Medieval Times MUD
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1996.
Ranked 212nd of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 95th of 360 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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7 (47 minutes ago)

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12 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
5 (last 30 days) ▼17%

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
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Welcome to Medieval Times, where magic users and melee types come together to defeat powerful dragons, grand wizards, and the evilest demons known to the land. Medieval Times has pure and hybrid classes, like Psionist or Necromancer which can become a Mindflayer or Death Mage and races, we have a physical and elemental damage system, trade type skills, auctioning system, Arena-type battlefield, ANSI color, 100's of unique zones, millions of NPCs, AI scripts that interact with players, gem socketing, level based armor and weapons, along with class and race restrictions and bonuses. We have a remort system where as a level 50 mortal, you may choose to remort, starting back at level 1 but you now can achieve level 100 (Hero), gain your back...
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Circlemud] [Circlemud heavily modified with an SQL backend [1]
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Medieval Fantasy [2]

Welcome to Medieval Times, where magic users and melee types come together to defeat powerful dragons, grand wizards, and the evilest demons known to the land. Medieval Times has pure and hybrid classes, like Psionist or Necromancer which can become a Mindflayer or Death Mage and races, we have a physical and elemental damage system, trade type skills, auctioning system, Arena-type battlefield, ANSI color, 100's of unique zones, millions of NPCs, AI scripts that interact with players, gem socketing, level based armor and weapons, along with class and race restrictions and bonuses. We have a remort system where as a level 50 mortal, you may choose to remort, starting back at level 1 but you now can achieve level 100 (Hero), gain your skills back at a sooner level, acquire new skills, and special rage attacks and defenses at 50+. We here at MT love ANSI graphics and provide a unique coloring display designed to enhance your playing experience. You can also do much more than hack and slash, we incorporate mob classification and random items are dropped that can be used in certain trade skills and quests. There is a newbie automatic quest system that has been recently overhauled and is tailored specifically for the new player. Any player that completes the quests is rewarded with experience points as well as beginner equipment. They will also gain the invaluable knowledge on basic commands and resources available throughout the MUD. It is a great way to jumpstart a character! Come conquer our realm! [1]
Welcome to Medieval Times, where magic users and melee types come together to defeat powerful dragons, grand wizards, and the evilest demons known to the land. Medieval Times has pure and hybrid classes, like Psionist and Necro which can become a Mindflayer or DeathMage and races. We have a physical and elemental damage system, trade type skills, auctioning system, Arena-type battlefield, ANSI color, 100's of unique zones, millions of NPCs, AI scripts that interact with players, gem socketing, level based armor and weapons, along with class and race restrictions and bonuses. We have a remort system where as a level 50 mortal, you may choose to remort, starting back at level 1 but you now can achieve level 100 (Hero), gain your skills back at a sooner level, acquire new skills, and special rage attacks and defenses at 50+. We here at MT love ANSI graphics and provide a unique coloring display designed to enhance your playing experience. You can also do much more than hack and slash, we incorporate mob classification and random items are dropped that can be used in certain trade skills and quests. Come conquer our realm! [2]
Medieval Times is a world where magic users and melee types come together to defeat powerful dragons, grand wizards, and the evilest demons known to the land. Medieval Times has pure and hybrid classes and races, we have a physical and elemental damage system, trade type skills, auctioning system, ANSI color, over 170 unique zones, millions of NPCs, level based armor and weapons, along with class and race restrictions and bonuses. We have a class based remort system where as a level 50 mortal you may choose to remort starting back at level 1. You will now be able to achieve level 100 (Hero), gain your skills back at a sooner level, aquire new skills, and special rage attacks and defenses starting at level 50. Medieval Times loves ANSI graphics and provides a unique coloring display designed to enhance your playing experience. You can also do much more than hack and slash, incorported mob classification and random items are dropped that can be used in certain trade skills and quests. [3]

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  3. Mud Magic
I'm sometimes a 'twink' at times yes the old spellcaster sorcerer known as spellbook from ruinsmud version 1.0 oh those were the days, anyways back to the points of views to this mud: it's got a lot of nice staff to help you when needed, we have a mini quest system and spirit system which is being worked on by our great coders of course you need to hero/heroine and have all your meta's done anyways there is also alot more to the mud we have zones of the past present and future and soon to be zones from ruinsmud to be imp'd in so tell your friends to come give us and try and we can all have some good o'le fun from the past.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 30, 2006
