Miami By Night
World of Darkness-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 358th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 12th of 22 worlds in the World of Darkness genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (39 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
10 (last 30 days)

TinyMUSH 3.1.p6

Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to Miami by Night running TinyMUSH 2.2.3! Check out our web site at
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
This MUSH deals with mature and adult themes and you must be 18 or over to
play. Please keep in mind that while bad things may happen to your character,
you are in no way obligated to roleplay the details if you find them
distasteful. They do, however, happen. Due to the public and easily accessible
nature of the InterNet, neither the Staff of this MUSH nor the site admins can
accept liability for the acts of unsupervised children.
Miami by Night, up since January of 1997, is a World of Darkness(tm) MUSH set in Miami, Florida, in the first decade of the 21st Century. We support the following second edition systems: Vampire: The Masquerade(tm), Mage: The Ascension(tm), and Werewolf: The Apocalypse(tm). Our Staff prides itself on its fairness, and players can be assured that the rules are enforced equally. Each player is just as important as every other player and staff will not step in to retcon or rewrite scenes to benefit any particular player's 'story' over another's. If you like a game where scenes are not prescripted and you will not be prevented from action as long as you have IC justification, then Miami may be the place for you. There are no quotas for Supers (vampires, shifters, mages, etc.) on Miami by Night in order to give players the chance to play the type of character they want, although each player is restricted to one Super. Mortal character creation uses Mortal Peer stats, meaning a starting stats mortal has the same starting attributes and abilities as a neonate vampire. Transfer characters from other MUSHes in the same general timeline are accepted, provided we can verify stats. More information on character creation and transfer can be found on our web site or by logging into Miami by Night.
- The Mud Connector (2010)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
USA [1]

World of Darkness [1] [2]

TinyMUSH 2.2.3 (custom mods) [1]

Miami by Night, up since January of 1997, is a World of Darkness(tm) MUSH set in Miami, Florida, in the first decade of the 21st Century. We support the following second edition systems: Vampire: The Masquerade(tm), Mage: The Ascension(tm), and Werewolf: The Apocalypse(tm). Our Staff prides itself on its fairness, and players can be assured that the rules are enforced equally. Each player is just as important as every other player and staff will not step in to retcon or rewrite scenes to benefit any particular player's 'story' over another's. If you like a game where scenes are not prescripted and you will not be prevented from action as long as you have IC justification, then Miami may be the place for you. There are no quotas for Supers (vampires, shifters, mages, etc.) on Miami by Night in order to give players the chance to play the type of character they want, although each player is restricted to one Super. Mortal character creation uses Mortal Peer stats, meaning a starting stats mortal has the same starting attributes and abilities as a neonate vampire. Transfer characters from other MUSHes in the same general timeline are accepted, provided we can verify stats. More information on character creation and transfer can be found on our web site or by logging into Miami by Night. [1]
Miami by Night, set in the warmth of the Florida State this game provides a unique style of storytelling and entertainment. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. The MUSH Warehouse
Time Connected Note
39m ago 0 player -2 players
1h ago 2 players
2h ago 2 players +2 players
3h ago 0 player
4h ago 0 player Maxwell left
5h ago 1 player
6h ago 1 player
7h ago 1 player Maxwell connected and is alone
8h ago 0 player
9h ago 0 player
10h ago 0 player
11h ago 0 player
12h ago 0 player
13h ago 0 player
14h ago 0 player
15h ago 0 player
16h ago 0 player
17h ago 0 player
18h ago 0 player
19h ago 0 player
20h ago 0 player
21h ago 0 player
22h ago 0 player
23h ago 0 player
1d ago 0 player -3 players