Cyberpunk-themed MOO (MUD, Object-Oriented) founded in 1997.
Ranked 42nd of 766 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 5 worlds in the Cyberpunk genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
40 (25 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
74 (last 30 days)

LambdaMOO 1.8.1

Average Connected:
35 (last 30 days) ▼8%

Minimum Connected:
12 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

    +    |-------|   o__     ###### _____ _           __
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 | [] []   \ = = ||....| #     |  | = = = = |
 |          |= = ||....|WW O O |  | = = = = |  A Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game
 | [] [] [] |= = ||....|       |-----|= = = |
 |          |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = |  *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |--|..|= = = |  *  type 'connect guest' to  *
 |          |= = |   |.| O O O |  |..|= = = |  * come in and check us out! *
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |  |..|= = = |  *---------------------------*
 |          |= =|-------|O O O |  |..|= = = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      |  |..|= = = |  Signup on our website before
 |          |= =|       |O O O |  |..|= = = |  or after you create your first
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |-----|= = |  character.
 |          |= =|       |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |  
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |    =>/_L>    |= = |  Note: Adults Only, RP Required
 |          |= =|       |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |     |= = |  Existing Players:
 |          |= =|       |O O O | | X X |= = |  connect <username> <password>
 |          |   |              |       |

           "You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."
Sindome is a cyberpunk environment that rewards roleplaying over stat grinding, boasting a healthy player base and a helpful admin staff. Set 85 years into a dark, gritty future. 60 million people reside within the geodesic dome of Withmore City. 4 distinct levels separate the corporate elite from the 'mixers'. You arrive in Red Sector where most of the population resides, where it's every baka for themselves, trying to carve out a niche in the underworld, or reach above the fray for the comforts of the corporate life. Enhance your street samurai with a flash boost implant so he can collect bounties faster. Cloak your ripper doc, profiting from the chrome you rip from the dead. Prepare your gun runner to smuggle warez the...
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Average Players Connected By Hour
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Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3] [5]

MOO - XML, File I/O, Web Integration [2]
LambdaMOO-ToastStunt 2.7.0_38 [3]
LambdaMOO [6]

1997 [2] [3]

MOO [3]

Sub Genre:
Cyberpunk [3]

Roleplaying [3]

USA [1] [2]
United States of America [3]

Adult [1]
Dark Future, Judge Dredd city in a dome [2]
Roleplay Only [6]

Cyberpunk [2]
Cyberpunk worlds, Dystopian worlds [4]
RPG [5]

