Star Trek: Typhon Accords
Star Trek-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 221st of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 5th of 4 worlds in the Star Trek genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
5 (a minute ago)

Maximum Connected:
9 (last 30 days)

CobraMUSH v0.73p4 [fspace]

Average Connected:
5 (last 30 days) ▲25%

Minimum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
CobraMUSH v0.73
       __                         __
      (==)           _           (==)    Login Commands:
    ____\\.---------'-`---------.//___     connect guest
   '==================================`    connect <name> <password>
          \\---.___ ___ ___.---//          register <name> <email>
           \\   /( `---' )\   //           WHO - Shows online list
            `===|    _    |==='            QUIT - Close connection
                \   (_)   /

        Star Trek: Typhon Accords
StarTrek and all related works are Copyright Paramount Pictures
Star Trek: Typhon Accords is a Star Trek themed game centered around the events as chronicled in the Star Trek Destiny and Star Trek Typhon Pact books. After a devastating attack by the Borg on the Alpha and Beta quadrants, they were finally defeated by the combined efforts of multiple Star Fleet crews and a new, powerful species known as the Caeliar. With both them and the Borg gone, the Federation began the process of rebuilding. Opposing powers, seeing a weakened Federation decided to form a new super power, known as the Typhon Pact. This group would include the Romulans, Breen, Tholians, and Gorn among others. In response the Federation and Klingon empires reaffirmed their friendship, forming the Khitomer Accords. With time the and...
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Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

[MUSH] CobraMUSH, FrontierSpace [1]

USA [1]

Star Trek [1]

Star Trek: Typhon Accords is a Star Trek themed game centered around the events as chronicled in the Star Trek Destiny and Star Trek Typhon Pact books. After a devastating attack by the Borg on the Alpha and Beta quadrants, they were finally defeated by the combined efforts of multiple Star Fleet crews and a new, powerful species known as the Caeliar. With both them and the Borg gone, the Federation began the process of rebuilding. Opposing powers, seeing a weakened Federation decided to form a new super power, known as the Typhon Pact. This group would include the Romulans, Breen, Tholians, and Gorn among others. In response the Federation and Klingon empires reaffirmed their friendship, forming the Khitomer Accords. With time the Ferengi and Cardassian empires also joined the Khitomer Accords. During this time the Federation also dispatched a newly refit Voyager and a small fleet of Quantum Slipstream equipped ships to journey back to the Delta Quadrant and confirm the Borg threat has been neutralized once and for all. With the Federation President recently assassinated at the opening ceremony for the brand new Deep Space 9 station, the local powers are tipped on the knife's point of war. [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
Time Connected Note
24s ago 5 players
58m ago 5 players
1h ago 5 players
2h ago 5 players
3h ago 5 players
4h ago 5 players
5h ago 5 players
6h ago 5 players Saeihr left
7h ago 6 players Ryu left
8h ago 7 players
10h ago 7 players
10h ago 7 players
11h ago 7 players Ryu connected
12h ago 6 players
13h ago 6 players Saeihr connected
14h ago 5 players
15h ago 5 players
16h ago 5 players
17h ago 5 players
18h ago 5 players
19h ago 5 players
20h ago 5 players
21h ago 5 players
22h ago 5 players
23h ago 5 players Ryu left
I've been playing here for about a month. It's a big game with a pretty small. Player base. However, the players that we do have are patient and don't mind helping others who are new to the community. The players all have a sense of humor and they're almost always running plots. Plots here are both player and admin driven, and any suggestions are welcome. The game does have its quieter days, but people do try and be social when they're not roleplaying. Roleplay is highly encouraged, and usage of OOC is not restricted. However, this game offers a rich community and good chances for advancement. There are currently a few areas being built, and new builders with vivid imaginations are always welcome. Come by and be a part of the crew of the U.S.S Palatine! I hope to see you there.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 24, 2015