Midnight, Equestria
My Little Pony-themed MOO (MUD, Object-Oriented) founded in 2023.
Ranked 162nd of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 1st of 4 worlds in the My Little Pony genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
10 (12 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
15 (last 30 days)

LambdaMOO 1.10.4

Average Connected:
9 (last 30 days) ▼10%

Minimum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
.    .        .               .    .  
|\  /|  o     |        o      |   _|_ 
| \/ |  .  .-.| .--.   .  .-..|--. |  
|    |  | (   | |  |   | (   ||  | |  
'    '-' `-`-'`-'  `--' `-`-`|'  `-`-'
.---.                 .   ._.'        
|                    _|_     o        
|--- .-.,.  . .-. .--.|  .--..  .-.   
|   (   ||  |(.-' `--.|  |   | (   )  
'---'`-'|`--`-`--'`--'`-'' -' `-`-'`- 
 "she smiled and said
       surely there is no pony
      so lovely
            and so well-beloved as I"

            -- princess celestia

The hearts bound update has been released.

midnight, equestria occasionally features adult content, and is not intended for children. you must be 18+ to play.

midnight equestria is in active development, and is a free fan project. my little pony is owned by Hasbro, Inc.

To create an alpha test character:
  create <player_name> <new_password>
To connect with an existing player: 
  connect <player> <password>
(server v1.10.4 up 33:07:13:48, 13 connected)
Midnight, Equestria is a roleplaying MUD/MOO set in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. An open-ended sandbox experience lets you work daily jobs like library assistant or mailpony, take on jobs from the Midnight Watch to keep the town safe, or use the power of friendship to pacify enemies instead of resorting to violence. Midnight is a roleplay-heavy environment backed up by rich mechanical depth to support it.
Read more at MOOList.Com

(No Hourly Data Available)
Some worlds do not have data pulled frequently enough to provide hourly statistics.
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

2023 [1]

MOO [1]

Sub Genre:
None [1]

RPG [2]

United States [1]

LambdaMOO 1.10.4 [1]

Fantasy, My Little Pony [1]

Game System:
Custom [1]

Midnight, Equestria is a roleplaying MUD/MOO set in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. An open-ended sandbox experience lets you work daily jobs like library assistant or mailpony, take on jobs from the Midnight Watch to keep the town safe, or use the power of friendship to pacify enemies instead of resorting to violence. Midnight is a roleplay-heavy environment backed up by rich mechanical depth to support it. [2]

  1. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  2. MOOList.Com
Time Connected Note
12h ago 10 players -1 player, the db grew 1
1d ago 11 players +2 players, the db grew 1
1d ago 9 players -5 players, the db grew 2
2d ago 14 players +8 players, the db grew 4
2d ago 6 players -3 players, the db grew 1
3d ago 9 players +1 player
3d ago 8 players -1 player
4d ago 9 players +1 player
4d ago 8 players -2 players, the db grew 1
5d ago 10 players +1 player
5d ago 9 players The db grew 1
6d ago 9 players -2 players
7d ago 11 players +2 players
7d ago 9 players
8d ago 9 players +3 players
8d ago 6 players -6 players
9d ago 12 players +4 players
9d ago 8 players -3 players
10d ago 11 players +1 player
10d ago 10 players -1 player
11d ago 11 players +4 players
11d ago 7 players -2 players
12d ago 9 players +1 player
13d ago 8 players +1 player
13d ago 7 players -3 players