Moments of Hatred
Godwars-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2010.
Ranked 551st of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 5th of 8 worlds in the Godwars genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (54 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                      Last Updated: 18:15:20 ON 21-Mar-2012                     

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                                 GODWARS.NET 3500                 
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       |  DIKU MUD was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  |
       |        Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastion Hammer.       |
       |         MERC 2.1 was created by Furey, Hatchet and Kahn.       |
       |                God Wars was created by KaVir.                  |
       |            Moments of Hatred was created by Jaden,             |
       |        with modifications by Tijer, Squiggle and Jindrak.      |
                       Like us? Vote for us @ Mudconnector
         Join us on Facebook:

Last Startup:   21-Mar-2012 18:34:30 (1 hour, 57 minutes, 37 seconds ago)
Last Copyover:  21-Mar-2012 19:20:13 (1 hour, 11 minutes, 54 seconds ago)

What is your account name?
Moments of Hatred was originally created by Jaden in 2010, this is the continuation of that MUD. We feature the following classes: Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Mage, Highlander, Drow, Monk and Ninja. Along with the following remort classes: Satan's Assassin (Ninja/Demon), Susumu (Ninja/Drow), Shinobi (Ninja/Monk), ShadowLycan (Ninja/Werewolf), Yamashita (Ninja/Mage), Seiji (Ninja/Vampire), Lloth's Servant (Demon/Drow), Shaolin Fiend (Demon/Monk), Hound of Hell (Demon/Werewolf), Nephandi (Demon/Mage), Blood Demon (Demon/Vampire), D'Ilmater (Monk/Drow), Oozaru (Monk/Werewolf), Kensai (Monk/Mage), Slake (Monk/Vampire), Lycoth's Homid (Drow/Werewolf), Maerdyn (Drow/Mage), Darkling (Drow/Vampire), Skindancer (Werewolf/Mage), Abomination (Werewolf/Vampire) and Lich (Vampire/Mage). The MUD has been improved upon in many ways since it first started in 2011 (Shortly after Jaden released the code to the public). Pretty much every single known crash bug has been fixed (there may more...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3]

[GodWars] Moments of Hatred [1]
Godwars - LoW [2]
GodWars [3]

2011 [2]
2010 [3]

DikuMUD [3]

Sub Genre:
Dark Fantasy [3]

Player versus Player [3]

United Kingdom [1] [3]
UK [2]

Adult [1]
GodWars [2]

Gothic [2]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
None [3]

Moments of Hatred was originally created by Jaden in 2010, this is the continuation of that MUD. We feature the following classes: Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Mage, Highlander, Drow, Monk and Ninja. Along with the following remort classes: Satan's Assassin (Ninja/Demon), Susumu (Ninja/Drow), Shinobi (Ninja/Monk), ShadowLycan (Ninja/Werewolf), Yamashita (Ninja/Mage), Seiji (Ninja/Vampire), Lloth's Servant (Demon/Drow), Shaolin Fiend (Demon/Monk), Hound of Hell (Demon/Werewolf), Nephandi (Demon/Mage), Blood Demon (Demon/Vampire), D'Ilmater (Monk/Drow), Oozaru (Monk/Werewolf), Kensai (Monk/Mage), Slake (Monk/Vampire), Lycoth's Homid (Drow/Werewolf), Maerdyn (Drow/Mage), Darkling (Drow/Vampire), Skindancer (Werewolf/Mage), Abomination (Werewolf/Vampire) and Lich (Vampire/Mage). The MUD has been improved upon in many ways since it first started in 2011 (Shortly after Jaden released the code to the public). Pretty much every single known crash bug has been fixed (there may be more that crop up as we get players back again). Recently Jaden has been kind enough to send me copies of pfiles from ALL of his versions of the codebase, so if you played Moments of Hatred since the beginning then your pfile MAY still exist. (i have various versions of the pfiles so if you dont have the one you remember contact me in mud) Moments of Hatred: Anniversary is the final version of the Moments of Hatred codebase, and will be online until such time as the server is no longer available. We may be quiet currently, but we aren't going to be vanishing anytime soon [1]
Legends of Hatred is an old school classic GodWars MUD based upon a version of the Lords of War codebase from 1998. Our players vary from GodWars pros, to GodWars newbies, Moments of Hatred is unlike your usual GodWars MUD. We are a PK Mud (if you have chosen PK) or a Non-PK Mud (if you have chosen Non-PK) Over the past Six months Moments of Hatred has gone through a MASSIVE recode thanks to Jindrak.. We are now more stable than ever, with a slew of new features added. We JUST need players, if you are a Newbie to GodWars, or a Veteran, you are sure to feel at home. We have the Following classes: Demon, Drow, Highlander, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Vampire and Werewolf. With the following Remorts: Classes Remort ------- ------ Ninja/Demon Satan's Assassin Ninja/Drow Susumu Ninja/Monk Shinobi Ninja/Werewolf Shadow Lycan Ninja/Mage Yama****a Ninja/Vampire Seiji Demon/Drow Lloth's Servant Demon/Monk Shaolin Fiend Demon/Werewolf Hound of Hell Demon/Mage Nephandi Demon/Vampire Blood Demon Monk/Drow Dark Inquisitor Monk/Werewolf White Howler Monk/Mage Silver Hand Monk/Vampire Revanant Drow/Werewolf Draegloth Drow/Mage Arachnomancer Drow/Vampire Darkling Werewolf/Mage Skindancer Werewolf/Vampire Abomination Vampire/Mage Lich Some of our features include: * MySqL based account system - Keep all your players together * MySqL based kingdom system - Players can create their kingdoms if they meet some requirements, and also BUILD their HQ without any immortal interaction. * Ability to chose to be a PKILL character or Non-PKILL character, with the option to change this every 30 days. * Gladiator - A Player VERSUS Mobile arena, to see how you stand versus some of the OLD-Timer players of the MUD. * Arena - Put yourself VS other players to test your pkill skills. * A totally recoded combat system, which allows for the mud to be re-balanced on the FLY without the need for reboots, or code changes. The immortals of Moments of Hatred have been around in the GodWars scene for a long time, I (Tijer) have been playing GodWars MUDs since 1996 and have ran a String of very successful Muds since 1997. Jindrak is the creator of the ShyteMUD codebase, and has worked on his Carnival of Carnage codebase over the past 10 years or so. Our aim is to make Moments of Hatred, the most stable fun GodWars MUD that is currently running. Really at the time all we are lacking is an active playerbase. So if you like GodWars, and want to see something that is pretty unique (ie Stable) then we are for you. Our combat re-code is coming along nicely.. We now offer something UNIQUE to GodWars.... Come on by and check out our changes... We're hosted on a VPS that is paid up for another year so there is no chance of us vanishing like most of the other GodWars muds that spring up from time to time.. We are well over a year old and are still working on improving the codebase, daily... There have been several other versions of this MUD started since we have been running. Most have made little to no changes, and have lasted a matter of months. We were created in 2010, (as soon as Jaden released the ORIGINAL Moments of Hatred codebase), and have advanced on what was a great codebase to start off with, into the ULTIMATE GodWars experience. Vist 3500 and see what you are missing out on! [2]

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