Marvel Cinematic Universe
Super Hero (Marvel Universe)-themed MUX (Multi-User eXperience) founded in 2009.
Ranked 441st of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 8th of 13 worlds in the Super Hero genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (2 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                   _____                            .__              
                  /     \ _____ __________  __ ____ |  |             
                 /  \ /  \\__  \\_  __ \  \/ // __ \|  |             
                /    Y    \/ __ \|  | \/\   /\  ___/|  |__           
                \____|__  (____  /__|    \_/  \___  >____/           
                        \/     \/                 \/                 
           _________ .__                              __  .__        
           \_   ___ \|__| ____   ____   _____ _____ _/  |_|__| ____  
           /    \  \/|  |/    \_/ __ \ /     \\__  \\   __\  |/ ___\ 
           \     \___|  |   |  \  ___/|  Y Y  \/ __ \|  | |  \  \___ 
            \______  /__|___|  /\___  >__|_|  (____  /__| |__|\___  >
                   \/        \/     \/      \/     \/             \/ 
              ____ ___      .__                                      
             |    |   \____ |__|__  __ ___________  ______ ____      
             |    |   /    \|  \  \/ // __ \_  __ \/  ___// __ \     
             |    |  /   |  \  |\   /\  ___/|  | \/\___ \\  ___/     
             |______/|___|  /__| \_/  \___  >__|  /____  >\___  >    
                          \/              \/           \/     \/   

                     <<<<< ALPHA TESTING & CREATION >>>>>

*This game is in no way affiliated with or presented by Marvel Enterprises Inc
It stands as a fan-run not for profit game and in no way claims ownership of 
any material found within. 

  "create <name> <password>" creates a character bit. Check the +roster before
  creating a Feature Character. This command is best for Original Characters.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you as a guest.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "NEWS" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Heralded by Reed Richards' ill-fated shuttle flight, the world as we know it has entered a state of -rapid- evolution. Costumed vigilantes stand as protectorate over the urban jungles battling crime that law enforcement can no longer contain. World governments have legally sanctioned teams of heroes to head off powered threats both foreign and domestic. Higher beings have made contact with the Earth: their presences known and their awe-inspiring powers an unsettling influence upon the mortals below. Racism stands at an all time high, though now the color of one's skin is no longer as important as the quality of one's genes. Imagine, if you will, walking through the streets of New York and looking up, you see an airborne duel between Spider-Man the...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[MUX] MUX #8 [1]
MUX [2]
Mux [3]

2014 [2]
31 Oct 2009 [3]

USA [1] [2]

Super Hero, Marvel Comics, superhero [1]
Super Heroes, Multiverse, DC, Marvel, Image, Verti [2]
Other [3]

Comic Books [2]

Heralded by Reed Richards' ill-fated shuttle flight, the world as we know it has entered a state of -rapid- evolution. Costumed vigilantes stand as protectorate over the urban jungles battling crime that law enforcement can no longer contain. World governments have legally sanctioned teams of heroes to head off powered threats both foreign and domestic. Higher beings have made contact with the Earth: their presences known and their awe-inspiring powers an unsettling influence upon the mortals below. Racism stands at an all time high, though now the color of one's skin is no longer as important as the quality of one's genes. Imagine, if you will, walking through the streets of New York and looking up, you see an airborne duel between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. Imagine tuning into CNN and seeing images of a suspected group of mutant terrorists called the 'X-Men' fighting unknown mutants with a backdrop of some exotic location. Imagine again flipping through the Daily Bugle and reading about the Avengers' press conference detailing their recent victory over alien invaders on another world. Imagine watching broadcasters on E! Gossip over the activities on one of America's most favorite family, the Fantastic Four. This is your world. Our story takes place in Marvel Universe 616MU. The MU part is because the moment you begin role playing is the moment it diverges from the comic book series Secret Wars 3 (2015 comic event). What we offer: * Easy and brief +traits based character generation. * Active and friendly staff and evolving world where player actions make a difference. * A game where feature and original characters are both welcome. * Open to player run plots. MUX: 2012 WIKI: [1]
Age of Heroes MUX is a multiverse comic MU featuring characters from the DC and Marvel universes (and potentially others, at Staff Discretion) early in their lives (but not Year One). Our world is a shared universe from the beginning. There is no weird dimension warping to bring the universes together, the Marvel and DC characters are intertwined, and the timeline explaining much of this can be found here -- Age Of Heroes picks up not long after the Spectre's curse restricting supernatural influences on the world is lifted, once again allowing heroes and villains to do with their powers as they will. This world is fresh and primed for various influences to begin trying to further their own goals. There are many hooks written into the timeline for potential FCs as well as OCs, and the game world is waiting for players to make their mark. What we offer: * Easy and brief +traits based character generation. * Active and friendly staff and evolving world where player actions make a difference. * A game where feature and original characters are both welcome. * Open to player run plots. MUX: 2012 WIKI: [2]
Our theme is simple; It's the Marvel Universe. No peanut butter in my chocolate or chocolate in my peanut butter (multiverse). No strange staff character centric version, no year one, no sandboxing. Just the Marvel Universe. Pure and simple. It all started with that fateful flight of Marvel's first family, the Fantastic Four. Then the tale exploded with countless adventures of thousands of characters. It's here, at Marvel Untold that you can expound upon those adventures. Essentially, writing your own and making those Untold stories come to life. Our cutoff is Marvel's publication date of 1992. Yet brought to the modern age because no one wants to wear leg warmers and have super massive teased big hair. The story cutoff is right after the Muir Isle Saga and Operation: Galactic Storm. It is the Golden Age of Marvel Comics when life was good and not so convoluted in story that a player cannot keep up with all that happened to the character in issue 367, page 8, panel 2. We also allow for current characters (if IC events have unfolded to allow such). With that said, character backgrounds are to be bullet-pointed. We do not want lengthy paragraphs. Character traits are necessary, but also brief in nature - Cover the key points and you're good to go. The staff at Marvel Untold want to make your online experience one that focuses on the RP'ability of the character, not the write-up. Come join us at Marvel Untold. We welcome FCs and OCs alike. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. PennMUSH Community Portal