Multitheme (Time Travel/Fantasy/Cyberpunk)-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1995.
Ranked 248th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 8th of 18 worlds in the Multitheme genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
4 (an hour ago)

Maximum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
4 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
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. . . . . . . . . . ./+syhdddddhyo/-`      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
. . . . . . . . -ohmdy+:-.````..:/ohmds:`
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. . .  mM.               :hMMMMMMMNNMMy+osyho- oM:    Jeremy Elson .   .   .
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. . . :Mh            :mMMMMMMMs:...            .My    DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)  .
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. . . . . . . . . . ./+syhdmmddhyo/-`      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

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High magic and futuristic technology collide in one of the foremost MUDs of its class. With past and future time periods, intricate game mechanics and a unique environment, Tempus aims to be the best there is. TempusMUD is an immersive fantasy role playing game set in an evolving universe of ancient magic and futuristic technology. As a time-traveling adventurer you choose your own path to power in this intensive multi-player experience. Set apart from other MUDs by dovetailing diverse genres, the worlds of Tempus range from the visceral to the ethereal. Temporal rifts in time weave together a medieval fantasy past, a cyberpunk future, and the great elemental planes into a sweeping universe taking you to the outer regions of existence and back Like...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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[Circlemud] Highly Modified [1]
Custom - TempusCode, descended from CircleMUD [2]
Custom [3]
Circle [4]

English [2] [3]

1995 [2] [3]

Fantasy [3]

Hack and Slash [3]

Time Travel/Fantasy/Cyberpunk [1]
Cyberpunk/Fantasy/Time Travel [2]
Other [4]

USA [2]
United States [3]

Not Listed Here [2]

Sub Genre:
Time Travel [3]

High magic and futuristic technology collide in one of the foremost MUDs of its class. With past and future time periods, intricate game mechanics and a unique environment, Tempus aims to be the best there is. TempusMUD is an immersive fantasy role playing game set in an evolving universe of ancient magic and futuristic technology. As a time-traveling adventurer you choose your own path to power in this intensive multi-player experience. Set apart from other MUDs by dovetailing diverse genres, the worlds of Tempus range from the visceral to the ethereal. Temporal rifts in time weave together a medieval fantasy past, a cyberpunk future, and the great elemental planes into a sweeping universe taking you to the outer regions of existence and back again. Like an interactive novel, the online text environment ignites the mind and imagination with diverse character classes, immortal quests, exotic races and religions, powerful clans, welcoming players and countless features. The players and Immortals of TempusMUD invite you to alter our world. [1]
Imagine that you exist in a world where time has begun to collide. Where the past meets the future, and neither will ever be the same again... The high mages of the past, delving always deeper into the realm of the arcane, once mastering the known planes of existence, find new lore in the art of time shifting. The disciples of the greater gods and goddess, after a lifetime of attaining a closer relation with divinity and traveling the multiverse, are shown a new realm of infinite proportions, the realm of time. In another time, the scientists and technologists that rule the civilized world relentlessly pursue the fleeting prize known as energy. They uncover the secret of time, allowing them to build great machines to send them through the new temporal dimension. These figures inevitably meet, and begin to engineer the nature of reality to their own ends. The peoples of both times begin to notice subtle changes and strange visitors arrive bearing unknown magicks. As the flow of time begins to swirl together, you enter Tempus... [2]
The high mages of the past, delving always deeper into the realm of the arcane, once mastering the known planes of existence, find new lore in the art of time shifting. The disciples of the greater gods and goddess, after a lifetime of attaining a closer relation with divinity and travelling the multiverse, are shown a new realm of infinite proportions, the realm of time. In another time, the scientists and technologists that rule the civilized world relentlessly persue the fleeting prize known as energy. They uncover the secret of time, allowing them to build great machines to send them through the new temporal dimension. These figures inevitably meet, and begin to engineer the nature of reality to their own ends. The general populations all across the timeline begin to notice subtle changes and strange visitors bearing unknown magicks. As the flow of time begins to swirl together, you enter Tempus... Newbies Welcome! [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Mud Magic