This is me with more stuff. This game has rather odd enemies. The psi's can poision people awesome huh? Oh yeah u can kill people too. This game is bloody. Oh yeah i will kill u. Meet me if u want to join the guild Imperial Lords. Invited characters:Moe,Damian,ShadowKnight,Narnia,Death, and Aslan. Bye
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 8, 2006
I love this MUD it has unique classes and races and violence. The people are friendly [except rashad and I so dont talk to us.if we want u in are Medieval conquest we'll ask. I will kill u if u ask .] there are people u like and dont like just like real life. There is a guy at the beginning who is real ugly and another guy with daggers. Don't play any other MUD because if u don't like this one none are better okay.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 8, 2006
All the players on the mud is very friendly and when you need help someone most fo the time is there to help you, the classes and races are very cool to play, and the EXP system is very easy now so why don't you come and try our new sub-races out, We also have a automatic dice rolling system when creating so have fun with us at midieval times mud and oh yeah be sure to tell your friends about us...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 2, 2006
Midieval times is a fun and enjoying place to play we have loads of classes and races and even sub races you would love to try, and the mini quest system is cool as well it's newbie friendly, The Immortals are good with the mortals i would like to also point out the exp is slow at first but the good thing is there is NO cap on exp's and when i say that it's super cool! :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 16, 2006
Wow this is the mud I've been playing for 3 years I went on vacation for a month and now it has tons of new features and a new system. Its good to have the imms and players working on keeping the mud fresh and the zones alive. Well time to log in and learn more from the new features. You must visit and play for some time.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2006
Alot has changed in the past 7 to 10 yeasrs since i been playing here the staff/players but to come to pass i think this is the best mud I've played on ever no puns intended to my other mud i played on ruins It's just I like how tank and his staff neatly arranged the zones and made things appropriate, anyways come give us a try if your new to the mudding you should start with a warrior or a psi they are a good class we have many different races to chose from such as dwarf giant drow high elf human ghouls are even in the game, we even have a nifty thing called subraces which allow you to have a extra racial skill depending on what you pick see your class you pick when creating, our creation system is a dice rolling system.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 24, 2006
Best MUD I've seen in ages! So many custom implementations, it's not like the other 99% of the MUDs people post that are 90% stock, and the other 10% snippets. On a scale from 1-10 I'd personally give this MUD a 10, from the helpful players and staff, to the unique world. Tons of skills and spells, as well as hybrid races and classes. Mob ran quests, as well as Immortal ran quests. What more could you ask for?! Try it out today. You'll see what I mean!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 9, 2006
MT is an amazing mud with great imms and a great player base. Newbies are treated with kindness, and can almost always get the help they need. Better ansi than any MUD out there, bar none. Great balanced classes, a ton of races (all worth playing), and unique level system 1-50 as a mortal, then 1-100 as a "re-mort". Large world based on continents reached via a completely unique boat system. Come check us out, we are always welcoming of new players! port 8500
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 30, 2006
midieval times is a good mud come join us and play along with us and have some fun, try out our new mini class systems.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 7, 2006
Mud rox! Y'all should play baby! Lotza cool people! FUNFUNFUN! Log thousands of hours and never look back!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 16, 2005
I think midieval times is a fun place to play on, and that in the beginning leveling might seem a bit slow and all but you have to give it some time to develope your inner talents of mudding try each and every classes and races. When you first start the easiest class to do is warrior class.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 14, 2005
Medieval Times is one of the most underrated MUDs out there. It has everything the big pay-muds have, for FREE! A huge world split into continents, multiple homeworlds, boats and teleportation devices help keep you exploring forever! 13 mortal classes, 13 re-mort classes and 2 spirit spirit classes with unlimited levels has kept my interest in this game for 10 years now. While it is mostly hack and slash, there are quests, guilds, clans and immortal run challenges. With over 50 races, you can tailor your character to excell in a specific aspect. I invite you to join me at Medieval Times and check out what this great MUD has to offer! Bakara
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 12, 2005
As a new player to the MUD, I have found ti to be a great place due to the unique leveling system. Fun players and just great atmosphere. Come check it out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 12, 2005
