Fantasy-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 389th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 174th of 351 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
2 (an hour ago)

Maximum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 30 days) ▼50%

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

        |                                                             |
________| RRRRRR    EEEEEEE     AAA     L         M       M     SSSS  |________
\       | R     R   E          A   A    L         M M   M M    S    S |       /
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  \     | RRRRRR    EEEEE     AAAAAAA   L         M   M   M    SSSS   |     /
   \    | R   R     E         A     A   L         M       M        S  |    /
   /    | R    R    E         A     A   L         M       M   S     S |    \
  /     | R     R   EEEEEEE   A     A   LLLLLLL   M       M    SSSSS  |     \
 /      |_____________________________________________________________|      \
/___________)                                                      (__________\
                        The Return of RealmsMud
                              FOR GOOD!
      Use the name :'guest', password: 'realms", if you just want a look.

DISCLAIMER:  The administrators of this MUD reserve the right to monitor and/or
log any activity that takes place on it.  They further reserve the right to
restrict access to anyone for any reason, without notice.

NOTE: If you need to contact an administrator, the most surefire, quickest
      means of getting a reply is to send an e-mail to:

Realmsmud is running on LDMud 3.2.17

Type 'guest' as your login name if you just want to look around.

There are 1 wizards and 0 mortals online.

Please enter your login name: 
One of the oldest LPmuds, founded June 1991, Realmsmud is a large LP based MUD with 30+ players on at peak times. Well over 150 wizards have contributed to the more than sixty different areas that are open for exploration by players. There are several unique aspects of Realmsmud, including the multi-character system, a volunteer militia, an extensive player run nobles system where players may band together to create and defend their houses against seiges from rival houses, and finally a trade skills system. Trades include Blacksmithing, Jewelcraft, Leathercraft, and Tailoring. Players have the option of creating their own fortress with rooms and monsters. So, feel free to drop in on us. New players will enter the game at Central Park (CP) after through...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[LP] LDMud 3.2.9-Dev.489 [1]
Custom - LDMud [2]

1991 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Medieval Fantasy, combat, limited PK [1]
Magic Fantasy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

One of the oldest LPmuds, founded June 1991, Realmsmud is a large LP based MUD with 30+ players on at peak times. Well over 150 wizards have contributed to the more than sixty different areas that are open for exploration by players. There are several unique aspects of Realmsmud, including the multi-character system, a volunteer militia, an extensive player run nobles system where players may band together to create and defend their houses against seiges from rival houses, and finally a trade skills system. Trades include Blacksmithing, Jewelcraft, Leathercraft, and Tailoring. Players have the option of creating their own fortress with rooms and monsters. So, feel free to drop in on us. New players will enter the game at Central Park (CP) after going through the brief character creation process. To help new players get acclimated to Realmsmud, they are given a chat line to ask questions on. Volunteer players above level 15, called newbie helpers, are online to answer any questions that a player might have about the mud. Realms is back and undergoing an overhaul after moving to a new server. If you haven't connected in a while, come join us. In game, mail Maeglin and Sonja with any questions, concerns and comments. [1]
One of the oldest LPmuds, founded June 1991 Realmsmud is a large LP based MUD. There are over 60 different areas to explore for players ranging from level 1 to level 99. The standard rooms of the 3.2.1 lib have long since been replaced by a new city with multiple landscapes surrounding it, including forests, mountains, and even an ocean. Beyond the vast amount of rooms to explore, Realmsmud has 10 guilds and nine races available. Player killing is strictly optional, and not allowed until a player has progressed through several levels. Realmsmud also offers 20 quests for players to complete. The quests range in difficulty, and are given a point value to indicate just how difficult each are. Quests are optional unless a player wishes to attempt becoming a wizard. Tradeskills have been added to Realmsmud, giving players the option of creating weapons and armor. Blacksmithing, Jewelcraft, and Leathercraft are already available, and several more are in the development stages. There is not a level restriction for joining a trade. We have also introduced Global Storage which gives players the opportunity to store a restricted number of items over reboot. Feel free to drop in on us. New players will enter the game at Central Park (CP) after going through the brief character creation process. A new player will also be set to a temporary guild called "Adventurer". To help new players get acclimated to Realmsmud, they are given a chat line to ask questions on. Volunteer players above level 15, called newbie helpers, are online to answer any questions that a player might have about the mud. It is recommended that players join a guild as soon as possible. Once that player has joined a new guild, that player will gain access to the guild's storage rooms. Other members of the guild will probably help new players get started if nothing is available in storage, provided they are asked nicely, of course. [2]
Realms Mud is a large LP based MUD with 100+ players on in the peak hours of the early evening. We offer 8 guilds, many different races, OPTIONAL player killing, many many rooms, 15 quests, 50 player levels, option to be a multi-guild'er at level 30, and most of all, a VERY fun & friendly atmosphere. [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List