Science Fiction [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

Sindome is a cyberpunk environment that rewards roleplaying over stat grinding, boasting a healthy player base and a helpful admin staff. Set 85 years into a dark, gritty future. 60 million people reside within the geodesic dome of Withmore City. 4 distinct levels separate the corporate elite from the 'mixers'. You arrive in Red Sector where most of the population resides, where it's every baka for themselves, trying to carve out a niche in the underworld, or reach above the fray for the comforts of the corporate life. Enhance your street samurai with a flash boost implant so he can collect bounties faster. Cloak your ripper doc, profiting from the chrome you rip from the dead. Prepare your gun runner to smuggle warez across the wastes and into the dome in your Flying Car. But be careful what you do, Street Judges are looking to shove a verdict up your clone. Coded Features: * 256 COLORS! Clothing, art, graffiti and more all enriched with a ton of new colors * REFACTORED! layer your disguise together from makeup, wigs, clothing and more * ENHANCED! Nuanced character description and clothing / tailoring support * REWRITTEN! We've reviewed and updated every help topic in 2018. * 3-Step Grapple Check supports more than just speed or strength based characters. * Sticker Mod System supporting item/vehicle decals, wearing makeup & clothing damage * Custom 2048-bit encrypted web client for work-safe play * 80+ Weapon types - melee, blades, guns, cybernetic, martial arts * Dynamic Combat system with Guarded & Kamikaze stances * 30+ unique Skills & Advantages for class-less chargen * Fallout Style S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stat system * 35+ Cybernetic & Organic Implants for combat & support skills * 40+ Vehicles including all-terrain and flying cars * 3D Flight & Falling from any level of the Dome, badlands or space * Weapon Modification, Degradation, & Specialization * 50+ performance enhancing or degrading drugs, made by players * Vast Post-Apocalyptic wasteland outside the dome * launch into orbit with space flight, sky-ships and even mobile space stations! * Simulated Internet via Hybrid Web Experience * NPC Job Systems and Factions that are Player Responsive * Virtual Reality Simulations & city-wide Neural Communication * Constantly improving features based on Player Input * Servers maintained with more than 99% uptime for more than 20 years Currently seeking talented game masters to work on plots and help shape the story lines based on player histories. Those interested should signup and play a character in order to build the experience needed. Supported and maintained by the member community of The Sindome Corporation. Want to play? Join The Sindome Corporation Today! [1]
Set 85 years into a dark, gritty future. 60 million people reside within the geodesic dome of Withmore City. 4 distinct levels separate the corporate elite from the 'mixers'. You arrive on Red Level where most of the population resides, where it's every baka for themselves, trying to carve out a niche in the underworld, or reach above the fray for the comforts of the corporate life. Enhance your street sammi with a flash boost implant to collect so he can bounties faster. Cloak your ripper doc, profiting from the chrome you rip from the dead. Prepare your gun runner to smuggle warez across the wastes and into the dome in your Flying Car. But be careful what you do, Street Judges are looking to shove a verdict up your clone. Major Coded Features: Custom 2048-bit encrypted web client for work-safe play 80+ Weapon types - melee, blades, guns, cybernetic Dynamic Combat system with Guarded & Kamikaze stances 30+ unique Skills & Advantages for class-less chargen Fallout Style S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stat system 35+ Cybernetic & Organic Implants for combat & support skills 40+ Vehicles including all-terrain and flying cars 3D Flight & Falling from any level of the Dome Weapon Modification, Degradation, & Specialization Makeup, custom clothing, tattoos, body part descriptions, etc 50+ performance enhancing or degrading drugs, mad by players Vast Post-Apocalyptic waste land outside the dome Launch to space with Orbital Transports, sky ships and more Simulated Internet via Hybrid Web Experience NPC Job Systems and Factions that are Player Responsive Virtual Reality Simulations & city-wide Neural Communication Constantly improving features based on Player Input Sindome is a cyberpunk environment that rewards roleplaying over stat grinding, boasting a healthy player base and a helpful admin staff. Supported and maintained by the member community of The Sindome Corporation. Want to play? Join The Sindome Corporation Today! [2]
The have-nots struggle on a daily basis to overcome the pain and despair that the corporate haves leave for them under the guise of 'good-will'. The dystopian future where scraping-by takes on new meaning amid the decaying underbelly of the techno-elite's domed city. Heavily influenced by some of cyberpunks best authors, such as William Gibson (Neuromancer), Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash) and Phillip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep). Share in this growing world's passion for quality cyberpunk roleplaying like no other. [4]
Set in the dark gritty future of 2090, Sindome takes place in a city in a geodesic dome, Withmore City. Characters fight for survival, carving out a niche in the underworld for themselves. Cybernetics, a 3D layout system in both the 'real' and 'cyber' world, high technology, high style and low class all in one. Sell out to the man and be a gun toting Street Judge, protecting the citizens according to the 'law', be a drone for corps and do nightly news casts while dodging bullets in your aerodyne, or spend your time digging around the sewers and tunnels that are under every level of this social-class separated city. [6]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Pueblo/UE World List
  5. MOOList.Com
  6. Mud Magic
Time Connected Note
25m ago 40 players The db shrunk 67
1h ago 40 players +2 players, the db shrunk 129
2h ago 38 players +6 players, the db grew 64
3h ago 32 players +1 player, the db grew 146
4h ago 31 players
5h ago 31 players -3 players, the db shrunk 24
6h ago 34 players -4 players, the db shrunk 71
7h ago 38 players +6 players, the db grew 29
8h ago 32 players +4 players, the db grew 41
9h ago 28 players +5 players, the db grew 154
10h ago 23 players +2 players, the db shrunk 79
11h ago 21 players The db grew 3
12h ago 21 players The db shrunk 787
13h ago 21 players -2 players, the db shrunk 494
14h ago 23 players -7 players, the db grew 1219
15h ago 30 players -1 player, the db grew 54
16h ago 31 players -5 players, the db grew 15
17h ago 36 players -5 players, the db grew 6
18h ago 41 players +1 player, the db grew 24
19h ago 40 players -4 players, the db shrunk 17
20h ago 44 players +2 players, the db grew 28
21h ago 42 players +3 players, the db shrunk 28
22h ago 39 players -6 players, the db grew 5
23h ago 45 players +1 player, the db grew 30
1d ago 44 players +3 players, the db shrunk 43
Sindome is a really cool and fun game to play. It really captures that Dystopian feel, and really brings together the CP theme. Some Pro's: Large playerbase - The playerbase is usually upwards of 60 at any given time. You will probably always have someone else to play with, which is a commodity in modern day mud gaming. Easy interface - It is super easy to figure out the skills and stats system. RP intensive - The game is heavily RP enforced! Some con's: The OOC community. If you value your sanity or enjoy playing the game, do NOT connect to the games OOC channels. Talking to other players in an OOC is against the rules, so monitored OOC channels exist so players can casually chat about things. Huge mistake. There is a person who spends hours on there typing to themselves, some strange elitist clique that fancies themselves marginalized minorities that double as professional victims, and political activists that label anything they disagree with as Nazism, and some weird guy that follows them around agreeing with everything they say in hopes of hooking up with them (he has mentioned this multiple times). The forums are just as awful. Don't let this ruin the game for you though, just avoid these channels and you should be able to avoid the cancel culture running rampant in Sindome. Cyberware: While there is an okay selection of cyberware, there could be tons more. The limited selection tends to leave cyber combo's as predictable and not very exciting. Decking: Unless you are a veteran of this game, just don't even bother making a decker. You will see why. Overall I give Sindome 7.5/10 It's not perfect, but what is?
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 21, 2020
Hello, this is Gothgirl. Good news, OOC aliases were removed so there is no way someone can hide behind an alias and hop to another. This also means the one typing for themselves for hours (me) is also gone, which may be good news to you, as the personality linked to this alias is gone. We have a OOC moderation now, and if a player doesn't behave in OOC chat, they can be temporarily banned. I think there is also an ignore function so you can easily ignore an alias, like with the in-game public chat. Things are getting better and better about OOC misbehaviours being squashed.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2020
I could go on and on about how long I've played this game and my rp experience but I think it's suffice to say that I've had more than enough experience with Sindome to give it a fair review, and been an avid RP'er all of my life. There are certainly reasons I've spend a very long time playing the game, and also reasons why that has been very on and off. I'd like to list some below. Pros: The game has a good bit of features, and though people don't always agree with the direction the changes take artistry related skills, and many others get considerable attention. There are also some that don't, which I will discuss below. Crafting drugs and explosives are at least somewhat well thought out as well. RP. Simply stated, it is the watchword of the game. I can't emphasise that enough. Though it may come off as a knock it's not meant to be, if you want to be involved in a really cool cyberpunk chatroom then please play. Sometimes however it gets to a point that motives and reasoning are over analyzed in my opinion, and end up overshadowing overarching themes in the cyberpunk genre in favor of what is the way you are "supposed to play" the game. I'm also aware that Sindome has many functions that support people with imparements, which is a huge plus if you use readers etc. Cons Pay to pay. Though not manditory it never has good results. OOC community. These are 2 quotes from previous reviews that I not only totally identify with, but I feel sum up my feelings about this well. "Come in for the scenery, leave because you dislike toxic people." "Sindome has some of the best cyberpunk RP and gameplay that I've ever seen in a MU*, but it's wrapped up in a toxic community and toxic staff. " If you can somehow play the game without being involved in "the community" I can only guarntee it will make your experience expedotentially more enjoyable. It has been the case for decades. from staff and their friends getting special privlidges, and their digressions covered up, to a multitude of clicky, and obviously mentally deficient people spewing things from hatespeach to career victimization. It always has been a huge issue for the game. There's almost certainly no way it will ever change seeing as how that's been the case since the game's inception. Don't take my word for it, multiple other reviews point out the same issues. While it is extreme I am actually aware of an instance where a player was sexually harassed by another, and once the staff found out the person was allowed to return at least once, but I believe multiple times and continued his harassment until he was finally banned forever. The reason, of course is because he was friends with a top staff member. This is only one example of the systemic problem. When it to... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 4, 2020
As a long time player, I felt I should offer another perspective to the review posted recently. While the game was called 'aged', it should be noted that where this stems from is the fact that the game has been around for quite a while. And, because of this, there is deeply rooted ideology, legends, lore, historical references and other factors that, in my opinion, make the game's realism seem even more relatable and effective. The Pros listed below are true. But, there are several more pros to that. The game has a constantly evolving flow of 'power' and a very dystopian feel to it that starts straight out of immigration and continues through the life of your Character. The constant struggle to survive, thrive and climb the mountain to the top (and keep it) is an ever-changing, fluid experience. I would disagree that there are 'hundreds of thousands' of bugs. There are bugs, as there are in any game, and with the new changes and systems being added to the game, that's to be expected. There is a phenomenal growth in such things as forensics to study the bodies of corpses, identification of corpses, drug withdrawals and addictions and other improvements which are being flushed out...quite frequently. And, there is a positive transparency offered by the GMs by posting all bug reports and fixes that can be seen on the forums. ERP is allowed in the game, yes. But, it's not a driving factor for RP. And, as I said earlier, it -is- a dystopian society with joys (prostitutes), strippers and nefarious 'folk' that prey on the down trodden - in an IC approved manner. Sexual harassment and any ERP which is not mutually agreed on is not allowed - in any fashion. I have yet to see any OOC harassment myself but, I know that GMs have a zero-tolerance for such behavior and it is quickly handled if it's brought to their attention. Yes, there is a help file which is there to politely remind players that the game doesn't require that type of RP to propel a story. But not because it's a prevalent issue. As for the coded support for archetypes, I would strongly disagree with this. There are some that are not as strong as others, but there is a healthy system in place for the majority of archetypes that are used. But, again, the archetypes are a model example used to help guide new players. Just as each person is individual, each Character is not going to be a carbon copy of the archetype. And, with creative RP and sometimes GM assistance, most anything can be accomplished in the game. As for the memberships. This game is ran by volunteers who donate their time to help. The Senior GMs have set up a lot of features for the game that help keep it online and running smoothly, something I appreciate having played games in the past that lag, drop out or other... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 22, 2019
An aged tabletop-inspired roleplaying game with great promise kept alive by its players and superb volunteer GM team, but let down by negligent development staff, questionable design choices, a litany of massive, game-breaking bugs and wildly inconsistent moderation. Pros: * Interesting Blade Runner-esque cyberpunk world in a unique near-apoc setting * Established community with a few excellent roleplayers * Engaged GM team * A deep repository of 'hidden' lore that requires palpable OOC effort to even hear of * Immersive first-person perspective 'posing' system Cons: * Riddled with countless (hundreds to THOUSANDS) of crippling bugs that may get your character killed or make your experience unpleasant, guaranteed. Many go unfixed for months - major ingame 'forum' on the "Grid" has been broken for 6 irl months as of time of writing and has yet to be acknowledged or fixed. * Missing major, essential archetype features for several IRL years (decking archetype is completely neglected and requires direct intervention OOCly with the GM team to perform nearly any of its expected functions). * Many game systems will break and be left that way for months due to little/no developer oversight. * Big issues with theme enforcement, many long-term 'nuisance' players who roll barely-altered versions of their previously dead characters or bring bleed directly into the game, goes unpunished for years and years * Many players choose to treat the setting as a glorified cyberpunk-themed chatroom/baby mother drama simulator, resulting in highly stagnant gameplay for months without GM intervention * Prevalent undertones of expected ERP in the community due to setting. Female characters will be propositioned and often harassed for declining, even if for OOC reasons. So prevalent that a help file titled 'help chastity' exists and is regularly cited by the GMs in order to encourage much of the community to do something other than fuck each other in their apartments. * Unacceptably poor coded support for most archetypes outside of tailors and combat-based characters * Pay-for-advantage membership that pays your in-game rent on a pad, meaning people who pay have anywhere from 1.5k-12k more than someone else does each and every week from not having to pay rent. If you cannot afford membership, you are significantly behind the curve before you've even started the game. * "Permapads" granted to older members who paid several hundred USD have incredible in-game advantages that they can never lose, including secure facilities, hundreds of thousands of chyen's worth of in-game tech and security equipment, all of which is ported across characters and can never be permanently stolen unlike nearly everything else in the game. Some even have live-in vehicles, which cost MILLIONS of chyen in some cases (most people will never see this much ever) and are very low-risk and cannot be permanently stolen.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 5, 2019
Update to earlier review - The players in this community should be policed a bit more on their level of toxicity. Staff does a good job and there are still players who don't dogpile and attack people blindly when they don't understand a situation, but the players who do partake in this are the loudest and get their behavior from former examples of equally toxic people. As an example, I recently declined to tell the community part of the reason I left not long ago, only relaying how my grief was triggered over someone departing suddenly (which can put you through the motions of when you lose someone irl). When I decided to disclose the other part of the story, which was more personal and embarrassing, some players immediately accused me of using a dead person's memory to garner sympathy. Let's just unpack that for a second. I know some people see that sort of accusation on soap operas, but just.. think about that. You mean to tell me that somebody you talked to and roleplayed with is also someone you immediately will accuse of manipulating their dead *friend* like that? Really? This is the logic you're rolling with? This didn't stop until that particular thread on SD's forum was deleted. But by then, the people who said this to me hadn't even bothered to apologize, they just kept piling on and attacking until there was no longer a thread for them to post in. You know who the last person like that was? A person who used to yell at newbies to "FOIC" until others parroted her, someone who bullied people in the ooc channel, and now the spirit of this mean sort of behavior is continuing on. Mean-spirited memes that are meta posted in threads, that admins have to intercede more frequently to put the kibosh on. The meme thread didn't used to be like that. It was about just laughing at general, non-specific things. Now folks are trying to turn it into a circlejerk. That's not what Sindome is supposed to be about. This isn't going to stop until the community is in real trouble again. Recently it was getting better, everyone pulling their weight to make it so. Please do not undo what has been done. I can't possibly return because it's hard to forgive what was said right now, but in the least I can warn about that. The question is, do the loudest and worst people in the room want to stop themselves before it's too late?
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 8, 2019
I am super sorry you had to live this one. Hopefully, the staff will be more rigorous on some players who think they can do mean stuff because IC, it is a harsh world. I want to believe they will fix that. I am pretty used to mean humans so I am, "Meh, they are not as perfect as me." I hope you will be back one day, you will be missed. At least, by me.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 8, 2019