This Hack-Slash circle based but far from circle mud is one of the best and has a lot of regular players. Tempus is newbie friendly with a huge world. You should really check it out. Player killing is allowed. Tempus has a Remort system where once you get to the max level you can start again and raise your stats even higher. Ten times to be exact. The equipment is level-less. Meaning you do not have to wait to be max level to get the best gear in the game. You just have to be rich enough or lucky enough to get it. The remort is also a dual class system so you can make whatever kind of combo you want. Want to be a Thief/Mage? By all means go ahead. Tempus has a timeline where if you want swords and staffs you would fight in the past. If you want Guns and Implants for your character you go to the Future. There is classes for the future and past alike. So you can also be a Cyborg/Cleric. I only know one mud that has this kind of classes where you can be both. Makes for some interesting characters. Hope to see you soon, Strago.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 29, 2012
I've played Tempus on and off for over ten years. I've seen it grow and change throughout that time getting better and better. My favorite part is the class system. There are great classes to play from the past and the future. Remorting, restarting and adding a second class gives even more power and options to your character. My Knight/Physic is my favorite character to play. The mix of martial skills from Knight and science alterations from Physic gives me lots of options for taking down mobs in many different zones. Unique and diverse zones are another great part of Tempus. Tempus has the expected layers of Heaven and Hells, elemental planes, etc. But have you ever adventured in a lively candy factory with a terrible hidden secret? What about roaming a Virtual reality hidden deep withing a doctors subconscious? Unique zones like this are what keep me coming back to Tempus year after year. Finally the Quest system is awesome. There are many types of Immortal run quests from pk quests to trivia quests. You can use the quest points earned to improve on your items or create brand new ones. Tempus even has it's own fantasy football league, so there are lots of ways to participate and be part a part of Tempus.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 5, 2009
Tempus is a highly enjoyable MUD that takes you on adventures beyond your wildest dreams. From your temporary home city of Modrian, each explorer ventures out from perilous oceans to forboding swamps, and even battle in heaven and hell. Combining myth, technology, and most amusing room descriptions, I personally have come to love this fantastic world known as TempusMUD.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 31, 2006
great mud :D
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 25, 2006
Good: The themes of this mud are variegated and interesting: they range from phantasmal depictions of Greek mythology to caricatures of modern celebrities. The players on this MUD are friendly, and often people talk to each other about life in addition to leveling a character or making cash runs. Bad: The player base is kind of small, so it can get lonely on this MUD late at night. There are also other problems associated with a small playerbase, such as a lack of player-killing (although it is allowed). However, a small player base also means a lack of @$$holes on this game relative to other games, etc.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 20, 2006
suckssss oneoneoneone1111111111111 its for noobz
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 3, 2006
Tempus is just plain awesome. You have to see for yourselves.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 31, 2005
Being part of the Tempus community a few years ago, I was quite satisfied of how the system of this MUD was set up. Frankly, Tempus was my first MUD I have tried out. Not only is it fully composite, it is really easy to comprehend. I would recommend this MUD to everyone to try out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 9, 2005
After the various muds I've played throughout the years, TempusMUD still remains among my top muds because of its diversity and uniqueness. The world of Tempus consists of two planes: the planes of the fantasy past and the planes of the technological future. Areas, classes, and mobs reflect this distinction in areas. Besides your fantasy classes, futuristic classes such as cyborgs have truly unique abilities. (Implants and training chips to name but a few).
