Sci-Fi-themed AberMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 258th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 11th of 30 worlds in the Sci-Fi genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
4 (estimate)

Maximum Connected:


Average Connected:
4 (estimate)

Minimum Connected:
Connection Screen
                                   . : " +  :   ;
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By what name shall I call you? 
The Cryosphere is a mission-based, actively-updated, AberMUD-inspired game. Advancement in the game's ranking system is only achieved by completing missions (or quests), which start out as straightforward and become increasingly complex and challenging! Upon completion of all our missions, we invite players to contribute new context to the game (such as a new mission) in order to be promoted to Captain (our equivalent of Wizard). We have lots of features... equipment saving, multiple dynamically generated wilderness areas for different planetary surfaces, a dynamic reset system for the game world, spacecraft, cybernetic implants, player-owned accomodation, simulated missions, hallucinogenic drugs and many more. Join the Navy! See the Universe! Die in a swamp on a distant alien hellhole! ---- The year is 2063. Decades ago, was...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

English [1] [2]

[Custom] custom - musicmud [1]
Custom - From-scratch C++ codebase with lua scripting. Look and feel similar to abermuds. [2]
Custom [3]

1998 [2]

United Kingdom [1] [2]

SciFi [1]
scifi [2]
Sci-Fi [3]

Futuristic [2]

The Cryosphere is a mission-based, actively-updated, AberMUD-inspired game. Advancement in the game's ranking system is only achieved by completing missions (or quests), which start out as straightforward and become increasingly complex and challenging! Upon completion of all our missions, we invite players to contribute new context to the game (such as a new mission) in order to be promoted to Captain (our equivalent of Wizard). We have lots of features... equipment saving, multiple dynamically generated wilderness areas for different planetary surfaces, a dynamic reset system for the game world, spacecraft, cybernetic implants, player-owned accomodation, simulated missions, hallucinogenic drugs and many more. Join the Navy! See the Universe! Die in a swamp on a distant alien hellhole! ---- The year is 2063. Decades ago, space was opened up, for exploration, for development, and for colonisation. Now, the forces of competing nation-states are scrabbling to expand into the galaxy, fortifying and industrialising former frontier worlds, and searching for potential alien allies. One such system, located near the border of the demilitarised zone between British and French space, has been thrust into great importance, and now is host to an impressive military presence. But not all is well, banditry and piracy are still rife, the development of the system barely begun, and the uneasy peace with the French starting to break down. As a raw recruit to the Royal Space Navy, you must pass through the Academy, and then work your way up through the ranks by performing missions, eventually reaching the rank of Commander. Cryosphere is a Sci-Fi themed MUD that has been built from scratch, with some Aber influence. We have equipment saving, stores, banks, insurance, hospitals, wilderness, an integrated ship and docking system, simulators that you can safely train in, an academy for new players, an original scenario, and many unique missions. [1]
Cryosphere is a Sci-Fi themed MUD that has been built from scratch, with some Aber influence. Though we only have a very small team of developers and testers, we are under continuous development with significant new features added every 6 to 12 months, with the most recent being cybernetic implants. The only way of advancing ranks in the game is to complete missions which range from the trivial to the challenging; we try to avoid the standard hack'n'slash, grief'n'grind style of gameplay often found on other muds. Players who complete all (or a substantial part) of the game are invited to make a contribution to the game itself by designing or implementing a new mission, at which point they are promoted to Captain (the equivalent of a Wizard elsewhere). ----------------- The year is 2063. Decades ago, space was opened up, for exploration, for development, and for colonisation. Now, the forces of competing nation-states are scrabbling to expand into the galaxy, fortifying and industrialising former frontier worlds, and searching for potential alien allies. One such system, located near the border of the demilitarised zone between British and French space, has been thrust into great importance, and now is host to an impressive military presence. But not all is well, banditry and piracy are still rife, the development of the system barely begun, and the uneasy peace with the French starting to break down. As a raw recruit to the Royal Space Navy, you must pass through the Academy, and then work your way up through the ranks by performing missions, eventually reaching the rank of Commander. [2]
It's 2063. The secret of hyperspace has been cracked, and mankind is moving into the stars. A new era of great empires has begun. The mud's mainly based in an up-and-coming British colony system, with missions ranging from espionage (destroy french doomsday weapon!), to pirate-removal, from maintaining equipment to solving murders. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Mud Magic
Just a head's up to anyone looking to connect and play here. The mud itself actually looks like an intriguing place, however there is a little bit of a problem. Color and mud settings. I logged in and there was color everywhere! Not a huge problem, I don't mind color. The main problem was that wherever there was color it completely screwed up my mud client (gmud). When I asked about if there was a way to fix the problem I was told to the problem was my mudclient and to download a new one. Considering I have been using this one for a decade I wasn't about to switch for the sake of playing this one mud. I immediately logged out. Might be fun, but just be aware that it will only work as intended on certain mud clients.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 4, 2013
So, better late than never... gmud is an old, abandoned mudclient, and almost everything else is better. That said, it can be made to work with Cryosphere. You'll need to change the font to something fixed width see 'font' via the 'options' menu) such as FixedSys. Colours aren't a problem, just the font! Sorry we weren't able to help at the time :-(
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 4, 2013