I would like to say this mud has had its ups and downs in the past year, but the foundation is solid: the mud is continuing to grow and expand. Many of our old players that quit around 2 years ago are popping up. The best way to keep the mud going is for more people to join the mud. We recently have had I think 7 people started playing the mud within the last couple months. I encourage everybody looking for a fun, eventful environment to stop in and have the time of your life at Medieval Times.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 16, 2005
The mud has been through troubled times since the latest playerwipe, but over the past month (March/April 2005), immortals seem to be getting active once again. What has been said about recent immortal/mortal relations has its merits, but as I said the past month or so has become somewhat of a renaissance, so feel free to contribute to what is still a rebuilding, yet solid and well established mud.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2005
I love this mud. Easy to play, lots of zones and equipment and each time I create a new char I learn new things about how to get better eq, more gold and have more and more fun. Now Immys are having a hard work in improving commands, zones and giving mortals the best place to play. If you are new to a mud pick this one, easy, colorful and fun. Bye :p
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2005
I am very sad to say that I say that this mud is no longer worth playing. pelangocha and shiva, two of the players to have written reviews about MT fairly recently, are among the last of the serious players. the rest have left or been banned. recently, there has been a rash of bannings, including ink and shadowknight who although I often did not agree with their opinions, had a right to continue playing to the mud as they did contribute to the mud. the staff, which is now only three imms - tank, chaldyth (also known as downy or canadien bacon by players) and the new imm koira - has also threatened to ban contributing players on several occasions. also, after a player (legend) was released from jail by tank, many players complained, but he didn't listen. later, I learned that the imms had advised legend be zapped, but tank didnt pay any attention. quaker, one of the players who wrote a positive review for MT, left the mud after his character was zapped for disagreeing with chaldyth. I think it is pretty clear what the situation with this MUD is. I have been a dedicated player of MT for four years, but I am done now. the imms cheat and prop themselfes up with lies, and when people point it out they get banned or zapped. thats no way to run a MUD.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 27, 2005
This mud is fascinating. I love the color schemes that makes you engage easily when exploring zones. There's lots of eq to get and to choose from, to make your chars stronger, defensive or to raise damage. Depending on your play style. Also there's some new quest where alllevels can try to get one of the finest equipments. You should try Gauntlet quest. I love it. NOw we are having some good changes in attacks, spells and its always exciting to explore new zones and beat new mobs. You should try this mud.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 26, 2005
This mud has everything I am looking for in a hack and slash mud, plus many other features. I enjoy running around slaghtering Mobs, getting gold and obtaining powerful equipment. MT provides me with many different classes and races, each with their own special abilities. I can quest anytime I want and I can also engage in tradeskills and treasure hunting. The have gem socketing which is cool and many other little features that makes the game so much fun to play. They are friendly and like to help newbies out, come join Medieval Times!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 20, 2005
so medieval times, I must say it used to be a great game however over the past few years it's turned into a rotten hell hole where the immortals favor players that seem to just suck up to them. I mean come on, if you want to play a game where your characters are removed from the game because of a minor rule breaking while someone else's characters remain in tact when they commit a huge crime.. only because they are butt-buddies with the imms. also incapible immortals no run the mud, like canadianbacon. so in conclusion, great game, horrible staff. if you want to deal with these sort of people then play mt!. disagree with me, fine.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 18, 2005
MT is a fun, and engaging area. I found it hard to become interested in ANY type of MUD'ing when I first started. After coming across MT, I was immediately hooked. Their use of color, loyalty to their friends, and the Implementor's compassion towards the MUD, brought me to it with no other to be before it. It is a constantly expanding and diversifying realm. The quests are fun, and usually generate quite a crowd. PK is something that most people look forward to, as well as joining a clan to kill others without getting ganged up on, since you'd have your clan behind you. P.S. If you are a coder or builder looking at this, come visit us, we could use some coders and builders. Thank you, Oceantears
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 1, 2005
My suggestions to make decent chars. Clerics - High Elf ( i have anothe Drow but the best mana is on high elfs) Warrior - a) Stone giant (40 armor class) b) Dwarf (lots of HP and resist plague) Thief / Monk - Felines Necro - Drow (1 more charmie to summon)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 9, 2004
