Shattered Kingdoms
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1996.
Ranked 239th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 105th of 347 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
1 (4 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
13 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
4 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

  \       __        |             \_   /                    \_   __/
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DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and
Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  
ROM 2.3 by Alander.  Shattered Kingdoms (r) copyright (c) 1996-2017.
By which name would you like to be known? 
Shattered Kingdoms is a roleplay-enforced MUD that successfully unites quality roleplay with the tactical considerations of challenging PK. Established in 1996, SK is one of the few top MUDs whose gameplay is completely free--no pay-to-play, no pay-for-perks. Shattered Kingdoms is known for high-quality building, its abundance of unique quests, and its well-written code, which is regularly improved and expanded. Shattered Kingdoms boasts an exclusive tactical formation system. Players can march in 3x3 formation with other players and NPCs, letting warriors take the brunt of physical attacks while mages, archers, and pike-equipped fighters join the fray from the relative safety of the second and third ranks. Weapon variety, siegecraft, mounted combat, dueling, and auto-targeting combine to make Shattered Kingdoms' unique, tactics-based combat engine. Player must...
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Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[Rom] Heavily modified [1]
Merc - Highly Customized [2]
Custom [5]

1996 [2]

USA [1]
Lenexa, KS, USA [2]

Fantasy Roleplaying with Tactics [1]
Roleplaying with tactics [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]
Fantasy Role-playing Worlds, Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

Shattered Kingdoms is a roleplay-enforced MUD that successfully unites quality roleplay with the tactical considerations of challenging PK. Established in 1996, SK is one of the few top MUDs whose gameplay is completely free--no pay-to-play, no pay-for-perks. Shattered Kingdoms is known for high-quality building, its abundance of unique quests, and its well-written code, which is regularly improved and expanded. Shattered Kingdoms boasts an exclusive tactical formation system. Players can march in 3x3 formation with other players and NPCs, letting warriors take the brunt of physical attacks while mages, archers, and pike-equipped fighters join the fray from the relative safety of the second and third ranks. Weapon variety, siegecraft, mounted combat, dueling, and auto-targeting combine to make Shattered Kingdoms' unique, tactics-based combat engine. Player killing must be roleplay justified, and peaceful characters can gain experience through quests, roleplay rewards, discovery, mentoring and spell casting. Characters with consistent roleplay become Paragons with the ability to reward others. The world of Pyrathia boasts more than 180 completely unique areas, each with its own story. New areas are continually added, while players influence changes to old ones. Pyrathia has a wide variety of sentient races, each with unique armor, culture, strengths, weaknesses and abilities. There are six starting kingdoms with player-led tribunals whose actions influence local political and economic conditions. Prices of goods and services fluctuate with recessions, inflation, supply and demand. Religions are important in Pyrathia. Though the gods rarely reveal themselves, their powers are seen throughout the realm. Secret cabals brandish ancient magics granted by powerful relics, adding intrigue and motive to the battle ground. Whether your pleasure is roleplay, exploration, combat, achievement, or a mixture of all of the above, Shattered Kingdoms has the adventure you seek. By which name would you like to be known? [1]
Shattered Kingdoms is a roleplay-enforced MUD that successfully unites quality roleplay with the tactical considerations of challenging PK. Established in 1996, SK is one of the few top MUDs that remains completely free--no pay-to-play, no pay-for-perks. Shattered Kingdoms is known for its high quality building, its abundance of unique quests in all degrees of difficulty, and its stable and well-written code, which is constantly being improved and expanded. It has a challenging combat system; frequent immortal-run events; a dynamic game world; and a large, vibrant community of active players. One of the crown jewels of Shattered Kingdoms is its exclusive tactical formation system. Players and their assorted pets and charms can march in 3x3 formation, letting warriors take the brunt of physical attacks from the front row while mages, archers and pole-arm equipped fighters add to the mix from the safety of second and third ranks. Safe, that is, unless they are surprised from the rear by a sneakily-placed backstab! Few MUDs can offer the frenzied intensity of two or more formations attacking each other in combat. And those strategic protections are often needed--not just against other players, but against the NPCs, who also fight intelligently by their role in formation. Add in weapon sub-types, missile- and spell-ranged combat with auto targeting, mounted combat, dueling, and siegecraft, and you have combat that is accessible while still challenging for veteran players. While killing other players is restricted only by roleplaying requirements, it is possible to play a non-violent character as well; experience can be gained through quests, roleplay rewards, bonuses for discovering new areas, and casting spells. Roleplay has benefits on Shattered Kingdoms: Characters who guide new players gain mentor points to improve themselves, and characters who consistently roleplay well become Paragons with the ability to reward others. The world of Pyrathia is huge--it boasts more than 180 completely unique areas, each of which has its own story and quests. Exploration is a never-ending pleasure, always offering a new adventure around each corner. New areas are constantly being added, while old areas are updated, improved and adapted based on the changes that players weave into the world. All areas are coherently joined on an overhead map that updates your location as you travel. Pyrathia has a wide variety of intelligent races. Each race's history and social structure is woven through areas, lore and mythology. Ethnic differences drive conflict among the more populous races. Each race distinguishes itself in more than just statistics: Minotaurs gore their opponents, while giants throw boulders. Tiny sprites use tiny equipment that is not suited to medium-sized humans; neither wear the same gear as mountable quadrupeds, such as centaurs and griffons. The six kingdoms on Pyrathia have player-led factions that influence the political and economic conditions of each nation. Each kingdom and sub-region has its own true-to-life economy where inflation, recessions, and supply and demand all play major roles in the cost of goods and services. Tribunals, composed of player characters, patrol the roads and supply leadership and financial support for the law and military of their kingdoms. Religions are also a major part of life on Pyrathia. Although the gods rarely reveal themselves directly to mortals, their powers are real as wielded by their religious followers. While membership is required for clergy to wield the full might of the gods, even lay worshipers receive minor boons for their devotion based on their god's spheres of influence. Players may also be admitted to less public organizations, known as cabals. Each cabal provides its members with a handful of additional abilities through the power of its coveted artifact. Be warned: These powers can be taken away if the cabal loses control of its artifact to outsiders. Whether your pleasure is roleplay, combat, exploration, achievement, or a combination of all of the above, Shattered Kingdoms has what you seek. Step into this immersive environment and let your character come to life. By which name would you like to be known? [2]
Growing from strength to strength - running for over seven years as of January 2003 on a dedicated server and stable codebase. A well-used forums area on the web-site provides instant out-of-game assistance to any who are new to MUDs or just new to SK. Well over 20,000 all-original rooms in over 200 areas. [3]
Shattered Kingdoms is a mud where Role Playing is stressed above all else. The gods are cool and know what they are doing. The code is cool and there are many classes and races with lots of skills that kick ass. Highly suggested if you like role playing and want to be around some of the best role players that are around. There are cabals that are for each of the realms areas and are generally alignment oriennted and of the best of the best role players around. Check it out, it is truly the BEST mud there there is out there! [4]
