Final Realms
Fantasy-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 705th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 330th of 360 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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0 (20 minutes ago)

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0 (last 30 days)

FRlib V

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
LPmud version: FluffOS v2.28.3_fr.
FRlib V

                             Final Realms

                         Your god is Baldrick

                   Titan, Silbago, Rystal and Bruno

                           People to Thank
         Ducky, Pinkfish, Bivins, Devoe, Asmodean, Grimbrand,
            Hokemj, Hamlet, Radix, Cailet, Malik, Cadogan,
             Timion, Raisa, Taniwha, Calm, Athene, Flode,
                Rincewind, Titan, Driadan, Elminster,
                  James, Dyno, Bishop and Silbago.

         Mail to reach admins
         Official Websites 
         You are connected to port 4001

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Q - Quit                             M - Print this menu again
U - Short list of who is on-line     F - Finger someone
N - New character                    G - Guest character
O - OMIQ News                        E - External Window (HUD)

Or, enter your current characters name

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Final Realms offers many things that you will not find anywhere else. Our world contains over 25,000 custom made rooms. Each race has their own city and language, as well as a common language that can be understood by all players. Unlike other MUDS, you will not find yourself maxing out your character within a week or two and growing bored. We do not have a level limit that is even reachable within several years of play. You will always be able to continue to grow and gain in power for as long as you choose too. Each character selects a race and guild from a vast assortment, and will learn a different variety of abilities and spells based upon your choice. Players also...
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Average Players Connected By Hour
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English [1] [2] [3]

[LP] FluffOS [1]
Lp MUD - FR Mudlib [2]
FRlib V [3]
MudOS [6]

1992 [2]
1991 [3]

LPMud [3]

Sub Genre:
Forgotten Realms [3]

Adventure [3]

Norway [1] [2] [3]

Forgotten Realms Medieval [1]
Wizards, warriors, quests and combat [2]
Forgotten Realms [6]

Medieval Fantasy [2]
Fantasy Role-playing Worlds, Swords and Sorcery worlds [4]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
D&D [3]