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 6, 2005
Tempus is amazing. Helpful people, interactive immortal staff, TONS of areas with a wide variety of themes that fit into a singular story of the world, hundreds of skills and spells, a thorough help file system... I can go on and on. Try Tempus for a week, I personally guarantee you won't regret it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2005
Lets just say Tempus is an Awesome mud....I've played on a few different ones, but Tempus is the best one I have played thus far, and blows all the others out of the water. other players are super helpful, and the vasy playing areas are quite diverse and fun. and even though I have died constantly on it, someone has always helped me get back on my feet and get my stuff back. So I give this Mud Mad Props, and a 5 star rating!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 9, 2005
You know, I played this MUD man years ago, before a major player reset. Back then it was fun, but I was upset about the pwipe and quit. Two years later, I learn about some of the upgrades they actually did, and I'm back within hours. And even after playing Diablo 2, Neverwinter Nights, and other new games, Tempus is still as fun as it was years ago. So what do I like about this MUD? I enjoy the friendly player base, the HUGE area to explore (seriously, there are places I've never even heard of), the unique multi-calss system, and the raw fun of many of the classes. With the new Wholist upgrade, you know that you arn't alone out there, and the class list and skills list are almost always growing, if slowly. I could go on and on about how good this MUD really is, but I'm sure you all will come to your own conclusion after playing it. My one word of advice: if you need help with something, ASK FOR IT! There are some rules about pwoerleveling, but most of the people are willing to give advice, lend a few pieces of equipment they don't need, or show you how to use the alias and commands system. -Sang
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2004
I could write a REALLY long review about all of the things Tempus has to offer, but in the end, it all boils down to this: TempusMud is fun, free, spectacularly designed,and a great way to spend your free time. Come join our awesome community.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2004
I have been a player of TempusMUD since 1997, and a builder since 2001. As a builder, I can say that the world of Tempus is both rich and vast, including both fantasy and science fiction themes. Raid the hobgoblin caves north of Modrian, or tour the factory of Kiddy Kandy Incorporated in the future city of Electro Centralis! The climates of the world of Calidan range from the Glacial Rift to the great Western Desert. Travel the outer and inner planes: Hell, the Abyss, Heaven, Amoria, and the Elemental Planes (including the para-elemental planes such as ice, ooze, and smoke)! As a player, I can say that this is truly a close-knit community of players. Many of the players have been playing here for longer than I have! As I'm sure you've read in other reviews for Tempus, there is a yearly gathering in which several players meet for a weekend to party. There is also a discussion forum for players to voice their opinions and suggest changes for the game. I would love to see many more new players on this game to join us in the fun, so log in and bring some friends! If you see me there, send me a tell!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 24, 2004
Tempus is a long standing mud (1995) that has only gotten better with time(no pun intended). There are over 350 zones to explore and they are being revamped all the time to keep them fresh and exciting for us players. Our Immortal staff is the best...friendly, knowledgable, and full of awesome ideas that translate into fun fun fun for the pbase. New player friendliness is another nice feature of Tempus, there is nearly always someone on who is able and willing to give advice to the new player to our realm. Bottom line, this Mud is a must see! come visit us and by the time you are a mid level player, you will be addicted :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 16, 2004
Hello fellow Mudders :) Just wanted to do you a HUGE favor and introduce you to our fine mud. I believe it is all original now, with 350+ zones to keep you plenty busy having lots of fun! A growing player base allows for others of your same level to group up and share some fantastic experiences with! Tempus Mud is very friendly to new players and we have an extensive help file system for those RARE occasions when noone is available to help you. Please stop by and join our Mud, you will not be disapointed that you did, but we will be saddened if you don't :(
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 13, 2004
We want you!!! That's right we want some top notch players for this awesome mud!! If you like to have fun, please come and make your very own mark on our terrific mud! With over 32,000 rooms, there is plenty of room for you and all of your friends! Remember- friends don't let friends play crummy Muds so point your Mud client to www.tempusmud.com port 2020 and join in the unbelievable excitement today! Feel free to tell them that DarkeSoul sent ya and feel free to ask me for some help if you need any :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 13, 2004
It's cool. Joining clans, having bounties for killing other players, i found this to be one of the best games ever.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 12, 2004
