6h ago 13 players
7h ago 13 players
8h ago 13 players Richenda connected
9h ago 12 players
10h ago 12 players
11h ago 12 players
12h ago 12 players
13h ago 12 players
14h ago 12 players Cecannia Eirissa connected
15h ago 11 players
16h ago 11 players
17h ago 11 players
18h ago 11 players
19h ago 11 players
20h ago 11 players
23h ago 11 players
1d ago 11 players Alix Harrower left
1d ago 12 players
1d ago 12 players Desta left
1d ago 13 players Richenda left