Final Realms offers many things that you will not find anywhere else. Our world contains over 25,000 custom made rooms. Each race has their own city and language, as well as a common language that can be understood by all players. Unlike other MUDS, you will not find yourself maxing out your character within a week or two and growing bored. We do not have a level limit that is even reachable within several years of play. You will always be able to continue to grow and gain in power for as long as you choose too. Each character selects a race and guild from a vast assortment, and will learn a different variety of abilities and spells based upon your choice. Players may also choose to reincarnate at level 21 for a chance to become a special race that cannot be chosen, although all reincarnations do not go well. Players earn a title related to your development, rank and player-elected status with the option of hiding your title to keep your guild a secret. Final Realms also differs from others with built in systems similar to settings you would find on different clients for targeting, name coloring, movement, status window and other things to close the gap for players who have to use telnet. Players may create, organize and expand their own groups that are dedicated to specific purposes. There are also many existing Clans, Groups, Houses, and Families that players can join, control and advance in rank. There are several hundred quests that populate Final Realms with puzzles, mazes, keys to find and doors to unlock. Artifacts of great power and treasures of incredible value are guarded by dragons, demons and a vast assortment of other foul beasts. Quests come in a variety of ways that will test your characters physical ability, your mental prowess or a combination of both to varying degrees of difficulty ranging from soloable, party or raid. Magical items, spells and abilities are earned from their completion. We also schedule and run an OMIQ (Online Mini Interactive Quest) about once every two months. Always hugely popular with players, these quests offer very rare and powerful items that are only obtainable by winning. The combat system is highly developed and balanced between melee abilities and spells, making a fun and challenging PK environment. Each guild has there own unique commands and spells that grow in power as the player gains in levels and skills that are not only trainable but are also gained free by performing abilities that relate to them. If your ready for a truly unique experience, or want the competition we have to offer then login and feel free to ask anyone for assistance. We are very newbie friendly, and you will be given a newbie tag on creation that makes it impossible for others to harm you until you have reached lvl 18 or exceeded 6 million experience. [1]
Final Realms is a multiplayer, online, text-based, role-playing game in a fantasy setting with a full complement of special features: persistent and controllable character development, static and interactive quests, cooperative and competitive combat, player controlled organizations, a variety of items and creatures located in a vast world ready to be explored. Character Traits Each character selects a race and guild (profession) from a vast assortment. Each guild learns from a different variety of abilities and spells. Players earn titles related to their development, rank, and player-elected status. Organizations Players may create, organize and expand their own groups that are dedicated to specific purposes. There are also many existing Clans, Groups, Houses and Families that players join, control, and advance in rank. Quests Numerous quests populate Final Realms with puzzles, mazes, keys to find, and doors to unlock. Artifacts and treasures are guarded by dragons, demons and other mystical creatures. Many quests require massive cooperation between skilled characters to successfully complete. Magical items, spells and abilities are earned by exploration, brains and brawn. Combat The combat system on Final Realms is highly developed with melee and missile weapons, a huge variety of magical spells and healing effects. Each guild has unique abilities that grow as a player gains experience. Player versus player combat is allowed and well developed. Atlas The world of Final Realms consists of many thousand rooms organized into 11 domain areas. Various rooms include banks, markets, taverns, and even jails. Final Realms has a full ocean system complete with player owned ships and sea-based combat. A dozen main cities are spread throughout the wilderness connected by roads, paths or obscure trails. OMIQ Online Multiplayer Interactive Quests occur on a regular basis at Final Realms. OMIQs pit the might and wit of the players versus those controlled by the Creators. These one-time events offer story lines, multiple outcomes and fabulous prizes! [2]
Final Realms is a medieval world, with many diffrent races and guilds from which to choose. [4]
I'ts the best!!! [5]
Final Realms is an AD&D? based mud trying to emphasize on roleplaying instead of the usual hack'n slash. Medium sized with a stable gang of players and immortals. Altho it's based on the AD&D? ruleset we have our own twist on it. We have recently implemented a new skill-system which was a success! The most popular part of the mud is when we have OMIQ's, On-line Mini Interactive Quests. This is one-time quests we run now and then with special rewards. It is run by the immortals as a DM would run a 'RL roleplaying' game. There are some hundred quests to solve, some guild-restricted and some level-restricted, and of course some for newbies. We offer : Guilds/SIGs/Clans/Groups/Skills/Channels/Quests/OMIQs and of course the ever-so-exiting Player killing. [6]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Pueblo/UE World List
  5. Zuggsoft MUD List
  6. Mud Magic
I've tried several MUDs over the years, but the one that really stands out to me is Final Realms. In this review i will try to explain why. Final Realms is a large MUD with more than 20.000+ rooms. It has also an extensive race selection with among others: Elves, humans, dwarves, orcs, goblins, drow, duergar, gnome and halflings to mention a few. Guilds that are available can be put in four different classes: Mages: Several different schools are available with mages specialized in warding, evocation, alteration and necromancy to mention a few. Clerics: Several different clerics are available with different spheres from where their power comes from among others combat, summoning, healing, elemental, divination to mention a few. Rogues: Thief, Bard and Wizard-Thief Fighters: Fighters (with specialization Vanguard/Marshals and Marauders), Elf warrior, Drow warrior, Dwarf battlerager, Duergar battlerager, Ranger, Shapeshifter, Paladin, Antipaladin, Wizardwarrior and Outcast. The different classes all have unique commands or spells. This enables the players to really select what type they wish to play. Those can relate to Dungeons or Dragons (D'n'D) will easily understand the different classes, though Final Realms is not D'n'D, there are many similarities. One of the great things about Final Realms is the detailed environment, and worked through descriptions. Any player can be blown away into this fantastic world by just involving themselves into this fantastic detailed environment, and the solution to many quests also often lies in paying attention to details that can be found in the room descriptions. I really have to mention the quest system in Final Realms. The game has more than 300+ quests that all give rewards like experience points, money, and varying on the quest magical items or spells. There are quests designed for the single player, but also for parties where several players have to work together to accomplish the mission. At all major cities there are tale swappers that will inform you of what quests and missions are available to you, and give you a few hints on where to start out. It is also allowed to create special interest groups, called SIGs where players create their own place to stay, with buildings and rooms that contain vaults for equipment, taverns, sparring areas, banks, shops where they can sell their items to other players and much more. Imagination is usually the limits. For the high leveled players playerkilling is free, allowed and also encouraged, while low level players and medium level players are protected from other players attacking and/or damaging them. Playerfighting is free, and usually are based on race. So fighting among players usually happens between evil side consisting of drow, duergar, goblin ,orcs and other evil races versus elves, dwarves, gnomes and other goodly races. There is also a good community for those with creative skills in description and coding. If you are into this you can apply for immortality, and become a part of the crew that runs the mud, and creates new quests, areas, items for to... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 12, 2011
A fantastic mud released in the early days when mud's appeared on the internet, with a vast selection of classes and large areas with a staggering count of quests to explore. The development still goes strong and we offer a breathtaking time for those who have to guts to face danger at broad daylight. No safe gaming areas, aggressive and with a conspiratorial playerbase. The consequence of being killed might ruin you. You'll never find a place with such a nerve !
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 21, 2008
When I first played final realms, I didn't think much of it. But once I got a hang of the system i find it the most funnest game i have ever played. I have tried other muds and none of them seem to keep my interest. If your looking for a mud where you can gain friends and have lots of fun id suggest this mud is for you. The vass areas and quest to explore and solve are enormous. The constant introduction of newer better spells and commands is overwhelming. There are multiple ways to chat between your comrads. And there are multiple types of equipment which is only lost if you die and can not get the stuff from your corpse. Only negative to the mud is the fact that for now there lack of passing a no kill newbie rule. Other than that this mud is one of the best around. Right now the level to pull for on this mud is around 45-50. And god like pcs are level 60 and above. Seems rough but once again our system is so great we have players that have spend 100s of days online to build there characters and roles. If you happen to wish to be a coder admin usually suggest you make a player first and experience the realms then as time permits they will grant you immort hood with this you are granted chance to prove your self as a coder. If you do well you may rise in power and be able to run certain omiqs yourself or even create your own. But remember takes alot of time and devotion to be able to be a great coder at Final realms. Player wise any race is fine we have multiple races and chances of getting more if you reincarnate. There are multiple types of guilds from fighter, to 5 different types of wizards...and rangers to ragers...all in all this mud from a scale of 1-100 is a 1000...come try it out and see for back here with your opinions if yah could.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2003