This mud is totally free, it is wicked fun, extremely new player friendly, and wea re eagerly awaiting your arrival! What more do you need come and join today. Everyone will be glad you did.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 10, 2004
I was looking for a good mud and this is it! Past and future, d&d meets sci-fi, dual classes, cool imms, exciting and unique quests, and lets face it guys, there are REAL girls playing this one... not just guys playing girl characters. The also seem to have a real tight knit community which openly invites new people and takes them as their own. They have a gathering once a year where you can go meet everyone IRL and I have heard stories... they have fun. Thats the word to describe Tempus... FUN.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 7, 2004
This mud is wikkid. If you're looking for friendly people, a tight community, gajillions of rooms and a little friendly competition, then this is the place.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 2, 2004
TempusMud is a HUGE mud with all original zones that have hidden rooms, searches of varying difficulties, and some zones include interactive mobs. The builer staff are held to very high standards and it shows in the finished product. Quest immortals do just that, run innovative, fun and exciting quests. Mortals with mud experience get a chance to become a Questor Imm for a few months so that those players with new and exciting ideas all get a chance to run their quests for the enjoyment of the player base. The really good temporary Quest Imms have a shot to become permanent! Pkill- Tempus has it and the pk system is darn good. A bounty system allows for the pkers to pk at will, but beware because players who bounty hunt lurk in the shadows too *grin*. One of the best parts of Tempus is the message boards where the mortals can post ideas for almost anything, complaints, things they love about the mud, things they think need to change etc. and guess what? The Imms often read them, post messages in return and best of all, make use of the information the morts give them; refreshing indeed! Many of the established players are newbie friendly and help with FAQ's, and are ready to guide the new players who come to call Tempus their home on their rise to power,glory, and of course,riches! TempusMud is a true gem, unequaled by its peers,we want to attract new players, so if you are reading this; please do yourself a favor and point your mud client to www.tempusmud.com port 2020 and join the best Mud in existance, we will all be glad you did. Oh,and tell them that Darkesoul sent ya *wink*
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2004
I've got to say that I've become addicted to this mud since joining it in December '03. The people are very friendly. The classes are very cool (especially cyborgs and mercenaries!) The premise of fantasy meets futuristic has been amazingly executed! The "remort" option is very nice--so that you can continually try new class combinations. Quests are great! And the PK policy is not too shabby either--limited, but not suffocating. Liberal, but not "crazy". Give this mud a chance, you won't be disappointed!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 24, 2004
this mud rocks. thats all there is to it. I have been playing for almost 2 years, and i still learn new things and find new things to do, PK is a large part of the mud, but there are many other things to do. the people here are very nice, and the IMM's are the best of any. The huge world leaves never ending adventures for even the most veteran player to persue.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2004
TempusMUD has become my favorite place to MUD at over the years. I've spent time on many different MUD's in my day, but always come back to Tempus to play. The people there are some of the nicest I have ever met and always allow people to play the way they want to. There is a good mix of roleplaying and non-roleplaying that goes on, which in my opinion builds into one of the strongest and most supportive player bases of any mud currently around. I would recommend this mud to anyone that hasn't quite found a place to fit in and enjoy themselves or are just looking for new places to try. Tempus will suck you in and you will never look back.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2004
this game is INSANELY awsome, all of the zones, the history, mobs everything has tons of thought put into them giving everything alot of depth. The imms are just awsome, i have never played a game with imms this nice, they try to help you in ANY way they can and are always comin in to talk with people and just "hang out" so we dont have the feeling of "their too cool for us"
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 22, 2004
TempusMUD combines an interesting mix of magic and scifi to create a unique world that will keep people exploring for a long time. It's one of the largest sized muds around, I have been playing for a year and still don't know everything there is to know about places. Tempus is a great place though, the people are friendly and very helpful to new players.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 22, 2004
Tempus is the best mud on the internet.Period!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2004
i personally find the imms to be ok people, but the players are a different story almost every single one of them is a two faced, backstabbing idiot. they say they dont like to help people, then 2 mintues later you see them helping someone else. two faced, backstabbing idiots is my opinion of the players there
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 12, 2003
played it! it rocks!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 2, 2003
