Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale
Rifts-themed MUX (Multi-User eXperience) open from 2000 to 2015.

Db Size:

Players Connected:

Maximum Connected:
1 (final 30 days)
DEAD (10 years)


Average Connected:
0 (final 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (final 30 days)
Connection Screen

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===========( connect guest guest )===( create <player> <password> )============
Welcome to Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale. A MUSH set in the popular RPG of Rifts. A cyberpunk game set some time after the initial collapse of civilization, magic and technology flourish and compete. North America is dominated by the Evil Coalition States, human supremacists who believe that the only way to guarantee the safety of mankind is the complete destruction of everything non-human or magic. The MUSH itself is set in the city of Kingsdale – an oasis of personal liberty, science and racial tolerance that is surrounded on three sides by the Coalition. Chronicles promises intricate and carefully woven story and many opportunities for personal development and advancement. In-character politics, investigation, research and experimentation are not just encouraged, but essential and the administration pride themselves on creating an environment where role play is the only essential 'ability'. The careful, quiet scientist is able to take on just as much of a role in our plots as the hulking warrior or the shifty mage. At Chronicles, brains count for as much as brawn. Feel the tingle along your spine as a the shadow of a vampire slips past in the darkness. Soar a thousand meters over monster-laden forests in your flying power armor, ever alert for threats to the helpless people far below. Experience the power of magic as you open yourself to a ley line. Know fear as you stare into the cold, unblinking mechanical eyes of a full conversion cyborg. Discover that friendship is not diminished by race, creed, or profession. Feel pride as you stand for one of the few bastions of 'good' that in North America. Above all, feel liberated as you let your imagination run free. This is Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale, and we invite you to explore our story with us
- The Mud Connector (2015)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

May, 2000 [1]

Tinymush 3.0b19 #1 [1]

USA [1]

Server Type:
MUSH [1]

Based on the Palladium RPG Rifts, and centered in Kingsdale [1]

Welcome to Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale. A MUSH set in the popular RPG of Rifts. A cyberpunk game set some time after the initial collapse of civilization, magic and technology flourish and compete. North America is dominated by the Evil Coalition States, human supremacists who believe that the only way to guarantee the safety of mankind is the complete destruction of everything non-human or magic. The MUSH itself is set in the city of Kingsdale – an oasis of personal liberty, science and racial tolerance that is surrounded on three sides by the Coalition. Chronicles promises intricate and carefully woven story and many opportunities for personal development and advancement. In-character politics, investigation, research and experimentation are not just encouraged, but essential and the administration pride themselves on creating an environment where role play is the only essential 'ability'. The careful, quiet scientist is able to take on just as much of a role in our plots as the hulking warrior or the shifty mage. At Chronicles, brains count for as much as brawn. Feel the tingle along your spine as a the shadow of a vampire slips past in the darkness. Soar a thousand meters over monster-laden forests in your flying power armor, ever alert for threats to the helpless people far below. Experience the power of magic as you open yourself to a ley line. Know fear as you stare into the cold, unblinking mechanical eyes of a full conversion cyborg. Discover that friendship is not diminished by race, creed, or profession. Feel pride as you stand for one of the few bastions of 'good' that in North America. Above all, feel liberated as you let your imagination run free. This is Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale, and we invite you to explore our story with us [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
Disclaimer: While my review of this place is positive as most of my experience with it has been, I won't say that everyone's experience will be the same. There will always be something to grumble over. However, I feel that the positives that this game offers outweigh the negatives. I had been on a two year hiatus from roleplaying when I decided to flirt with the idea of making a character on Rifts: Chronicles of Kingsdale. I had a general idea of the type of character I wanted, but I didn't have a concept that would hook my character into the setting. I also didn't have any of the books beyond some notes that I had made from previous Rifts MU*s I'd played on. I figured that my decision of whether to make a character or not would ultimately come down to the response that I got from the chargen staff. This is where I was in for a surprise, a pleasant one. I found Tiamat to be friendly and helpful as one would expect, but she also showed me a good deal of patience, an enjoyable sense of humor and the willingness to go the extra steps to help me out. I also found her to be a good brainstorming partner that helped me refine my concept. Later, I would find out that we were able to feed off each other for inspiration in RP as well. If I had one complaint about the chargen, it would be having to put together your entire character sheet and sending it in by email. However, I have been on other MU*s that used the palladium system where it took a long time to put together your sheet. At least with this system, you're able to control how fast everything is put together. Of course, this can lead to fun typos as well. Like accidentally putting Horsemanship: Erotic instead of Exotic. Another thing that I like about Tiamat is that she isn't satisfied with status quo when things start to slow down. She has found ways to encourage the players to make the game their own with their own story lines, tps and creative role playing. The latest development here is the creation of special storyteller characters that give players a way to work with the staff members to develop IC events and help keep activity up. Overall, I have found the staff to be fairly nice and helpful. There is also a solid core of role players that help keep things fun and creative. We've also been growing in numbers recently as a number of new players have begun to come to the MU* through word of mouth. So, if you're looking for an active growing MU* where you can develop your own story line rather than wait for it to be spoon-fed to you, you may want to consider dropping by and staying a while...
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 14, 2009
The mush is now running smoothly, with the addition of two TinyPlot Storytellers. This ensures that no one member of staff is essential to the running of the game, and removes risks of breaks in TP.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 7, 2009