Fantasy-themed MUX (Multi-User eXperience) open from 1997 to 2013.

Db Size:

Players Connected:

Maximum Connected:
4 (final 30 days)
DEAD (11 years)

MUX Beta

Average Connected:
1 (final 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (final 30 days)
Connection Screen
      _     ______ ______ _     _ _______ ______  _______  ______    _
     / )   / _____|_____ (_)   (_|_______|_____ \(_______)/ _____)  ( \
    | |   ( (____  _____) )______ _____   _____) )_____  ( (____     | |
    | |    \____ \|  ____/  ___  |  ___) |  __  /|  ___)  \____ \    | |
    | |    _____) ) |    | |   | | |_____| |  \ \| |_____ _____) )   | |
     \_)  (______/|_|    |_|   |_|_______)_|   |_|_______|______/   (_/
                         Welcome to SpheresMUX!
  Administrative Email Contact: <peter@nicker.net>
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect Guest guest" to connect to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
Spheres is a role playing environment very loosely related to Jack L. Chalker's Well World series. Essentially the game world consists of an infinite plane of spheres, and within each sphere is a snapshot of a different realm. For example, there is a sphere in which gryphons rule over their medieval jungles, and another in which centaurs are making the dangerous traversal from the nuclear age to the information age. Focus is made upon the interaction of travelers migrating across different, foreign spheres. Players are encouraged to develop their own tinyplots, or even conceive and design their own spheres to add on to the game. This is a solidly in character environment; if your looking for a place to hack and bash, or be all-powerful this isn't the game for you. There is no combat system, and no plans to ever develop one. We consider ourselves very newbie friendly, and are willing to spend the time to help familiarize people with our theme. All that is necessary to play in the game is to have read the news files pertaining to our theme 'news theme' and the info files regarding your species. (Type 'info'.) If your interested in serious, exciting role play then come on out and welcome! Others should apply elsewhere. :>
- The Mud Connector (2013)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

July, 1997 [1]

TinyMUSH 3 [1]
MUX Beta [2]

Canada [1]

Server Type:
MUSH [1]

Fantasy Role Playing [1]
Fantasy [2]

Spheres is a role playing environment very loosely related to Jack L. Chalker's Well World series. Essentially the game world consists of an infinite plane of spheres, and within each sphere is a snapshot of a different realm. For example, there is a sphere in which gryphons rule over their medieval jungles, and another in which centaurs are making the dangerous traversal from the nuclear age to the information age. Focus is made upon the interaction of travelers migrating across different, foreign spheres. Players are encouraged to develop their own tinyplots, or even conceive and design their own spheres to add on to the game. This is a solidly in character environment; if your looking for a place to hack and bash, or be all-powerful this isn't the game for you. There is no combat system, and no plans to ever develop one. We consider ourselves very newbie friendly, and are willing to spend the time to help familiarize people with our theme. All that is necessary to play in the game is to have read the news files pertaining to our theme 'news theme' and the info files regarding your species. (Type 'info'.) If your interested in serious, exciting role play then come on out and welcome! Others should apply elsewhere. :> [1]
Spheres is a role playing environment very loosely related to Jack L. Chalker's Well World series. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. The MUSH Warehouse