Star Wars: Rebirth Mush
Star Wars-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination).
Ranked 161st of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 5th of 17 worlds in the Star Wars genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
9 (47 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
16 (last 30 days)

PennMUSH 1.8.6p1

Average Connected:
8 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
   .           .        .                     .        .            .
             .               .    .          .              .   .         .
               _________________      ____         __________
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     .       /    ______   _____| . /      \      |    ___    |     .     .
             \    \    |   |       /   /\   \     |   |___>   |
           .  \    \   |   |      /   /__\   \  . |         _/             .
 .     ________>    |  |   | .   /            \   |   |\    \_______    .
      |            /   |   |    /    ______    \  |   | \           |
      |___________/    |___|   /____/      \____\ |___|  \__________|    .
  .     ____    __  . _____   ____      .  __________   .  _________
       \    \  /  \  /    /  /    \       |          \    /         |      .
        \    \/    \/    /  /      \      |    ___    |  /    ______|  .
         \              /  /   /\   \ .   |   |___>   |  \    \
   .      \            /  /   /__\   \    |         _/.   \    \
           \    /\    /  /            \   |   |\    \______>    |   .
            \  /  \  /  /    ______    \  |   | \              /          .
 .       .   \/    \/  /____/      \____\ |___|  \____________/  LS
                ,           STAR WARS: Rebirth MUSH             .    
Welcome to Star Wars:Rebirth! If you encounter any issues, please email

Use create <name> <password> to create a new character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest guest to connect to a guest character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Star Wars: Rebirth is a roleplay focused Star Wars MUSH set around 20 ABY mostly based on legends canon, but avoiding the NJO timeline. Unlike legends canon, we're based on a competent admiral Daala and a higher population of Force users, both in and out of the Jedi. The Sith Empire had a temporary resurgence, and other traditions can be found occasionally (e.g. Martials of the Sky). Our ruleset is WEG D6 base, heavily customized with custom skills and attributes. We try to offer a more open experience in theme, having originally been established as a place for people to play after their old MU*s were closed. Characters on Rebirth tend to be outside the usual roles and archetypes, often tending toward characters the...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1]

[MUSH] PennMUSH [1]

USA [1]

Star Wars [1]

Star Wars: Rebirth is a roleplay focused Star Wars MUSH set around 20 ABY mostly based on legends canon, but avoiding the NJO timeline. Unlike legends canon, we're based on a competent admiral Daala and a higher population of Force users, both in and out of the Jedi. The Sith Empire had a temporary resurgence, and other traditions can be found occasionally (e.g. Martials of the Sky). Our ruleset is WEG D6 base, heavily customized with custom skills and attributes. We try to offer a more open experience in theme, having originally been established as a place for people to play after their old MU*s were closed. Characters on Rebirth tend to be outside the usual roles and archetypes, often tending toward characters on the fringes or simply out of the ordinary. Former scrap slaves turned Jedi, sapient droids with clone trooper companions, and even a Hutt mercenary have played major roles in our game. Character types are not population restricted - force users, Mandalorians, Hutts, even senators are open for players who provide a solid background and demonstrate clear understanding of character and theme. We're all here to have fun, and that guides every decision we make. [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
Time Connected Note
47m ago 9 players
1h ago 9 players Tatiana connected
2h ago 8 players Jak left
3h ago 9 players
4h ago 9 players Jak connected
5h ago 8 players
6h ago 8 players
7h ago 8 players
8h ago 8 players
9h ago 8 players
10h ago 8 players
11h ago 8 players
12h ago 8 players
13h ago 8 players
14h ago 8 players +2 players
15h ago 6 players
16h ago 6 players
17h ago 6 players
18h ago 6 players
19h ago 6 players -2 players
21h ago 8 players Tatiana left
21h ago 9 players
22h ago 9 players Zarria left
23h ago 10 players 1 player left and Jak connected
1d ago 10 players