As a newbie to Sindome I can say that the players I've seen since creation have been super friendly and helpful. I'm looking forward to learning more and updating my review as I progress further along.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 19, 2019
Been playing SD on and off since 2003, most recently started playing heavily again in late 2017 and haven't stopped since. Wasn't around for when most people were saying Cerberus was pissing people off, but I can say for sure that since I started playing again, I haven't noticed anything untoward at all. I usually keep away from the reddit stuff and reviews, but I feel like I have to respond to the comment below. To clarify, my character isn't part of any imagined OOC cliques in the game, nor are they a GM/Cerberus favorite. I play everyday for hours on end and barely have any interactions with Cerberus, with his PC or otherwise. OOCly, I gather that if you're not breaking any rules or doing anything dumb, he's not gonna have any reason to interact with you at all unless you approach him about something first. If he was bad in the past, I can't speak on that. If he's bad now, I haven't noticed it. His previous WJF character is now an NPC and from my perception, is used to bring flavor to the game and spice up the theme, but sparingly. His current mixer character is very strong, and they've got a rep as someone that is not to be fucked with. Whether you agree that GM's should have PC's or not is beside the point - in SD, it's allowed, and it's not against the rules for Cerberus to control a very strong PC. But again, from my perception, this mixer PC is played pretty sparingly and doesn't just walk around murking everything that stands on two legs, from what I've been able to gather ICly, anyway. As to the accusations of him being a pedophile because his PC is a 16 year old girl - please give your head a shake and stop being a weirdo. Stuff like this is a very serious issue IRL and online, and using it to sling mud on him because you have a grudge with him over an online game is not cool at all. I wouldn't disagree that there are issues with the game and that GM's are fallible, they're human after all, but let's try to keep it civil. If you want a quality CP experience, try SD. If you want to inhabit a harsh, unforgiving world, with GM's who enforce this theme as best as they can, try SD. Player base is sometimes (frequently) annoying with the 'Find out IC' talk when someone new asks basic game command questions, this is very true. But the amount of tutorials in-game and on youtube, the presence of help files, and an increasingly helpful player base on game-help are all useful tools for a new player to learn the game. The learning curve is harsh, I also agree, and it's definitely not for everyone, but the rewards once you start developing your game knowledge and figuring out how to RP in this world, are amazing. I playing... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 3, 2019
Sindome is not the game it used to be. Staff in the upper echelons are corrupt. As long as Slither/Fengshui and Cerberus can get along or pretend to get along Johnny is happy. They actually had a dinner on the games expense some months back to help them get along better, approved by Johnny. Which brings me to my second point. The staff have shifted their policy/view on things since 6 years ago -- when I first started out. It's not beyond them to get rid of the ones that don't see eye to eye with them but abide the rules, to mantain their status quo and retain numbers. All they care about is money. Apartments are extremely expensive, so you're forced to donate real money to even have a chance of stashing chyen (in game money) for a clone (a second chance at life). As a new player/character you have to play it extremely safe just to save up. You will get 2 weeks protection exempting you from being attacked as long as you don't attack anyone, which is useless and severely undocumented. Staff will tell you to take risks and be CP then chastise you when you fail and hold it over your head, going back on their word. They will tell you to play it safe and be thoughtful about the risks you take the next day. This game is run for their amusement and unless you're an admin pet, your roleplay, the way the world responds to you, won't make much sense. You will eventually see the favoritism, see SD for what it is. My advice is to stay away from this game. Cerberus has in the past, told me to not focus on the favoritism going on OOC'ly for the best IC experience possible. A response to my offhanded remark aimed at no one in particular, over the community's OOC channel. The entire staff is picked out by Cerberus and it shows. As the head GM, he carefully picks prospects who have applied with traits similar in line with his, to keep him in power, and to keep his OOC favoritism going. So long as you are like Cerb and puppet NPC's for his pets as he would when he's not available, you're good for staff. It's the entire reason their application form for Staff has a in-depth personality test. If you're not a pet, again, be prepared for a hard life. It's not beyond Cerberus to kill characters who roleplayed, and put in the effort for their in game items and chyen, to roll out the ubermax UE NPC's to stomp characters any time they set foot outside their apartment. Costing them millions in loses (Yes millions) of their hard earned, rightfully deserving payoffs to keep his two characters enemies in check, and also stunt RP and the ability of these victims to do anything meaningful. The game is, as I hinted at, micromanaged. Staff will bait you constantly, to see fail,... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 15, 2019
I've started playing Sindome the 29th November and I haven't stopped playing ever since. Every single day I've played this game, be it with my current character or my previous one. Sindome is an extremely competitive game and it's amazing. This was my first MUD and RP game in general and I half regret it, half love that it was. Regret, because I was so abysmal at RP that I might've ruined the experiences of other players. Love, because this game hooked me like very few games ever did. I hear a lot about staff problems in this game. In my experience, I simply don't get it. GM's have been fucking amazing with me, extremely helpful and helping me see the mistakes I made to become a better player. I don't see a GM interaction like a chore or them hitting me in the head with a stick, but I see it as an opportunity to become an even better player and get better at SD in general. I hear a lot of shit with Cerb, which I don't know because my singular interaction with him was one of the funniest things any GM ever said to me that made me spit my booze all over my screen. THANKS CERB! But seriously, people start talking to GM's and think they're there to beat them, instead of talking to them with the opportunity of growth. Game in itself is a extremely rough. Be prepared to die, be betrayed, lose your friends, your shit, your money and be beaten down into the gutter. Every player goes through, doesn't matter whether they're a corporate citizen or a Mixer. (MIX LYFE) I also believe that rough treatment of new players will instantly tell them how life is going to be in this game. If people can't handle this emotional bleed IC and OOC, then this isn't the game for them. Which is fine! Really! I personally like a Dota named Smite, you guys can play it and find it shit, which is fine because games aren't meant to be for everyone. This 'Clique' stuff does exist. But it's separating from veterans that are max 'level' and new players that aren't. New players will have their own RP with their own stuff, and veterans will have their own thing. It's how it works. You wouldn't fight a level 100 boss with a level 1 character. Just doesn't work that way. But, cliques are inclusive and players are extremely open to noobies. At the same time, it depends on what noobies do and how their characters interact with them. If ever 10 new players come and start annoying the shit out of someone IC, then their character will hate new players IC but not OOC. Hope this make sense. SD has undergone amazing changes in the past month or so, the staff does listen to constructive criticism and does try to help as much as they can, change as much as they can a... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
I came to Sindome primarily as a MUSH player about a year ago in January of 2017. It was the first system-heavy player-kill-enabled game I had ever tried, with what seemed like rather strict rules to boot, so I was pretty wary. As a matter of fact, I was expecting to play for about two weeks, get frustrated, then leave. That never happened. What I got instead was probably my most immersive text roleplay experience to date, with a world that actually feels alive thanks to a crew of well-written player characters and a team of dedicated GMs behind the scenes. The system, as I alluded to earlier, is very robust and a bit confusing at first glance. It more or less dicates everything about your character and shapes how you RP and what you are good at. But there are lots of resources, both IC and OOC, cleverly woven into the game to help you land on your feet and persue your goals. Since Sindome is based in the dystopian future, the world is not a safe or happy place. You will be challenged and probably fail a lot, but don't lose hope. There are always new RP hooks to follow that often take your character in directions you never thought possible, and it often leads to gratifying outcomes down the road. There are apparently some rumors that the staff of the game are unwelcoming, but I've never experienced anything beyond the realm of 'stern but fair'. The staff are volunteers who are constantly working to create new plots and program new features, so politeness and common courtesy goes a long way when talking with them. In summary: if you enjoy media such as Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and Deus Ex and want to feel the rush of forming alliances and wasting your enemies in such a dystopian world with deep RPG-style mechanics, I urge you to try Sindome. I know I am glad I did! c:
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
I found this MOO a couple of months ago and while typically a MMO player, I decided to try a MOO to see if I could find greener RP pastures than what exist in the typical MMO. Since then, I have been delightedly hooked. I never seem to have an issue finding RP and while some of it boils down to tavern/social RP, enough of it is masked with the underlying current that everyone is out to get you. If you read nothing else, then I would recommend this game highly as something where you can spend time growing your character and learning about the world around you. Pros: * Deep and varied systems - there is always something to do to progress yourself * XP and income are not really a grind system, leaving you free to RP more * Setting is wonderful with a lot of reference material and tips to point you in the right direction * RP is enforced. You don't feel like you're listening to a meme channel or hearing discussions about the game last night * Staff is helpful and willing to work with you, they seem really engaged * Frequent content/systems fixes and updates * Player run economy * While it's hard for a new player, there are TONS of people trying to help them as well Cons: * Sometimes the FOIC (find out in character) nature of the game seems overly enforced and knowing a little more about the world would be nice * Some professions have a power gap where you are stymied for a good long time until you can skill up * Getting established can take a while I want to also comment on my experience which I realize is only my own. I have had zero issues with staff or players and wouldn't have sunk the time I have here if I had. I play games to have fun and I can say that I have not had as much fun in any other game as I have here. While I have wished some systems/rules worked differently, I also feel like I have always been treated fairly and had people explain the things they could to me. The RP has been great and the cast of characters that roam around the world is varied and interesting. I know that there has been concern over staff/player interactions and I have yet to see any of them. I think at this point I have had interactions with all of them and while they all have different tones and approaches, I had zero complaints about any of my interactions. In fact I would say it was the opposite. As for cliques? I don't know, I haven't had issues interacting with anyone in game so far. Some people have liked my character and others not, as it should be. I've not felt excluded from anything arbitrarily and never have issues finding people to RP with. Two months in, I'm a... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
Hey - Thanks for taking the time to write this review and sharing your thoughts! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
I played Sindome the first time in the summer of 2016 not really expecting anything and was promptly blown away in the short span of time I did play it. I could tell it was very complex and I couldn't quite make heads or tails of anything I was doing. I eventually got a job, met someone close - never had too many friends with that character before I promptly died twice to the same NPC and perm'd myself. The second time was admittedly my own fault because I ignored the theme of clone death, your clone forgetting the experiences between them being spawned and your last clone update. Regardless, that time I had on that character served as a teaser that lingered on the back of my mind for at least half-a-year to a whole year. I picked up Sindome again sometime in late 2017, this time made a more solid character, made a lot more friends. I was having a great time actually, I got in league with a group of players who benevolently lent me their home to use between socializing with them and getting into hijinks. Once again my character got a job and this time correctly used it as a backdrop for other, more lucrative practices. Like some reviewers have mentioned, frankly the most fun you will have with this game is purely just from interacting with other player-characters. Over time the group of friends my character had shrunk, prospective enemies had grown - which would be a nice challenge if the player progression in this game wasn't such an utter curbstomp battle that no-matter-what favors the senior challenger. The only people that could possibly offer me support were becoming intermittent in their appearances while I was left with being a nice fluffy target (keep in mind it's been revealed that it takes about 2.5 years real time to max out all your experience, good luck putting up a fight), and I don't really find my character getting broken down and destroyed a fun thing, even if it is part of the 'theme' which is always brought up as the defense for the unfair mechanics. Yes, I get it, it's cyberpunk, it's unfair - sure, whatever, but I'm playing a game and I'm the player, not your play-thing. Ultimately I quit when one of the NPCs, which as another reviewer has mentioned are just enforcers of the games status-quo, nigh-invincible -- robbed my apartment of everything that I had collected since my first month in the game. Keep in mind actually robbing another player's apartment isn't a mechanic that's fully supported to be done by any player character, the best you can do is hope that they misplace the code to their door or perhaps you can get it from someone who knows it and isn't happy with the owner. This just felt like such a *spit* in my face that I realized I had more interesting games to spend my time Someone... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to review Sindome. I'm sorry your experience didn't live up to your expectations. If you feel as though a rule in the game was broken you can email the staff at and we will always look into the issue. We have full audit logs of everything anyone on Staff does. As for robbing apartments not being a mechanic that is not actually true. There are additional ways to get into an apartment that were not mentioned, including sneaking in after someone has opened their door, which is a mechanic supported by stats/skills. If you feel strongly that what happened was a violation of our rules I'd implore you to email us with more information so that we can look into it. We take player complaints very seriously. Thanks! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
The game looks great on the surface. They have this excellent way of drawing you in and making the world seem exciting on the surface. It's only after a little while that you realize the way things really work. First off, Cerb is a huge problem. He's an admin with a loli fetish that he brings into the game under both his characters and consistently makes the world not make any sense. The police force, for example, is not above dropping orbital strikes on people from space to off them or flying an AV down to waste someone. That is, unless it's against his character who is a fourteen year old girl armed with a katana. The entire police force wont touch her in any meaningful way. She basically does whatever she wants in the Mix (the PvP heavy ghetto area of the game) and he has a second character who runs the entire police force. Despite this, they will insist that there is no favoritism and any player with proper planning and skill could challenge either of his characters. His idea of giving people an out to do this is dragging all of his over exp obtainable bodyguards around with his character and calling people pussies for not attacking him over the IG chat. The game is a joke and it starts with Cerb and ends with people who buy into this world full of logical inconsistencies and downright favoritism of certain players and admin pets. If you're looking for an immersive RP experience, you'd get more satisfaction hanging around the NeoPets forums.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
Hey, Thanks for the feedback. You seem to have copy & pasted this from a reddit flame thread about Sindome from a while back. Either way, I'm sorry that you had a negative experience on the game. Hope you find the right game for you in the future. - S
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 16, 2018
Yep! And it was promptly deleted because you guys are big about covering things up and the issues with your system, so I decided this was the best place to post something and have my viewpoint heard. I loved your game and your other admins, but it's kinda hard to buy any sort of gritty realism in a game where this guy is allowed ultimate power with very little story cohesiveness and allowed to flaunt his borderline illegal fetishes when he himself kills off people's kids in game. I hope you improve your system or call it what it is; pink mohawk RP for people who like to be abused.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 21, 2018
Hi There - Thanks for the response. I think it's fair to say that you had a bad experience. We appreciate the feedback and hope you find the right game for you! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
It's a good game to play if you can avoid ever dealing with a staff member. The staff do not seem to appreciate the fact that there wouldn't be a game to play without the players, whom put in just as much if not more in some cases where as the players do seem to appreciate the fact that there wouldn't be a game to play without the staff.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
Hi There - Thanks for the feedback. I'm an admin on Sindome. I want you to know that despite the gruff exterior we sometimes have to have, to keep the game running, we do appreciate each and every player. I think this is on full display with in the following ways: 1. Me responding to your review! 2. 'Office Hours' where you can come and talk to an admin about any issues or questions you have in a one on one setting 3. Twice yearly Town Hall meetings which follow much the same format as the 1 on 1's but give the entire player base a chance to address concerns and issues. 4. Our forums where we routinely discuss and give/get feedback from and with players. 5. Game-Help channel where admin are always helping new/existing players. 6. Xhelp channel where admin can help players directly. We also have extensive training videos, help files, and while our staff is small (for such a large player base) we are very dedicated. Hope this helps! - Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 16, 2018
