Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 89th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 39th of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
16 (50 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
34 (last 30 days)

DikuMUD gamma 0.0

Average Connected:
17 (last 30 days) ▲6%

Minimum Connected:
3 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                      Based on DikuMUD created by:
             Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
                  Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
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By what name do you wish to be known? 
SlothMUD is one of the oldest two DIKU muds online. We boast a game which has been around since January of 1992. Our original creators are still with us today, coding their little hearts out. We reset our playerbase four years ago and are one of the few muds who can say that our numbers are rising and not lowering. In SlothMUD , each player advances in all eight classes which are bard, cleric, druid, mage, monk, necromancer, thief, and warrior. In addition to the skills and spells of their classo, our multi-class system provides special powers to each "prime" class. As a result, the 1,680 possible class orderings have distinct play styles. Once a player reaches maximum level in all eight classes, prestigious...
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English [1] [2] [3]

[Dikumud] Heavily Modified [1]
DikuMUD - Custom [2]
DikuMUD gamma 0.0 [3]
Diku [5]

1996 [2]
1992 [3]

DikuMud [3]

Sub Genre:
Medieval Fantasy [3]

Hack And Slash [3]

USA [1] [2]
United States [3]

Medieval Fantasy [1]
Medieval [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
D&D [3]

SlothMUD is one of the oldest two DIKU muds online. We boast a game which has been around since January of 1992. Our original creators are still with us today, coding their little hearts out. We reset our playerbase four years ago and are one of the few muds who can say that our numbers are rising and not lowering. In SlothMUD , each player advances in all eight classes which are bard, cleric, druid, mage, monk, necromancer, thief, and warrior. In addition to the skills and spells of their classo, our multi-class system provides special powers to each "prime" class. As a result, the 1,680 possible class orderings have distinct play styles. Once a player reaches maximum level in all eight classes, a prestigious Avatar class opens up which gives him entirely new skills and powers. Sloth provides its immortals with a unique scripting language, allowing them to build areas that are interactive to an unprecedented degree. These areas include complex puzzles, hundreds of scripted quests, and monsters that behave in surprising and intelligent ways. Several areas provide more than simple hunt-and-kill; these include a PvP arena and a coliseum where the player can test his mettle against an ever-nastier series of monsters. For more information on this language, please visit We have added MXP(Mud Extension Protocol), MCCP (Mud Client Compression Protocol), an astrological event system,tons of new spells and skills, and much, much more. We have a one of best coding staffs around who enjoy adding player suggestions, as well as implementing many of their own ideas while maintaining our 'Slothy' feel. As well, one of our creators, William Lees, has been busy updating his MUD client Wintin.Net(an updated version of wintin95 which he also authored). It possesses many of the features we have added lately such as MXP, MCCP, etc. For more information on this great windows client,please refer to A new web page was revealed recently which we believe is one of the best on the internet combining stunning graphics with Sloth related information. A live information section contains everything from a dynamic world map(which allows our players to watch each other move around our five continents) to player stats, live who lists, etc. SlothMUD also offers a very active immortal and administrative staff, constantly working to provide new and interesting experiences to challenge players. We are one of the most newbie-friendly MUDs around, with many experienced players willing to assist you in learning and enjoying our game. We look forward to seeing you soon! [1]
SlothMud ?. the ultimate in DIKUMUD! The most active, intricate, exciting MUD of its kind. With over 20,000 rooms and 6500 distinct mobs, our world is absolutely enormous. With the inception of 4 new classes(necromancer, druid, bard, and monk) to go along with our previous 5(cleric, mage, warrior, thief, avatar), forging, brews, in-game quests, multi-classing, multiple continents, and much, much more, Sloth III offers enough challenge to make even the most seasoned mudder never want to go anyplace else. Sloth Mud is a descendant of DikuMUD gamma 0.0 (see the title page for the authors of DikuMUD) that was started in late 1990 by a couple of college students. It has been running continuously ever since. From the beginning, Sloth Mud has had a unique world. In the elapsed decade (and then some) this world has grown to immense size, now comprising five continents and three islands. The name "Sloth" was chosen to exemplify the original philosophy of the mud, which was to make everybody's lives as easy as possible. This is embodied in convenience commands such as "hunt" and "scan" as well as a multiclass system that allows each player to eventually access almost all of the available class abilities. Sloth Mud turned into Sloth II when it changed ownership. It then became Sloth III after a set of vast, world-altering changes initiated by the current administrator, Jake. SlothMUD III has since become SlothMUD after another set of a vast, world-altering changes after a solid twelve year run with the same playerbase. This multiplayer free online rpg game has since increased its popularity and player base. With each addition, positive change, and new player this free online game has no end in its sight. [2]
Coolest Mud in The World [4]