Shattered Kingdoms allows you to roleplay and battle in a fantasy environment that has few artificial restrictions. Just log on and begin walking the Hall of Creation - you'll see that we are unique. Pick from 6 starting kingdoms, each with it's own history, language, justice system and PC government. Explore our extensive, all-original world (with our mapped wilderness that sensibly links together zones) and earn experience for your discoveries. Share in the unique RP experience provided by our greet system, finite age, player-run religions and cabals, numerous RP events and a revolving system of Paragon players who (along with immortals) can reward you for quality play. We don't scrimp on combat either. We've got loads of unique skills and spells to seek out with ranged and area-affect attacks and tactical formations. Smart NPCs will give you a run for your money, while limited and unique objects will give you something to hunt for in your spare time. We also boast NO global channels! We've been open for over ten years with a dedicated server and a stable code base. Check us out! [5]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
  5. Mud Magic
ShatteredKingdoms is a great mud from an RP/scene standpoint. In the game itself, there's a great variety and mix of RP, PK, enemies and friends. Leveling is a little tedious, but overall the game is very enjoyable despite the lack of players. Unfortunately, outside of the game, there appears to be a constant battle of players vs admins, and neither side is particularly mature in the fights. IMMs often act snobbish and lord even the tiniest mistake a player has made to diminish their opinion, code changes that impact the pbase majorly are often snuck in without an announcement despite the large impacts on the game it will have, and views of rules are changed at a whim to suit the new 'Rules Manager' immortal. I admit, I have not been on the wrong end of this and much of it is just gleamed from the official and unofficial forums, so this may likely be taken with a grain of salt. However, it seems very telling to have such a huge division between the admin staff and the playerbase about the game. Not to mention, you are only allowed to play from your home, which is severely limiting. I often travel for work, though usually have wifi access in some form. It is incredibly disappointing to know that I am only allowed to play when I am physically at my home, as any all forms of proxy/vpns/public wifi's are either against the rules. For a game that appears to require a lot of time to level and prepare, I do not enjoy the fact that restrictions are placed on WHERE I connect from in order to enjoy the game. Overall, a great mud but I think I'll be looking for another community that is less divisive against itself, and is less restrictive in WHERE I can play from.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 7, 2016
Ok, so I log on and create a char. It's in the Top 10 on TMC, must be pretty nice. OMG was i wrong. after reading 20+ pages of disclaimers and rules about how your soul belongs to the immortals and if they show up in person you have to grovel at their feet and ASK PERMISSION TO LOOK AT THEM, I logged off... seriously people?!?!? Get over yourselves!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 23, 2012
Shattered Kingdoms is a roleplaying-required MUD. In reading this review, it seems that the reviewer may not have recognized that fact or perhaps not be familiar with roleplaying in general. On SK, an immortal is not a synonym for a staff member, they are in-character deities who grant magical powers to the followers of their religion who have pledged that god their very soul. These deities rarely appear directly to mortals. On the rare occasions that they do, it is usually only to highly ranked members of their religion. Further separating the distinction between admins and immortals is the fact that one admin may be responsible for as many as half-a-dozen religions (including any roleplay that they would have to perform as the deity) whereas other admins aren't responsible for supporting any religions at all. On the extremely rare occasion that a deity actually appears to the general public in the world, there are certain expectations for how characters should roleplay the situation. This is why there is a single page in the help files (not 20) about expected behavior if your character meets an immortal character. As to why a character would not look upon the face of a god, try looking up the story of Moses and the burning bush. But that help file has nothing to do with how players interact with the game staff in general. Admins are always available to ask questions and merely expect to be treated with the same courtesy and respect as every other human being. And that applies on SK's forums as well.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 2, 2012
Lots of classes, skills, spells. Great newbie schools, easy system to learn. Good, solid playerbase and frequent special events run by the immortal staff. Lots of fun, definitely recommended for novice and veteran mudders alike.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 21, 2008
Shattered Kingdoms, in my words, can be described by only one word, Unique. It is a very fun game to play, and I encourage anyone who reads this review to give it a shot. It is worth it. This is a very good MUD, and I can't really even describe it in words, you will just have to see it for yourself.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 22, 2006
I first started playing SK (Shattered Kingdoms) about five years ago. From the first time I played, I was amazed at how large and immersive the game was. SK has a huge map that offers several nations, islands and countless hidden areas. SK also boasts a rich history that has been majorly impacted by past characters. The possibilities for roleplay are staggering, ranging from "fountain RP" to acts that may forever alter the realm and make your character's name legendary. The roleplay is what keeps me in the game, but an ever important tool of that roleplay at times is the unrestricted player killing. While player killing is unrestricted, it still remains a tool for RP, and it is expected that there is a strong in character reason for your character to kill another. As for mechanics, I am rather fond of the fighting system that the implementor has devised. After playing this MUD, I haven't been able to find any other that keeps my interest, the maps, history, the mechanics, the's what keeps makes it home for me.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 9, 2006
Shattered Kingdoms is by far one of the most addictive muds I have ever played. I started in 1998 and I've been hooked ever since. It is a roleplay and player killing mud, PK being backed by RP, with role play being rewarded. There are many things about this mud that I find superior to others and which have retained me for this long. The size of the mud world is enormous. In eight years time I have yet to discover all the secrets. And with the immstaff constantly building new areas and revising old ones, I most likely never will. Another thing which has kept me playing for so long is the excellent coloration and descriptions, especially of some of the more recently opened areas. Another major factor that I find appealing to this particular mud is how much the player base can impact and change the course of events both historically and even cosmetically. Roleplay can change anything, literally. I have found the immstaff very open to roleplay and building suggestions and quite supportive when it comes to building things for the player base. I myself have designed quite a few rooms and not a few items and got them placed in the mud simply by asking and doing appropriate rp. The combat system also deserves mention. It's simple to learn, but takes quite awhile to master. Its one of the major factors that keeps me interested. The classes are very balanced now and one can take any class and make them a major force. I enjoy player killing on this mud immensely. It is very satisfying compared to others I've played on and the rp that results from it is also very gratifying. New players to the mud will enjoy the mentor system which is designed to alert experienced players to their presence so that they can receive hands on help from the player base. This system is very helpful for old and new players alike in training skills and spells and just generally meeting new people with their characters and producing rp.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 30, 2006
Shattered Kingdoms is one of the best muds that I have come across since I started playing muds in 1994. It has mandatory roleplay and unrestricted PK and manages the delicate and at times very difficult balance between the two with reasonable succes. Being more to the roleplay side than PK, there are elements of 'I win' culture on the mud that I could be without, but Imms are very keen on nurturing a vibrant and strong roleplay environment, and so are most of the players. Its building is generally far above average in all categories; interesting plots, detailed descriptions, good coloring, good use of ambience scripts and plenty of well thought out interactions between area and player. There are many quests of all sorts and on all levels of difficulty, and I have been told that even more are to come in the future. The world is enormous and exploration here is a time stealer of the worst (but most entertaining) sort. SK does a lot to promote newbie friendliness, and manages in my opinion to get away with one of the best results I have seen. All helpfiles are accessible on Shattered Kingdoms's website, which means that you can be as prepared as you choose to be when you start. Even if you don't have the patience to read through them, most of the kingdoms have newbie areas that are easy to navigate and tell you what you need to know. The 'mentor' command allows any player below journeyman to send out a request for a teacher and guide, and any high level player may teach skills below a certain level in the mud's inns. It is a free mud, with no buyable perks or benefits. The immstaff seems dedicated and fair, and the playerbase is generally friendly and helpful. The mud is usually placed around 12th on TMS's list of top muds, though I, after having tried most of the others, honestly think it deserves to be placed higher than that. I suggest you peek in if you're interested in finding a new mud to play. I expect you won't regret it. See you IC!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 26, 2006
