CrystalMUSH is dated after the three Crystal Singer books, by Anne McCaffery, perhaps several hundred years after Crystal Line. However, we have *not* incorporated the changes Lars Dahl made to Guild Operations. IE, singers don't make day trips with supplied site coordinates, nor is the Guild openly recruiting candidates. This also means that Full Disclosure is still necessary, as the Ballybran symbiont is still a closely guarded Guild secret. People applying to the Heptite Guild for membership should not have knowledge of the symbiont until after disclosure.
CrystalMUSH is a role-playing game based on the Crystal Singer series by Anne McCaffrey. This MUSH has something for any McCaffrey fan. We have opportunities for those who enjoy building, those who enjoy coding, and those who enjoy short and long-term roleplay. The game consists of approximately +70K lines of MUSHcode that provides an operating and functional universe containing objects such as space shuttles, airsleds, sonic crystal cutters, crystal, vendors and catering units, and a fully functional economy. We have a 3-D world (which is actually a doughnut-shaped torus) and multiple facities both on and off-world. Players with a competitive bent can work to attain a high financial or expertise ranking in their trade, as well.
Based on Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer novels. A quiet but nicely done little place.
The original Crystal Singer themed MUSH! CrystalMUSH is a role-playing game based on the Crystal Singer series by Anne McCaffrey, the first MUSH made based on this theme. This game is run with the full knowledge and permission of Anne McCaffrey. The MUSH has something for any McCaffrey fan. We have opportunities for those who enjoy building, those who enjoy coding, and those who enjoy short and long-term roleplay. While there are opportunities to make characters on other worlds to interact with vacationing Singers, most of the action is based on Ballybran and one of its moons, Shankill. Apply to the Guild, go through Full Disclosure, have fun cleaning sleds and attending lectures as a recruit, undergo the horrors of adaption and become a fully fledged Guild member. There are many roles on Ballybran with code to enhance the experience: become a singer and search for and cut the elusive crystal, become a sorter and see the subtle flaws in the crystal, tuners, meditechs, cuttertechs, there's a role for anyone and everyone. For those who like coding, come and design a claim site to challenge the wits of the searching singers, or a planet for them to vacation on. Come and join us. The Heptite Guild is currently accepting applications for its next class on Shankill.