Realms of Hell
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1998.
Ranked 374th of 776 worlds statistically.
Ranked 168th of 357 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (54 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)

RoH beta v2.62

Average Connected:
1 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
The Realms of Hell (RoH v2.62)
Based on Mordor by Brett Vickers, Brooke Paul.
Programmed by: Jason Mitchell, Randi Mitchell and Tim Callahan.
Contributions by: Jordan Carr, Jonathan Hseu.
                                                      ,  ,
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   /_.-' _\ \ _:,_  ________       The   ._                  |
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           \\ "  |        \/    \/     \/  of Hell \/    \/  |
            '==' \__________________________________________/

Please enter name: 
Realms of Hell is a heavily enhanced Mordor based MUD based in the fantasy land of Derlith. A chaotic land torn by war and evil, Derlith has plenty to offer adventurers who seek to take their place in battle. Realms of Hell has evolved a great deal since its start in 1998, and it still has many great changes ahead of it. A complete overhaul of the stock Mordor combat system was completed a few years ago, and several player classes are currently being overhauled and enhanced to provide players a more enjoyable experience. Other enhancements include a questing system, player crafting (still in the works), clan system, player guilds, restricted pkilling, MSDP, ATCP, and some MXP. The world of Derlith is massive, consisting of over 15,000 rooms. There is a complete overland map of all the lands in Derlith, including an underground cave system, which makes travel a more enjoyable experience for adventurers. There are many areas currently in the works, and the MUD will continue to grow as time allows. The player base is small, between 25 and 40 players, but it filled with very dedicated players, many of which have been involved for over ten years. While many situations have tried to “kill” the mud over the years, the players have loyally stuck by the MUD, chomping at the bit to get back into adventuring and eagerly rejoining after downtimes. Players are genuinely friendly and very helpful to new players. During peak playing hours, there are generally 15 or so players who are excited to get the mud back to the larger player base seen in the past. Realms of Hell offers one of the widest varieties of races and classes for adventurers to choose from. With 20 races ranging from elves and humans to half giants and orcs, players can fully engage in a roleplaying encouraged environment. ROH also offers 16 base classes, each with a unique style of play, which offers players various rewarding experiences while battling in Derlith. There are also several unique clerical classes, and when you factor in the various multi classes, you have over 25 different classes to choose from.
- The Mud Connector (2018)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3]

October, 1998 [1]
1998 [2] [3]

RoH [1]
Mordor - Heavily Modified [2]
RoH beta v2.62 [3]

Tolkien [2]

Fantasy [3]

Roleplaying, Hack and Slash, Adventure [3]

USA [1] [2]
United States [3]

Server Type:
Mordor [1]

Fantasy/Adventure [1]
Adventure/Fantasy/War [2]

Mordor [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

Realms of Hell is a heavily enhanced Mordor based MUD based in the fantasy land of Derlith. A chaotic land torn by war and evil, Derlith has plenty to offer adventurers who seek to take their place in battle. Realms of Hell has evolved a great deal since its start in 1998, and it still has many great changes ahead of it. A complete overhaul of the stock Mordor combat system was completed a few years ago, and several player classes are currently being overhauled and enhanced to provide players a more enjoyable experience. Other enhancements include a questing system, player crafting (still in the works), clan system, player guilds, restricted pkilling, MSDP, ATCP, and some MXP. The world of Derlith is massive, consisting of over 15,000 rooms. There is a complete overland map of all the lands in Derlith, including an underground cave system, which makes travel a more enjoyable experience for adventurers. There are many areas currently in the works, and the MUD will continue to grow as time allows. The player base is small, between 25 and 40 players, but it filled with very dedicated players, many of which have been involved for over ten years. While many situations have tried to “kill” the mud over the years, the players have loyally stuck by the MUD, chomping at the bit to get back into adventuring and eagerly rejoining after downtimes. Players are genuinely friendly and very helpful to new players. During peak playing hours, there are generally 15 or so players who are excited to get the mud back to the larger player base seen in the past. Realms of Hell offers one of the widest varieties of races and classes for adventurers to choose from. With 20 races ranging from elves and humans to half giants and orcs, players can fully engage in a roleplaying encouraged environment. ROH also offers 16 base classes, each with a unique style of play, which offers players various rewarding experiences while battling in Derlith. There are also several unique clerical classes, and when you factor in the various multi classes, you have over 25 different classes to choose from. [1]
Realms of Hell was originally created in October of 1998 as a new addition to the Mordor variety of mud. We were down for a time for additional areas and coding, but we are now back and looking for as many new players as possible. Our world is vast and is being added to at all times. All are welcome! We currently offer a very diverse class selection (16 classes to choose from) as well as many races(19). Drop by and check us out! -RoH Staff [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
A very well designed mud. Not too crowded. Unfortunately, the Dungeonmasters don't care much about their players. They constantly insult and randomly kill people, while having a constant snoop on everyone. They really don't take many ideas into consideration. You're very likely to be deleted and possibly banned for disagreeing with the head dungeonmaster. They're good at enforcing the rules, fortunately, although they do take the small things far too extreme. The players are also the same way. Not many people care to help one another, and if you choose to go the playerkilling route (Either having a chaotic character or playing a character that requires joining a clan, which subjects you to being playerkilled even if you are lawful), you *will* be screwed over at the quickest time possible. This is not a mud to invest a lot of time on if you don't have connections or plan to spend hours rebuilding a character. The experience and training systems are alright at the lower levels, but after about halfway through it starts to get crazy. Needing around 400,000 experience points for a level while also needing 300,000 some odd gold and getting 700-1000 experience (That's a lot) a kill and 300 gold, it takes many days to gain a level. And the experience grows more and more. The playerkilling is not designed for those who want a long, drawn out battle. It's designed to be a one-round-whoever-gets-the-jump-wins kind of deal. Basically, if you have under 100 hit points, expect to be killed in one round by any player at any given time. And most characters will have under that much for at least 12-15 levels. There are many areas and sidequests for equipment and spells, but not many new areas are added. There're a couple of classes in the works (unfortunately, they've been 'in the works' for several years), and sounds a little bit promising. Mostly the only additions are a couple new permanent monsters here and there and some new commands that really don't do much. I wouldn't recommend this to a novice player. It's very difficult to get into unless you're fast and know what you're doing. To the advanced player, I'd say this is a good mud if you're bored with your current one, and you want a little break. But trust me, this mud can be VERY frustrating at times. -Honest Opinion From An Honest Player- -Over 2 Years Of Up-To-Date Experience-
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 22, 2003
I highly recommend this MUD, The world is huge and full of new places to explore every day. Many differernt original classes to choose from. This is a must play for any die hard mud player.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2002