Belgariad-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination) founded in 1994.
Ranked 573rd of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 2 worlds in the Belgariad genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (33 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)

RhostMUSH Alpha 3.9.3RL(A).p1

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
        ______      Welcome to   __    ______   ___ ____ ___  ____
         ||   \  @                |\  /||  ||    | ((   ' |    ||
         ||___/ __ __  __  ___    | \/ ||  ||    |  \\    |____||
         ||\\    |  \  /  '___|   |    ||  ||    | ,  \\  |    ||
        _||  \\ _|_  \/   (___|, _|_  _||_  \\__/  \___))_|_  _||_
                           << riva.silvren.com 7777 >>                          
                            << 7777 >>
***********                        The Staff                      **********
+++   Jarin       : Site Admin, MUSH Owner                               +++
+++   Sith        : Administration Department: Director (head admin)     +++
+++   X'ania      : Administration Department: Deputy                    +++
   connect <name> <password> to connect to an existing character
   connect guest guest to connect to the guest character
   create <name> <password> to create a new character
   WHO for currently connected                   
   QUIT to disconnect
RivaMUSH (also known for a while as Beyond Belgariad) is a fairly old MU* that shut down in 1999 and is currently in the process of being revived with some new staff, although the grid remains mostly unchanged. The game is based on the popular Belgariad novels by David Eddings. The action will start at the end of the second series (The Mallorean). We are still working on the chargen, but in the meantime players are welcome to login and look around or even start RP'ing. Just keep in mind you will need to go through chargen when it is up. Many staff positions are currently open. Page, e-mail or +mail Sith if you are interested or want more information.
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[MUSH] RhostMUSH [1]
RhostMUSH [2] [5]
RhostMUSH 3.2.4(A).p18-22U [6]

1994 [2]

USA [1] [2]

David Eddings' Belgariad books. [1]
A fantasy-themed game based on the Belgariad and M [2]
Belgariad [5]
Fantasy [6]

David Eddings [2]
Worlds for Fans, Fantasy worlds [3]

RivaMUSH (also known for a while as Beyond Belgariad) is a fairly old MU* that shut down in 1999 and is currently in the process of being revived with some new staff, although the grid remains mostly unchanged. The game is based on the popular Belgariad novels by David Eddings. The action will start at the end of the second series (The Mallorean). We are still working on the chargen, but in the meantime players are welcome to login and look around or even start RP'ing. Just keep in mind you will need to go through chargen when it is up. Many staff positions are currently open. Page, e-mail or +mail Sith if you are interested or want more information. [1]
RivaMUSH is a fantasy-themed game based on David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon novels. We currently have a number of staff positions open: - RP wizzes - code wizzes - 1 Tolnedra admin - general player helpers (these won't necessarily be staff positions, but you should at least have mushing experience) To apply for a staff position at RivaMUSH you should be friendly, like helping out, have some mushing experience (as a staffer is a must if you're applying as a coder) and have at least 10-14 hours you can spare for the game every week. If you are interested, or would like more information, please feel free to log into the game and page me (Sith) so we can get to know each other. NOTE: players are also welcome, but our main focus at the moment is on hiring staff, so RP might be a bit slow until we have a decent team set up. If you would like to know when RP becomes more active, please watch this page for announcements: http://nasgarath.livejournal.com/ [2]
RivaMUSH is loosely based on the work of the fantasy author David Eddings. For those who are unfamiliar with his work, it is similar to The Lord of the Rings . Magic rules the land, and there are wizards and evil beings. The game is set in a dark age equivalent. [3]
RivaMUSH is set in within the world of David Eddings series of books, the Belgariad and the Mallorean. The setting is now approximately 10 years after the end of the books. Here you can join the world Eddings created by being a greedy Tolnedran, a sneaky Drasnian, or a sensible Sendar. The choice is yours, join us. [4]
RivaMUSH is an old game (originally created in 1994) based on the novels by David Eddings (The Belgariad and The Malloreon). It was on hiatus for a few years, but re-opened in 2005. For those unfamiliar with the books, it is a world of fantasy where magic and warriors reign, and to some extent based on our own history (the Tolnedran Empire, for instance, is modelled after the Roman Empire). Having read the novels is not required, though, unless you want to play a feature. Because of the hiatus, we the game started over from scratch, picking up five years after the end of the books. Until the playerbase grows, the RP will be focused in Tolnedra. RivaMUSH is a strongly RP-driven game which relies on the Consent Rule and, well, common sense. [5]
The MUSH is set five years after the end of events as described by David and Leigh Eddings in their novels. As such, global peace as acheived through the Accords of Dal Perivor holds tenuously at best. Tolnedra, where our story begins, is beleaguered. She has suffered a long sequence of wet summers and harsh winters, and is feeling very much the pinch of the restricted trade along the Southern Caravan Route. It is common to hear Drasnians and Nadraks badmouthed in the taverns and salons of Tol Honeth, thanks to Silk and Yarblek's mendacious trade agreement with Urgit. The most extreme can be heard to question Emperor Varana's Imperial faculties. Additionally, a band of Arendish outlaws have inhabited the Forest of Vordue in the north and are harrying caravans travelling along the Great West Road. After the victory of Belgarion and his companions, our paths are no longer guided by Prophecy; indeed, in this new and exciting world, anything at all might happen. [6]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
  5. Mud Magic
  6. The MUSH Warehouse