Furry is the largest and longest standing MUCK on the Internet to date (note MUCK, not overall MU*). With a database well over the 160,000 item mark, and a regular nightly showing of 325+ players, it's an active social environment. The theme is centered around the roleplay of Anthropomorphics (characters combining animal and human traits such as werewolves; also 'funny animals', toons, etc.) but all who play with respect are welcome.
A heavily-used and heavily populated world of anthropomorphic animals. (Animals that more or less look human.) The advantage of FurryMUCK is its size: you can meet many interesting characters at every time of the day, and soon you have lots of friends. You can explore for weeks and you still haven't seen everything.
The biggest MUCK by far, and the best-known of the genre. Some folks roleplay all the time, some part of the time, some just sit around and talk. The advantage of FurryMUCK is its size: you can meet many interesting characters at every time of the day, and soon you have lots of friends. You can explore for weeks and you still haven't seen everything. However, size is also FurryMUCK's problem, although the new site (see below) may help matters. There is a building quota of 20 rooms, so if you want to build much more, you will perhaps better do it elsewhere. At the FurryMUCK greeting screen, type connect guest guest to get a guest character, and follow the instructions to read the help files and begin getting familiar with how things work. You will need to ask a wizard to let you out of the guest room into the MUCK. Type wizzes to see what wizards are online, and use page = to talk to them. If there are no wizards online, you must try again later. After that, if you want to get a permanent character, apply by email to the address given on the opening screen. Various information files can be read while connected, using the "info" command, and the Official FurryMUCK Web Pages have extensive documentation, at . The "Getting Started" section is especially helpful.