Legends and Legacies
Super Hero-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 81st of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 3rd of 13 worlds in the Super Hero genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
18 (5 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
41 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
18 (last 30 days) ▼5%

Minimum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
               ###    ###### #######  ###### ###  ### #######  ######           
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            ####    ###### ### #### ###### ######## ###  ### ####### ##         
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           ###    ###### ######## ######  ##  ### ########  ###### ## ###       
          ####    #####    #####  #####  ###  ##  #####    ######   ##  #       
         ####                                                           #       
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     ######  ######  ####### ###   ### ####### #### ######  ######                  

Legends & Legacies -- a Superhero MUSH. 
NOTE! We are currently in stress-testing. If you haven't been invited to our
Discord server and have stumbled across us then welcome, and feel free to log
in as a guest and say hi, but we're not taking new apps right now. Try again
in mid June, or log in and ask!
'Connect (name) (password)' to login
'Create (name) (password)' to create a new character
'Connect Guest' to login as guest.
%% Welcome to AresMUSH version 1.4.0! http://www.aresmush.com
%% Type 'help' to learn how to play.  Type 'tour' to connect to a guest character to explore.
If you like narrative-driven superhero RP, deep worldbuilding, and broad creative freedom, check out Legends and Legacies. We are an Ares-based MU* run by hobby veterans with a love for meaningful story development and a community rich with in-character connections. Come add to our story with an original character, or pick up a fan-favorite feature and make cameos all over the grid. No drama, no MU* politics. Just great friends and wonderful storytelling.
- Ares Central (2024)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season