I've been playing Shattered Kingdoms for almost a year now, and I must say it is a VERY compelling game. Roleplay is enforced which is very good in my view. They have great Race selection, as well as profound class selection. The Roleplay is very versatile and numerous. The Cabal/Tribunal system is very intense and extremely complex. This game should be number one so come and play!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 27, 2005
Shattered kingdoms is one of the many hack and slash mud these days attempting to Claim RolePlay. Given the myriad of games making this claim, I was first a little wary to try it out, but when I finally got around to it, I was somewhat surprised. I came in expecting the roleplay would be a gimmick term thrown out and the game itself wouldn't have any roleplay whatsoever, like many who make the claim. I was wrong on that regard. So wrong in fact, I feel Shattered Kingdoms has raised the bar for its level of play. On the hack & slash and tactical aspect, SK has a far more balanced game than you're likely to find on many other muds. Through use of skills, party arrangement, equipment and spells, you can do a great number of things. The combat is far more than just kill x loot y, in fact the WAY you go about the killing can have an enormous affect on how successful you are. What level you are and the skills aren't quite so important as how you plan your battles. In these regards, SK is light years above most H&S. They don't have some hundred thousand classes and races and instead of making a whole lot of duplicate spells and abilities, each one has it's unique features, with some small exceptions. The player killing aspect is another thing to consider, as it's a huge part of the game. After all, killing npcs all day can get quite boring. Just about anyone is opened to be player killed, however what prev2ents random player killing is the Roleplay, which we'll get to a little later. A fairly effective justice system keeps the random player killing down and ensures the game will have at least some method to the madness. Given most player killing games tend to end up being newbie unfriendly as a result, SK has successfully balanced the PK of the game with newbie friendliness. In the area of newbie friendliness, the game is surprisingly successful. While I have not personally heard much from the staff, I didn?t need to. The other players have been willing to help out in most cases and the help files are quite well documented, with a few exceptions. There are holes in the helpfiles where important things, such as ways you can lose XP and other penalties, are a little more buried than they should be. But at least the files are there, even if they are not as readily apparent as one might hope. As far as complexity, the game allows for someone to simply walk around and kill stuff, but at the same time the inner workings are more much in-depth than they appear. This lends to a fairly straight forward newbie experience as well as a more deep and customizable veteran one. Now on to the roleplay. At first the game requires you to stay in character and doesn't even really give an (out... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 20, 2004
Shattered Kingdoms is a great game, pure and simple. A virtual bonanza of fantasy, roleplay, and well-meaning players, SK has kept me up through many a sleepless night, only to wake up two or three hours late for class in the morning, laughing and shaking my head ruefully (albeit quite angry with myself). The mud is definitely an enjoyable experience, and one that will continue to provide -countless- hours of fun and amusement, not to mention challenges that test both your mind and skill with a keyboard. I've enjoyed trying to puzzle out some of the more alluring and difficult quests, traps, and riddles on several occasions, most of which provide worthy rewards. The PK (yes, it exists) is also interesting and vivid, and lately the number of rounds in the average fight has been extended to allow for more use of tactics. However, the quality of roleplay on SK has decreased over the last 4 years or so, and much of the communication between people that was once IC (in-character) has turned OOC (out-of-character). Of course, there is OOC communication on any mud, and this one is no different. Old timers can often be found harking back to days when every single player was from Wisconsin(most of which knew eachother outside the MUD anyway) and where you were lucky to see more that 20 people on at a time. But, it seems to me that the creation of the web-boards on the SK website have contributed to this attitude as well. While new (or experienced) players do indeed find many succinct and quick answers on these boards, alot of misinformation is also distributed on them, and also alot of drama is created as a result. Drama has been the number one turnoff for me in the past 5-6 years that I've played, however. Eventually, one seems to gain a reputation with his/her characters that carries over into how other players treat you both OOCly and ICly. Poor decisions by much of the Immstaff when it comes to cabals(elite roleplaying organizations found in each of the 5 kingdoms) also contribute much to the drama that plays itself out day by day as well. To end this on a positive note however, I'd like to invite anyone who is looking for free entertainment to at least spare Shattered Kingdoms a few hours in an evening or two: you won't regret it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2004
Looking over reviews of Shattered Kingdoms you will find in many articles a few common points. Fist is the coding. Shattered Kingdoms looks excellent. It's color, it's design, the maps all if it looks great. It's features are superlative, It's mob progs incredible, and it's overall playalibily is great. This could be the best built/coded mud around, certainly it is among the best. It's implementor is a professional in the video game industry so he can code games. But as you will read in many other articles there is a serious problem with the staff, and the way player run organizations like the religions, tribunals, and cabals are handled. Firstly, the staff is abusive, the rules enforcement is hypocritcal, and favoritism is rampant. If you get on an imm's bad side you will know it, and getting on an imm's bad side doesn't mean offending the imm, you might offend someone who is friends with the imm, has him on an instant messenger service, or spends time in a chatroom with the person. Secondly, High powered groups like cabals, religions, and tribunals are run almost exclusively outside the mud in various other places like Yahoo, MSN, and other things. They are extremely tough to crack and get into because of the vast contempt they power players have for newbies on the game. So unless you have an ungodly amount of time to dedicate to this mud, in game and outside of it, making ooc connections for various hookups and what not, and if you are willing to overlook glaring rules violations that are not punished or barely punished, I would not suggest this mud to anyone. The reason it has been open for 8 years is clearly, unquestionably, the ingenious code, and the well built areas. But don't take my word for it, read a few more reviews. Every third or fourth one says the same thing.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2004
I used to play table top RPGs. When I was out of high school and started working, I had lost contact with all those folks I had been used to gaming with. So, I went online, and started looking for RPGs online, and was led to a site that talked about MUDs. Quickly I found the Tolkein-based ones and started checking them out. Many were too complex for me to play. Some seemed empty. Others just didnt make sense. Found Shattered Kingdoms about four years ago now. I had played intermittently at first, but have to say that I am an addict to this game! It offers many different facets. There are many role-play opportunities. The game is quite stable, having had over eight years running, with constant attention by the behind the scenes immortals. There are a number of race and class selections. There are six starting cities, each inside a unique kingdom that are spread across a giant world map. There are five tribunals, governing different kingdoms, and one lawless kingdom. There are also five cabals, all groups are basically player-run, with their own channel and role-play requirements. There is a pantheon of immortals, that represents the always active group of people that keep the MUD, and its website going. You will usually see over fifty people logged in during peak hours, and very rarely will there be under twenty. I often see updates to the code and additions of new areas. There have been several global role-plays that overtake the game and focus everyone on a certain quest, and some last a week, while others last a few months. Player-killing is definitely a part of the game, but there are a number of methods to return to life. So many different facets are involved, I can't even start to list them all. Come to the website at to find out more. Come by and ask questions, or get started playing. :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 27, 2004
