Sci-Fi-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).
Ranked 342nd of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 14th of 30 worlds in the Sci-Fi genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
3 (5 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
3 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
2 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
----.       .----.                              .Instructions---------------.
|_____\     /_____|  __                          |-=========================-|
|___-___\_/___-___| (__)    Idling is foof.      | New Players should log in |
|__|  \_____/  |__|  __   _____   _____   _____  | as a visitor and  contact |
|__|    \_/    |__| (__) (_____) (_____) |_ _ _| | a mentor  for information |
|__|           |__| |__| |_|___  |__|    |_|_|_| | about getting a character |
(__)           (__) (__) (_____) (__)    |_____| `---------------------------'
                                                        Visitor characters
.---------------------------------.                          now available!
|-===============================-|     __  __    _    ____  _____ 
| The original metaverse!         |    |  \/  |  / \  |  _ \| ____|
|   |    | |\/| | / _ \ | |_) |  _|  
|                                 |    | |  | |/ ___ \|  _ <| |___ 
|                                 |    |_|  |_/_/   \_\_| \_\_____|
  |  Welcome! MicroMARE an upgrade of MicroMUSE wich is our vision of the  |
  |  24th century, a blend of high technology and social consciousness with|
  |  emphasis on education, concern for the environment, and communication.|
  |                   Many New Features to enjoy!                          |
Enter your character's name, New, or Guest: 
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Average Players Connected By Season