Perilous Realms
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1990.
Ranked 376th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 167th of 360 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
1 (30 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
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Welcome to Perilous Realms...

Revision: PR3.001.1728 (demon)
     mud: (c) 1990-2024 Alcanzar, Deth, Countess, Bunta et al

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Long ago, before the rise of humans as race powers in the world, there were two great empires, the dwarves and the elves. The origins are unknown, lost in the mist of the past but two different races would be hard to find. The elves, thin and elegant, lovers of nature, the sea and great forests, masters of the ethereal magical arts. The dwarves, masters with stone and steel. Architects and sculptors, lovers of the high cold airy mountains. As each grew in strength, they met and clashed. To this, the human nations came, often caught between the borders of these domains. Eeking out their existence they too developed their own resourceful culture, eager to take the opportunity of any weakness to secure place...
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English [1] [2]

[Custom] PR, in the spirit of SillyMud [1]
Unique - Original code in the Silly/Diku style [2]
Custom [4]

1990 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Tolkien - High Fantasy [1]
Fantasy [2]

Dungeons and Dragons [2]

Long ago, before the rise of humans as race powers in the world, there were two great empires, the dwarves and the elves. The origins are unknown, lost in the mist of the past but two different races would be hard to find. The elves, thin and elegant, lovers of nature, the sea and great forests, masters of the ethereal magical arts. The dwarves, masters with stone and steel. Architects and sculptors, lovers of the high cold airy mountains. As each grew in strength, they met and clashed. To this, the human nations came, often caught between the borders of these domains. Eeking out their existence they too developed their own resourceful culture, eager to take the opportunity of any weakness to secure their place in the world. - 38 Classes, 16 Races - 170 Spells, 33 Weapon proficiencies, 56 skills - 24,000 Rooms, thousands of unique creatures and objects - 17 clans, with houses, lockers, boards and guardians - alchemy, brew your own potions and create wands Join us, come play in this growing mud!!! [1]
Perilous Realms is one of the oldest muds on the net. With 35 playable classes and a dozen playable races, PR has stood the test of time. Recently the gods have revived interest and are actively developing code and content for the mud. [2]
If you enjoy having incredible magic or crushing your enimies with devvestating multiple blows, then PR is for you. With well over 100 spells and over 30 classes you'll never get bored. You can dominate minds and be a mage, slice and dice with a ninja, or choose a class which has both mage and warrior abilities or be a savage barbarian adn bash the countryside. Anything you wanna do yu can do it here. Pkilling is allowed by choice. [3]
Imagine a world where the great powers of the world have had their empires destroyed by a massive natural disaster, imagine a small city state between two such great empires, held back for generations but now ready to spring forth and create a new empire based on might and opportunity. In such a world, the brave, the adventurous or even those with a sound sense of economics can engrave their names among the founders of empires. Perilous Realms has been running for over 10 years consistently and in that time the code has evolved to be a flexible and stable system. Under new creative direction, the world of PR is undergoing massive reconstruction with many new areas being added and others redone, yet retaining the spirit of zones which were once new to PR Join us in our adventure in restoring this mud to it's former greatness, you'll find the players welcoming to new players, so join us for this new epic stage in the world called Perilous Realms. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List
  4. Mud Magic
Such a great mud. I've always though it was newbie friendly and now its even better. There is new Perilous Realms website that can help those just starting out learn information they would normally have to discover themselves. Also a great help for those like me who return after a bit of time away. Check it out!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 31, 2005
As a returned and fairly experienced adventurer at Perilous Realms, I'd like to invite any and all would-be players to come and join (or re-join) the ranks. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the immortal staff, PR is undergoing a significant revival. In addition to everything that made the mud great in its heyday, we now have new spells, new battle code, new areas to explore, eq to load and mobs to fight. The classes are in a state of renewal with previously obsolete classes beginning to show signs of life. The social nature of the game is now hardwired with guilds and clans now a prominent feature in the code. The existing player base is helpful and encouraging, though if pkilling's your thing, it's there if you choose. Perilous Realms has something for just about everyone, as has been demonstrated by the increase in newbie traffic and perhaps moreso by the density of repeat players. With all the new and updated aspects of the game, the new blood showing up there everyday, and with an immortal staff headed by a dedicated MUD doctor, I daresay the most worrisome feature of Perilous Realms is that it is now as addictive as it ever was. This mud that was previously in decline will soon be teeming with activity, so come join the fun. -Peshawar
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 19, 2002
Hey All... Just thought I'd drop my two cents about my favorite mud in the world. I've been playing PR for about a year now, I'm an old player that came back from about 6 years of inactivity. Once back I instantly became addicted to the people and atmosphere. Perilous Realms is a place that allows people almost any option whether it is role playing, pkilling, adventuring or just plain hangin out meeting the locals. We experience new people comming from everywhere in the world and old players comming back after a long break from playing. Every person whether new or old has a place in our world and each bring new and exciting things with them. Recently I have become a builder and will enjoy adding new areas to this brilliant world (much to the detriment of my girlfriend). So, if you're looking for a excellent place to spend time and meet some great people, drop by and don't be afraid to give me a shout! Thanks, Causten Pendrick.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 24, 2001
Hi, Up front, I'll admit to being an assistant imp on Perilous Realms, in effect I am the creative director of the mud. I would like to just say that after several years of being moribund and drifting, PR has a new direction, a new breath of life and the team is doing the best we can to build on the solid core we have, retaining the PR feel while building additional zones and challenges for our players. Particular emphasis is being placed on enhancing social structures within the mud, clans, dedicated clan channels, and also making the mud a more newbie-friendly place. I'd like to believe that this venerable mud will once more take its place among the flourishing elite, with good game play, interesting people and plenty to explore. This is a mud for the social and explorer types with an element of PKilling for those who wish to participate in that. To this end, I'd be more than happy to invite everyone to come experience the PR adventure and help and enjoy the growth of this game.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 29, 2001
Perilous Realms is a farily fun and very well constructed mud. It has balance in both gear and classes. The immortals are willing to help as they can, and most of the players are great. Many of the recent changes have definatly helped the mud. Choose allows those who wish to stay out of pkilling to just have fun, and for those who seek such can do so as well. Formation of clans will hopefully see more roleplay done. It is also unique enough where most players will find a new and refreshing world to enjoy. -Daryll
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 26, 2001