This f*cking mud crashes too god damn much!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 19, 2004
Like so many, I've been afflicted with mud addiction for way too long. But it is Shattered Kingdoms that has kept my fascination with mudding going for years after I should have rightfully outgrown it. There are many reasons why. The first thing that sucked me in was the "realistic" geography of the SK world. I'm a lover of maps of all sorts, and I find the SK wilderness maps endlessly engaging. Another aspect of the SK world is consistancy. Its areas are consistantly-themed, and are often woven together with common storylines and so on. The realms are broken into "kingdoms", and each has a dedicated Immortal keeping a thematic watch on all areas which make up that kingdom. This lends itself to immersion in the SK world. The active Immortal staff also keeps the world forever changing. The changes are typically slow and sometimes subtle, but they're often made in direct response to mortal RP. It's nice to know that, as a mortal, your RP actions can result in real changes to the look and feel of the SK world. I'm hardly a RP nazi, and the required RP I ran into the first time I rolled a char on SK almost turned me off to the place. But I've since found that the RP is engaging and is far from oppressive. Indeed, a significant portion of the playerbase is primarily interested in tactics and stats-mongering. But they're at least forced to pay homage to RP, just as the RPers are typically forced to at least go hack a mob and gain a level every once in a while, to back up their RP. For questors, there is a whole new means to gain experience, levels and status. In the last year, the staff has implemented experience-rewarding quests in almost every area, so time is not wasted for those who prefer to explore and tackle puzzles in lieue of killing that same mummy 100 times. On the whole, SK seems to attract a larger percentage of more mature players, who enjoy a blend of PK tactics and RP - at least these are the sorts of people I seek, and I've found enough to keep me around, or coming back, when I don't have the time to be fully active. A drawback, from my perspective, is that SK tends to ask a lot of your time, and quite explicitly. If you roll a char who ends up playing anything more than a marginal role in the SK world, you may find that other players demand you to put in the time to keep up regular presence on the mud. This is so their RP isn't adversely affected by having to explain away your absence, and so on. If you're an addict with plenty of time, this isn't a problem. If you play strictly recreationally and at a low prioritization, as I do, it can be a tough thing to juggle. Having an online text game demand time... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 10, 2003
ShatteredKingdoms is a fairly good mud, with large pluses and large minuses. It's been running for well over six years publically as a credit to it's merit, complete with a lot of custom code and a completely original world that is just HUGE. The mobile AI is incredibly crafty and smart, complete with quests that are scattered about and other interesting responses they will give. The coloring(ansi) of the mud is incredible as well, with each area having proper color schemes and good word usage for each chosen color. The areas themselves are for the most part pretty, well built, easy to navigate, and filled to the brim with detailed mobiles and objects a plenty. Some objects are incredibly powerful, while others are just there for realism and have little 'actual' value. However, SK has it's serious downfalls, as a player for over three years on this mud, I have seen the highs and lows. The lows do not corrospond with the code or it's changes that the implimentor rountinely makes (perhaps which is why the mud continues to be open, the constant changes of code keep it fresh), but the actual immortal staff themselves. Rampant ooc connections and mortal player abuse is often seen, as well as severe favoristism when it comes to their cabal (guilds) system. While it might be said it is 'player run', it is clearly immortal run with players that are hand picked by the staff, keeping a close eye on how each cabal runs or who is inducted into them. Furthermore, Sk do not have 'police' imms or imms that are in charge of certain things, instead, any immortal may punish or reward at whim, without reason or log. This has lead to many incidents of immortal abuse and favoratism that still occurs even though the implimentor himself tries to crack down on it. The choosing of staff is also done by friendship, as well, not talent, so some immortals are truly master builders such as Sargas or the former Zavjiah, while others have no real talent or responsibilities (Such as Algorab). Over all, if you do not disagree with the staff often and become friends with them and their mortal friends, you can go pretty far in this game quickly and discover it's rich enviroment and rp scheme, as well as it's complex tactical efforts. It really is an incredible mud. However, for those of you who are 'loners' or prefer to not sit about a fountain all day chatting or prefer intense PvP conflict (even with rp), best find another mud that is more fair in it's immortal policies towards all players. For while Sk has probably /the best/ code and areas I've seen in a long time for muds, it also has one of the /worst/(in my opinion) immortals for it's staff. My overall rating for this mud, out of 10 points possible would be a: 7
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 14, 2003
Shattered Kingdoms is not for the faint of heart. I've been playing SK for at least five years now, and am still addicted to it. I'd have to say a majority of the player base is in the same boat. Constant code updates keep the game fresh and challanging, though keeping an old guy like me challanged sometimes means making it harder for newbies. SK is a great mud. I would recommend it to those that have mud experience, and don't need someone to hold thier hand through the basics. A majority of the player base is willing to help a newbie so long as they adhere to RP guidelines. A very unique game that will keep you interested for years to come.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 19, 2003
Shattered Kingdoms is an old MUD that, nevertheless has expanded its borders to become a huge world controlled by the players. Shattered Kingdoms features a one of a kind character creation section, asking questions to determine your statistic points instead of pre-assigning them. SK gives a huge variety of choices for races/classes, and lets you build your character any way you want. Adjectives, and descriptions with nice color give life to your character. Another nice bit of SK is its abundant cities and its huge world map, the cities are well planned out, giving you a chance to explore but also a chance to RP inside them. There is always something to do in SK, if your too high a level to train much, talk with people RP and join a cabal or a tribunal. SK has choices, which is very important in any world, but it also has a player controlled base. You can have temples built for you, if you have the money, and you can practically do anything you want in SK's world.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 8, 2003
I just started playing this game, Shattered Kingdoms, and it looks nice. 1. I like the newbie schools, well organized and a good mix of hard and easy. 2. The help files are well organized, I knew how to play after only a few minutes. 3. Other players aren't always.. helpful? There's a good mix of dark and light int he game, which i found out early on. 4. You have to choose which city you start in... I made the accident of starting in the Northern Wastes, a city of necromancers... (read the help files on different citys before you go to them) 5. Nicely done maps, and citys are well laid out. I suggest anyone give this game a TRY, there's no reason to stay if you don't like it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 23, 2003
Shattered Kingdoms is a very nicely built MUD, with a huge world, quite a few players, and very nice RP in general. The game has a lot of built in orginizations, and it gives you the freedom to make your own mini alliances with just your friends. Roleplay is highly rewarded in Shattered Kingdoms, and Player Killing is also allowed, depending ont he surcumstances. Downsides: The mud isn't really very newbie friendly, the game does teach itself, and while in the newbie schools you cannot die very easily. But, if you do die, the immortals dont do much about it, and generally ignore your pleas for help. Also, unless your experienced with certain types of classes (mostly mages) they are very hard to get stronger, and not as fun as they should be for newbs. Upsides: Awesome 'hall of creation' where you make your character, cities are huge, and have everything you need to make RP awesome, once you get used to the game (1 RL month about) you start really getting good, and making cool characters, and changing hte life of the MUD. (players have almost 50% of hte control over what happens int he mud, they can initiate wars, make peace, etc)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 20, 2003