SlothMud III is one of the most successful MUDs of its kind, with over ten years of history. We are a multi-class Diku, with an enormous world composed of five continents and three islands, over 20K rooms, more than 8K individual mobiles. Players choose four starting classes out of eight possible ones (bard, cleric, druid, mage, monk, thief, warrior), determining the order of stats, the cost for levels, and the skills that can be acquired. Stats are not completely set by the classes chosen, only their order is: you can see two characters with exactly the same classes and levels, yet with completely different stats and equipment. This provides a uniquely wide range of possible playstyles. A MUD could have the best code out there and the most gorgeous descriptions: without players it's not a game but an empty shell. We believe our game is one of the most newbie friendly MUDs available. With non-standard commands such as bash, waterwalk or spy, SlothMUD takes that extra step to assure a quick and fun experience. Our Immortal staff works very hard to ensure that your visit to our magnificent land will be the most exciting and fun playing experience. [5]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
  5. Mud Magic
Looking for new adventures I chose the oldest Diku mud in existance. Unfortunately, the newbie training area is flawed in design. It allows a character to find themselves facing a trainer who will kill you and in my case inside a dark room without the equipment to leave. No helpful hints in the room text to suggest an escape route or command. The only equipment provided was a purple potion whereas in my opinion a lamp would have allowed the user to see their way around. Allowing a new player to end up in a room with no plausible escape leads to nothing but frustration and does nothing for player retention.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 2, 2019
Best mud ever. Been playing for decades since original sloth. Many changes but gradual over the time. 8 classes offer enough variety in play. Well balanced, good immort staff to maintain the world.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2019
Speaking primarily for the benefit of those who have played with us and left us years ago, though maybe to new folk as well: I would say there have not just been gradual changes but quite a few really recent ones due to our current coder Jeff. ..such as resettable session statistics (the counters command), automated targeting (the target command) and automated equipment switches (the eqsets command) so that you don't have to write these in your client anymore. Also we are in the middle of a campaign to expand or revamp existing areas that were written quite a long time ago originally, by pairing off 2 builders each to an area. This last bit has been going on for several months now and has yielded some results. Oh and if you've been on a desert island for 5 years, you can put mob health percent in your prompt. 3x40 equipment selection is being expanded, there is both rebirth and remort progression (which are not the same thing as each other),... drachma (quest-point purchaseable) equipment is up for a revision soon. This list is far from complete.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 9, 2019
Over the past few months, we have grown by leaps and bounds with no clear end in sight. New ideas and things added to our agenda crop up nearly everyday. Recently, we added over 600 rooms and 12 new areas, comprising a new mish-mash of Dante's Inferno and old school Dungeons & Dragons' Lower Planes. We have recently revamped out milestone equipment, updating it to the most recent vision and agenda for SlothMUD moving into the future. We have recently surpassed 30,000 unique and original rooms over five continents , approaching 12,000 unique creatures to encounter, and over 10,000 pieces of equipment and items. The future is bright, and our sun is just now peeking over the horizon. Come see us and experience our massive world, and be a part of the new dawn at SlothMUD.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2019
I have played a lot of muds over the last 20 years and the depth and scope of SlothMud keeps bringing me back for more. The world is immense and it seems I will always have more to explore. The players are friendly and helpful. The best part of the mud is that you get to be all eight classes. Warrior, Cleric, Mage, Necro, Druid, Monk, Thief and Bard. Your first class is what your best at but over time you can gain the skills of all the classes. You don't just level up to 40 and reach the top just like that. You go from being a newb to a mid level player and eventually you get to be an avatar. I love it. My character is always growing. The mud has great areas for soloing and areas for groups of all levels. The equipment is great... there are special runes that boost your character. You make your runes by popping gems. Join in the fun! Ive played a lot of muds and this one is by far the best I've ever played. ~Hubris~[Legends]
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 5, 2014
I started playing Sloth when I was a freshman in college (1994) and I've been hooked ever since. With an absolutely huge world (27000+ rooms), there are constantly new things to discover. The 9 class system allows a vast variety of options for a player to choose from, and the play test option lets you test drive different class combinations to allow you to fine tune what you want to do with your character. There is a very active immortal population that is extremely helpful to players, along with periodically running quests that spice things up and challenge groups of players. The website offers a comprehensive list of resources to make your mudding experience easier, such as detailed maps of the different areas, an equipment list that is easily fine tuned to find exactly what you want, along with a very nice list of the different quests available. The player base is absolutely amazing. There are usually players on at any given time that are more than happy to answer questions you have due to the wide range of time zones that different people play from, and if not, there are forums available on the website where you can post questions that are usually answered in short order from a large group of dedicated veterans. I will be forthcoming in saying this: This isn't a mud that offers instant gratification. Yes, your early levels will come easily and quickly, and the range of areas you can hunt in grows quite varied in a short period of time, but this is a mud that was designed to be played over a period of years, not weeks. The wide range of well written areas will keep your inner explorer happy as you progress from a newbie on the starter island up through your advanced levels as an avatar, and if you're a fan of watching your character develop their skills and abilities, this mud is sure to keep you entertained for years to come.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 5, 2014