Imagine you exist in a world where time has begun to collide. Where the past meets the future, and neither will ever be the same again... Tempus is a fantasy roleplaying game at the crossroads of high magic and advanced technology. When you enter Tempus, you have the opportunity to carve out a niche for yourself in these worlds, either for good or evil. You become an explorer in a imaginative and mysterious universe, where your actions determine much more than your own fate. Would you risk the future by altering the past?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 15, 2003
I have played muds for years and years now, thoroughly enjoying the challenges, surprises, community, and creativity I've found. Most would consider me a mud-snob; I expect a lot from the worlds I explore, and put diversity at the top of the list. Most muds seem to have either too many players to form a tight community, lame storylines, a poor color system, don't let you feel like part of the story, or just don't feel natural to play. And there are muds that just suck. While I have several excellent recommendations, I'm going to go out on a limb with one suggestion, it is a mud I've seen evolve over several years, one that has plenty of room to grow player-wise, and is actually innovative. Its called Tempus, or TempusMUD. There are many 'little things' which make this mud stand out, as well as a few big ones. What is immediately interesting about this mud is that it takes place--but is not limited to--two time frames. The worlds are all unique, with a fascinating mixture of fantasy and magic (in the past), and sci-fi and technology (in the future). It is highly developed in every way, with a clever staff and a strong community (some of the members even travel across the country to meet each year, and are warmly welcoming to new players in a way thats quite surprising. Good people). The combination of an evolving storyline, friend players, mad skill choices, cybernetic implants, different religions, dual-class remort system, clans, countless worlds, and seemingly endless choices make this mud an engrossing experience of fun and exploration. Its actually really cool. I guess what really makes this mud work so well is the players and immortals, who devote an insane amount of time ensuring 'quality' and 'mystery', and the collision of the two time periods. This creates an environment with playing decisions that just don't happen in other muds. Like I said, there are many good muds out there, but I'll focus this comment to Tempus, cause I think it has the most potential right now. Give it go. You won't be disappointed with this one. telnet tempusmud.com 2020 / www.tempusmud.com -Coil
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 5, 2003
Where do I begin? TempusMUD is really an amazing fantasy world. Like any MUD it has it's problems sure, but the positives FAR outweigh the negatives. The best thing Tempus has is an Imm staff that recognizes what some of the shortfalls are and they work day and night to find workable solutions to them. There is a website dedicated specifically for the player base to post ideas for skills/spells/classes, just about anything. Many of the ideas won't be feasible to implement due to balance etc. but in my 4 years I have seen plenty of them incorporated into the game. Another unique feature of Tempus is that there is a past and a future setting, so basically, you are getting two different worlds wrapped up in one! Tempus has Quest Imms whose only job is to think up and create original, wickedly fun quests for the morts to enjoy. Tempus has a large staff of Builder Imms who not only create and open new zones, but also revamp some of the older zones to keep them from getting stale which is very nice. Unfortunately, there is one thing TempusMUD does not have yet, which is a playerbase that is representative of the quality of this incredible MUD. This mud is TRULY working towards becoming as newbie friendly as is possible too! With well over 30k rooms, there is no shortage of places to level up, get gold, find EQ, etc. so getting more players like yourself will not be a problem. Do yourself a HUGE HUGE favor and come join the best MUD you have never heard of. You will be very glad that you did. Feel free to look me up once you get on, and then you can start your rise to fortune, fame and create your own legend. Yore/DarkeSoul/Garthorne
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 20, 2003
I believe my eternal politeness, both here and on Tempus, and your continued abrasiveness is a testament to our interaction. Thanks for your review.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2003
I beleive that I was the one accosted first. I was minding my own business and you started harrassing me about my name. I don't see any problem with my name, when compared to the others. I was a barbarian named Badmonkey. I reacted with foul language after you force changed my name to something stupid like George. I didn't refer to that in my post because I don't think I can put that on this board. However, if the immortal staff is as rude to new players as you were to me, it's no wonder in my mind that I was one of 3 visible players when I was on. That's great that your mud has an imm staff that makes zones and holds quests. Welcome to mudding. EVERY mud has that. Your description on Mudconnector (which refuses reviews) says that there is no character approval required. Are you refusing reviews due to lots of bad ones? Looking at the reviews on this board, it's obvious that reviewing the mud is often one of the 'quests' that you run regularly. Most of them are written by the same few people. So with the long list of fake reviews for quest rewards, coupled with the