I'm a new player to Star Wars: Legacy (New Jedi Order) but I am extremely impressed thus far. There's a huge amount of information on abilities, classes, skills, equipment, etc. It's almost overwhelming at first, but it's well organized and the search functions can usually grok one's meaning even with misspellings and the like. Not to mention the very helpful staff. Chargen was simple, painless, and the newbie channel was populated by a number of extremely helpful staffers and players. None of the usual snarkiness I've typically encountered on WoD MUSHes. It's an honest-to-goodness MUSH too - not just a MUD masquerading as a MUSH with hard-coded combat and minimal RP enforcement which is what many other SW-themed places seem to be. Roleplay and Story seem to be the key components of this MUSH which is exactly the sort of thing I've been looking for in a Star Wars themed game. Even more to my delight I discovered that players are allowed to create descendants of lineages from the SW Universe. The policies I've come across thus far are very player-centric, allowing each player a wide range of freedom and personal customization. Many MUSHes of all themes tend to be extremely restrictive, only allowing such chargen freedom to veteran players, so it's nice to see the ability to create a diverse character according to one's desires. All in all, I highly recommend this MUSH to anyone interested in truly roleplaying a character in the Star Wars universe. The timeline is diverse and it looks like they've had some truly incredible story arcs so far - with regular arcs occurring to advance the meta-plot. Everything seems well-managed and there are enough players to make RP happen even in the middle of the afternoon on a weekend. I watched the numbers bump from the high 20s to over 50 by prime-time and, during a special event, cap out at just above 90. Well, I've probably rambled enough at this point in my review so here's the TL;DR version: Check it out, make a character, 5 of 5 on the MUSH scale.
– MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by Iax on Apr 21, 2013