For the first time in two years, I played a mud today. Previously I'd been playing other games (Lensmoor, Aardwolf, Adventures Unlimited, etc.) but I always found something to complain about them. Whether the mud was too crowded, NOT newbie friendly, or just way too confusing, I never got past level 20 on any of them. I took a hiatus and decided to try something new--SlothMUD. From the minute I created my account, I received help immediately from a player. They directed me around Newbatia and basically just showed me the ropes. SlothMUD is practically perfect. The NPCs are all unique and often interact with the players. It was easy to get experience points as well as get gold. The land was fun to explore as well. The only real thing that I had an issue with was quitting. SlothMUD requires storage of equipment at an inn before disconnecting, which I don't really like. I mean, Shelda the innkeeper sucked away nearly all of my gold. Besides that one minor issue, I had a lot of fun at SlothMUD and plan to return soon.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 5, 2014
Glad you enjoyed it! Just popped in to say that many people (myself included) are quite willing to give out loans to new players. We remember was it was like to be po'. :) Hit me up ingame next time you're on, pname is Van.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 2, 2014
Slothmud is now on it's fourth incarnation and boasts a fully developed eight class system whereby a player can eventually learn most spells / skills of every class. Specialization is found in choosing the order of the classes, making for a great diversity of characters and playing styles. Slothmud is geared towards the long-term player. It is as rewarding as it is challenging, allowing advancement along a number of parallel systems simultaneously. The atmosphere is relaxed, with little to no 'role-playing' involved and zero player versus player action. The game is constructed in such a way that maximizes positive player interaction. This atmosphere is very refreshing compared to the negative ways people often interact on the internet. As such the playerbase is very eclectic, representing many ages and nationalities. Ultimately is the combination of a very sophisticated, challenging mud with a super friendly playerbase that makes Sloth such a compelling game that continuously ranks among the highest muds on TMC.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 17, 2012
First off, a lot of changes have happened in sloth over the years. I have been playing it for over 8 years, and in 2009 became an immortal. Most recent changes... you have 8 classes to chose from at the start. Mage, Cleric, Warrior, Thief are the older classes, and Bard, Druid, Necromancer, and monk are the new classes, each with its special skills and spells. If you want good regen chose druid as your second class if it is not your prime class. Once you have reached 4x40 you gain a 9th class Avatar which you may level into even if you have not leveled the other 4 classes. You do not lose these classes, instead you keep them and can still level them to gain their abilities until you finally, after work and dedication, reach 9.40 which is the highest you can gain without becoming immortal. Besides the classes, you can complete autoquests (AQs) for coins, experience, equipment, potions, drachma and more. The drachma you can use to purchase items from special stores, and access to a regen room. And then you have the area openers, and occasional quests ran by the immortal staff from time to time. As a newbie if you chose newbatia as your home. You may stay on that continent to learn the commands, how to group, how to cycle eq, level, do quests, and when you feel you are ready to leave the continent you just level your prime class past level 20 and join the rest of the realm in the search for coins, experience, and equipment just to name a few. If you have any questions do not be afraid to ask, someone is always willing to help you out if they are available. Chat Commands: Gos - gossip gt - grouptell ct - channel tell tell - self explanatory (personal tell between players). When you reach at least level 3 you are able to toggle channels on, type help commands for a list of commands you can use, help socials and so on. To join a channel type channel list and then channel join and the channel name you would like to join. Channels are sort of a safety. When you die and disconnect/reconnect, others in the channel can vision you and see where you are and if you have lost connections or if you are dead and if you are near, they may be able to help or get someone to help you. Also, you may use these to chat with others in the channel. Clans - ask a member of the clan you wish to be in and they will let you know who to talk to if they are not the leader, or officer in the clan. Also, there is a list of these on the sloth website. to join a clan you must express interest, and have the fee to get in or at least a sponsor to pay your fee, depending on clan... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 4, 2011
This is the greatest mud on the planet! Huge, huge, huge world! Great group of coders! Best group of players! This is the greatest mud on the planet!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 5, 2006
A bit understated, but true.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 30, 2006
