Imperian: The Sundered Heavens
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2003.
Ranked 199th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 88th of 351 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
2 (57 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
15 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
6 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
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The three moons of Aetherius, constantly shifting and changing the planet beneath them. Their shifting influence and unpredictable influence over the land has brought new life, change and terror to the land. Magick washes across Imperian in waves, new races and mortal powers have been born, and demons walk the earth. Only the quick witted and strong will survive. Imperian is a professionally-developed and run MUD that offers thousands of rooms to explore, hundreds of unique skills, quests, player on player combat, player-run cities, clans, councils and guilds. We have tons of quests, unique player items and houses. Because of our full-time staff, we develop at an incredibly quick pace. There is often a new area introduced weekly. From Iron Realms Entertainment, the creator...
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English [1] [2]

Custom [1] [2]

2003 [2]

USA [1] [2]

High fantasy [1]
Magic vs. Anti-magic [2]

The three moons of Aetherius, constantly shifting and changing the planet beneath them. Their shifting influence and unpredictable influence over the land has brought new life, change and terror to the land. Magick washes across Imperian in waves, new races and mortal powers have been born, and demons walk the earth. Only the quick witted and strong will survive. Imperian is a professionally-developed and run MUD that offers thousands of rooms to explore, hundreds of unique skills, quests, player on player combat, player-run cities, clans, councils and guilds. We have tons of quests, unique player items and houses. Because of our full-time staff, we develop at an incredibly quick pace. There is often a new area introduced weekly. From Iron Realms Entertainment, the #1 creator of MUDs on Earth. [1]
The three moons of Aetherius, constantly shifting and changing the planet beneath them. Their shifting influence and unpredictable influence over the land has brought new life, change and terror to the land. Magick washes across Imperian in waves, new races and mortal powers have been born, and demons walk the earth. Only the quick witted and strong will survive. Intense PVP Combat - With intricate skills and extensive combat coding, Imperian without a doubt features some of the most exciting and realistic player-vs-player battles that can be found anywhere! Involved Roleplay - Immerse yourself in vibrant roleplay! From religion to relationships, politics to revenge and all facets in-between, Imperian boasts a hardcore RP atmosphere. Elaborate Guild Skills - Each guild in the game has a unique approach to both NPC and PC combat and interaction skills. From the fearsome yet beautiful grove skills of the Arboreal, to the mysterious Vodun and Curses of the Wytchen, there is a guild and a bevy of skills for every taste. Innovative Races - From the feral Lycean to the armored Akrabi, the eloquent Sidhe to the graceful Lamira , Imperian features an array of original races to choose from. Each race additionally offers racial-only skills and distinctive roleplay opportunities. Immense Original World - With a team of full-time builders, the world of Aetherieus is ever expanding with distinctive areas rich in detail. There are numerous places to explore and creatures to interact with. Challenging Quests - The massive realm of Aetherius boasts enough quests to keep you occupied for a long time, not to mention the impromptu quests that are initiated by the realms Deities and Celani. Dynamic Economy - Make your fortune by peddling your wares to friends, place an ad selling your skills or even open your own store! Player-Built Housing - Imperian gives players the chance to design and build their very own houses. Newcomer Friendly - Imperian features a short opening area, Ancient Caanae, which smoothly introduces novice and experienced mudders alike to the game. There are also extensive help files, a novice channel and novice Guides to aid if needed. Large Playerbase - A large, dedicated playerbase ensures that there is always something happening, and always someone to interact with no matter what you seek. Dedicated Support Staff - Imperian features a dedicated staff that will quickly address both in-game and out-of-game issues. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
Imperian has indeed opened--4/4 or 4/5/2003. It is not a carbon copy of Achaea, though has many elements to be sure. I have played it and I think I can give it a fully honest assessment in terms of where it is to date. Since my impetus to write this review comes from the errors in a previous review comparing Achaean and Imperian, some of what I have to say is a comparison of the merits of the two games rather than the merits of Imperian itself. Though there will be some of that as well. On the negative side--it is very rough. Many help files, location descriptions, quests, items and CCCs are from Achaea and either don't work or are out of place in the Imperian world since they are not part of the mythos or background of the game. However, from experience with Achaea, I fully expect that these things will be fixed and the positives outweigh the jarring experience of seeing the Achaean god of war's name mentioned in a room description. On the positive side--much of the "familiar" geography of Achaea has been changed both in name and in layout, though there are room names that I am sure will probably remain common to both. The historic background shows alot of promise for future events--there are three moons which have different effects on the world, including having mutated life on the planet resulting in the current slate of races (which are also fairly interesting since there only a few "stock" races). One thing I like with any game is good storytelling and this situation shows potential. The skillsets, while familiar seem to be improved to a point where I envy the Imperian guild that corresponds to the one my character in Achaea plays. There are some totally new guilds as well and they appear to be very nicely put together conceptually. I am told the one I am playing now is the original creation of the head admin and my hats off to him. I enjoy it immensely after this first week and probably will continue to do so even after the "powering down" tweaks which are inevitable with any new guild. All in all, I think the Imperian guilds, at least at first blush are an improvement on Achaea, much the same way Achaea improved on what its predecessors had done. Achaea borrowed and improved upon things other games had done and now the corporation seems to be improving on themselves with Imperian. The other benefit of Imperian over Achaea is a much looser playerkilling policy, at least at the outset. My hope is that the idiots who whined obsessively and necessitated the restrictions found in Achaea don't come over to Imperian or if they do, the administration will allow them to be discomforted enough to run back to Achaea. Restrictive rules that capitulate(sp?) to whiners to keep them are as much a deterrent to some folks as all out carnage is. in... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 11, 2003
I've played imperian and it sucks. It's just a carbon copy of achaea. At least when they opened Aetolia they had a new city and a major new class (vampires). But imperian just seems to be a copy of the original world! Actually i haven't played imperian at all, infact i don't even think it's open yet. Which leads me to ask....... HOW IS IT RATED IN THE TOP 10 MUDS WHEN IT ISN'T EVEN OPEN YET!!! I know you guys have spanked Matt for bribing people to vote before, seems like some more corrective punishment is in order?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 10, 2003