"Thanks for the feedback. I'm an admin on Sindome. I want you to know that despite the gruff exterior we sometimes have to have, to keep the game running, we do appreciate each and every player. I think this is on full display with in the following ways: 1. Me responding to your review! 2. 'Office Hours' where you can come and talk to an admin about any issues or questions you have in a one on one setting 3. Twice yearly Town Hall meetings which follow much the same format as the 1 on 1's but give the entire player base a chance to address concerns and issues. 4. Our forums where we routinely discuss and give/get feedback from and with players. 5. Game-Help channel where admin are always helping new/existing players. 6. Xhelp channel where admin can help players directly. We also have extensive training videos, help files, and while our staff is small (for such a large player base) we are very dedicated. Hope this helps! - Slither " Thank you for your response. It does not help. The facade that you present on the feedback is a far cry from the reality of what takes place on that game. You have multiple people get banned and then evade these bans. You have admins sharing secrets and game information with their friends through OOC channels, and a "Do as I say but not as I do" attitude towards the very people that spend countless hours of their lives playing Sindome. I like the players well enough, but as most of these reviews will reveal, Sindome is just a poorly staffed game. Your forums have much of the gossip, but if one would like to further research the issues, they only need to glance over here, Reddit, or perhaps find a Discord server full of current Sindome builders and higher end players that put a mask of loyalty on to the game? Best of wishes to Sindome in 2019.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 27, 2018
Hey, Thanks for the additional response! I added some comments / thoughts in line. "You have multiple people get banned and then evade these bans." It's the internet, there is only so much we can do. "You have admins sharing secrets and game information with their friends through OOC channels, and a "Do as I say but not as I do" attitude towards the very people that spend countless hours of their lives playing Sindome." If you have evidence of this, please email so that we can take action. Simply stating it, does not help you or us to make the game a better place. We take admin cheating very seriously, and it DOES happen sometimes, because again, this is the internet and people can be jerks, but in my 15 years on Sindome, it's happened 4-5 times and every time we have removed that admin and banned them from the game forever. "I like the players well enough, but as most of these reviews will reveal, Sindome is just a poorly staffed game." It's frustrating to hear that. We work really hard, and spend a lot of time working on the game, listening to feedback and improving. We never claimed to be perfect but the blanket statement you made seems unfair given you probably haven't interacted with most of the staff. "Your forums have much of the gossip, but if one would like to further research the issues, they only need to glance over here, Reddit, or perhaps find a Discord server full of current Sindome builders and higher end players that put a mask of loyalty on to the game?" Our forums are a place for people to provide feedback, good or bad. We don't censor them unless someone posts IC info or NSFW content. So yeah, they have complaints! But there are also thousands of posts where people aren't complaining too :) As for Sindome builders being on a Discord server... that is not something I'm aware of. If you've got information that that is happening, I'd ask you email so that we can investigate and take action. Simply stating it without evidence or any way for us to follow up and actually -do- something about it is counter productive. Sindome obviously made an impact on you if you're taking the time to write a review and respond to my comments about your review, and I appreciate that, good or bad, but if you want to actually help us improve the game, reporting this stuff would be the best way to do that. Thanks again for your time! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
(Brief background on myself. I've been playing RPGs since the late-1980s starting with 2nd edition AD&D. I played PNP Cyberpunk 2020 and Shadowrun both as a player and a GM. The first M* game I played was Battletech 3055 MUSE around 1991-92ish. I have staffed a few places as a GM. I have done some minor coding / building. Sindome was the first and only MOO I have played on.) (A lot of this review is going to read like a meta-critique of the player base, more so than a black and white break down of the game system.) Sindome is the kind of place that I need closure with, and having said that I hope it offers some glimpses into what other players might be getting into. I spent a month playing there and the overall feeling that I was left with is one of frustration. I wish that I could break this down into black and white Pros and Cons, but the two are so intertwined that the best I'm going to be able to manage is a stream of conscious recap. The overall gist of my experience playing there as a newbie was, "You're going to learn through trial and error, and you're going to get the crap kicked out of you (both ICly and OOCly) in the process." First of all, Sindome comes across as a brutal PVP simulator. That aspect seems to drive everything else. All of the code is tightly focused around conflict and PVP. The mechanics behind the code are kept intentionally obscured. While there might be mentions of 'great roleplaying' on the website and what not, that comes with enough caveats that I'd take it with a grain of salt. Short poses and coded emotes are par for the course. There might be some good writers playing here, but if there are, they are likely doing their roleplay in non-public places where they can actually relax long enough to craft well written poses. That being said, the 'pose' code is pretty cool, if a bit non-intuitive and rough around the edges. The way that it sorts out pronouns and adjectives so that they are displayed in the right tense to other players is pretty awesome. The obfuscation of the game mechanics is combined with a draconian approach to IC / OOC crossover and meta-gaming. Like most things in life, this is good and bad. The game has been around for so long, that the sense I was left with is that some of (the majority of?) long term players project that sense of geek hubris that comes from A. 'knowing' how things work and B. the ego affirmation of using that knowledge to be 'better' than others. The knowledge of the system that the long term players have accumulated was done through brutal, and often traumatic trial and error. That seems to have created an environment where the general attitude is, "Being new here sucked for me, so I'm to... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 28, 2018
Hey there, this review was just basically spot on, every part of it. I love it, and I agree that every text-based game player should give Sindome at least a month of their time to give it a shot. The call back to a "hard-mode rpg with no saves and perma-death" is just so spot on the money. Good break downs about a lot of the major problems facing a new player to the game. Also yeah, the roleplay "quality" I agree is very slim at least in public spaces. I did during my tenure there run across quite a few players that could pose quite well in detail once in a private location where you didn't have to constantly be ready to kill something or run away from something.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 28, 2018
Sindome was an amazing game in several aspects, and one of the worst games on the internet in other aspects. Johnny, bless his heart, was an amazing fellow that actually seemed to take pride and care in his players. He did a few little coding tweaks specifically for my character to add some coded flavour to them. Nothing mechanically just a couple custom emotes that I could prompt with an alias that was built into my character rather than my client. I see in some of these reviews Cerberus is still around. Screw that guy, screw him with a ten foot pole, I don't know why Johnny keeps him around, he chased off half the players I played with with his metagaming characters. He's fine with NPCs though, strangely enough, but if he has his own player character he's a jerk. Otherwise, this game was great, a good solid friendly (despite the cries of toxicity, the player base from an OOC point of view is primarily positive, I've often had a player use the OOC comm to be like "Sorry bro, but thems the biz") group at the time I played several years ago. Staff were often doing little things to encourage sudden roleplay, though the limited amount of staff to the 50-60 players (before Cerberus chased most of them off for awhile) did mean sometimes you could be waiting a few days if you were trying to get Staff to puppet an NPC for a player arc.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 14, 2018
This game is hard as hell. It's not that the mechanics are particularly difficult - it's basic MOO stuff. Anyone familiar with other MOOs (Wayfar 1444, HellMOO, Cybersphere) will feel at home immediately, and it's not so different from a MUD that learning the parser feels like a chore. The big hurdles for this game are twofold. 1) Sindome is not a power fantasy. Your character rolls into the city with frankly pathetic stats and skills, zero connections, no knowledge, no money, no inherent worth or value, and the game world treats you as such. Everyone above you (which is to say, every other PC and NPC) has achieved what they have by fighting tooth and nail for it, and they're not about to break you off a piece without a fight. You will be abused, robbed, cheated, lied to, stomped into the dirt, and pushed around. The friendships you make are tenuous: PCs you know and love will get dragged into factions that require them to cut ties with you. They will find themselves in bad situations where they have to steal from you to get by. They will sell you out to get ahead. And all of this creates the drama and conflict that you can strive to overcome time and again. Even the strongest most well-connected characters are constantly going through cycles of horrible defeat, clawing their way back to the top, and exacting revenge. Nobody gets to skate by without any trouble, and no one gets off easy. This is not a power fantasy, it's a game about gambling, losing it all, and finding the determination to come back to try again. 2) The mechanics are kept IC There's no wiki listing what stats go to what skills. The help files are sometimes spare. You will be at a loss as to how to build your character, and if you agonize over that sort of thing you are going to get frustrated when you ask questions OOC and get told to find out IC. Some people act like this is arbitrary (you don't have to look far to find a review complaining about how no one would tell someone what stats he needed to be a sniper or whatever), but it's meant to reinforce the first point: You are not a badass and you're not allowed to become a badass by reading a wiki. You have to engage with the game, experiment, talk to people, and lose until you find out how to win. A significant percentage of your RP will come out of learning how to do things in-character rather than looking them up OOC. This holds true for deckers, street sams, medics, or any other archetype. The end result is that the player characters who are the best in their field got there because they worked for it in-character. Once you've got your head around those two ideas, there's a lot to dig into. The game has a robust playerbase and are... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 13, 2018
Ever since I began to play Sindome I became captivated by the sheer attention to detail that is invested in every minuscule part of the game. From the game world, the characters, the stories told and to be told, the ample diversity in roleplay opportunities, the welcoming community, the game has nothing to envy to other M** games in the Internet. The most common pitfall perceived by the public is the alleged toxicity of the Sindome community. This is by far the most common complaint. However, in my three years of experience as a player (I am not a staff of Sindome, never been, so this is as unbiased as it gets) I haven't had any negative experiences. The truth is that the world is harsh and unforgiving because of the Cyberpunk theme the game has to offer. Life in the streets is gritty. Sometimes things don't go our way. Death and loss are impending risks looming over your characters all the time... and sometimes it's normal to let that loss bleed to you (the player). But if you look at things from an objective point of view, Sindome is fair, balanced, and most importantly: themely. The theme is never broken to satisfy your whims as a player. Withmore City is a finely tuned meat grinder with a massive scale. Hundreds of grinders working against each other to provide a cruel world where the Man rules everything and the ordinary Mixer -- those who live in Red Sector, the breeding ground for the scum, the lowest class of the social caste -- enjoys as many rights as a slave would have in the medieval ages. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing medieval about this game. The environment simply irradiates a neo-noir like Bladerunner, retro-future vibe like Brazil vibe. Alliances and rivalries are forged and broken all the time and the political landscape never settles down before turning into an eternal struggle for power. Sindome is the game where everybody can join and have a shot at greatness and glory, and those opportunities are backed by the cyberpunk principles: never take the blame, and always want more. The mechanics of the MOO are by far one of the most advanced I've seen in a game of this kind. Cybernetics, vehicles, combat, drugs, the Grid, factions, weapons, a lore that has been developed for over twenty years. If you get bored of an archetype, you can simply roll a new character or change the direction of your current one and suddenly become entranced in a world of newfound opportunities that you never considered possible: Sindome is a game where you never learn enough, and where if you think you know enough, you only know the bare surface of the deeply entangled web of secrets, conspiracies, betrayals, alliances, and plots that are always forming -- both by players and GMs alike -- to bring the best possible roleplaying experience in a cyberpunk world. The theme is harsh and the world unforgiving.... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 16, 2018
Thank you for taking the time to write this review. The community really appreciates it.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 16, 2018
In an effort to provide some objective measurement for my review I have put together a measurement system that takes into account fourteen different focus areas and weights them differently to come up with a meaningful score. It should be noted that a solid five is a good score, it indicates that the game is stable, engaging, and the community is supportive. With that disclaimer here is how Sindome scored: 1 Meets No Expecations 3 Meets Some Expectations 5 Meets Expectations 7 Exceeds Expectations 9 Far Exceeds Expectations Code Summary 5.9 Community Summary 4.8 Staff Summary 4.8 Game Quality Summary 7.3 Summary Score 5.7 Sindome is by far my favorite online, text based, roleplaying game. Hands down. I enjoy almost every moment in game. Here are a highlight of areas where I think they stand out and where I think they can improve: Code Stability 9: In my three plus years, I can count the number of times the game has crashed on one hand. Where many games reboot once a day, and may experience multiple crashes a day, Johnny takes great pride in how stable the code base is. Engaging and Compelling Theme 9: I love the cyberpunk culture and how it is woven into every room description and enforced by staff. There are stories lines that players can get involved with, with a little effort, that are a splended blend of noir and bleak futurism. Map Size 7: The map is huge. Three completely fleshed out levels in the city, plus outside the city and even space. One could take months to explore everything and it is worth it. Help files 3: I am spoiled by extremely detailed help systems that let me figure out everything I need to know in one place. Sindome prefers that you try and experiment with commands, a learn by doing mentality. I am not that kind of player, I want to look somewhere once and don't want to bother people needlessly. Different help files often redirect to more vague helpfiles. When I first started playing, the help was a lot worse and it has come a long way, but it still could be better. Staff Transperancy 3: Again, relitive to other games I have played the Sindome staff is very secretive and their decisions hidden from view. If pressed on a decision they will often say that it has IC ramifications rather than having an open and honest discussion about the topic. Staff Avaliblity 7: I am throwing this one in here to offset the negitve review above. I must say anytime I have needed staff they have been there. Sometimes before I have known I need them. True bug situations are handled quickly and professionally. On balance I strongly recommend this game if you are looking for a non-traditional MUD* in a unique setting. Amazing code and solid mechanics, along with a compelling theme offset most of the negitives. *Don't ever call it a MUD in game. It a... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 15, 2018
Thanks for taking the time to write this review. I read all of them and try to address the comments that are made in them. Help Files: Always a work in progress. However, I've recently added a bunch of new code around this, and also audited ALL of them, to make them much more helpful and cross linked and also have a date they were last updated. Hopefully this improves their usability. We've also added a lot of 'forwarders' to forward things like help jobs to help job and other such things to surface these help files better. Staff Transparency: We do try to be transparent where we can but we don't reveal how specific parts of the game work so that people don't start 'gaming' the system. We have twice yearly town halls where we discuss openly all the policy changes and rules changes. We also have our BGBB forums where we post updates to the code, the rules, and our reasonings behind them, and engage in discussion with players. What we don't do is discuss in character events or the reasons behind them, most of the RP on Sindome is player driven and revealing IC info to players OOCly is against the rules for both staff and players alike. MUD or MOO: We're trying to lighten up on this :) MOO as a term is less and less used and less important as a differentiator as MUD has come to encompass everything. Thanks again for taking the time to review us! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2018
Beware of Sindome! I came into Sindome a few days ago because I love the cyberpunk atmosphere. This was my second stab at the game; the first time it just didn't connect for me, but I also realized I wasn't being fair to it because it doesn't model well after other MUDs. Honestly, that is both its greatest -- and weakest -- strength. I had experience with entirely different games like BatMUD and Aardwolf. Overall, my impression of the game early on was good, but I must caution new players about Sindome. Contrary to its claims, it is NOT a 'newbie-friendly' environment, and unless you are looking at your screen and following along every second of every moment while playing Sindome, even new players should be prepared to lose everything as I did. You must accept the militant terms of the game, and any complaints levied against it are opportunities for mockery and disinterest in the community. What I've basically realized about Sindome after playing several hours of it is that: if you love RP and you love cyberpunk, Sindome is one of few options, and the rich RP (role play) environment delivers very strongly. In fact, this is what I love about Sindome. Walking around the city and talking IC (in-character) is both rewarding and deeply immersive. This cannot be overstated enough. I have absolutely no complaints in this department, and I suggest that if you try Sindome, please keep RP in mind as it is both expected and against the rules to excessively talk OOC (out-of-character) while playing. That isn't to say you can't ask questions OOC, but it's more or less expected that if you have an IC question, you will need to find an IC answer. What does that mean? It means if you have a problem playing as your character, you'll largely be out of luck finding an answer from another player unless you're both IN character and communicating in the game, in the same room. This is an obscure concept for most gamers, and it also means there are no easy solutions to your problems should they arise (and trust me, they will). You can't even really find it outside the game as it is against the rules to discuss IC concepts or events outside Sindome. If you do, you will probably be banned. Where Sindome collapsed for me is how it negates to inform you that being AFK (away from keyboard) even momentarily can spell doom for your character. It's explained that in the first two weeks, there is some measure of 'protection' for new players. That is to say, no one can kill you. However, Sindome is like PVP on steroids. Not only can you be killed while walking down the street or performing some menial task in any room at any time, you can lose your character or get mugged and lose all of your money (as I did). While I was certainly within the boundaries of the week... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 15, 2018