My experience with Sloth mud was mixed at best. I loved the 8 character classes, of which 4 you could choose from. Your first, or prime, choice even got skills or spells you would not get if they were your second, third, or fourth choice. The classes were also very balanced and unique. Necromancer were actually able to summon the undead and Druids were able to shapeshift. Scan was enabled allowing you to look several room around you and using hunt would allow you to search for mobs that you didn't actually know where to find. Practicing spells is done by reading books. The starter books are in the respective guilds and there are libraries that hold some low-mid level books. You can find other books on mobs, overall a very balanced way to learn skills. The players were quite numerous for muds, sporting generally over 20-30 at any given time. Also, they were very helpful if you asked them, and quite newbie tolerant. The website offers great insight into the classes which can be quite complex. Also, it offers a searchable and superb database of items in the game and where to find them. This includes spellbooks, recipies and components used for crafting items. Another feature is the world map which can show you where other characters are, and lists to show which characters are logged in and which are grouping. However, there were some minor and serious issues with gameplay. First; casting spells. All spells had to be surrounded by the ' symbol. This may actually be necessary as there is quite a list of spells and skills. This wasn't really a concern as I just aliased them in my browser. Second; there is a severe shortage of equipment. Granted there is quite a list of equipment and a database is posted on However you would need a large group or a higher level character to actually retrieve the items. And there is a catch to this as well, equipment items spawn rarely, meaning several trips may be needed to get the item. Equipment can be bought in armor shops but is usually just basic stuff, also some equipment can be forged but components for building said equipment is just as rare. Third; the 'consider' system seems completely broken. Monsters that were 'perfect match' were easily defeated in a few rounds.Even after gaining 5 levels in my prime class the weakest monsters in the starter town were still rated 'perfect match'. While mobs that were rated 'You would need alot of luck' were generally what I killed for experience and gold. Then other mobs with the same rating would completely decimate my character. The only real way to judge an enemies strength was to fight it. Also while fighting you will have to 'look' at the monster to see how much you have hurt it. Looking at the monster in the middle of battle can be disorienting as it causes much spam. This led my... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 10, 2006
What can I say about Sloth? Well, I guess I started playing about 13 years ago now. It made quite an impression. It's the only game that can make me want to start playing even after I've been mud-free for several years. I've played other games, and even coded a few, but I always end up wishing they were more like Sloth, or building features that mimic it. Why? Mostly because of the simplicity and enjoyment. You can be four of eight classes. This diversity gives you great flexibility to play your character like you want to. Almost every character is a good character, but it's learning to be a great character that takes time and skill. The difference is pretty easy to tell. Generally speaking, the good characters will learn that almost any character can do well in groups, and they will spend a lot of time looking for one to join. The great characters are the ones that learn to explore and level on their own. They're the ones that end up leading the groups while the others wait for one to open. The website contains a wealth of information. There's an extensive equipment list that you can use instead of identify scrolls. It's also great for planning what equipment you will need to make your character the best it can be. There are maps of all but the newest areas, so you can get in and out with a minimum of frustration. This doesn't make the areas themselves less challenging, however it removes the frustration of being lost and allows you to focus on what's important. It also makes it less intimidating to explore, and there's a lot to explore! Another nice feature is not everyone looks the same. Not every player is wearing the same helmet, the same sword or the same shield. Partly because some equipment is in difficult areas that require a group to acquire. Partly because mobs have different rates at which they spawn equipment. Partly because some equipment requires different kinds of characters to kill. And partly because there's a wide range of equipment at all levels and there's very few items that can be considered universally superior. This results in the most functional economy of any game I've played. Not everything is easy. You'll learn to make good use of recall scrolls because death isn't painless. Running into a room naked to try to grab your corpse out from under the nose of a big angry mob can be challenging, though there's rarely a shortage of people willing to help you. This adds a lot to the challenge of the game, unlike some that I've played where you simply rest at the healer until you're strong enough to go back into the area. The game stays challenging. It takes a total of 200 levels (40 in each class) to reach the highest Avatar levels. Avatar is a 5th class that you can level in after reaching level 40 each... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 14, 2005
I did start to play on SlothMud some times ago. Here are my comments: Good side: - lots of areas with very good descriptions - being grouped (with a team) to kill mobs is a nice experience - some good people around, they will help you to get equipment or team with you for better xp - you can play for hours easily Bad side: - some very bad people around. Can make the whole gameplay really boring. They will threaten you if you are in *their* area or if you are trying to kill *their* mobs. They seem to think that some mobs, areas belong to them exclusively. - drug talk and some profanities on main chat channel
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 7, 2005
I think SlothMud is a great MUD. You begin on Valkyre. An island where you can gain your fist 20 levels then after you can progress to different continents and areas with tougher mobs, better equipment and quests. Getting equipment in SlothMud is not easy and is linked to being grouped or not: some mobs cannot be defeated alone. You need to be with others. Alone you won`t be able to get the equipment you want. If you are looking to play solo, I do not recommend this MUD. You will be bored after a while given you will not be able to get good equipment, finish some quests and survive in some areas. If you`re looking for teamplay, with wizards, warriors, clerics, thieves and others in your will enjoy this MUD a lot. No one is really all powerful in this MUD so you need others to achieve a given goal. Clan support is very basic btw. Good mudding !
