Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).
Ranked 771st of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 353rd of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (estimate)

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Average Connected:
0 (estimate)

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This is the latest incarnation of Richard Bartle's MUD2. MUD2 is the direct descendant of the _original_ MUD, as developed by Richard Bartle and others at Essex University, England, in 1978. The stated goal for this site is to provide a stable, long-standing home for MUD2 players around the world. The game is available for a low monthly subscription fee which helps cover the costs and the effort associated with software development and system maintenance. MUD2.COM is operated by Viktor T. Toth, aka Viktor the arch-wizard, who was also an arch-wizard on the Kesmai and NVN incarnations of the game. Players of CompuServe's British Legends (BL) know him as MrSpock the wizard.
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

English [1]

[Custom] MUD2 [1]
Other [3]

Fantasy Role-playing Worlds, Swords and Sorcery worlds [2]

Canada [1]

Fantasy [1]
Original World Built [3]

This is the latest incarnation of Richard Bartle's MUD2. MUD2 is the direct descendant of the _original_ MUD, as developed by Richard Bartle and others at Essex University, England, in 1978. The stated goal for this site is to provide a stable, long-standing home for MUD2 players around the world. The game is available for a low monthly subscription fee which helps cover the costs and the effort associated with software development and system maintenance. MUD2.COM is operated by Viktor T. Toth, aka Viktor the arch-wizard, who was also an arch-wizard on the Kesmai and NVN incarnations of the game. Players of CompuServe's British Legends (BL) know him as MrSpock the wizard. [1]
The acronym MUD stands for Multi-User Dungeon. There are thousands of MUD games on the Internet nowadays, but MUD2 is unique: it is the direct descendant of the original MUD, as developed by Roy Trubshaw, Richard Bartle, and others at Essex University in and around 1978. MUD2 is a game of exploration and discovery; of friendship and treachery; of fighting and death. Its unofficial motto: You haven't lived until you've died in MUD2! NOTE: for new players, login as "mudguest". This world charges for playing time. [2]
This is the latest incarnation of Richard Bartle's MUD2. MUD2 is the direct descendant of the original MUD, as developed by Richard Bartle and others at Essex University, England, in 1978. The stated goal for this site is to provide a stable, long-standing home for MUD2 players around the world. The game is available for a low monthly subscription fee which helps cover the costs and the effort associated with software development and system maintenance. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. Pueblo/UE World List
  3. Mud Magic