rudeness of Nevermore, I would have to assume that my review was dead on. I would maybe have written a longer review if I had been welcomed to Tempus by Nevermore rather than having her almost immediately insult my name calling it "silly" and "unroleplayable". She said my name didn't fit their policy, but there are no guidelines in their policy other than: "Your character name should be reflective of the nature of the game." How is "Badmonkey" less reflective of the nature of the game than the other names. You have no idea how I planned to roleplay the character Badmonkey. My understanding from reviews and mudlists is that you're not even a roleplay mud. Pure hack'n'slash. If you're going to refer me to your policy, maybe your policy on character names should be more descriptive than that one sentence so I can actually see what's wrong with my name. In your response to my review, YOU fail to mention that I got props from one of your players for calling you an 'AnalB**ch'. I guess I'm not the first person you've made such a sweet impression on. If you are the best that TempusMUD immortal staff has to offer, then I won't be back, and hopefully anybody that reads my review will skip TempusMUD and find one with all the cool features and less police activity. Badmonkey
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2003
Re: Badmonkey I'm not surprised to find that you forgot to mention the excessive degree of profanity in which you accosted the imm in question. As with all new people that come to TempusMUD, you were treated with the respect and dignity due to each person experiencing the mud for the first time. And, as in real life, it is how we react to situations that scuplt our future. One of the great things about Tempus that I have found as compared to other muds is its acceptance for unusual (or usual) names... like Squirrel (a rather nutty character) and Ugh (a primitive barbarian) and Nevermore (a bird with a fondness for poetry.) The Tempus staff is helpful and always active creating new zones and quests to keep the pulse thumping. The players are even more helpful and charismatic... just drop in on Holy Square and say, "Hi." and you could lose hours to interesting conversation. The classes and races are well thought out and made doubly fascinating by our gen/remort system that allows for dual classes. The zones... don't get me started... future, past, and outer planes... so much to explore in a single lifetime (good thing you get a few). With so much good stuff happening in one domain.. we must be doing something right. :D
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2003
I logged into their MUD with the name Badmonkey. I was on there less than 3 minutes when I was told to change my name. This, on a mud where names like 'Squirrel', 'Triskaidekaphobic', and 'Ugh' are prevalent. The immortal that force changed my name to 'George' went by 'Nevermore'. Said she was a bird. In under 5 minutes I was harrassed, had my name force-changed, and then their mud crashed. Guess I'm off to look for another mud. Badmonkey
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2003
Howdy. aFter being banned several times from Tempusmud (for various reasons :P), i have decided to quit once and for all. I have been given an option to come back, but after thinking it over, I decided it wasn't worth my time to come back. Besides, who wants me around. All i do is cause trouble. ;p Maybe i'll be back some time in the future, but not for a while... Anyway, Tempusmud is a great mud, and i would greatly recommended it to anyone who enjoys mudding. I've actually been playing it for several years, 6 i think, and i've learned a great deal of things from it. I loved this mud, and i know you will too. But it is time for me to move on, which i have wanted to do years ago, but addiction got the best of me. This mud consists of a variety of classes/races, which you choose at the beginning like any other mud, and a cool remort system, which lets you choose a 2nd class; therefore making you multiclassed (for example, cleric/mage, knight/ranger, etc). It has a ton of rooms, which were all built by the IMMS and WIZssss of the mud. They spent a lot of time on them, and i really appreciate what they've done. Also, you can't forget the clans and guilds that this mud contains. Join a clan with your friends! Battle other clans! you can do all sorts of things in this mud, much more than any other mud i've played on. Oh, PK is allowed on this mud too, which is gREAT! :P Although i liked the old pk system better, this one seems to be working fine. You can pK if you choose, but remember, the consequences may not be beneficial to your character's well-being. :P With all said and done, i rate Tempusmud a 10 out of 10. No other mud has as many commands and freedom as this mud. You should all try it out, for it might be worth your time, and maybe much more than that, if you get addicted like the rest of us. Oh yeah, 1 more thing...Cedric is cool, if you get to know him. Dont do anything that'll piss him off, cuz i have and it wasn't nice. Haha :P Anyway have fun with this mud guys.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 13, 2003