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 30, 2005
Just a couple notes from my time at Sloth. 'Claiming' mobs or areas is discouraged on SlothIII. Profanity and/or 'drug talk' is not allowed on public channels. The immorts will ban you from being able to use the public channels if you do so. Excessive use will result in stronger penalties. Qa
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 2, 2005
How many dates in your life do you remember? Well, I do remember Alana's birthday - the day I first played in Sloth. As well as the day she inmorted. I am not an imm right now, but it has nothing to do with my appreciation of the MUD. I've visited hundreds of MUDs but found very few where I would have gotten hooked. Original, multiclass and completely free? That's a lot to ask for. The world of Sloth is completely original (it's a DIKU, but no DIKU areas); you create your char selecting 4 starting classes out of 8 possible ones. Everyone who grows enough gets a fifth class, Avatar: your avatar powers will be different depending on what your first four classes are. It is not a roleplaying MUD: some players roleplay a lot, but it's their own style of play, not something where imms try to enforce their notions of 'proper' roles. A lot of the code and areas are built thinking of groups. Groups can be as big as the leader tolerates, or as small as two. There is no size-based limits on who you can group with. Players can define their own channels and there is both a newbie channel and some people ('Isatars') who are dedicated to helping newbies. If you're looking for a very complex world where knowing the MUD and knowing other players are equally important, and where exploration never ends: hop in!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 5, 2005
Read those reviews carefully before choosing that mud ! I did lightly and found out it was not what i was looking for ! Here is what the MUD is: - it`s not RPG oriented. People talk about anything and don`t really role-play. They talk about work, school, football, and so on ! - SlothMud is VERY group oriented both for EXP and equipment. Many areas and mobs can only be done by groups. Keep in mind you may have a very limited role in those groups. i can use like 5-10 useful skills/spells per hour (while i have 100+ available !) ! It DOES become quickly repetitive. - given the above, you may have to play for weeks before finally getting a given equipment. You may not be able to kill some (if not many...) mobs if no one is willing to help you. - you don`t have to explore. All the maps are available on the website including the equipment list. All death-traps are there so no surprise . Look at the maps and eq list and choose where to go ! Even hidden doors are on maps ! - no pkill (possible though very limited). psteal is available. Clans are not RPG-oriented/related. Alignment has no big incidence in gameplay. - there are 200 levels. The first 80 are fun to play. After it`s more boring and the last 40 are the same. - There are lots of newbies and few high-level players. Make your own judgement !
