Harry Potter: Illusion and Delusion
Harry Potter-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 603rd of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 1st of 1 worlds in the Harry Potter genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (14 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

TinyMUSH 3.1.b11

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                 Welcome to HP: Illusion and Delusion Mush
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" provides information about theme.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
  "+help" gives you help on commands specifically designed for this game.
           You can reach staff members at: hp@chaos.caile.org
Reopened, grid revamped and expanded, time switched to 1986. Looking for active players.

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

July, 2008 [1]

[MUSH] [1]

USA [1]

Server Type:
MUSH [1]

Hogwarts / Harry Potter [1]

It is July of 1990. Summer break is in full swing. In September, Fred and George Weasley will be starting their second year at Hogwarts and Charlie Weasley will be in his seventh. Harry Potter does not yet know that there are Wizards and Muggles and Ron will be stuck at home with his little sister Ginny as the rest of his brothers go off to school. There are no inklings of He Who Must Not Be Named and the world is moving forward peacefully with the only excitement being who will win at Quidditch. But the rest of us know what is in store, so join us now in these bright golden days before darkness begins to creep across the world. Will you be a Quidditch star, wowing the crowds? Or bound and determined to impress Professor Snape with your brilliance in Potions? Will you be a practical joker like the Weasley twins or intent on becoming a prefect like Percy? Because in just one more year.... Harry Potter will come to Hogwarts and the world will never be the same again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have some students thru Chargen and some teachers to hold classes, we are ready to reopen Hogwarts for roleplay to take place there. Sorting will be Friday, 6 December at around 5pm eastern. We encourage people to show up early for 'en route to school' roleplay as well as to give yourself time to pick up any last minute items at Diagon Alley. Hope to see you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorting has taken place and classes will be starting up. Currently Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are well peopled but Slytherin and Hufflepuff have very few. So come and join us. Add your number to the strength of Gryffindor or Ravenclaw or help flesh out Slytherin or Hufflepuff. Either way, we hope to see you there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Potions Class scheduled for Saturday, 14 December at 5pm eastern - come and face Snape in his Dungeon classroom! Snape took points from Gryffindor and assigned 6 inches of parchment on the uses of snake fangs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transfiguration Class scheduled for Saturday, 21 December at 5pm eastern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quidditch Tryouts are coming up in the next two weeks. Come join us and see which team walks away with the Quidditch Cup! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quidditch Tryouts have begun. Much to no one's surprise, the Weasley Twins are Beaters for the Gryffindor team. Meredith Willoughby will be joining them as a Chaser. Molly Maguire made it as a Seeker for House Hufflepuff and Nika Malik is a Chaser for House Ravenclaw. In a move that took everyone by surprise, Ariel Wise, a first year, ended up as Keeper for House Ravenclaw when she stood in to help out with the tryouts and wowed everyone watching. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quidditch Tryouts are ending soon as the time for Quidditch House Matches to begin is rapidly approaching. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Halloween is drawing near! Join us for the masquerade ball! [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
Time Connected Note
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