TempusMUD is actually a great game with a great deal of variety. I've been playing on this mud for about 6 years or so and have seen it grow in size quite a bit. There are always new areas being put in place by a hard working and enthusiastic building staff. The admins are always there to lend a helping hand. There are immortals dedicated to running quests for the active player base and I personally think the people who have been in the "GRIMP" position have done and are doing a great job. I have a lot of fun both playing the game and working for it. The immortal staff does change somewhat regularly as people's schedules change and their availability changes, but so far I haven't had any problems with any of the staff. I really think the combination of D&D based area ideas and other fantasy based area ideas makes it a dynamic game with possibilities for everyone's character ability. the players that i have interacted with are friendly and many of them consider themselves newbie helpers. Usually if any problems come along... disagreements and whatnot, there's almost always someone there to calm things down whether it's an immortal or another player. I really don't think i could say enough good things about this mud. I'm not saying there aren't any bad parts, but every mud i have played on has both its good points and its bad points. hope to see some of you non-current Tempus-ites come visit us!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 26, 2003
TempusMud was a good mud before, but it just plain ass sucks. It sucks because of the immortals that run it -- Cedric of course. He's a little pedofile that has no life, abusing the players on the mud. Just today, he banned me from TempusMud for no reason. If you wanna get abused, or if you're a girl under the age of 15, this is the place for you!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 13, 2003
I'v been playing tempus for a long time. It is a very newbie friendly mud. There is large player base and it has an extemely large number of rooms/zones. The Immortals are nice and are always putting out new zones.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
I'v been playing tempus for a long time. It is a very newbie friendly mud. There is large player base and it has an extemely large number of rooms/zones. The Immortals are nice and are always putting out new zones.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
Out of the many and varied MUD's that I have been to, TempusMUD is undoubtedly one of the best. I have been to MUD's where there have been literatly thousands of people on and it was very successful; but there was just something missing. Tempus is more like a cult or a family than a game. Being that there are on average under 50 players, mostly everyone knows everyone. The battle system, score, equipment, rent, chat, movement.. everything is very newbie friendly and quite useful for even the most experianced MUDer. Granted because Tempus is small there are only a limited amount of people there working to make it better.. but they do miracles. I personally give TempusMUD a 9/10.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
Being around Tempus for nearly 6 years And still learning new stuff from the game everyday has something to say right there. This place is forever getting upgraded with new stuff from zones to items to new clans to new newbie helpin mobs and guilds..the list goes on and on. Theres all kinds of different channels to talk on or even ask for help. There's always someone with an ear open just waiting to help. But dont think this is a run free game. Abusers to other players and any other kind of smut bad apples care to try to get away with get delt with accordingly. We like to make this play as enjoyable as possable for any player. So pop your head in and give us a try...trust me you wont regret it :) Just say Dj sent yeah *wink* -Dieyajeah
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
ok, i'm here to tell you about the wonderful world of Tempus, it has a friendly atmosphere and friendly people. We have quests and what not to gain quest points, which you can use to personalize your own equipment. Imagine that, your OWN personal SPECIAL equipment!! we also have clans that you can join, or start one on your own, its totally up to you. The remorting aspect of it is also fun, you can add a second class to your basic class every time you remort, thus the fun never ends! there are many different classes that you can try, and many races to be, you could be a short stubby halfling, or a elegant elf, its all up to you! so play tempus, we're waiting for you :p
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
Tempus is one of the most challenging muds on the web, the zones and play areas are both extensive and challenging. In all the muds that I have ever played it is clearly the tops. One thing is special, very special, is that the immorts, questors, admins, builders, coders, are mostly a very friendly helpfull bunch of ppl. This above all makes this mud so enjoyable.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 5, 2003
This mud offers so much to explore and examine, as well as wreaking havoc on anything and everything. Look, listen, smell, touch the world. Tens of thousands of rooms and monsters. 9 races of beings to be, 11 classes or professions to choose from. Also have remort classes (where you can be your primary profession as well as another) which is pretty rockin. Imm-driven quests nearly every other day, in which you can win prizes uniquely your own. Good people, friendly people. And yes pkilling if you choose.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 4, 2003
I have been a devoted addict of Tempus for many years. I've gotten my friends, neighbors, and even some enemies hooked on it. Tempus is incredibly newbie friendly. With a great tutorial, starting equipment, and a large playerbase of overly addicted and experienced players eager to help you out. Tempus is also extremely long-term friendly. With endless amounts of zones (and many more in the creation process) the amount of adventuring keeps even the veterans of Tempus amused. The most remarkable part of Tempus is the players. They make it the best MUD out there. From the Immortal staff down to the newest players, these are some of the best people around. You can't ask for a more creative and entertaining MUD. Join us at Tempus. Take a vacation from reality.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 3, 2003