So here's a brief summary of MT and why it's so awesome. There are 13 classes to choose from when beginning, these include: cleric warrior paladin anti-paladin ranger psionist druid necromancer mage thief monk amazon and samurai. Each has it's benefits and has advantages to certain types of game play. In MT you can multiplay with 2 characters at a time, most people use cleric as a secondary to any other class. There is also 11 races to choose from, these include: Centaur, Drow Elf, Dwarf, Feline, Ghoul, Half Dragon, Half Elf, High Elf, Human, Minotaur, and Stone Giant. Some overall better than others... The way that character power is, is that it is mainly based off equipment, you can wear a total of 24~ pieces of eq in different wear positions. Some classes aren't based too much on eq but other things. Also what's interesting is that when you get to level 50 the first time you have the choice of going back to level 1 as a "remort class", this is basically required for advancement in the game. The remort classes include: priest mercenary templar darkknight deathmage sorcerer guardian enchanter mindflayer shogun chanter and virago. After this when you hit level 50 for the second time you become an avatar, there's 5 avatar levels, each one is gained after hitting 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90. Remorting also lets you get to level 100 (hero). At avatar levels you get certain "uber" powerful skills called rages that can only be used when you get rage. So the main idea is to get exp points and find and obtain equipment(there's maybe 6000 different pieces). When that gets boring (getting eq never does) then you can join a clan and participate in pk. Now what sets MT aside from other muds is the huge use of color on the mud... it's hard to explain. Anyway, come check out MT
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 31, 2004
I love this mud and now you can get a new world to explore. KASTRIA. I found nice that the people in charge of the mud keeps coding and improving things. I love the mothed to raise character stats and MNA or LIFE depending the class you like to use. You must try it and see how cool is this mud!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 5, 2004
when I first came over to midieval times I did notknow what to expect of all the people there whether theyw ould accept me of my character or who I was, I had to do what ever needed to make some "alies" as you call it in the Mud world cause in the world of mudding You in my opinion build Your character To be The Best there is. and there is others out there who will thrive to out match and take that from you and they will. don't mind my grammar and spelling. I'm trying my best on t his review. Anyways Bsck to where I was at People tend to make fun of me the way I act I try to fit in but it's not hard when you live a life of fantasy and make belive it's kid of hard to do if you know what I tell you, You try believing something that happened before your time :P Its hard to expect of you guys but Try to give me some more respect towards me and have some fun try and live a little with some role play you might have osme fun. Try to use your imagination it may run wild all over again through your wildest dreams, Oh, Yeah one other thing I apoligize to all the troubles i may have caused to all of you guys if anyone had hurt feelings I weas wrong if i spoke towards anyone wrongly, Everyone Please remember to Go and Vote for us at TMS top Sites and let's get our players back for us so we can be back to norma mud again. -Shiva-
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 23, 2004
Well notice who ever wrote this last review, did not add their name onto the end of it, clearly a player from ruins! Anyway if you are gonna submit a review, at least make it one that reflects the mud, and sign your name. If you cannot do that, your opinions cannot be taken serious. Kop
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 24, 2004
If you are looking for a mud with power hungry immortals that abuse their immortals to feed their mortals and then punish others by doing highly illegal things, this is the mud for you!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 24, 2003
Well first of all this is the best MUD I have played, they have awsome color schemes for rooms and mobs. Everyone is usually very helpfull to newbies, if you need help use the newbie channel. The imms on MT are some of the best I have seen on a MUD, they actually interact with the morts and do take suggestions from players to improve the MUD. The lvling system is rather slow in the lower lvls, but being able to play 2 chars at once makes it a bit faster. I would recommend this MUD to everyone. It is easy to learn and friendly to new players. All I can say is try it out, you wont be disappointed. If you need help feel free to ask me, I am always willing to help new players if I can. Kop
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 28, 2003
Well MT had a player wipe one week ago so this is the perfect time to come join the mud if your new. It will give you a fair chance to play since everyone is at a low level now. MT is truly one of the best muds ever, you can never realy finish playing this since there are 150 levels to gain. We have a unique remort system were when you get to level 50 mort you go back to level 1 re-mort and become a superclass (warrior becomes mercenary, paladin/templar, antipal/darkknight, cleric/priest, etc.) then you are able to reach level 100 (hero/heroine) There are thoundsands of eq pieces which you need to become powerful. Hundreds of zones fill the land. A new change to the mud which was added after the wipe is continents, now the zones are spread out amoung 6 continents. After you become a little more powerful you can join one of the clans and fight against other clans. Even if you become hero, get as powerful as you can, get bored with pk (that will take a while) you can always try to create a character of one of the other 13 classes, with more coming. You will always have something to do on this mud.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 17, 2003