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 1, 2005
nice, lovely skills/spells and classing system, and quite nice world to boot. If it was an IC (rp) mud then it would decimate all.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 14, 2005
I admit that I looked at Sloth MUD because it was listed as the number 1 mud. What I had expected was to see a glamorous mud with 1,000 people online at once. What I saw instead was a reasonably popular mud with 40-50 people on at a time, but not one which is incredibly popular. So how then had it managed to attain its number 1 ranking? My first impression, admittedly, was not the best. DikuMud? But that is so outdated, and surely ROM is a better system? The newbie rooms were hard to follow. Where do I train? Where do I practise? There were mobs to kill, yes, but what is the experience to level? And what significance does it have with the 4 classes I chose, and the order that they were in? What race am I? But as I found, Sloth MUD III has that beautiful, poetic balance between a game that is unbelievably easy to play, and one which undoubtedly fulfills all of the requirements of a long term user. All of its areas are entirely unique. It has primary, secondary, tertiary and final classes - 4 total. It has skills and spells that are similar to others, but nonetheless unique. And a list of commands and abilities that are also quite new, and surprising. I have played in muds where you had multi-classing. Naturally, its in many different ones. I've played in ones where at 'Avatar' level, you get to pick a second class. I've played ones with 'remort' or 'reclass' options. I've played ones with 'advanced classes' at level 30. And I've even played 'Godwars' muds where you get everything instantly. But Sloth MUD III seemed to have this down pat. On the surface, you can do what you like - pick any classes, and cover all of your bases. But at the same time, your secondary class takes twice as long to gain in. Your tertiary 3 times as long and your final 4 times as long. You can be level 5 in all of them, or be level 30 in just 1. It depends. The temptation of course is to go with the standard 4 classes - Warrior/Cleric/Thief/Mage - and perhaps just change the order to suit. But then the temptation of the 4 extra classes - Necromancer/Bard/Druid/Monk - add just that little bit extra. Sloth MUD III doesn't fill it with 100 different classes and 50 races. They just keep it simple, and make it basically perfect. No worries about balancing. Just right. You don't have to reroll 1000 times to get it right - its just decided for you. But you can add stats later on, and reroll. Its how a mud should be played - forced fairness. No more cheating and manipulation. There's just so much to love about this mud. On one hand it is small and simple - a beginner mud with so much more to add later on. But on the other the... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 9, 2005
I have played Slothmud for some time now, and have tried various other MUDs over the years as well as playing Everquest and other graphic RPGs. The MUD has both and bad aspects in my opinion, although clearly for me the good outweigh the bad. This is as fair and balanced as I believe any review can be. Overview Sloth is a heavily modified version of DikuMud. It has been owned/run by the current owner (Bryan Hayward aka Jake) for well over 10 years (that is when I first played) and probably a lot longer. While the core Diku feel is there, almost all the few generic areas have now been modified and in some cases re-written, and in fact almost all areas are original. They vary enormously in quality with some having rooms and mobs of only 1 or 2 lines (the older ones), but most of the new one having very good and detailed description (although the walkers seem to be pretty slack at times). Overall, however, the quality of the writing far exceeds anything I have seen elsewhere. The world is also massive – probably over 200 areas and literally thousands of rooms and mobs. The immortal staff is quite large, with about 8 regular immortals (administrators) logging on and a few others who seem to either in if there is a crisis or just to say hello. Most of them are pretty decent, there are a few who get touchy if you bitch about anything! There are 8 core classes (which are mage, cleric, warrior, thief, necromancer, druid, bard and monk), and when you create a char it lets you choose 4. As you level these 4 up to level 40 for each, you acquire the skills and spells for each, although some are restricted to only be available if it is in your first class. This make for some very interesting dynamics in choosing a class. After you have gained level 40 in all 4 you become an Avatar and can get an additional 40 levels. There are no races, you do not choose skills at the start, and alignment means very little. Yours statistics are given to you at level 8 (before that they are all 12s, although you can’t see them), and modifying stats is done by using tokens you pop, which can be a real pain. Most people get good stats within 30 or so rolls, there are some who have rolled over 500 times and given up. Having said that, you can play with decent stats that you can get with 10 rolls in most cases. The lack of race and choosing skills makes the MUD a lot simpler in concept, but surprisingly complex in balancing what you want to achieve. I personally far prefer it to other MUDs I have logged into which asked to answer 25 questions just to create a char. The MUD can be hard for a newbie to learn, and it is certainly to... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2005