Thanks for taking the time to write a review. I'd like to think we're getting more newbie friendly every day. I've recorded a series of introduction videos which new players can watch to get better aquainted with the game. These aren't required but are very helpful for those that don't want to pour over help files. We've updated our helpfiles to be more helpful, in the past few months. We've gone a game-help channel dedicated to helping new players. We've got a detailed newbie guide in game and on the website. We also have a somewhat steep learning curve. If you aren't familiar with PvP RPI games, you should consider your first character as possibly disposable as dying in a PvE or PvP situation is totally possible. You do get newbie protection, but certian things (like attacking someone, or stealing from someone) will negate that protection, such as to be fair to other characters. Plenty of what you said was fair and just, and Sindome isn't everyones cup of tea, that's for sure. If you do like a game that doesn't pull punches, and requires you to think through your actions and plan and plot and betray and such, it could be for you. But it's fast and hard and unforgiving at times. And not really geared toward 'casual play'. Also if you do find yourself needing to take a call, you should use '@ooc' to leave the game world and enter an OOC area where you cannot be harmed. Good luck out there! Slither
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2018
This is my last post here, as I've just asked to have my character kicked out and GMs obliged. The thing kicked off from a topic that, while I thought was forbidden, turns out is allowed but in the milder version. I am speaking of course of rape, which while outright banned, it seems that it's milder brother - sexual harassment is allowed and considered part of the theme. And I don't mean the mild version of catcalling, but coercing people into sex, and very much sexual assault is allowed to be roleplayed and accuse other players off. This is just something that made me almost vomit oocly when heard it from a GM, as I can't believe that we still have people who apparently need this for their gaming avenue. Would the world really be so bad if we left all sex-related crimes as the game background, not go around and accuse people of it and spin around them? Maybe that's just my mad rambling. But alas I vote with my foot and leaving sindome. Which is a shame, as I've enjoyed the game greatly up to this point. I initially wanted to post it on the forums, but apparently my access was removed.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2018
Regarding access to the forums, the former player was made aware of the following in an email prior to their writing this review, which was apparently ignored: 'I put your character in the $void to remove them from the game so you could quit without having to go kill your character off. The $void is a catch all for people who aren't in the game, have quit, or who have broken a rule or are in a cooldown, and it blocks anyone in there from posting on the boards. If you would like to be able to post you can let me know and I can put you in a coffin instead of the $void....' From our rules: 2.C. Sexual Harassment Sindome is an adult game, with adult content. As such some amount of sex will, in all likelihood, enter into your characters life at some point, however, if someone OOCly asks you to stop directing sexual comments, requests, actions, etc, at their character, you need to stop. If you are uncomfortable with sexual roleplay that is being directed at your character, you may use the local OOC command to request that the person cease. If you make this request and it continues to happen, please use xhelp to alert the admin staff, and we will help resolve the situation. If someone requests you cease sexual roleplay with them under ANY circumstances, you are to cease it, without question. Failure to do so will result in punitive action with possible loss of your account. Do not use accusations of sexual misconduct to slander another character in game, as it becomes an unavoidable in character topic for those who do not wish to engage in roleplay of that nature. Additionally, sexual conduct in an OOC room, or OOC channels does not have to be tolerated at all. If you feel as though someone is sexually harassing you on OOC channels, please xhelp and alert an admin of the situation. DO NOT sexually harass community members out of character. If you do you can expect to be banned from the game. 2.D. Text Rape & Rape RP Text rape is defined here as any instance in which something explicitly sexual is directly forced on a character. Rape RP is any RP that revolves around an instance of text rape, including the rape itself and any in-character or out of character discussions about it. Rape RP is against the rules on Sindome. Discussing instances of Rape RP that took place on this, or other games, by any IC or OOC communication method is also against the rules. The only exception is to use xhelp to report violations of the rule, or get clarification from admin. This means that you should never engage in rape RP, including both perpetration and discussion, in any location, over SIC, on the grid, or on OOC Channels. It does not matter if all directly involved have given their consent to the RP because its impossible obtain... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2018
I played Sindome for a year, and even towards the end of that year I was enamored with the players and mechanics. Even if the mechanics were (as I have recently discovered) pretty much unfinished. My first six months of Sindome were pretty fun, infact I'd even go as far as to say they were some of the most memorable RP experiences I've ever had on an online medium. My next four months were probably the worst experience I've ever had on an online medium. Allow me to explain, briefly-- why. There is nothing wrong with Sindome in it's community, at least in my eyes the characters there are an array of various talents. Some people avatar their characters but hey! We're all guilty of that to some degree. There isn't anything wrong with the mechanics either, even though I've come to learn they were basically ripped from another MUD who have actually developed a good deal of the 'lacking' bits --I'll go into that later.* What there is a problem with, and what I -refused- to believe there was a problem with for seven months, (because I'm stubborn and do not listen to people who are not me). Is with the staff. I'm not going to name names because you can take a cursory glance through Sindome's reviews and ascertain precisely what I -am- talking about. The staff on Sindome, and I have been in some CANCEROUS communities. (Search TnB, gmod RPing community, and realize the depth of cancer I refer to). Are purely corrupt, and purely apathetic. They do not care about SD with even the tangential affection someone who uses it to ERP does. The members of staff who are not directly fellating those above them, have become so jaded and more or less apathetic to the enjoyment of their own game, that they refuse to react with any level of what I'd dare to call humanity. There is no love of storytelling, narrative, or character progress here. Instead, you will find a combination of traits among the GM team that I would say have become almost commonplace. There are those who puppet all-powerful avatars of mechanical destruction who -cannot- be killed, their status quo -cannot- be upset, and they are basically gods to the rest of the player characters. There are GMs who will spawn in powerful NPCs just to kill players they don't like. Realize for seven months, I tried to justify this behavior to myself because I was so in love with this game. I tried so desperately to fool myself into thinking this sort of behavior was acceptable for GMs to exhibit, and to persist in. I really did try to delude myself because-- when I get going in a direction I tend to not stop until I've accomplished what I set out to do. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Don't invest yourself, don't develop as deep of an infatuation with it as I did only to find that... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2018
Hi, I'm Slither. I've been playing Sindome since 2003 and I've been a staff member since 2005. I'm one of the hightest ranking members of the staff and I'm responsible for a lot of the code, training, disciplinary action, and other stuff that goes on in the game day to day and week to week. It sounds like you had a bad experience with one of more staff members on Sindome. I'm sorry to hear that. For anyone reading this review, or any of the other reviews that come from a similar line of thinking and experiences, I can't dismiss everything that the reviewer said. There have been times, and specific players, that have had contentious relationships with the staff members on Sindome. Sometimes this was the fault of the staffer, who mishandled a situation, sometimes it was the fault of the player, sometimes there was fault on both sides. It's always been my firm belief that most issues that players have with the staff can be resolved by us simply taking the time to explain the situation in as much detail as is required for the player and the staffer to get on the same page. I encourage all the staff members to take this approach. I train them (as much as my time allows) to use this approach. I offer feedback after player interactions that I witness that didn't go as well as I believe they could have. Still, there are times when shit hits the fan so to speak. Someone is having a bad day, someone pushes buttons, misunderstandings happen, or sarcasm and tone don't translate well. It sucks, and we learn from it. We try to be better. However, to call our community (or even just the staff) cancerous, is incorrect. Despite what people might think, no one on the staff is on it because they want to play super powered characters that can kill whoever they want and not have their status quo upset. We do not accept people onto the staff that exhibit these traits and we do not keep people on the staff that it becomes clear are after that kind of thing. I can understand why players, not seeing our side of the curtain might jump to that conclusion. Bad ass NPCs show up and roll characters. All attempts to kill an established NPC fail. It seems like the GMs know everything that's going on and are using meta information to get ahead of your characters actions. Time and time again I see players present this issue. I wish I had a better way to explain it but I will fall back on the explanation I typically use. You are playing a cyberpunk game. Everyone around you is smiling to your face and betraying you the moment you turn your back. Information travels as fast as mind to mind communication allows. There are always IC explanations and justifications for what NPCs are doing and how they know about what might... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2018
Take my advice. Give an indie MUD a shot over this. Roleplay: Sindome follows very simple rules regarding this. 'If code allows it'. From there, it's the average fare. Code abuse, minimalist RP, and Out Of Character and In Character divide far too thin. Mechanics: Mechanics are considered 'In-Character'. Metaknowledge about the game's systems are jealously guarded, to the point that the games help channel has a long history of 'Find out IC' responses (That they think is actually charming, instead of both alienating and undermining the point of having a Help Channel). Yes, this includes key features to your role. Yes, this means you have no guarantee if your role is even useful. Internally inconsistent rules: In-character scenes of forced sex (Text simulated rape) is a bannable offense. Referencing such actions in-character is highly against the rules, out of respect for players. +Instances of teen abduction, and alleyway rape (As an unclever 'implication' technicality to be edgy.) occur in flavor-text constantly in some areas. Undermining the rule being out of respect for people with trauma in this regards. Community harm impacts the game as it functions. If I were to consistently corner and bully a subset of players, this would net me a ban. Rules against bullying against admins exist, as it should, as they are people too, and deserve the respect as such. +Please refer to each and every 'Cerberus' complaint on these reviews. Nothing has changed. You will be personally insulted by him for even suggesting anything. The sheer amount of people babying him is silly. General Spite Towards Players: Something in my experience with Sindome is the sheer amount of 'othering' that occurs here. If you do not focus on combat, you are the problem. If you roleplay anything above a two word response, you are the problem. If you aren't familiar with the codebase right out of chargen, you're the problem. Every review and suggestion about staff and the game itself suffers from this view. Issues are ignored, and you're the enemy for suggesting them. Your character is viewed as a 'Failure' if you choose to fuck people over in a slow-burn, or in a way that doesn't end in them being killed. The only way you avoid scathing criticism is if you're willing to bully new players who barely even know the mechanics, nor able to defend themselves in a meaningful story. The story just ends. The game has a notorious reputation from other, better crafted MUDs for being a very negative, toxic place. It feels somewhat shameful that 'Cyberpunk Roleplay' is now forced to be a min-max fest when it advertises itself as story rich. Play the game if you want the feeling of hand-waived Roleplay and just mashing your characters stats against another. Don't, if you want to play a game in the vein of Cyberpunk 2020. (IE: Non-combat features in storytelling, all skills useful, all backgrounds useful/etc.) Because sometimes finding out IC is a bad thing, when it's disappointing... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 14, 2018
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time. We are always looking for ways to improve as a staff and as a community. We aren't perfect for sure, and we have definitely made mistakes in the past. We'll use the feedback you provided to improve. -- S
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 13, 2018
Sindome is difficult to understand at first. One of the reasons why is because when you first approach it, you're probably coming off not from a MUD. Instead, you're probably used to other roleplay situations where you talk freely to people ooc'ly, share info that other person needs to plan your next scene together, and generally try to work out storyarcs in the name of having a good time. One of the biggest shocks you might have when you play at Sindome is how that sort of thing isn't allowed due to keeping immersion constant in the game. You cannot ask *anything* ooc'ly that you can find out ic'ly. If you push this, there are consequences. MUD commands are also hard if this is your first time playing one. Simple things like lifting something or closing a door might be hard to understand at first. Here's a tip: examine everything around you, it took me forever to learn to do that. If you get stuck, search the website for hints and tips on what to do. Those two things I've mentioned gave me a tough time at the start. I had to get used to Sindome's style of play which took a minute. Now that I've gotten used to it, I think the game's pretty fun and I enjoy it quite a bit.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 23, 2017
OK. Nobody wants to read reviews full of subjectivity: straight to the meat. This is about Cerberus, a top-tier administrator on Sindome. You will be occupying the same space as him, should you choose to play. _____ [OOC-Chat] Staff Cerberus: Just like to make another appeal to the community. If you're not aware, we've received some negative reviews on TMC from banned players and in the absence of positive reviews , they stand out a lot. So if you've had a positive experience with SD and the Staff, please feel free to post a review on TMC so we can avoid losing potential new immigrants to the exaggerated claims of a few toxic people. [OOC-Chat] Staff Cerberus: We appreciate any time people take to write the reviews. It's unfortunate that the voting doesn't speak for itself, but we need to protect ourselves and our new players from the toxicity of banned players. +++ What this man is doing is called 'poisoning the well.' You insult someone before they get a chance to make a statement in order to persuade people's opinions of them negatively. It works wonders. Unfortunately for him, it's not an argument, thus has no rational, keyword rational, persuasive merit. It would be like if I referred to him as Cranky Cerb throughout the rest of this review in Trump style of bestowing a funny nickname onto your opponent. But it shouldn't affect your judgement. But it does. By attaching negative adjectives to the writers of these reviews ('banned, toxic'), Cranky Cerb is able to gain the persuasive upper hand on people who are less likely know about these kind of tricks. And you don't want to be tricked, do you? _____ (From): ''I will make an attempt to return to being polite and understanding, but I will do so with a zero tolerance rule. If I hear you out, and respond, and you decide that you didn't like my response and resume arguing your point. You will have earned a time out in the void for 30 minutes as per our current rules. Respect is a two way street and I will respect you if you can respect the fact that I am putting an effort into being nice and polite and understanding to your concerns.'' +++ Respect is a two way street, except when Cranky Cerb doesn't like your response. There cannot be an 'understanding' conversation when you have threats hovering over your head like this. You just can't. You will stifle yourself in hopes of avoiding any kind of conflict and may even convince yourself that you indeed like this person and their opinions to better cope with the situation. It is similar to, but not exactly, Stockholm syndrome. _____ (From): Xenode: So GMs have not defended an action, ever, that wasn't cool by player or GM standards? Cerberus: I don't understand the question. Xenode: You're phrasing things in an 'us vs. them' style, as if GMs are saints, players... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 10, 2017
Great review, NotKenneth! You didn't even pick the best examples of the behavior you described -- all in all, pretty lenient, I'd say. The bad apples aside, Sindome is a great game. Would love to play again someday. Y'know, when Cranky Cerb finally gets bored of the power trip and moves on. Until then, I can't really justify subjecting myself to regular abuse during my limited free time. Best of luck to ya.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 8, 2017