I would like to say the pwipe was maybe perhaps a good thing yet then again it was a bad thing but rewards from that quest could have been given after the wipe has been done. I mean come on the immortals tell you there were gonna be a eqwipe then they decide to change their minds to pwipe. just to rearange the world to make new things. In my honest opinion i think another optihave resolved things.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2003
I really enjoy playing Medieval Times. It is easy to learn the land and gameplay, there are always a lot of people on willing to help. I personally prefer a color rich mud, and this one just rocks. For those that don't like color you can always turn it off. Leveling takes a bit of effort but I have always found a group of other players willing to go adventuring with me. The Wizards seem fair, there is no cheating going on and no players seem to recieve any preferential treatment, and they actually listen to board posts!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 28, 2003
ahh this one should be higher on the list at least in the top 20 this game is much like Materia magica with a few difrences pro's nice fighting nice leveling good players willing to help several commands con's game is a bit slugish not many on line at a time does not seam to have a 24 hr guide
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 21, 2003
Man, do i love this MUD. It is so great. I think it should be number one... and it would be if it werent for all the crashes. But anyways, I love certain people and hate others. Like Sporky, Shadowknight, Mr, Necrite, and Bubba... i like. But people like Nastradamus(WEST) is who you have to look out for, he is a total Twink!!! -???(3AVATAR)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 3, 2003
Wow. that basically sums up the mud. i read a review earlier about a guy not getting help (and bea being the nice mort ;P) but it normally depends on what time ur online, that determines the amount of help you get. If you come on late, where nobody is online, well your screwed. at first when i played the game, i did not like some of the changes that appeared (i.e. clerics losing identify) but i liked what i saw besides that. Immortals actually listen to advice and if the idea is great, they will implement a mort's ideas. so many different factors in the game make it challenging to play, yet it is still easy to play with a few basic commands. as you gain experience in the mudding world, you learn more of the commands and special affects that will help you become a more advanced player. you're crazy if you think this mud is stupid -ryuujin
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 13, 2003
Several of the previous reviews mention how much help there is for a new player. Well, as a player new to MUDs in general, and this MUD in particular, that was important to me in deciding which MUD to play. I tried Medieval Times. Unfortunately, my experience did not bear out the other reviewers claims. I spent about 6 hours over 2 nights on the MUD and (with one exception I will mention in a moment) not one person - mortal or otherwise - answered ANY of my questions. There were from 15-20 people playing and 2-3 immortals visible and not one of them could be bothered to answer me. Eventually, a character named "Bea" told me to follow her. She took me on a whirlwind sweep through a termite mound and I went from 3rd to 14th level in about 25 minutes. Pretty cool, right? Well, not really since I had not gained any familiarity with the game, it's mechanics, or the world. Bea took me back to the city and left me in the square. No one had any advice for me as to what places might be good for a 14th level character to hunt. There is an "Area" command that lists the areas and the levels each area is appropriate for. Unfortunately, 95% of the areas list "0-100" as the range - not very useful. Technically I was 14th level but my spells and skills were very unpracticed so effectively I was somewhat lower. I went to the edge of a forest and was auto-attacked by a bear that killed me in about 3 combat rounds. Again, no one was available to help me. I tried to retrieve my corpse a couple of times, but I was without equipment or money, so the bear made short work of me twice more. This might be a fun MUD, if you've been playing in it for 4 or 5 years and are a Hero. For a new person to the game, and ESPECIALLY if you are new to MUDs in general.... skip it. The lack of even basic courtesy makes for a cold experience.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 7, 2003
As you look in the room in which you have just been transported, you see a cozy fireplace, and a man, sitting infront of it, warming his frail old hands. "Hello, welcome to the domain of Medieval Times, a realm of great power to those who seek, and a realm of great wisdom to all. "I would like to introduce you to Cargon, a close friend", and with that he motion, and suddenly, from the shadows nearby, a shape becomes evident, and then a young man with jet black hair and a dark cloak comes out, as you look at him, you see 2 daggers by his side. This is Medieval times, im my opinion, the greatest mud yet, i just introduced you to one of the characters, My own, Cargon. This game has many items, weapons, and armor, as well as features such as arena's where you lose no xp or items, and its just for fun, also there are clans, find people with the same intrests and work together. I find this game welcomes newbies into a very relaxed inviroment, with Gods that will idly chat when not hard at work on the great mud. i give it ***** (five) stars! Silent Cargon, Whisper of Death
