Welcome to Star Wars: New Jedi Order. Our game is set 21 years after the Battle of Endor and is presently six months into the Yuuzhan Vong War. We use the Star Wars SAGAS D20 rules set to represent characters on our game and provide a staggering ammount of systems to help compliment role-play. Our game follows the canon of the expanded universe up until the point of the Battle of Ithor and the events of Dark Tide II: Ruin, at this point, we have begun to diverge from the events that occur in the books and stories to follow. After the Battle of Endor and the events portrayed in the movie Return of the Jedi, the Rebel Alliance became the New Republic and after nearly two decades of galactic civil war, the last holdouts of the Empire sign a peace accord with the New Republic. For a short period of time, the galaxy is free from any major conflict and the New Republic is able to maintain stability with the aid of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. This stability was short lived in the absence of a common foe to unite the galaxy and before long, old prejudices and squabbles rose to the surface once more. These minor conflicts and diplomatic incidents have strained the fabric of the Republic, threatening to destroy the fragile peace. With the New Republic and much of the galaxy in a state of dissension, it was no surprise that when the extragalactic invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy; they were able to sweep aside most resistance arrayed against them. The Yuuzhan Vong are merciless and they have no word for peace and they do not accept defeat, using biotechnology and organisms previously unknown to the denizens of the galaxy they have proven themselves an implacable foe who are utterly relentless in their invasion. This is a dangerous era to live in, one where your enemy is unlike anything that has ever been encountered in the Star Wars Universe. To be a hero is to fight for the survival of the galaxy and to face destiny itself.