Shatteredkingdoms mud is a well thought out mud, with lot's of variety in it's areas and many different races and classes. It's classes are woefully unbalanced as The warrior classes can butcher magical classes as many as 10 levels higher then themselves seemingly at will. Good if you are a warrior I suppose. The racial differences are also very poorly balanced as the stronger races such as centaurs and giants can destroy the weaker but more longer lived races with relative ease. The Immortal staff administers the rules with no real consistancy, and frequent rules abuses tend to leave newbies victimized and ruined as characters since they lose thier wealth and goods repeatedly. This mud is not at all newbie friendly. It's unrestricted player killing is supposedly controlled by roleplay, but even if you initiate roleplay with a newbie character who can't understand you as they don't speak your language it is still permissable for players to kill the newbie. This mud has a dedicated group of followers who have been playing it for several years, all of them are out right hostile to new players, and cruel to new characters. On a scale of 1-10 Shattered Kingdoms rates a 3. It's areas are good, but it's imbalanced classes, and it's transient rules enforcement that borders on hypocrosy, combined with it's more then lack of concern for newbies makes it an unpleasurable experience. If you want to have fun, don't play Shatteredkingdoms. Before you play look at the forums and you will see it's a collection of angry rants and hate mail. And those are the threads that haven't been removed by the imms.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 19, 2003
Shattered Kingdoms. A journey I began many years ago on a whim and have been playing ever since. The lure of this mud was so strong that it took me away from my previous Immortal duties so much that I decided to only be a player from there on out. That decision has been well worth it as I couldn't imagine a better way to spend some free time. Since I began the Mud has gone through many changes and everytime when I feel that it is losing it's appeal the staff throws something new our way to keep us busy and wanting more. Constantly looking for ways to improve "realism" and competitiveness, there has been many new looks. If you tried this mud a few years ago and didn't enjoy it, try it again and see if you like the new changes. By no means is this realm quick to conquer and master, however just as it is that, it is not impossible for new players to adapt, or even first time mudders to become immersed and be able to learn. Coming from a pure PK history in Muds the thought of having enforced roleplay almost kept me away as I assumed it would lack the sort of excitment and adrenaline rush that one would get when taking non a rival clan and laying them to waste. However I quickly found this not to be the case as the roleplay enhanced my reason to stand up and fight, and when the fighting began you best believe with what you put into a character you're adrenaline does start to flow. I've never been extremely active in the OOC forums which the creators provide so that we might help them know what should be improved, as well as offering ideas so most players would not know who I am. Though I have been at the mud for quite a long time and any who were around when I began will agree that they started because it is the best mud they found, and continue to play because with every change it just continues to get better. I made a vow when I first got the Internet to never pay for a game. Thanks to that I was able to stumble upon this gem which many would feel is a pay-to-play. I suggest everyone give this one a decent shot and just maybe with enough extra players the Immortal staff will be forced to open other kingdroms/cities for player life. Since once you start, you won't be able to leave.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 5, 2003
Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter whether you have played, imm'd, tried, failed or excelled. The concept of SK is one of 'doesn't matter'. The expectation of the players is only exerted by the players themselves. The rp experience is for your taking, as is the pk experience. With a combination of unrestricted pk, unparalleled rp and a playerbase which is not only a credit to the quality of players, but also to the codebase which has clearly attracted such players. In all cases, the removal of numerical measurements for establishing level and ability provides for an optimal environment within which the new player can learn and be aided by the veterans, and where the veterans can be united in their abilities to excel at all sections of the mud. Although change has taken place recently on this mud, the desire of the playerbase to 'beat' the system is evident. Their innate ability to rebuff changes is only matched by their ability to recreate characters - and experience SK from a new perspective. A free mud devoted to the escapism created from a desire to rule, kill, rp, develop, explore and solve - this mud has much to offer the newbie as well as the expert mudder. Establishing notoriety within the playerbase brings it's own rewards from ooc contacts, but on this mud unlike many others, do not rule the game. The concept created by you, from character inception to character deletion becomes an environment which you own and you rule. A success by any measurement.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 16, 2003
To respond to Erresh when she said: Within the past two weeks I have started several characters different races/class combos and have found getting out of the training area to take me more than an hour, when in the past I could be lvl 15 in that amount of time, I would like everyone to note that ones ability to go through the 'training areas' of the mud has not changed whatsoever. The fact that she was unable to reach 15 is a reflection on her lack of ability, nothing else. Anywho - Complaints and complaints about OOC connections, knowing the game. So what? If you need to know something, just ask. AIM: Monomidget YM: Gader_SK ICQ: 120081500
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 1, 2003
This mud has stiff OOC conections no matter how much the player base or the imms try to deny it. I had enjoyed the mud for the three odd years I played up until the recent changes. The thwarting of recall makes any character beyond lvl 10 hard as hell to play unless you know the game or have some good hook up to get the correct potions. Within the past two weeks I have started several characters different races/class combos and have found getting out of the training area to take me more than an hour, when in the past I could be lvl 15 in that amount of time, travel between the cities is very dangerous UNLESS you know the game and the ways to get around. The recent changes have made the time consumption on my part too costly, if you have the time and patience to be aggrivated by being killed by aggro mobs trying to get to another trainer, getting pked sometimes with very little RP and no reason given to you when saught, then play this game. If the time expenditure wasn't as costly as it is now I would not mind playing, but the aggrivation and time are just not worth it. My name is there. Piss off.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 30, 2003
The first thing that I'll say about SK goes back to a comment made in another review of this mud- I suggest only mature players come here to play. As somebody else mentioned, we are an immstaff and a playerbase who can get quite passionate about this game, and frankly it's not a place that I would want my 12-year-old playing. Shattered Kingdoms offers a great variety of races and classes. Some of the skills and spells available can give certain classes a really unique flair. Ranged spells, group combat formations, ranged weapons, and newly implemented song effects give combat an interesting and creative edge. THERE ARE NO GLOBAL CHANNELS TO DISRUPT THE ROLEPLAY ENVIRONMENT!! The codebase far surpasses that of any other (free) mud that I have ever played. The head coder/implementor has spent years on the game, and especially in the past two years has implemented plenty of changes, with many more to come. Some changes are met with fierce resistance from the playerbase, but having played for almost 6 years, this is most often due to the fact that people in general are resistant to change, NOT because the changes are bad. The game has steadily improved for the better over the years and continues to move in a positive direction. Even harsh critics, such as the review from three_sixteen and other players who are given voice to oppose various updates, continue to play Shattered Kingdoms because it remains, quite simply, the best out there. I've spent 4 years as a player and until last fall had spent 2 years as an immortal on SK. I speak from direct experience that the immortal staff is tireless, working hard on a volunteer basis, dedicated to the mud for no other reason than that they believe in the quality frame that SK provides. The players love the game and pour themselves into it wholeheartedly, creating a lively, addictive atmosphere within that frame. Shattered Kingdoms has it all- a solid codebase that continues to grow and change, dedicated hard-working imms, dedicated players who care deeply about the game, endless roleplaying opportunities, exciting playerkilling & wars & conflict, great races and classes available, player-run cabals and tribunals, a comprehensive pantheon of gods.... It is the perfect combination of the strengths of both MUD and MUSH, tactics and roleplay. I strongly encourage you to come check it out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 29, 2003