[-][OOC-Chat] Staff Cerberus: Just like to make another appeal to the community. If you're not aware, we've received some negative reviews on TMC from banned players and in the absence of positive reviews , they stand out a lot. So if you've had a positive experience with SD and the Staff, please feel free to post a review on TMC so we can avoid losing potential new immigrants to the exaggerated claims of a few toxic people. If anyone is curious while Sept 8 sees an uptick in positive responses it is because the staff directly solicited the assistance. Note that the staff and even some of these solicited comments/reviews presume that there are 'bad players' leaving these reviews. Anyone who has been around the block a few times can already see the early warning signs of a tone deaf administration and players either acting with blinders on or benefiting from staff approval... or hey maybe they do enjoy the game but never felt like reviewing it before or didn't know mudconnect existed. When I played sindome I found the game to be enjoyable. I thought it was weird that you couldn't ask about syntax questions. For example I have an item, it is clearly meant to do a function, but I do not know the syntax and it is not in helpfiles... When I inquire about syntax I am instructed to find out in game. Well I'm not sure how very roleplay intensive the idea of ICly asking about code syntax is. Futhermore Cerberus (the staffer soliciting positive reviews) was once removed from Sindome for causing a general player outcry on a third party forum. It was only months later he was allowed back and is now back to the same antics that got him removed in the first place. If Johnny was an active roleplaying owner or Slither has time from his busy daily life, I'd be willing to put dollars against pennies that Cerberus wouldn't be a GM/staffer on that game anymore. Sadly as is common with a lot of older games those with free time and a drive to be active rise to the top and their issues are glossed over, ignored, or apologized for because despite some staff (not just Cerberus) being toxic they do a lot of work and the game probably wouldn't function without them. I suggest everyone try Sindome, it is a unique MOO, and it is a great place for RPI refugees from other games to enjoy themselves. I generally give people anywhere from 3 - 5 months before community/administration problems will drastically affect their enjoyment of the game.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 15, 2017
Before I begin my review of Sindome, I'd like to establish the credentials by which I am reviewing it. I played Sindome several hours a day for approximately 2 years, the last few months of which I was a support staffer assisting in behind-the-scenes operations of this game. Sindome is a long-established, well-coded and deeply cyberpunk themed MOO set in the dystopian domed city of Withmore, where the rich corporate elite oppressively try to assert their hold over the impoverished 'mixers' trying to climb the economic ladder. Fleshing out the theme of the game is a background of retro-futuristic technology hailing straight from the dystopian, post- apocalyptic and sci-fi 1980s movies and fiction that inspired the cyberpunk genre. The game has an incredible amount of potential as a roleplay playground for those willing to invest a huge amount of time and emotional energy into it. It does however suffer from various OOC (i.e. Out-of-character/irl-side) issues that can and will impact your IC (i.e. In-character) experience and OOC enjoyment of the game. The game enjoys a consistent playerbase of about 50+ (which is double what it routinely was in late 2014) who are by far the bread and butter of the game as far as the IC experience is concerned. The potential is there to enjoy plentiful amounts of player vs player conflict (the main source of Sindome's plot) without needing staff to assist if you are a creative, self-driven player. There is however a distinct glass cieling as to what can be achieved by players who are not afforded staff assistance in their plots, most obviously access to the coded forms of in-character employment and to powerful equipment. Staff availability is extremely limited. For those hoping to enjoy a pleasant OOC community alongside their roleplay experience, unfortunately Sindome is lacking to the point of hostility. Don't take my word for it, just read the stark warning you would see EVERY time you logged into the game: '[*SYS-MSG*] WARNING! Discussing the in character world with other players via Out of Character communication methods (Skype, IM, Facebook, etc) is strictly against the rules, even if you don't plan to act on the information you give or receive. Intent is irrelavent when dealing with natural human instinct to defend oneself from harm, this applies to roleplay as well. Sharing IC info is unfair. It has disastrous effects on the game. Report all incidents that you are aware of via xhelp or to and do NOT engage in it yourself. It carries a one year ban from the game. WARNING!' This strict In-Character/Out-Of-Character divide exists to protect the game from metagamers (i.e. players who effectively cheat by using means outside the game to gain an advantage inside the game) and would be fine, were it possible to productively discuss any serious issues on game matters that bridge the IC/OOC divide (it was this kind of discussion that resulted in my getting banned under the above rule). Sadly this, and any form... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 15, 2017
First and foremost thank you to Molly and Kisaki for your replies to this review. I am glad to hear you are both having positive experiences of Sindome and hope that through discussion we can lead to more positive experiences of the game for more people, without the negative ones I personally witnessed and experienced and that others have reported in their own separate reviews. ---- Molly ---- It is entirely possible you are correct and I am who you think I am, after all I am using the same account name here that I did whilst playing Sindome back in the day, not trying to hide who I am. I cannot confirm this however because I don't know what character you think I am if that is the only way you are identifying me. I hope at least you had some fun playing with my character at some point if you are correct. I feel I should clarify that I personally was never directly targeted by meta-tactics but I did witness other players falling victim to it. I was never able to confirm that it was definitely meta-tactics whilst only a player so I simply kept quiet and hoped I was wrong, but when I witnessed it through the staff resources as a staffer I was no longer able to deny it and it put me off the game immensely through the distrust it caused. Example: In one such incident I witnessed numerous entirely separate npcs (some non-sentient) repeatedly targetted one character in a large group of characters over the course of an RP session. It didn't make sense ICly so, suspecting something was amiss, I logged into my admin account to see what was going on and was disappointed to find that the ONLY member of admin online and the one puppeting the npcs in question had in character beef between her character and the one being targetted. Because of numerous statements similar to those in the quotes and screenshots above, I didn't feel able to raise the matter with staff and so resorted to venting with OOC friends, eventually resulting in a ban and a forum discussion that in hindsight I wish had never happened. I'm more than willing to admit I did not handle that revelation appropriately, but I wish I had felt more secure in flagging it so it never became an issue that way. ---- Kisaki ---- Again, I am glad you are having a positive experience of the game and of Cerberus's GMship and I'd like to assure you that I have no personal quarrel with Cerberus or indeed any other member of staff. Quite the contrary I admire what Cerberus contributes to the game and I think it would be a shame to lose him as a member of Sindome's staff. Even just the overhaul of corporate pay schemes must have been a monumental administration task and I can only imagine it having a positive impact on a game on... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 13, 2017
I am going to preface this by saying that based on a number of factors I can assume who you were playing when you wrote this review. I could be wrong, and if so I apologize but I believe my comment here can still speak to your point. You wrote: 'Player characters who oppose or fall victim to these staffers characters will find that the world is suddenly a much more hostile place, with NPC's irrelevant to the rivalry suddenly finding IC reasons to pick fights with the player characters. ' No one player, nor even any staffer, has a perfect bird's eye view of any RP situation where a lot of moving parts are involved. If this is the incident I am thinking of, several players were responsible for advancing that conflict for a variety of reasons, many of which had nothing to do with each other. NPCs were getting pulled into it because players were pulling them in. By the same token, I can't know what was going on on your end, but acting like NPCs were coming after your character because they'd crossed a staff PC is ignoring the bigger picture. In a game like this, a hostile world is a good thing. It means that staff is respecting the decisions you make and engaging with you. NPCs generally won't permanently kill your character, but if they're giving you trouble, especially if you're a combat-oriented character, then they're giving you something to do. If it was a matter of simply not liking you as a player, you would be banned or ignored. If I'm mistaken and this isn't who I think it is, it's still a little disappointing to read. The IC/OOC divide means you can never, ever trust that you accurately understand what's going on in the game world. Even the most adept RPers often find themselves blindsided like this, and it plays into cyberpunk tropes beautifully. Assuming that one staffer is out to get you when there are a ton of player characters tugging at threads all over the game just sort of seems like it's missing the point.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 11, 2017
I would like to disagree with some of the statements. For my two years of experience there, I didn't notice anything weird. Flagging Cerberus means you got some quarrel with him. You should fix it with him instead. You probably know that Cerberus is the only staff (visible) who overwork there (Building and GMing). There's too much work in behind the scene, that it would be great to have some GMers to help with RP. He would work efficiently if you did your job well. If you question Cerberus, you should question yourself too. Ranting over the review won't help.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 10, 2017
Sindome is like an abusive partner. Sometimes, some days, you just want to forget how badly they've treated you and be cuddled. That's what has kept me connected to Sindome for the past two years: this idea that they could get better. That they knew what they were doing wrong, and were making changes to remedy it. Unfortunately, as much as I wish I could say that was true, it isn't. Sindome has some of the best cyberpunk RP and gameplay that I've ever seen in a MU*, but it's wrapped up in a toxic community and toxic staff. If you can play this game with blinders on, and talk OOCly as little as humanely possible, and never, ever (God forbid if you do) ask any sort of question that might be considered 'stupid', you might get along wonderfully in Sindome. However, for those of you who like to have your questions answered, this probably isn't the game for you, because depending on the day and how cranky old Cerberus (one of the staff members) is feeling, because instead of actually answering your questions he's prone to throw hissy fits and state how a question is so stupid he 'won't even answer it'. The playerbase not only feeds into this behavior - that actually model it. The more of an asshole you are OOCly, it seems the better your character will do ICly. It's an odd paradigm that I've yet to see anywhere else, and it hasn't improved in the past two years. Contrary to that, there are some really fabulous staff there. It's easy for me to say that some of the best deaths I've had on Sindome, and their uber-strict policy about thematic additions to the game is actually one of my favorite things. However, because of the toxicity I've experienced, I won't be playing there. I'm very friendly when I talk to people, and especially over the internet where the tone of your text is so important. I bend over backwards to be nice to the staff on games, because I know they are volunteers, and I know they often times just want to enjoy their time in the game too. However, when I'm nice, I expect politeness to at least be reciprocated. I do not log onto MUDs because I like being treated like shit OOCly by the people who run it. I log in because I want to play in the world that we're all helping to create. In short, Sindome is a great game plagued by OOC toxicity, elitism, and narcissism that makes my experience absolutely shit.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 11, 2017
'The more of an asshole you are OOCly, it seems the better your character will do ICly.' Given that it's not generally known who plays who in the anonymous opt-in OOC chat, and given that the secrecy and paranoia inherent to the theme generally precludes anyone from knowing how well most other characters are really doing, this seems like a statement made in bad faith. This is not a game where you get your questions answered OOC. You go in blind and everything's extremely confusing, but as you learn the systems by interacting with them, you gain a measure of understanding that moves you ahead. As your character's skills and stats grow, so does your OOC knowledge about the game, which helps give you an advantage. Every new trick you learn helps put you ahead of the other guy. It's simply part of the game design that you do so in-character rather than reading a wiki or something.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 10, 2017
Hi. While it is true that staff and players are refuse to answer many questions, there is a good reason behind it. Sindome is VERY role play intensive and there is a HUGE line drawn between OOC and IC information. This line is not always clear to new players. It is easy to believe that the information you are after should be available OOC. But for the sake of preserving awesome RP and encouraging players to come together, this is often not the case. Example: Player asks OOCly 'My character is a doctor. Has a medical degree and experience from before coming to Withmore (the city in which the game takes place). I should know how to use the tools of healing and the commands needed. Please tell me them.' Answer: 'Withmore uses different tech than the rest of the world. Your character has never used the items available in Withmore. But you can have your player go out and ask medical professionals ICls for this information.' To be honest though, the above answer does often get shortened quite a bit. Answers can be terse. The initial answer might be, 'Find out in character!' or even 'FOIG!' which means 'find out in game'. And if a player keeps pushing they might be told to back off, quit fighting and at least try and take the advice they have been give. Sindome is also full of people who prefer to play the game rather than talk about it. I think this also contributes to short replies to answers. In all I have found that coming to see why I always got answers like this has really made a difference for me. It was hard but worthwhile. Just my two cents!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 9, 2017
Sindome is a great MUD, stopped playing for a while because of its learning curve, but I started back up again and have been playing for a year straight since. It has a great playerbase that's helpful and also really good at making RP, however there's a lot of things you need to figure out through in game methods since this is a heavy RP MUD, which a lot of people seem to take offense to, which makes no sense really. The admins are constantly working on it to improve it, whether it be simple bug fixes, or an entire reworking of an old system. The room descriptions are amazing and really help enhance the RP. Great game overall.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 9, 2017
The community is generally not very helpful, as they are mostly long time players who don't want to answer the same old questions again. This isn't a big issue as the game isn't rocket science to figure out. The admins are a great group of people, unless you take into account they have lives and the 'tertiary' admins are just the most unpleasant of people all around. If you don't get along with one of these guys, you're going to have a very bad time. It's not uncommon for the admins to play favorites with who they will bend the rules for and then scorn people who try and do the exact same thing. There is very little consistency and if you point this out, there will be a blathering paragraph about how this isn't a democracy from one of the unpleasant and unfriendly admins. Personally, the game is great, but the community of higher ups makes the game hard to play for the long term. Come in for the scenery, leave because you dislike toxic people.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 10, 2017
I remember, back then in 2015 when I created my character. I thought, 'Maybe it's a hack and slack dubbed with RP.' No, it wasn't. As a fan of Sims, I had a good surprise: technically, you can be anything you can as long as it supports cyberpunk theme, it's like a second life. There are lots of options and jobs, entertainment, and facilities. I decided my character would be a cyber doc. You can be the good or the evil through text. Attacking a character would need legitimate reason. I took the good path, until getting to know the fight mechanics better. In game, I got a lot of support from some veteran characters. They sometimes made up a plot, like hiring me as a runner, to help me earn some money when I was a noob and unemployed. Some characters are friendly, but some characters can't be. It's like you ask The Joker to be friend with Batman, or Venom to be friend with Spiderman, or a thug to be friend with a cop. We have 'bad guys' characters that we secretly love. They make the RP so lively. Just don't confuse characters with players. Once in OOC, they're as friendly as the actors who played the nemesis characters together. Don't take an IC offense as something OOC. I also got the 'Find out IC' or FOIG answer for some of my IC questions, but well I understood I had to make a little effort. I just had to ask IC. Easy. It's not hard to find things IC, you can ask the 'SIC', the IC chat channel. Any immy or newbie who encounters this answer, takes a shot there and gets the answer. I play the same character since almost 2 years ago. This game changed my life, as I didn't know I would be hooked. You are not limited to hack and slash like other muds. Here, you write your story, along with other players. Of course it takes time to separate IC and OOC, and now I take them as two different worlds. Heavy RPers and people liking text games or reading will surely be hooked. I won't complain about staff. From time to time, on the OOC channel, we get to chat together or share funny stuff (Mostly fun stuff). This is like family. Everybody gets along. We're not mute at all. We have a newbie channel and two OOC channels. While RPing you can also use an OOC command with the character you're with. In game, you have a public channel, and the in-game internet. You're never left alone when in need. We have a town hall event every six months, where every player and staff log in to a special area to discuss the game and how to improve it. Staff are dedicated, even in low number they do their best. They're the reason why the game improves. Building takes time, but they can manage. They create good plots like... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 10, 2017
Sindome. I've been roleplaying since I was twelve an I can say with all honesty, twenty years later, Sindome has been the most rewarding experience of any genre or game in I've had the pleasure of playing. Consistent and immersive roleplay is the crown jewel for Sindome, endless plots and opportunities present all who wish to take advantage and participate the chance to see their character's dreams, goals and purpose come to fruition; if they can navigate the treachery, backstabbing, chaos, poverty and green classic to the cyberpunk theme. No character is too low or too high to remain unscathed or reach out and try to pry themselves up the ladder, bodies an devastation to the top. Mechanics are well thought out and evolving where necessary or when new ideas work themselves out to improve the game world. Balanced combat with consideration to a number of scenarios, weaponry, enhancements and participants is only one part of a world rich with roles for different play styles. Artistic crafting to mechanical junkies to those who modify guns and munitions to scientists and doctors who can change the body to chemists creating candy, getting you hooked! Transport systems, travel, Judges and space! Clear divide between economic classes add public dispute and conflict to complement the underlying tension between corporate competitors and enemies to the hatred between rival gangs, factions and interests in poverty stricken dwellings. Two distinct environments to go with those who try to play the middle ground, with much risk, so whatever your flavour of interest, it's there for you to explore to your heart's content. Scheming, conspiracy, betrayal and paranoia are high and with that the chances for characters to sneak in and twist a piece of it off to their advantage are greater! Staff in Sindome are dedicated. One or two can be brusque and short, yes, but please don't mistake that for inherently rude or intentionally cruel to players. They are a small number of hardworking individuals who constantly work on projects: plots, area improvement and rehaul, polishing areas to expand and add new amenities and investments for characters, mechanical and code advancement, personal to worldwide events. Helping teach characters/players how to run positions of power to involve more characters on a consistent basis without staff help. Answering questions and dealing with problems that, in hindsight never needed their help but they did so anyways. Questions repeated five plus after being told it isn't appropriate to ask, clear bug abuse or exploit or people behaving in ways to get banned are the only times I've seen staff go from to obviously agitated, disappointed and/or angry. In a time where I made a critical error I was spoken with brusquely but not rudely, and it was never held against me. If you can handle a steep learning curve and understand that people speaking bluntly for the sake of efficiency doesn't mean they're angry or being rude to you, then I encourage you to try Sindome. If is... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 9, 2017
