Pokemorph Paradise
Pokemon-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 210th of 786 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 3 worlds in the Pokemon genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
7 (52 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
17 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
5 (last 30 days) ▲25%

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

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Over 75 years ago, the Rainbow Rocket army was brought through Ultra Wormholes to conquer this world. With the majority of soldiers made up of hybrid creatures made from a combination of Pokemon and humans, the Pokemorphs and Humorphs were creatures unlike anything seen in this world before.
- Ares Central (2024)

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