This is a mud with such an extensive, well-built, and fantastic 'battle' code that I am sure, after playing dozens of muds, I will never find a better one. I have tried every mud on the list of 'top ten' Nothing even comes close to Shattered Kingdoms. This mud can be -extremely- pk intensive if you want it to be. You can be fighting every ten minutes, there is no restriction on how many people you can kill. You can tear through a city and kill ten people in five seconds. This mud does have, however, Enforced Roleplay. After years and years of playing SK, I have come to sort of see roleplay as another means to add to the amount I enjoy the game. I pick something, I try to stick to it, and I can really build from that. If I make a character who is allergic to cheese, always seems to crack his knuckles in the middle of conversation, and constantly grinds his teeth - it makes the game fun. Little things like this make me fall out of my chair laughing at the ideas and creations of other players. My favorite things about SK: 1. No one can hide from a fight. If you want to kill someone - you can find them and kick their ass (If you are able). Other muds are -so ridiculous- about this simple issue. Making hillariously stupid ways to keep someone safe. 2. The world of SK is harsh. If you go up to the leader of one of the kingdoms in the mud and insult them, you will probably end up in a great deal of pain. A new player is treated the same as anyone else. 3. People start brand new in SK all the time. A new player is never 'far far behind' like in muds that have Remorts or levels that take sooo long to make. 4. A level 30 (midbie) can kill a level 50 (max level) if they have the ability. No one is immune from death - Unless you are vigilante, smart, and crafty you are going to get owned. Unfortunately, SK is filled with people who suck. Once you play for a while, you will learn how to avoid/kick the crap out of them. Don't worry. ANY questions about the mud at all or my opinions/views or help on getting started, whatever- AIM: Monomidget YM: Gader_SK ICQ: 120081500
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 28, 2003
just like to say thanks to the first two of the last three reviews, yes...thanks for posting you crap here. The changes you are complaining about are on going and tweaking has not been finished on them. Oh and thanks for stamping your post for the whole of the player base. This mud has been getting better and better thankfully the recent recall change got rid of some of the players who damage the atmosfear of the mud. just one more note WE NOW HAVE BARDS after 7 years good work D. BlackDragon (not afraid to put his name on his posts unlike some)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 28, 2003
This mud has undergone some changes recently, but the ramifications of those changes cannot be fully contemplated since the changes are not yet complete and have only begun to be tested. For a free mud comprised solely of a volunteer staff, more committed imms or more passionate players cannot be found anywhere. Shattered Kingdoms has had a long and prosperous life span. This was no accident, but happened through hard work and certain principles of what a mud should be. I believe it will continue to prosper. It is the best mud out there that combines the tactical element in a very rich role-playing environment. The recall changes did come as a shock to many of us, but there were only a few who misused it habitually, and it is those few who will be the most severely affected. What is not mentioned by the two anonymous negative reviews are the new forms of transportation opening up around the game world's continent to accommodate the transportation shift as well as the myriad of other positive additions, new areas being opened, new skills added, and so forth ad naseum. You will not find a more developed game, with our over 70,000 rooms and more being added all the time. If it is important to you to be able to recall to your home country a virtually unlimited number of times without cost or inconvenience, then Shattered Kingdoms is probably not the mud for you. If you are easily swayed by knee-jerk reviews written by a person lacking the character even to attach a name to his slanderous comments, then you might be turned away by the previous two reviews and decide to investigate no further. If, however, you might be interested in a rich fantasy role-playing game that offers a world of escape and the opportunity to test your PK skills, a game with a committed staff and many players who love role-playing and tactics, then it might be worth it to give Shattered Kingdoms a try. I gave it a try several years ago, on a whim purely by chance, and now I am irreparably hooked.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 15, 2003
I played this mud for Three years up until the recent code update. In a move to try and 'Balance' classes and make some form of reality, the mud has taken a stiff turn towards the worse. The codebase is excellent and cannot be matched for a free MUD. On the other hand unles you have an obscene amount of time to devote to leveling and playing an alternate life, you will loose intrest fast. The most recent update added between 1/4 to 1/3 EXP cost to recalling with the hopes of removing the Recall option all together. Gates have been restricted to Named MOBS which most of the time cannot be gated to and now only respawn when the mud crashes and resets. I give an A+ for the code, I give a B for hte world and I give an F- for ease of play.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 15, 2003
The MUD used to be an incredible blend of Roleplay and tactics...Until the head hancho fucked everything up! WIMPING MAKES MUDS SUCK!!! This is no longer a MUD, it's a fucking MUSH. Recall now takes two ticks of experience, and let me tell you people out there, without recall...YOU'RE FUCKED. Gate...You can't gate to hardly shit anymore, so if you want to play this MUD, be prepared to waste endless hours travelling across the wonderful continent of Pyrathia! I've never had so much fun spamming directions!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 13, 2003
I started playing Shattered Kingdoms two months ago. When I began, I was first amazed by the class and race selection. Then you answer a bunch of questions that determine your stats, but are never shown in numbers. It is not a game for mindless pkillers. It is a game for the skillful and creative. Most muds limit the fun to just mass killing or just peaceful leveling. Shattered Kingdoms allows you to follow any path you want. If you wish to be an evil rogue and slaughter people left and right, you are enforced to back it up. Instead of running off after killing the person, you are encouraged to do some sort of action. Example: Dulrik pulls a thin, black blade from the corpse and runs off looking for a new kill. But there is much more than just killing. The outside map will make anyone gasp. It has the option of going in any direction possible at all times. Therefor you will most likely come across mobs, areas, and items that no other player has ever seen. There is also a text map that is very easy to understand while outside to help traveling. Besides the mass list of equipment, spells, skills, areas, and mobs, there are strong politics that run the world. Players control cities, and can forge war against other kingdoms. By creating a character, you can therefor change the course of the muds history. (At the moment I am an evil necromancer, who is slowly gathering mercenaries players to help me and my animated corpses which are not just zombies like most muds, to plan war against a city. I have ghouls, skeletons, and others. The spell control dead also allow some neat undead pets.) There is almost NO out of character chatting. This allows you to be who ever you want, and the players take it seriously. They do not see your name when they first meet you, but instead they see... A male elf is here leaning against a tree. The adjective is chosen once, and remains the same forever, unless you pray to the gods who are all active deities. Please give the mud a shot, if you need any help in the game ask another player. They are quite quick to help you. Ever player starts out in a kingdom of their choice, with a different language. I could write a book about Shattered Kingdoms, because once you get addicted your grade point average drops. Then your g/f leaves you. But you have a hell of a great time!!!!!!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 17, 2003
