Persona MUSH
Anime-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 520th of 773 worlds statistically.
Ranked 10th of 12 worlds in the Anime genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (25 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)

PennMUSH 1.8.5p1

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
\     ________________________________________________________\_    
 \   |              __                                Persona   |
  \  |             |__)  __    __  __   __   __   __  M U S H   |
   \ |             |    |__|  |   (__  |  | |  |  __|           |\
    \|             |    |__   |    __) |__| |  | |__|           | \
     |__________________________________________________________|  \ 
NEW: 'connect guest guest' to connect as a Guest.
LOAD: connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
DATA: Use the WHO command to find out who's online right now.
EXIT: QUIT to logout.

The power of the human mind is both infinite and terrible. Mankind is capable of both selfless love and unfathomable cruelty. Each of us possesses a world beyond the senses, a world which is the backbeat and underpinning of the waking, conscious world. There are those who have the power to channel the archetypes within them to achieve superhuman feats. This power is called 'Persona'. These are the stories of those people, who have, for better or for worse, have been granted great power... And how they decide to use it. Those who confront this realm of the unconscious are forever changed by the experience. Some are erased, some are twisted. But others find that they and the reflections they walk among are and...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1]

MUSH [1]

USA [1]

Anime/Video Game (Persona/Shin Megami Tensei) [1]

The power of the human mind is both infinite and terrible. Mankind is capable of both selfless love and unfathomable cruelty. Each of us possesses a world beyond the senses, a world which is the backbeat and underpinning of the waking, conscious world. There are those who have the power to channel the archetypes within them to achieve superhuman feats. This power is called 'Persona'. These are the stories of those people, who have, for better or for worse, have been granted great power... And how they decide to use it. Those who confront this realm of the unconscious are forever changed by the experience. Some are erased, some are twisted. But others find that they and the reflections they walk among are one and the same, and through this, prosper. Great forces have been set into motion by those who understand this power, forces that could either save humanity, or doom it. What mask will you wear to confront the hardships of life? That choice is yours alone to make. Within the shadows of the cities of Japan, strange and incredible things occur. Where rumors become real, the reflection of a television might conceal the door to another world, and at midnight, time itself stands still. This all lurks just below the surface of the common, everyday waking life of the world, where by day men and women work and go to school, and by night seek out the reasons for this fantastic existence. PersonaMUSH is a new game based on Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei: Persona franchise. As Persona and Shadow are two sides of the same coin, both those who command the power of Persona and those who have allowed their Shadow to rule over them are available for application. And do watch out for the butterflies... [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com