Sindome was one of my first text-based experiences. But even when it was just a few rooms and a handful of players, there was an ideal about how people could play this dystopian cyberpunk themed game where characters hide in the shadows and stab each other in the back, while still creating a community that was eager to help new players get up and running so they could join in the subterfuge. I took a few years off to finish up school, get married, start a business etc. But a few months ago I had the itch to find out what was happening in the Sindome. So I visited the site, saw a ton of new features and code, and so I logged on and created a new character. The players and staff were 90% new from when I had played before, but the same energy was there and there was a ton more game to explore and play. After sticking around a few weeks, a lot of the old players that I'd played with popped in and have been reconnecting with the game as well. Now is a really cool time in Sindome's history. There is the same spirit of RolePlay and Story driven GMing, but with a lot more code (i.e. combat systems, job systems, micro economies, etc) to support whatever your character wants to do to build a name for themselves. So if you're looking for a new place to check out and get into some Cyberpunk RP, I highly suggest connecting to Sindome and playing now!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 6, 2013
I really, really want to like Sindome. For almost four months I've spent 8+ hours a day on it, spending my downtime at work in the MOO. There's a lot to like here. It's been around so long, it has about a million features, many of which are well implemented. While character creation is poorly done, it doesn't ruin the game. There are lot of fun people to RP with, and a good stream of new players just about constantly. I like it enough that I've donated money to keep the servers going. I stay in-character, I help out new players and do my best to fuel fun and interesting RP. The biggest problem with Sindome, unfortunately, is the admins. While a few are good, and even great, many are extremely lazy. It is often almost entirely impossible to get an admin to puppet. I spent two weeks trying to get a puppet in-character for one specific NPC, talking to him every thirty minutes. For eight hours a day. For two weeks. Often, admins were visibly online. No response. They just don't support players in a way that makes the game fun to play, and several times I've been outright punished for RPing in-theme, which is ridiculous. For weeks, one player seemingly completely eschewed RP - the cornerstone of Sindome, to hear it told - and went hack and slash on anyone he decided his character didn't like. There was virtually no support from admins, no little nudges, nothing weaker characters - which was basically all but one character - could do, except lie down and take it. Players that complained were told that just because no RP is -visible- doesn't mean it's there, which is a poor excuse. If the outcome looks and feels exactly like 10 or so players being trolled for no reason, that is what is happening. Any RP happening there is not sufficient. Even worse, though, than lazy admins, though, is the one that metagames constantly. Part of this problem is that admins have dedicated in-game alt characters, of which they're extremely protective. The admin in question repeatedly abused GM knowledge to protect her character, and to puppet more powerful NPCs for revenge. The admin's actions were so ludicrously transparent that there literally cannot be any other explanation for what transpired in-game. This might sound like a bitter, vindictive review, done out of spite, but this isn't the case. I really love Sindome. I want to keep playing. I've put hundreds of hours into it in the few months I've been playing, and I've had a lot of fun. But a few lazy admins, and one extremely detrimental one, have caused several committed, great players to quit out of frustration already, and I'm worried I'll be close behind them. I can't in good conscience vote Sindome up when this admin retains GM privileges that she abuses so badly that multiple players quit.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 18, 2013
Addendum: Between the time I wrote this review and now, I've stopped playing entirely because of the metagaming and entirely transparent trolling of the aforementioned hack and slash player. This player picked up with the same lack of RP as his old character and even continued the exact same grudges with zero IC reason for having them. The staff continues to trot out the 'Just because RP isn't apparent doesn't mean it's not there' line, but again: if large segments of the player base are being trolled by one player, and the game is being severely impacted by the actions of this player, and the admins are doing nothing at all about - any RP that might 'actually' be there is entirely irrelevant. The admins very clearly do not care about making the game -fun-, which is a shame, because it could be really great. But I won't be returning. Spend your free time playing a MUD that is actually run with enjoyment as a priority.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 24, 2013
I quit for the exact same reasons. +1 to this review.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 24, 2013
What's really interesting about this review is the complete lack of truth. The character this character was playing was involved in numerous plots and storylines. There are over 50+ RP centric notes from the GMs on this character, some of them extensively documenting the wants and desires and such. This player is not privy to the extensive RP notes on the character that is claimed to be a troll. Not getting what you want does not mean the staff are not involved. If thats what you think a game like this should do for you, I suggest you find one that does, as we clearly state that one of the overwhelming themes of our game is NOT getting what you want, of suffering, of loss, of being angry at the man. If what you call RP is fixed on lesbian romances as played between male players, please, do find yourself a new home, as you won't be missed.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 25, 2013
This game has one of the greatest communities of players I've ever encountered. Out of Character they are really helpful, insightful and fun to talk to. And in character they are so real you almost forget their not RPing. The world is the perfect size, in my three months I've only been to three of the four districts, and only died twice. This game is perfect.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 6, 2013
So, you've stumbled onto Sindome's listing and you're wondering what the game is like? I'm hoping I can do it justice. I've been on Sindome for about three weeks now. I played Sindome back in '06 for about two months on and off and from what I can tell the structure of the game has vastly improved from when I last experienced it. I'm going to break my review down into a couple categories such as: Unique Features, Staff, Player Activity, Roleplaying Opportunities, Things to Know, and Overall Impressions. So without further ado: [Unique Features] Sindome has a couple unique features that I've not seen anywhere else in a Cyberpunk themed game and I wanted to highlight them here briefly. The GRID (Simulated IC Internet through your browser) ----------------------------------------------------- The GRID is a very unique and ingenious feature within Sindome. When your character finds the terminal to Access the Grid, you log into the sindome website with your character's name and password and select the ”˜Access Grid 2.0' link and it brings you to the simulated IC network known as the GRID. You can post on the cities forums, share whats on your mind, find maps to the city's lower two levels and mail individuals or corporations. The coding that went behind this was extensive but unfortunately is not as used as I think it could or should be. Definitely an unique and interesting feature in Sindome. Job System --------------- Sindome's Job system is interesting. Starting out, you can do courier missions which help you get a feel of the city and understand it well. As well, you can work in one of the factories, although the wages aren't nearly as good. As you figure out your character and get your footing within the game, you can send your resume over the GRID to corporations that are offering employment at that time. It's something that has to be experienced for sure. 3D Space (Think scaling buildings) ---------------------------------- I've had personal experience with this and I think it's an awesome feature. Want to jump from building to building? Well you can with Sindome's 3D space feature! Fly through the air in an Aerodyne or (possibly) plummet to your death when you miss that jump you thought you could make. Gravity is not always your friend in Sindome. Customizable Clothing ----------------------------- Looking for that hot piece of clothing that will define your character but it's not in any shop around town? Well you can create custom clothing pieces from different materials that are sold from vending machines around town. And if you are skilled at it, you can even sell your creations to other players for decent amounts of Chyen (the money of Sindome) [Staff] The staff of Sindome are awesome. They are very dedicated to their job and very active both behind the scenes and ICly helping out with plots and other administrative functions. I haven't had any bad experiences with them yet and comparably to other cyberpunk games I've played find them to be a cut above the rest. [Player Activity] On good nights, Sindome can be buzzing with up to 20+ players at peak hours of play. When things are quiet (which is early morning to early afternoon mountain time for me) you can usually find between 2-5 players that are active. So while it's no 100+ player MU*, it still has enough people to keep everyone interested and if you decide to give Sindome a try that number will only increase. [Roleplaying Opportunities] As I had previously mentioned in the Staff portion of the review, the Staff are involved actively in creating plots for the players as well in assisting in player-generated plots. Furthermore, Sindome has a very unique community initiative with the players to generate their own plots. So between the players and the staff, the chance that you'll not find yourself in the middle of some great roleplay will be few and far between. [Things to Know] While Sindome doesn't have a character approval requirement that forces you to wait while they decide whether or not to let your character play, they do require a theme-accurate history before you can begin running jobs. So take some time and sit down and think of a good history if you like what you see. Roleplay works when characters come to life, and they only come to life when you put some thought into them. Also, the first two weeks or so will be slow to start, take the time to learn the commands and get a feel for how you want to have your character fleshed out. As you get used to life in the city of Withmore you can work towards cementing yourself into the world. Last but not least, if you get stuck, don't be afraid to ask over OOC-Chat or to page an admin for help. As well, there are a great deal of resources available to you to help you learn the game such as the Newbie Guide and several helpful help files. [Overall Impressions] If you like or are interested in the Cyberpunk theme (think Judge Dredd, Total Recall, The Matrix, Repo Men), Sindome may be a game that will capture your imagination and contribute to hours of adrenaline filled fun. Thank you for taking the time to read my review and if its influenced you to give Sindome a try then I look forward to seeing you in the game!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 11, 2012
Hoowhee. As a very longtime player (with several years hiatus in the middle due to RL) I figured I should post a review. I've read all the positive and negative reviews before mine and I have to say, they're all wrong. All of them, both the good and the bad. First, the basics: Sindome is MOO based on cyberpunk fiction. It takes place in a corporation-owned domed city in the middle of a wasteland, essentially a giant tax shelter with a (somewhat) captive workforce/customer base which is class-segregated on different vertical levels. Red level is the ghetto, the slums. Gold level above it is the commercial and business center and above that you have Green level, a residential pseudo-suburb for the middle class. Above *that* you have Blue level, where the few extremely rich live. All the while you have maglev trains running between the levels, cars as well and aerodynes ('flying cars', in essence) zipping all over. You have drug dealers, gun runners, Street Judges, gangs, hackers, reporters, programmers, doctors, mechanics, tattoo artists and musicians and anything else under the (artificial) sun. I could speak about my newbie experience, but the game has changed so much over the years that it'd be irrelevant. Does the game need more active players? Yes. Is there anything wrong with the GMs and admin? Sensitive question. I'll say yes - some of them are complete jerks. The more active ones, however, are okay dudes so long as you're polite and you don't stomp around like a spoiled child. Keep in mind - the game is free, they do it for fun. That doesn't give them license to act like jerks, but it does give them license to tell you to GTFO if you're being an idiot. So, staff experience may vary, but on the whole they're alright. And I'm going to name names! Because I'm just that tough. These are the nice guy staff members (that I know of and that are still active or semi active): Rastus, Firestorm, Bixby and Grizzly (though I barely know 'im). I won't name which are 'ok' and which are idiots, I want to leave them wondering. Can you expect help as a newbie? Yes and no. You will likely not get handouts. Players may or may not be helpful in-character, but don't expect them to be obvious or *polite* about it. They are after all, in character and they don't know your character from Adam. You'll get in character responses depending on your in character actions and words. There's an out of character chat channel (you can speak on it by using the command 'xm'), and that'll be a sight friendlier, so long as you're friendly yourself. You can get answers on most things, so long as the information isn't in character. For example, guns are illegal which means you need to know people to buy them. Asking who you can buy guns from on the OOC channel will be met with a 'Find out ICly'. If you ask, however, 'What's the command for (whatever)' most anyone will be glad to help. Staff will answer some questions but won't tell you everything. There's also a wiki at that contains a lot of in-character information that your character would reasonably know. Sindome can be a very rewarding experience. It can also be a short and brutal one. A lot of it depends on YOU and your persistence. Not all of it, though. Sometimes you'll catch a bad break. You'll get bitten by a dog and fall off a roof, then run over by a garbage truck and shot. A GM may be on her period (or his man-period) and be a bit of a dick - there are other GMs though. However, to be as fun as it can be, it needs more players. Try it, stick it out. Bring your friends. When you have 10-20 active players (or more) on at once the game really starts to shine. Here's a tip, though - don't play a brute criminal type from the get go. It'll get you killed. Try playing a corporate type or at least a law abiding citizen - there's plenty of time for debauchery once you get used to the game, plus it'll allow you to call the police if you get in the shit without getting arrested yourself. In essence, it isn't perfect, but it can give you some of the best roleplaying experiences you are *ever* likely to have. It's up to YOU to decide if it's worth the effort, but Sindome is one of those games where you very much get back as much as you put in.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 4, 2011
I'd like to start out this review by saying a little about myself. I've been a big fan of tabletop RPGs since a very young age. Now that I'm older I don't have the opportunity to play them much. I have one character active on a MUD, but it's just active enough to not be deleted, meaning I almost never play that MUD. I've tried other moo/mud/muxs but never found one that inspired the emotion that I've gotten from playing Sindome. I decided to write this review for two reasons. #1: There hasn't been much, if anything, written about this game on this site for years and it's a dynamic ever-changing ever-growing place. Since I first started the coded goodies have expanded drastically. But the people who play the game and the overall feel of it also changes with time. Both as new code is added, and new plots and events go down, and as players come and go, as should be expected with any game. #2: I've seen a lot of judgmental, frankly bad and untrue things said about a community I've called home for many years now, so here goes. I'm not going to address things others have said, because arguing someone's opinion is about as worthless as worrying or trying to plug a dam with bubblegum. Sindome is out of any game I've ever played, the best, truest representation of a cyberpunk world. Is there a steep learning curve? Yes. Especially if you've never played a text based game before. If you're an inspired RP'er though, it's more than worth the time it takes to learn. I can't count the times I've been angry, excited, happy, complacent, afraid, and every other emotion all at once. The deep, rich plots evoke an attachment to the game that's indescribable. Every single player, GM, admin, every single member of our community is eager to have new players and does everything we can to help new players. I'd like to refer you to our bitchboards on the sindome website if you don't think that we help each other, and anyone else interested in being a part of our game community. Can it be slow at times? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Our character base is slightly small, and the pace of the game fluctuates with the character base. One of the reasons I'd like to see it explode, because the more that play the more there is going on. If you know where to look (which sometimes even I, as a veteran player, don't) there's always something going on. That said, it's a place for mature adults. Profanity and violence occur commonly, as you would expect with a cyberpunk world. Discussing plot ideas with the admin is fully acceptable, getting questions about game mechanics answered is no problem as well. This is however, a place where you are expected to think for yourself. If you ask about something that's IC info, you will be told that that's something you should find out In Character. At first it may seem not quite right, but in the real world, as in our RP world you are expected to develop every aspect of your character, you need to network/deceive/befriend/work together. You need to play your character as him/her is a real person, and soon it will feel that way. RP is not only encouraged, it's the watchword of our game. In depth rich plots run rampant, however player killing isn't necessarily as frowned upon as the 'restricted' label may suggest. True, killing for the sake of killing is unacceptable, but killing for good IC reasons is a wonderful thing. Sometimes the best approach to eliminating your enemy is the direct one. The world is based mainly in a domed city with 4 different levels, the top being the highest of the upper crust, the bottom being the densely overpopulated is lowest ghetto slum where crime rules all. The city itself is run by corporations, the largest of the bunch get seats on the corporate council, which is the ruling body of the city. The law is kept by on the upper levels by Judges, the hard core judge/jury/executioners that make sure the corps are right and the slum-dwellers are wrong. The lowest level goes unchecked by judges for the most part. They have their own security but it's indifferent at best. The slums run rampant with murder, prostitution, drugs, excess; they reek of shady biz. For any further explanation of our in game world I'd invite you to check out the sindome website, which is full of descriptions and cyberpunk submissions.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 12, 2009