Roleplay, roleplay and more roleplay. If you're a roleplayer, then SK is for you. The regular updates keep the game lively, and the Imms are keen to keep the game interesting. No global channels, and a VERY limited amount of OOC chat keep the atmosphere going very well indeed. A propper death/afterlife code, along with resurrections and other spells mean priests are more than simple spell batteries, and a selection of cabals, religions and law-enforcement tribunals means there are plaenty of groups to be a part of. Regular conflict between those groups means life is often interesting. Newbie help is occasionally difficult if some of the more outlying home cities are chosen. Visit the forums on the website, and quick and helpful aid in the newbie help section will help guide you towards a rewarding time with Shattered Kingdoms.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 10, 2003
Since the beginning, 1996, and before opening in aiding its development, I have watched the game grow and develop. Over the years I have watched even its potential grow as a first class role-play text based mud. Here are just a few aspects of what has gone into the creation and longevity of the mud: Administrators: As 'immortals' players of such characters hold responsibilities of coding or building, overseeing the various needs and activities of the 6 kingdoms, enforcing rules and conduct and some maintain the muds forum/website. They may not always (hardly ever) be seen visible on the mud, but there are both means on the mud, and via the forums to contact them in cases of need. Immortals: As deities, each immortal has spheres of influence they hold, and they are static. Players of deities may come and go, but their name and main sphere of influence is unchanging. Leads to further continuity of role play within player run religions... Religions: Though only clergy classes may blessed with favor by the deities, any mortal character who chooses to play a fanatic/zealot may too pledge themselves to a particular deity/church. It is not required, but it can add depth to any character seeking a more non-pantheonistic approach. Country run organizations: Many of the kingdoms have their own player-run (admin created) law enforcement units. They add more fullness to the general NPC mob/law/guards and have become an integral part of the politics within the kingdoms. Cabals: special interest player-run organizations (admin created) with certain causes in mind greater than political boundries. Some are related to their homeland kingdom/government more than others. They give players further choices of direction/motivation and allow groups with similliar such drives to work together. The players: While in every communinity, and I consider this mud a community, there will be people who do not accept rules and conduct, who become detrimental to the community, the majority of the playerbase (mortal and deity alike) have a sense of responsibility to the mud. To make it as enjoyable and fun experience as possible. To roleplay. To create characters that are far more than words on a score-sheet, and an experience that becomes far more than hack/slash and equipment gathering. It is a place of creativity, constant development, originality (within reasonably given limits) and growth. New players: New players to the mud are notified the first time they play of the forum/website. Help files and rules are clearly written. It is the new players too that breathe new life into the world of Shattered Kingdoms. And we know it, support it, and encourage all to be welcome and give this mud a try. This was written, InValynsName
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 2, 2003
I've been seeking a free MUD with good roleplay and interesting combat/exploration. My early experience with Shattered Kingdoms has been very good - I plan to stick around. Strengths: Since role-playing skills are the key to cabal membership, you see much more IC roleplay than the typical free MUD. A very pleasant change. Several non-standard systems also support the role-play emphasis. They also add to the fun. Superior aging and alignment systems come immediately to mind. Group combat has formations. New player help is excellent. The immortals regularly respond to forum questions. A good variety of cabals and religions to join, all player-run. No global OOC channel leeching creativity and realism from the game. Weaknesses: Characters are veiled in secrecy. This makes PK more realistic and interesting - but it also makes it hard to find a good hunting group. Players must be willing to take initiative. In the attempt to make more vivid characters, many players create bad descriptions. Some tolerance for description powergaming and mind-melding is necessary. This is all strictly against game policy, but it exists nonetheless. There's not quite enough skills and options for solo combat to be fascinating. (Though SK is still better than average.) Solo exploration can be fun, but the game really isn't for loners. While the general discussion forum has plenty of free speech, it also has plenty of useless flames. Overall: A superior role-playing MUD with good systems and support. But some maturity is called for.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 18, 2003
Shattered Kingdoms, a mildly addictive RP MUD with a fairly in-depth world and absolutely no story plot whatsoever. If one were to ask exactly what had happened in the mud in the past 7 years that it’s been open you would get an answer that resembles. Well uh.. some immortals died.. but that’s about it. The game never changes, has no ongoing story line and gets rather dry after the first couple months. There is no adventure, no excitement. It’s limited to getting more equipment for your character and sitting at the center square of your respective city and acting like a complete jerk with other people who are acting like complete jerks. It claims to be a role playing mud, but the only role playing that goes on is a bi-monthly to monthly appearance of the immortals who usually just kill other players. Any story plot that does seem to pop up is already pre-determined by the immortals and can’t possibly be changed by ANY player interaction. There is nothing the players can do about the way things are going in the mud because to simply put it, the immortals don’t really care. There are a few immortals whose goal is to generally make the MUD better, but the lot of them could probably give a shit about what happens in game. They just care about putting out new areas and new equipment. The quality of players has steadily gone down hill to people who now use net-terms including but not limited to emoticons, shortened words like tho, u, y, lol etc and a general lack of etiquette in the PK field. The cabals it claims to fame are generally run by people who would rather sit in some private room and ‘RP’ with each other then actively going out and doing something productive with themselves. Churches are populated by priests only who really have no power at all other then bribing people with free resurrections. The general quality of the administration of the MUD is to punish players for using the game system to their advantage and to do absolutely nothing at all. Most e-mails for help to the IMMs are never answered as are the e-mails sent to try to get some RP going. Most of the IMM interaction between players is done through real-life friendship and/or horny single male IMMs who will do things for mudsex. The immortals claim to be there to enhance the RP experience, yet.. all they do is discipline you for your poor role playing skills while never doing anything themselves to enhance the general role play going on in the actual public. Everything is always up to the players who are generally powerless to do anything beyond mindlessly pking each other in a war that will really have no outcome in the end beyond losing all of their equipment. While that can be a lot of fun it gets boring in a MUD where more then that is supposed... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 18, 2003
Bards very very soon everyone come play.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 16, 2003
I want to review.. cause I'm a big fan of G.R.R.Martin.. and search of such a kind interesting role play game.. Thanks. Mindaugas from Lithuania
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 30, 2003
Awesome MUD, great roleplay environment and fun overall. I recommend everyone tries it =)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 29, 2003
Well, I heard about this one from a friend. I tried it out and found that it was confusing. as if that wasn't enough, I was on for about 2 hours wandering around aimlessly before someone stopped to help me.Not the best one that i've been on, but maybe with time I might like it
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 26, 2003