Slothmud III is my first and only mud for now and ever. I am not a very experienced mudder like most, in that i have only mudded for three years and thereabout. However, i have seen many muds and went to try on many muds before eventually settling in Slothmud. I guess i have never regretted my decision to start mudding in sloth as it has a totally different experience of gaming unlike many other muds. Slothmud as we have seen the small abstract is a mud where you can combine four vastly different classes out of eight of them. This is a very interesting idea as it can make your hitpoints, skills and style of playing very differently. For example, a warrior will tend to look for monsters that miss a lot when hitting players with higher ac. Mages tend to find mobs that have low hitpoints as to blast them down as quick as they can. Well, i can go on but you can see the rough picture that very different ways of playing can apply. Not only that, Sloth is not sloth without it's players as well as it's immortals. A mud can have a lot of functions, but without any players, it's as good as dead. However, sloth is definitely a very active mud. There is often a good amount of new players coming in to try the game and ask questions. Many players, including myself, enjoy helping newbies and answer their questions. The close interaction that is around the mud makes it lively, and newbies are always encouraged to explore, search and find bits of information that will help them along the way. There has been always constant additions and skills to the game. Just a week ago, skills like cover tracks, hedge maze, sharpen and the likes are added. Often, player feedback is very welcome and is often the catalyst to changes when the immortals deem fit. The immortals, which i am a very new one, are often helpful as long as they are not busy with things. Even if they are busy, they often will direct you to someone before they leave you. New areas like the coliseum are constantly added and there's always something new to find. I will recommend sloth to anyone who is keen to have a challenge, a place to enjoy and simply a place to get more friends in this mud. Come join us soon and hope to help you when you login.: )
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2005
I just read the post on 4.13.05 from shimmery.. i'm not really sure what he was talking about there not being a noobie school. So i made a new char just to see for myself if there want any help.. here's what i found after creating a character and logging in for the first time.. Welcome! This is now your character in Sloth Mud III. Type 'help newbie' as a starting point to learn about the world. You should also type 'help isatar and help rules' at this point. Also, feel free to seek the help of an Isatar, if one is online. Autoloot mode on. Color mode ON. Turning newbie channel on... You newbie-- 'Hello everyone! I am brand new, so expect lots of questions!' now at this point everythin is done for you.. here's what i have in my inventory a map of Newbatia's Adventurers School an Adventurer's Primer a cup [3] iron rations [3] a scroll of recall [2] a torch a map of Newbatia wow looks like alot of helpful info there.. now upon enterin the game.. a helpful gaurd says to me A big oaf says 'Well hello there, young explorer!' A soiled janitor leaves south. xxxxxxxxxx says 'Hmmm, I don't recall ever seeing you here before. Maybe you should try our training school up from here?' xxxxxxxxxx says 'Here Papa, why don't you take a map so you have an easier time finding your way through the school.' xxxxxxxxxx gives you a map of Newbatia's Adventurers School. Now granted this is if youset your home town to newbatia.. obviously named for this purpose.. and all the mobs in the shops are helpful and talk to you. Again . i'm not really sure how people are saying we have no helpful info for newbies. Honestly i think anyone who has given a not so good review really needs to take a second look at us.. or take your untruthful comments somewhere else.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2005
I've played slothmud now going on 7 yrs. I have played other muds. but not as extensive or indepth as slothmud. I have to say it's kept my attention all these yrs. Maybe even too much. I can recall at least twice i was fired or quit from a job for playing slothmud. Now that's dedication.. hehe. i feel the mud is extremely helpful to newbies. Most of the player are nice all around.. and everyone is helpful to newbies. there are personal quests you undertake that are level dependant. There is a slew of Immortals that are constantly updating and keeping sloth running. The rooms have a lot of thought put into them and can give the sense of really being there. Pthieving is something i have always been against, and slothmud frowns on it, however they dont ban it. which in my oppinion ought to be looked at considerably closer. Other than that it's a great mud. You'll have a great time. and if you dont.. well i'm sure you can find your home on another mud for whatever reason you dont choose sloth.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2005
I have been playing MUDs for over a decade now, and sadly my previous MUD of choice shut down for good late last year. So I was left to surf MUDs to find somewhere else to hang my hat. That's when I stumbled across SlothMUD III, and I love it. The idea I like best about this particular MUD is that they work hard to make it a balanced game. Balanced in the perspective that it's not so easy that you are likely to get bored with it quickly (like I have with some Godwars MUDS) and not so complicated that someone new, like I was, can't log in and feel fairly competent within a week or two of playing. I've always felt that a MUD is just a game, and that fun should be the ultimate goal. I mean, really, my real life is complex enough. I surely don't want to come home from a day's work just to log onto a game and be expected to work just as hard there as I did all day already. I think that SlothMUD III accomplishes just that, interesting group/party chat, with an assortment of things to do to pass the time, and wonderful solo abilities, which works for me due to my limited time restraints (what with family and all). I would definitely recommend anyone give SlothMUD III a try for a couple of weeks, get the feel of the commands and the game itself, and see for yourself. As for me, I am confident that I've found my new home for a while to come. Thanks to the Admin who put together such a worthy MUD as well as a fun place to hang out. Rubert
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 13, 2005