Sindome is a dark gritty reality full of street samurai, ripper docs, deckers and just about everything else you can imagine in a cyberpunk world. From the lowest street urchins to the most powerful crimson-eyed arms-dealing shoguns, this place is one intense moment after another.. if you get involved in things. The point of the MOO is to roleplay, to INTERACT with other players. The best money, the best power, it all comes from interacting/helping/doubledealing other players. You can't 'win', but you can sure get ahead. Even with a base of stats and skills, the real way to gain notoriety is to RP. You can overcome the greatest enemies if you can only outsmart them. CP at its best. I give it a 5/5.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 12, 2005
Well, this review says it all about the kind of people who play SD. Cliched, unimaginative and totally lacking content.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 1, 2009
This was my first, and only MOO. I tried other ones, but nothing could compare. If you are into Cyberpunk (The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, Anything William Gibson really, Bruce Sterling, Neil Stephenson (Snow Crash), Judge Dredd, Transmetropolitan, etc) this is the MOO for you. It's not about player killing, or winning. You're character turns into a living breathing person. The Game Masters/Admin are great about creating large and small plot arcs that make the game even more interesting then it already is. Just imagine the world in 80 years, cloning is possible, mega corps control the entire city that the game takes place in.. You can be just about anything you want, a low paid worker at a corp, a fixer for weapons and explosives, a data broker, a cop, anything. This game isn't for the faint of heart, and it isn't for someone just looking to run around killing things. It's about role playing an in depth character and having fun. The playerbase as well as the staff welcome new players with open arms, and are always willing to help out in anyway possible, both in game and out. If you are looking for a game that you can play for hours on end, or a release from reality, or simply a way to release some stress and be someone that you can't be in real life, this is the game for you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 26, 2005
I have to say that I first came across Sindome it was about 2000. I got on their thinking that it was another hack & slash. I was wrong. Went through 2 or 3 characters in a very short while. I had not the patience to play. I left. I tried other games, played on and off, yet something kept pulling me back to the SD site. I was sceptical about starting a new character because of my previous roleplay, or lack thereof. I would check the Boards from time to time, and was always intrigued. I eventually went back, started another character, and started learning the depths of roleplay involved, and the intricate cyberpunk world laid out before me. The GM's as well as the playerbase helped me learn what I didn't get. I spent alot of nights reading the help systems as well as the timelines and pay data(which is on the site). So my next character lasted quite a bit longer, and even started to get a reputation before his demise. But that was years ago. I've left many times, but always returned. My most recent return, a few months ago, was a suprising thing. Many new faces, and many new features. I knew what to do for the most part and I fell right into the mix, no pun intended. Anyway...Sindome, its players, and the staff have shown an incredible amount of support for me as a newbie all the way up until now. I think that anyone that is interested in the cyberpunk genre, and enjoys great plots would love this game. I give it 5/5 and two thumbs up.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 24, 2005
I am sure that for longtime players of Sindome, there is a lot to be gained from playing. I imagine that the roleplaying is fairly intense (which is a prerequisite for any game I end up dedicating a fair amount of time to). Probably the coding is advanced and there are alot of different things to try and ways to play the game. Of course, I am only supposing all of this. The game is not just non- newbie friendly. In respect to the gaming genre (harsh, rough, unfriendly), the GMs seem to have taken their personality. After rewriting my history 6 times and reading the @newbie boards around the same amount, I still had no idea what to do. Questions to the GMs were answered with hesitation at best and mockery at worst. It was as if trying to get into a game was something that shouldn't be supported. While I am happy for everyone who took the time to get into the game and try to figure it out, if you are looking for an experience of friendliness and helpfulness as you get involved, you won't find it here. In a tabletop roleplaying game, if I need to find something, or try something, I merely tell the GM that and try to work it out. Because a MOO is inherently limited, you don't have that option. GMs could learn a lot from the technical limitations of their game and be a bit more open to answering questions. At one point, being told that I have to figure out the game without any OOC help, I carried on a fruitless conversation with an NPC. Of course, I got no answer from the NPC. To wit, I wrote an emote saying that I wrote down my name on a piece of paper and handed it to the NPC. Apparently a GM had been watching the entire interlude because he told me I wasn't allowed to invent a piece of paper if I didn't actually have one IG. While I wouldn't be upset about the correction, I am upset that he watched me talk to a non-responsive NPC for 10 minutes (which was obviously killing the roleplay) and only saw it fit to intervene to correct my behavior. Scandalous. Perhaps my patience, or frustration is to blame. Nonetheless, I've played enough MUDs and MOOs that spent the time and effort to get a newbie involved. I don't need to break into an elite MUD when there are so many other options out there. (Especially one that seemed to have such a small scattering of players). I don't recommend the game. 1.5/5
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 12, 2005
GMs are not your concierge. The author's suppositions are to a large part correct, but his subsequent criticism, which can be summed up by his dislike for the GMs and a perceived lack of interaction on their part, is ridiculous and misguided at best. Fact is the GMs are very open to answering questions, just like most of the players. Depending on what time of day you log on, and how many people are around to help you, obviously the response will be different. Friendliness and helpfulness doesn't mean taking you by the hand and showing you everything about how to play the game. I discovered this, and am still discovering this, several months later. Many of the most interesting coded features of the game only reveal themselves after long, intensive, and committed game play. The author writes that he 'still had no idea what to do' and its ridiculous to assume anyone on a game like Sindome is actually supposed to -tell- you what to do. The extraordinary part of the game is just this, you choose what kind of life you want to lead with varying consequences. It's not like you go out on predetermined 'quests' or some such nonsense and get to be the 'hero' and have all the cool gadgets or whatever without getting involved IC, which this author has admitted to not doing. As far as assistance in getting started is concerned, the helpfiles point the newcomer to the game in the right direction to obtain the bare, really bare minimum required to survive (if they're starting out in the slums), -without- holding your hand. It's not a table top roleplaying game. You don't ask a GM, 'I wanna get rich and powerful, how do I do it?' or, 'I wanna find a job, how do I do it?'. Nearly all game commands and functions are explained in the help files and if something is it, then you ask. After you've exhausted every means of acquiring what you want by yourself and are still confused, then you ask. I don't understand why people would expect concierge style customer serice on a MOO. The author then goes on to give one example of this perceived 'scandalous' behaviour of GMs who are out there only to harm and police players like sadistic judges. They may be sadistic, but they're there to help the players help themselves, not run the game and fulfil your every want. The players run what happens in the game. The author of this thing reveals himself as a whiny ungrateful when he assumes a GM just watched him talk to a nonresponsive NPC and stepped in to correct him. GMs are often busy elsewhere in the game and sometimes it can take time to respond. Other times they respond extremely quickly. Anyway, Sindome is not an 'elite MUD'. Learn the rules of the game, learn the commands, get committed, don't take it too personally, grow a thick skin, etc., then prepare to get involved in a seriously complex and vibrant world of conspiracy, danger, intrigue, violence, high technology, etc. Cyberpunk a la Sindome. Sindome is not for everyone, there might even be a steep learning curve, but once you get it its well worth it and intense as hell. The previous author is not justified in his '1.5/5' marks, since he doesn't know what he's talking about. Sindome 5/5. Much recommended.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 11, 2005
Sindome does have a somewhat steep learning curve. When I first started playing it was hard for me not to jump on the help channels and ask a bunch of questions that could be answered with the help files. The GMs of the game are very helpful, but they will -not- hold your hand. if you want to do something in game, your character needs to find a way to do it. The GMs are more then happy to help you with technical problems that arise during gameplay, or too help you with developing your character. They will not just hand you gear, or give you skills. Alot about learning Sindome is trial and error. If you take things to personally, you will get frustrated out of game. But if you take everything in stride, and stive to learn and develop your character, you will have a really enjoyable experience.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 25, 2005
As a former player and staffer on Sindome I can attest that the above comments are the typical self-righteous responses you get from the staff for any criticism of the MOO. Sindome: .5/5 if that.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Dec 4, 2005
I was on Sindome for quite a while, tried asking for help, and was harshly rebuked. This moo/mud is VERY non-newbie friendly. Actually, I would go so far to call it newbie hostile. After a week of trying to figure out what to do, I just gave up.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 10, 2006
In response to the directly above - very belated as it might be - Sindome is not a game where you 'figure out what to do'. It's a game where you decide what your character wants, then find ways of getting it. This in turn drives RP and conflict as the means of getting what you want is often on the backs of other characters. I think this is the basic 'disconnect' that happens between the game and new players. They come in expecting 'starting quests' or something, like a MUD or MMORPG. I find it's best to treat the game as a MUSH - come in, make your character, decide who they are and go off in search of RP that will take you where you want. If you actually stay in character, then the (many) coded aspects will fit right into your RP as you go - housing, skills, vehicles, cyberware, combat, all that stuff.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 9, 2012
Sindome is a game well suited to people recovering from severe drug addiction, alcoholism, manic depression and other neurotic conditions; insomniacs, sadists, and, last but not least, cyberpunks both real and imagined. The psychological warfare in this game threatens to alter your physiological makeup. Fixers, hitmen, street gangs, a rigid hierarchical society that results in perpetual tension and conflict, a variety of networked communications systems, 10-year old junkies, corrupt rent-a-cops, streets of rage and dirty syringes, snipers, utopian arcologies and infested sewers, etc.; in short, a world somehow caught dangerously between the past and the present, transfixed in a bizarre nowhere and injected with a few discomforting cc's of reality. Worth a try, but patience and time are definite prerequisites.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 6, 2005
If there was one word I could use to sum up Sindome, it would be 'mediocre'. The RP is decent. The staff is helpful, but the players are not (ex: That's too IC of a question, here i'll give you a link to an OOC medium to find out.) As far as code, I think whenever they come up with something they try to hype it up and pass it off as revolutionary. Truth is other Cyberpunk genre'd MOOs have had everything SD has before it started. Mediocre.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 18, 2004
As a player on Sindome, I'm somewhat offended by this review. As the poster said, the Staff is helpful. The players however, obviously do not wish to overstep their boundries. If offering an Out of Character means (EG. The games OOC forums, or an staff members e-mail address) are not considered helpful, then I don't know what is. One cannot expect the players of a game to offer to much information about any In Game subject, without bordering on what could be considered cheating. Only a staff member is fully suited to answering some questions. I think it is truly unfair to call a player unhelpful, simply because they are unsure of what is okay, and what is not okay to tell another player about the game.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 25, 2005
Sindome, where to start. I started playing Sindome after coming from a game I tried (with no real success) to RP on. I was green, a quinesential twink, running around attacking everything and everyone I saw. About 4 years later I was asked to join the staff. Technically Sindome is not a MUD. In my experience MUDS are mostly stat building games, RP thrown in here and there, but mostly about making the biggest, baddest whatever you're trying to be as fast as possible. My early behavior wouldn't have attracted any attention on a MUD, but on Sindome, a MOO, I was singled out as a murderer and sought out by the playerbase and staff puppeted NPC's alike. IC(in character) consequences for IC actions. That's what I loved about this place. It envelops you, draws you in and surrounds you in a rich, descriptive world. I came here, knowing nothing of pose and emotes, and with the help of a friendly playerbase, a very helpfull website complete with OOC (out of character) 'bitch boards', and an extremely talented staff of GM's and coders, I learned all I needed to become a GM myself. Sindome is a text-based roleplaying environment, not a video game. A place for the experienced and inexperienced alike to meet and become someone else if only for a short while. So come by and check us out, have a look around and if you like what you see, we'll be happy to have you.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 12, 2004
My review of Sindome can be considered negative, but I'll explain it in detail below. Here is my review, and I promise to give reasons, so read it all the way through. Sindome is a MOO using the LambdaMOO codebase. The setting is set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic setting. Players start off in a city where they must struggle to survive. The storyline is solid, and the system is well thought out. However, there are few active players on at one time, so new players get the impression that the place is empty. The staff do interact with the players more than average, leaving players with surprising encounters with what looks to be standard NPCs. But with the lack of other players to interact with most of the time, it feels as if you're almost playing by yourself. Sindome has quite an interesting setup, with a web interface that goes along with the telnet interface to produce an interesting method of interacting with the MOO. For example, to use the city terminal, the character must be by what is called a 'StreetTerm' in the MOO before he can access the IC-web board. Overall, the MOO is great, but what it really needs is more active players.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 9, 2004
I started MOO/Mudding in the spring of 2000, and one of the first places I found was Sindome. At the time I was looking for a text based game with a dark futuristic setting. It did not take me long to find Sindome, and from the first few minutes as a guest I was hooked. I've been there exclusively ever since. When I started, the game was well developed, and populated with a hearty, if a bit small by some standards, community of die-hard role players, and a dedicated staff. It has only grown in scope over the nearly four years I have been a part of the community. There is a strong, potent drive for Roleplaying, and a wicked sense of the Cyberpunk genre that is very rare in the MOO/Mudding world. Sindome can be hard, fast, and gritty. Over all, it is a great deal of fun, and has entertained me as a player for a good long time. As staff, I have been a member for just over 2 years now, ranging from duties as a GM to working on large scale expansions of the game environment and scope. I take a great deal of pride in working with the Sindome group, and being a part of a very interesting group of players, staff, and general hangers-on. It was my first MOO, and it is the only one that has managed to keep my attention for more than 2 hours. Definitely a gem, other wise I'd have blown past long ago.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 28, 2004
Name's Aikao. I can't really say much about my history, because then they would have to kill you too. That's the way it is down here in the RED district. You have to fight to survive. You have to dodge the corporations, you have to avoid the Judges. Or kill them. I can see you've just stepped in through the city gates, right out of the Badlands. It ain't much better in here, chummer. For some its even worse. ((You think you can handle the dome? We'll just have to see: -Ike.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 27, 2003
Short and concept of helpfiles. Aparently the only help is IC help...which is quite rude. The website is in character as well. No help there. No help anywhere. I am seriously at a loss for words. I have never even encoutered something so...insane in my life.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 5, 2003
Um.. Type @newbie, almost everything is in that menu.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jun 2, 2003
Not only can you type @newbie for basic commands. There are detailed helpfiles on almost every single command you will ever type in game. As for the IC help being quite rude, this is a cyberpunk game. Mostly, characters are only going to help you if they see something in it for themselves. If it were otherwise, it wouldn't really be a CP game. The game is not for the faint of heart, or anyone who takes In Character actions personally.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 25, 2005
I've been playing in the Dome and other Moos for a while now, and I must say that I have never seen a game with more raw potential as this one, nor have I ever seen better RP in a coded game. The world is rich with darkness and has a gritty feel to it. RP and conflict are favored over combat though combat is not shunned by any means. The player base is a bit small, but growing and the game would benefit -greatly- from an influx of players, especially those knowledgeble in CP, treachery, subtlety, backstabbing and general life in the combat zone.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 8, 2003