I was never much a mudder at all. I thought, who the heck could play a game that did not have any graphics or nothing of a concievable game at all. Well, thanks to my friends I was being brought back to Shattered Kingdoms more and more until finnaly I decided to give it a shot. I have now been playing SK for almost ten months. I have tried a few other MUDS but I have never found a MUD such as this ever. It completly blows away the concept of other MUDS. We have no global channels, for who really needs them? They decrease the RP quality of the game. We have no newbie channels either and we don't have a lot of channels you would see in other MUDS. The only channels we have are Cabal channels and Tribunal channels. And of course we have the prayer channel for IMM's and we have TELLS also. If you are a newbie, we have tons of helpfiles available and the players themselves are allowed to write their own helpfiles and submit them and they can very well turn up into the game as a actual helpfile. Also the playerbase is extremly helpful. Sure, we do have some who are complete asses and would rather kill a true nOOB then help them, but doesn't every MUD? The RP in this playerbase is astounding. There are so many good RPer's here and some come from other MUDS and they are amazed at the RP emphasis we place on the MUD. We have global RP's, player iniated RP's and more. As with all MUDs we have PK with us also but its restricted to a degree. I don't mean not all the way. You can very much go and kill someone 40 levels lower then you, but the IMM's do frown upon that. A lot of the RP's do invovle PK though to a degree also. As was mentioned in an earlier review, our IMM's were not hired on when the MUD first started six years ago. The IMM's we have today were the supurb RPer's of SK during the time they played as a player and for that they became Immortals. We also have whats called a Paragon system. Each race has it own PAR, which shows the RPer's out of the RPer's for the month and it switches monthly to someone new usually. So you don't have to a high level to have a PAR. Also, as seen in most MUD's, when you come across an item, say a blue steel sword. You try to pick it up and you get the message "You are not high enough to pick that up yet." Annoying isn't it? Well at SK we DO NOT have that type of system at all. If you find a blue steel sword which would be say a good ten levels higher then you, you can pick the thing up and fight with it! But warned... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 29, 2002
Shattered Kingdoms to put it simply is one of the best MUD’s out there. Its one of the first MUD’s that I played, and in the 5+ years that I’ve played it I’ve not been able to find one that even comes close. Gone are the many channels that only serve to get in the way of RP, gone are many of the numbers that only promote PLeveling, what you are left with is somewhere that you can really be your chosen character. It may not be one of the easiest MUD’s to start in, but thanks to the player base and the helpful Imms a new player can find help and a leading hand when they need it. The Imms of SK most of whom have come from the cream of the player base (Hmmm…well at least something that floats to the top.) build wonderfully deep areas, and script huge global RP’s that pull all the players in regardless of the power of there character. You can find some examples of what we do at SK on Chemhound’s logs page I could say so much more but I’d just start rambling. So try it for yourself you’ll need therapy to leave. The Black Dragon.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 28, 2002
I've had little experience with Muds myself. In fact I've only played one. That is because, I've never felt the need to go to another. This Mud has everything I've ever wanted, Holy knights, Powerful Wizards, friends, and foes. It is definately an experience worth having.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 6, 2002
I've played on multiple MUDs. This is my first RP MUD experience. I have been playing on SK now for FIVE years, it's THAT GOOD. Role-play required, but so what? RPing makes it THAT much more fun. I tried recently to go back to a hack and slash MUD and found I couldn't...what's the point of just leveling after you've actually played a character? PK is allowed on a role-play basis, but that doesn't mean that people get PK'd on a regular basis either. Sure there are occassional PK-fests (WAR) and down time (PEACE). Everyone tends to end up happy in the long run. There's a little something for most everyone who's into fantasy gaming - magic and combat, stealth and cunning, a balanced variety of races and classes, balanced areas to hone your skills/spells, player run governments and law systems in the major cities, and very little immortal intervention (save for global events or extreme religious reasons, not to mention rule enforcement). Yes the Immortal staff is part of the RP experience, as in many table top games, the game master interacts with the players on occassion. No global channels make it easier to maneuver through the game, while all races being telepathic allows for instant communication to any (willing) individual. All in all a well-rounded and easy-to-leanr MUD that 99% of people who try it, enjoy.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 5, 2002
Inovative, original, logical. What else do you need to know to try it? When even the newbie areas for each nation are themed, and IC for each kingdom, you know you've come across something good. Six kingdoms, each with history, 14 gods, each indivituals, with logical spheres, Mapped wilderness so you don't get too lost, Player led kingdoms, cabals, law enforcement and religions. Want to be in something some Imm says has to be one way? Or do you want to have a chance to control what the church of war does next week? Necromancers with undead hoardes, sorcerors able to level city blocks, and warriors with all the skills and magic items they can muster, riding shining steeds.... all you ever wanted in a MUD and more. With upwards of 40 people on every evening, and active OOC forums on the website, it's an active and sociable gathering. With players and Imms from around the world, this is no quiet backwater that is ever empty. All life is on SK, come and experience it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 4, 2002
I honestly have to say that Shattered Kingdoms is one of the best MUD's I've played. Coming from a totally different MUD with over 6 years of playing there, I find my self in awe of how well Shattered Kingdoms is balanced/organized/coded. I am actaually very new to Role Playing, but hope to prove worthy, considering there is some very VERY good Role Playing here. As far as being a newbie here, you really a way...but, as far as the players/immortals being friendly, that is of no contest. Trust me when I say this mud is worth is! :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 3, 2002
Shattered Kingdoms has a fantastic RP base with plenty of opportunity for exploration, adventure, and pking. With six starting cities and numerous races, classes, religions, and cabals, there is a great varity of characters that can be created. I've visited plenty of other MUDs, but I have always returned to SK. For those of you looking for a great player base, and IMM support, with no gobal chat (woot!), check us out!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2002
Unique, well thought out, growing, changing. A sensible and logical kingdom based structure, with working law enforcement, well designed cities and areas. Mapped wilderness areas are a godsend! Some damn good roleplay, and Imm's that care too. Just go to the active forums on the website and see what I mean. They listen to what is said, provide help for players, and ask what we'd like to see in the future. all in all, 10/10 from a player who spent years finding the right MUD for her, and has spent well over 1000 hours playing here and elsewhere.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 20, 2002
I've tried a few other MUDs, but I always return to Shattered Kingdoms, or SK. The reason? It has that little something extra that makes it feel right. RP is rewarded by not only the IMMs, but also players who have proven themselves to be good RPers themselves. This system allows for more chances to be seen and noticed, and marks certain players as approachable for advice by newbies. This MUD also has the rare IMM staff that actually cares about player feedback, and takes suggestions for improvement.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 19, 2002
Shattered Kingdoms is a strong mud, with a strong, reliable, and large immortal base that ceaselessly seeks to create RP scenarios for the playerbase. New areas are added frequently, player generated RP's are wholeheartedly supported, and a player reward system exits to encourage strong RP across all levels.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 12, 2002
I've tried other MUDs and I always keep coming back to Shattered Kingdoms. Why? I enjoy the emphasis on role playing and the fact that role playing is a big thing on this MUD. The number of people on this MUD makes for a fun and interesting experience yet I don't feel lost in the crowd and the diverse player base helps promote the role playing. That the immortals take an active roll in the MUD and are always improving it in some way or another which make for some interesting adventures as a mortal. I've spent hours and hours on this MUD and have yet to be disappointed in any way, shape, or form. Each time I log on I'm always involved in some kind of exciting adventure. My MUD rating: ***** (5 Stars)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2002
I have spent a good part of my life addicted to this mud (due to reach 5 years soon). Played several characters all of which passed the 1000+ hours mark. This mud is heavily RP oriented and doesn't restrict RP related player killing. It has an active immortal list who continue to create original code and areas for mortals to explore. It has a playerbase that is wide ranging in personality and knowledge, which compliments a solid RP environment. Out of all the muds I have experimented with this is the one I have never been able to stop playing.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 4, 2002