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 30, 2002
I have been playing Medieval Times for many years now, and I must say - every year it gets better! The Immortals spend a lot of time on the mud to ensure game balance, original ideas, and new and interesting spells and skills are added in as much as possible. As with any ever-changing mud, there are some bugs to be worked out, but mortals are generally rewarded for finding big bugs. There are a lot of fun things to do other than just going around and killing things - questing, searching for equipment, and crafting and socketing gems into armor (my favorite!) The auction system is great (where you can identify the item before you buy it), and the ability to add hit points or mana points to your character at level 50 really balances things out. 150 full levels of playing and gaining power add to a LOT OF time spent on your character to reach hero! There are always players on to group with, ask for help, or to trade / sell equipment to. There are advanced classes like necromancers, psionists, antipaladins, samurai, rangers, druids, and monks which have interesting ways of combat and funky skills to play with - as well as your standard classes! Not to mention that you can REMORT your character, thereby advancing them to the next level (Ie: Mage to Sorcerer, Thief to Assassin, Druid to Enchanter, and so on!) The way the mud handles Charmies and other summoned creatures is also great (At higher levels, the creatures can actually do battle FOR you, as you stand back and keep out of the battle!) The immortals CARE about the mud, as evidenced in the HOURS and HOURS of time they spend to keep it up, keep it moving, and keep it interesting - and they don't get paid for it. The mud is fun if you're alone, or in a huge group. Come and give it a shot! If you're a newbie or experienced mudder, you'll find people to answer your questions, help you level, provide knowledge of the zones, and offer you help to reach your goals! If you're tired of muds where nothing ever changes, and the players don't care - come try out Medieval Times to see the difference!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2002
First of medieval times is a great mud because of its great newbie help.It has great things to help out people when there getting started. If its your looking for another mud or you are just starting to mud.Mt has great things for you to discover.The players all are very friendly.Well most of them, some hero's can be stuck-up at times but i guess they can be :).Well if i was to give this mud a rating from 1 to 10 it would easyly be a 9 in my mind.Please try mt mabye its the right mud for you!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2002
I love this mud it has to be the best mud evr created.Play this mud.This mud is good.Play this mud.This mud is good....ya so like i was saying.....PLAY THIS MUD!!!!!!!!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2002
From my experience playing MT i have to say it is one of the best muds i have plaied. All the immortals are extremely nice and almost all the time there is are playiers on to help you if you need help. If you have to choose choose this one! its the best! *heh*
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2002
Medieval Times is an exellent mud based on the circle code. The game is vast, and provides huge variety and detailed zones. There are usually about 20 people onlne, enough to interact with, and form groups with peers, but not so many that you can't get to know people. The game has also has some well implemented features, such as quests, and the arena. I never used to enjoy muds, but this is really incredible!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 9, 2002
Very original, very nice mud, high number of classes and races and a fairly original tier system. However, as every mud has it's highs, every mud has it's lows. My one thorn was that women couldn't be monks, when i mentioned this, i gained two more; Very rude players, and imms who are either afk, or deaf to mortals.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 14, 2002
I have played a lot of muds out there, and feel most at home here at Medieval Times. Getting started I was able ot find help on all their classes and races, and the players were eager to help answer my questions. The quests run by the gods are fun and have elements of RP that I like, but they do not try and force RP down my throat which I appreciate. The clan system looks developed and interesting with Pk available but I have yet to decide on which clan to join. I would highly recommend this MUD.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 14, 2002
WOW what a MUD!! The classes and races are unique and deverse, yet all fun to play. Lots of players on to group with and make new friends, or you can go out hunting and questing on your own. Everyone is friendly and helpful wether you're a new or very experienced player. The website offers helpful information, helpfiles, item stats, maps, and even a place to lookup your character's stats online! With 150 total levels containing 5 Avatar levels, the journey to Hero is togh, but a good challenge. Hope to see you on! :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 7, 2002
This is the best mud i have been to it has tons of rooms and lots of people on at a time they are all nice and love to help they have lots of room for the lower newbie and higher rooms for the higher levels they have lots of weapons and scrolls you have a large choice of classes and races to choose from each class has certain powers and weapons. so far i have not encountered a better mud yet.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 3, 2002
