Fantasy (German)-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1992.
Ranked 134th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 59th of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
18 (2 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
18 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
10 (last 30 days) ▲150%

Minimum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
HTTP/1.0 302 Found

NetCologne, Koeln, Germany. Local time: Sa 11 Mai 2024 16:10:51 CEST

MorgenGrauen LDmud, NATIVE mode, driver version 3.6.4 (3.6.4-27-g6152e376)

>>> MorgenGrauen, hosted by NetCologne ( <<<

Du verlierst die Besinnung...

Du tauchst in einen Strudel bunter Farben ein.
Ein kleiner gruener Steinbeisser erscheint.

Der Steinbeisser sagt:
  'Willkommen im MorgenGrauen.'
  'Dieses Mud befindet sich in Koeln (Deutschland).'
  'Bei groesseren Problemen kannst Du Dich an den Mudgott'
  'Zook wenden oder auch eine Email an die'
  'Adresse "" schreiben.'

  'Wenn Du nur mal reinschnueffeln willst, so nenne Dich "gast".'

Der Steinbeisser warnt Dich:
  'Wehe, Du faengst an, andere Spieler anzugreifen.'

Der Steinbeisser verschwindet wieder, und Du wachst in einer anderen Welt auf.

Wie heisst Du denn ("neu" fuer neuen Spieler)? 
MorgenGrauen is a native German LPmud. It is 24 hours reachable. Level advancement can be achieved by solving quests, finding hidden things or killing NPCs. Attributes (like strength and intelligence) are increased by find hidden potions. High-level players may become Seers (Seher) or Wizards (Magier). MG features regions of different themes and size and a variety of different guilds (classes). Seers have the opportunity to build their own houses and have faster movement through magic gates. We invest special efforts in making Morgengrauen screenreader-friendly to accomodate blind players. Interested persons may also take advantage of our WebTelnet frontend (MG-Client) found on our web page, which allows to play in Morgengrauen without any client and with more comfort than simple telnet. This browser based is...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
German [1] [2] [3]

[LP] LDMud-3.5.0 [1]
Lp MUD - MorgenGrauen MudLib 3.2.20 [2]
MorgenGrauen-3.3.5 [3]

1992 [2] [3]

LPMud [3]

Sub Genre:
None [3]

Adventure [3]

Germany [1] [2] [3]

Fantasy [1]
let your fantasy whirl freely [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

MorgenGrauen is a native German LPmud. It is 24 hours reachable. Level advancement can be achieved by solving quests, finding hidden things or killing NPCs. Attributes (like strength and intelligence) are increased by find hidden potions. High-level players may become Seers (Seher) or Wizards (Magier). MG features regions of different themes and size and a variety of different guilds (classes). Seers have the opportunity to build their own houses and have faster movement through magic gates. We invest special efforts in making Morgengrauen screenreader-friendly to accomodate blind players. Interested persons may also take advantage of our WebTelnet frontend (MG-Client) found on our web page, which allows to play in Morgengrauen without any client and with more comfort than simple telnet. This browser based client is also screenreader-friendly. [1]
Morgengrauen is the largest German MUD. It exists since 1992 and consists of 13 regions ranging from polar vastness in the north to a great desert in the south which contain about 15000 rooms. You may choose one of six races (including felines and dark elves) and one of ten classes (guilds). We have about 80 quests whose quest points contribute to the level points that you may acquire to rise in our midst. Other sources are exploration points, first kill points and experience points. Communication between the players is important. As we are a non-playerkilling mud helping each other to achieve the tasks at hand helps getting along in this huge world. [2]
MorgenGrauen is a native German LPmud. It was founded in 1992 and has been prospering since. The world features an original fantasy setting with many facets. The 13 domains form a big world with 18000 rooms to explore and several thousand NPCs. You can choose between 8 races and 13 classes (guilds). Advancing is done through a combination of exploration points, experience points, class skills, finished adventures and some more. The levels are not limited, current maximum is about 210. After becoming a high level player it's possible to become a wizard and add your own imagination to the game. We are especially proud of attracting a number of visually impaired players who very much enjoy playing a text based online RPG. Thats why we have an option to turn ascii-graphics off. Multiplaying is a bit restricted and scripting is discouraged. [3]
German Fantasy LP Mud [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List