Slothmud III is my first and only mud for now and ever. I am not a very experienced mudder like most, in that i have only mudded for three years and thereabout. However, i have seen many muds and went to try on many muds before eventually settling in Slothmud. I guess i have never regretted my decision to start mudding in sloth as it has a totally different experience of gaming unlike many other muds. Slothmud as we have seen the small abstract is a mud where you can combine four vastly different classes out of eight of them. This is a very interesting idea as it can make your hitpoints, skills and style of playing very differently. For example, a warrior will tend to look for monsters that miss a lot when hitting players with higher ac. Mages tend to find mobs that have low hitpoints as to blast them down as quick as they can. Well, i can go on but you can see the rough picture that very different ways of playing can apply. Not only that, Sloth is not sloth without it's players as well as it's immortals. A mud can have a lot of functions, but without any players, it's as good as dead. However, sloth is definitely a very active mud. There is often a good amount of new players coming in to try the game and ask questions. Many players, including myself, enjoy helping newbies and answer their questions. The close interaction that is around the mud makes it lively, and newbies are always encouraged to explore, search and find bits of information that will help them along the way. There has been always constant additions and skills to the game. Just a week ago, skills like cover tracks, hedge maze, sharpen and the likes are added. Often, player feedback is very welcome and is often the catalyst to changes when the immortals deem fit. The immortals, which i am a very new one, are often helpful as long as they are not busy with things. Even if they are busy, they often will direct you to someone before they leave you. New areas like the coliseum are constantly added and there's always something new to find. I will recommend sloth to anyone who is keen to have a challenge, a place to enjoy and simply a place to get more friends in this mud. Come join us soon and hope to help you when you login.: )
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 10, 2005
This is the first time I've ever posted a review of any type, but this mud truly deserves a few more plugs. People, players and admins, are what make a truly good mud. And, Slothmud has been blessed with one of the most friendly and helpful playerbases plus exceptionally fair, responsive, and humorous admins that I've encountered in my 12 years of mudding. From 8 different classes, (Warriror, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Monk, Bard, Druid, and Necromancer) you get to choose 4 with which to build a character that suits your style of play. You get to take your new 4 class character through an enormous world filled with areas which cater to all different kinds of play, be it solo/grouped, hack&slash, strategic, or plain blast it up :) The immortals and players have developed a very helpful web page to go with this mud. The site consists of an extensive equipment data base. It houses maps of almost all the areas complete with walk directions and lists of loaded equipment. There is also a detailed listing of class skills and a newbie help section. Many die-hard mudders may not want or need the info, but it was one of the key things that attracted me. The only major gripe I would have about this mud is the character stat generation. Unlike most muds, you do not roll stats when you generate a character. Instead, there are 3 classes of tokens (triangular, hexagonal, and octagonal) tokens that randomly load in the game. These tokens are used to roll stats as many times as you like (depending on how many tokens you find) until you are happy with them. This lends a type of treasure hunt aspect to the game that I like. However, many players have had to roll tokens well over 200 times to get adequate stats. The token idea isn't bad, but the formula for the stat generator could use some tweaking. All in all, I would highly recommend this mud to anyone. I went in looking for a place to build a solid solo character. I still play there. I still solo alot, but I have found quite a few good friends to chat and group with. I have seen many changes implemented, most at player requests, by the immortals to help make Sloth a more interesting and fun place to be. Come and visit. Newcomers are always welcome. And, who knows? You may just want to adopt our little family :)
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 21, 2005
Since the birth of my very first character on Sloth some 12 years ago, I have been in love. SlothMUD is a world of beautifully created areas with something for everyone. Complete with 3 caster classes (Mage, Cleric, Necromancer), 3 non- caster classes (Warrior, Monk, and Thief), and 2 clases that are a mixture of casting and non casting (Druid and Bard, respectively), the admins at SlothMUD have made every effort to provide a fun and unique experience for anyone and everyone. The areas on Sloth are the best that I have seen on any MUD that I have ever visited. Each having some quality to address whatever your specific tastes may be. Ranging from solo areas, 2-man area, to large group areas. My personal highest creditial for SlothMUD is the people. Unlike some MUDs where people don't have time to help, spells and skills have been put into Sloth specifically designed to assist players to help other players, which is often the case. It's definitely worth a try. Come by sometime.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 29, 2004
Great mud, I have been playing it in this revision since it came up for nearly 6 years now. The world is broken into contients with different flavors of areas for grouping and soloing on each. Recently a new contient was added just for newbies to help them learn the mud and they have a huge web site with many maps of the mud a full equipment list and a lot more. This is a great place if you love to chat, it has been buildt to promote grouping while playing. Zera
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 3, 2002