Well this is pretty biased since I am part of the imm staff but here goes: Medieval Times is a mud that is in a constant state of change. We do allow multiple playing (though only 2 characters on at once) and do have some limited pkilling (only if your clan is at war with another clan). Our players can compete with each other in arena battles and bet on who will be the victor or can form groups to go on experience and equipment runs. Our classes and races give a wide variety to the players to choose from. As long as I’ve been active on the mud, I have seen the immortal staff as being helpful at answering questions, whether they relate to the mud or not. It is just the way we are, I guess you can look at the imm staff as a dysfunctional but rather friendly family (yes we even have our black sheep, and I'm probably it heh). Now as for the blatant attack we have received on the message board, you should not hide and just state out your facts, I do believe that the creators of the other mud mentioned have taken the statement in question and has been resolved for a very long time. And yes Trox (one of the IMPs and creator of both muds, along with Tank, a coder on both muds) will have a different opinion on your statement. But lets not get into a rather useless flame war. For each person there is a mud to be found, a mud to explore, some friends to be made. Come and visit, you might find that we are the place, that you have been searching for and will want to stay. Sincerely, Zaltech your building/coding/strange yet happy mud fanatic
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2002
It is quite upsetting that a rival mud would choose to post such a negative comment about our mud. Simply because one player does not like your mud does not require such a drastic attack upon us. His experiences on the other mud have nothing to do with us. His feelings are his own and do not represent the opinions of anyone on the MT staff. Regardings the accusations that the code was stolen: The head IMP at MT was one of the originators of the other mud. As such, he has just as much right to the code that he created as anyone else. Furthermore, IMHO, if you want to write such a negative comment, at least don't be such a coward and sign your damn name to it. I truly hope that the ADMIN here at TMS will see that your post was just an ad hominem attack and will remove the post promptly. Thank you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 13, 2002
MT was the code for Ruins but stolen. It has been altered over the years, but it's bullshit that they still claim it to be a unique mud. We at Ruins generally leave MT alone, but due to a recent post about our mud by Adaon, it's time to set the facts straight. MT has a great staff, but the worst players ever. Most of them are egotistical, self-centered, assholes who don't give a damn about anyone who isn't as good as them or better. If you want to play a ripped-off POS mud with jackasses as fellow players, feel free to hop on over to MT.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 13, 2002
Its a great mud!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 2, 2002
although the pk part is not agreeing with me i think this mud is a good place to play at. We all help one another and try too. so why not invite all your friends to midieval times.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 29, 2002
What an awesome game! Tons of content and skills. An awesome remort system and extremely helpful players that will actually help you starting out! Great for anyone who is a fan of medieval fantasy games! The immortals are very friendly and I couldn't recommend a better way to spend your time!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 22, 2002
Medieval Times is one of the few muds that has an interesting Psionic and Necromancer classes, both based off of AD&D, as well as Ranger, AntiPaladin, Paladin, Amazon and Monk. All of which can "remort" and become a more powerful version of that class. All of the zones are original, and are usually linked by the "medieval" theme. On top of that, the addition of "gems" that drop from mobiles, along with other items that can be used for tailoring equipment (by Rangers only!) adds a fantastic aspect of actually using things you find on corpses. The mud is constantly adding new zones, upgrading skills, adjusting classes for balance, and believe it or not, they do listen to the players for most of these adjustments. (Visit their site and check out the NEWS!) The mud is friendly for newbies, with an extensive newbie zone, newbie equipment, and newbies even start with their own set of gear and a detailed map of the town. The ability to recall back to town up until level 25 also helps out the newbie population. There are a huge variety of players - from heroes, to newbies, to players in between - and there are usually groups that are running for experience, gold, equipment, or just exploring that anyone can usually join just by asking. I've seen some other muds, and this one is less confusing, easier to level (but still challenging) and enjoyable alone, or with other friends online! Come and see for yourself! Hoop
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 28, 2001
This mud has a lot of extended classes and races to choose from, while still keeping the basic classes true to the Dark Ages fantasy timeline. I was imporessed with the website and helpfullness of the players. Leveling is a bit of a challenge which is a good thing. So far I am having much fun slaying beasts, outfitting my character with equip and making new friends!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 27, 2001