An icon adventure game which I have personally enjoyed for many years. Aim of this game is to adventure through a land and collect treasure, solve many puzzles, slay a varying number of creatures and try ish Land make it to the SWAMP to dump all your goodies to earn points. But what makes British Legends special is that you have a number of REAL playes playing. Battle it out on a the Deck of a Ship, find weapons , use magic in battles and climb the ladder of levels to reach the sublime level of immortality WIZARD/WITCH. But the games does NOT end when you become and just begins. Then you become a powerful member / guide and contoller of the land and its adventurers. Throughly enjoyable, with a great dedeicated community of players and WIZARDS / WITCHES that are happy to help. You havent lived until youve died on MUD Enjoy :) KROLL
By far the best MUD out there. British Legends allows for, not just hours, but days and months, even years of enjoyment. Once you beat the game, or shall I say if you beat it, a whole new world opens up in the form of Immortality, where you are able to help run the game. British Legends is a unique, original and imaginitive game that will become engulfed you the second you begin to play.
I've been playing this MUD off and on for 8 years. I started playing it on Compuserve when I was 12. I liked the game so much that I refered all of my friends to it, and many of them continued to play. BL became a way of life for me where I would spend the majority of my free time. After I got rid of compuserve I was torn from the game, and one day I found it again! I'm so happy they made BL available again, and best yet, it's free! I've never found a MUD like it. It's the best MUD around! Try it for yourself. I'm sure you'll get hooked!
What can I say about British Legends / Mud 1 that hasn't already been said, properly not alot except that it is very addictive. I first started playing when it appeared at Essex university on a 300 baud modem connected via a janet gateway (whatever happened to that) and can remember being so hooked I had rather large phone bills. I never did managed to get to the infamous ranks of wizdom but had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends along the way. I tried Mud2 for a while but the atmosphere of the game just wasn't the same for me ( the high cost of phone bills and the cost of playing mud 2 to boot ), other muds just didn't have the same buzz either. So I was very scepical when I found that Viktor had managed to recreate the original game in all it's glory, even though I had forgotten how the game looked and played I soon found that I was addicted to the game once again and played at every opportunity. The one thing I love about it, is just like Essex it is FREE and has a great community. I would just like to say thank you to Viktor and as I am true brit and most players are in the US, just like Richard Bartle you too are a true British Legend. To everyone else : Come on in and stay a while, you don't know what your missing until you've died.
There is something very unique about British Legends that hooked me at a very young age - the game was always a bit of mystery to me. I began playing at around age 8, stopping when CIS shut it down, and then rediscovered it a few years back. This is a very high quality MUD, the original MUD, and I highly recommend it.
MUD/British Legends is the first multiuser dungeon, having become available to the public way back in the 1980's. It remains, over a decade later, the best of its kind. This is a MUD for serious gamers who unabashedly prefer to rely on their own abilities instead of mere luck. No cheat sheets, no special codes, no downloadable maps...just raw skill against raw skill. BL's uncluttered design and elegant command set encourage individual creativity and imaginative multiuser relationships, both cooperative and competitive. Simplicity of structure focuses the game firmly on the players, rather than on whistles and bells, which is where any game should be. Complexity naturally flows from the collective vision and inventiveness of the participants rather than from an artifically complicated framework. As a PK (player killing) game, BL offers remarkably balanced interaction. Combat proficiency results from experience and artistry, with chance contributing relatively little to the equation. A BLer who climbs past the killers to the rank of wizard knows he or she has accomplished something uncommonly worthwhile through personal effort and persistence. Survival is an achievement of which to be proud. BL's longevity provides an established community, with a rich background of traditions, customs, and history. Continuity constitutes a valued component of the BL environment. The evolution of its precedents, painstakingly debated and developed for many years in the CompuServe MultiPlayer Games Forum, sustains the game's unparalleled fairness and stability. Archwiz Viktor maintains the exceedingly competent and impartial game administration of his predecessors, thereby enhancing equity of play. For those who welcome risk...thrive on adrenalin...crave the edge...BL is the ultimate gaming experience. BLers may sample other adventures from time to time, but an exceptional loyalty to the first MUD endures. You haven't lived til you've died in British Legends.
British Legends used to be located on Compuserve and was largely successful. In 1999, however, Compuserve canned the game. Now it's back on the internet. This MUD is great and very addictive once you learn the ropes. It's not your typical MUD, either. The point is to go around to the many different areas and collect treasure, returning to the swamp to deposit your treasure and gain points. You also gain points by killing monsters/other players and by doing little "quests" (not really quests, just minor interactions with some items and different areas). It's REALLY worth it to try this MUD out. On Compuserve, I racked up $200 in bills because I was addicted to it. Here you don't even have to pay!