Paper and pen not good enough for your role playing needs? Come try TempusMUD. With so many places to go, so many people to meet, so many riches to collect; TempusMUD makes online roleplaying/dungeon'ing very exciting and exhillarating. What makes this game very fun is the many players that log on and adventure through Calidan (the main world of Tempus) everyday. The immortals (admins) keep gameplay flowing while assisting those in need within the playerbase through interactive QUESTS, new dungeons and areas to explore, as well as guidance 24/7 through the "newbie" or "project" channel. The quests are fun, interactive games that are hosted by "questors" and they also have a very entertaining social atmosphere as well. The many zones that plague the world of Calidan are up to adventuring by anyone on the game - explore with great intentions of finding fame and fortune, but also with caution! If you ever get stuck or lost, the newbie channel will connect you with many experienced players, awaiting to help you. New players are always welcome and are greeted by the older players within Tempus with much hospitality. There are many classes to choose from as well as skills to try. A flowing 1-49 leveling system keeps the game challenging from player to player as well. Think you would get tired of your class after level 49? No way. The remortalization system allows you to create dual class combos, increasing replay and overall fun within the game. The clan structure is well maintained by clanleading players as well as the immortals that overlook the clan diplomacies. With all these reasons given, why not come try TempusMUD and exlore the world of Calidan today?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2003
This MUD is extremely addicting and quite fun once the ropes are learned. I remember starting out when my friend told me to make a character and I had no idea how to play. It takes some time to familiarize oneself with the locations of the various zones and such, but once thats under the belt, this game offers nothing but enjoyment. The nicest feature of this mud is the ability to remortalize your character, which allows you to take on a second class along with your primary class. This is a feature rarely seen on other MUD's and i found it highly enjoyable. The possible class combinations are endless for whatever purpose you wish to achieve. The overall theme of Tempus is extremely fun too. Past meets the Future allows for myriad zones of different nature. Exploration of this MUD is unless as it contains a massive amount of rooms. There are so many zones that are not listed in the main website. The other strong point of this mud is newbie friendliness. The immortals go out of their way to make the mud a fun place for the new players. Also, the players are extremely helpful towards players. When i first started, i was given almost a full set of decent equipment and was given enough gold to get around.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2003
I have played Tempus for quite some time now, one thing is for sure, it is pretty addictive. If you have knowledge of muds, or no knowledge at all, this is a great mud to play. There are very newbie friendly players, and immortals who make this mud a better place. The features are quite nice too, such as the many quests that are run, the different zones, the different classes and races to choose from, and the endless possibilities for setting up your equipment.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2003
Tempus mud is a very nice mud, well balanced, friendly and knowledgable imm's. Its been around for quite a while so you know that it wont be going any where, and you have several imm run quests per day usually. Many classes and a strong remort system.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 1, 2003
Tired of the restrictions of the real world? Ever wonder what a place with almost limitless possibilities would be like? Enter the world of Tempus. Create your character, with thirteen classes and eight races to choose from, and battle your way to level 49. But it doesn't stop there. Tempus is based on a "gen ten" level arrangement. Once you reach gen 0 level 49, you can remortilize as a level 1, gen 1. Your abilities go up and you are basically a stronger player. With many players waiting to help, Tempus is a very newbie friendly game. So, if you're tired of what other MUDs are TRYING to do, wait no longer! Come to one of the greatest things I have ever had the joy of finding... TempusMUD. WWW.TempusMUD.COM
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 28, 2003
I think tempusmud is the best because it is so large, it is massive! I love it!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 15, 2003
I have played many other mud and this one is by fore the best. It is great for helping newbies and also has a huge world (all original)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2003
If you are reading this, I am guessing you might be missing something from your current mud maybe? Pointing your mudclient(s) to www.tempusmud.com port 2020 will be the best mudding move you will ever make honest. I have been privileged enough to play on TempusMUD for several years, and I also had a brief stint as an Immortal. As a mortal you get the freedom to explore in a HUGE world (over 32k+ rooms)split amongst several distinct and awesome planes of existance that I wont ruin for you here; an extensive newbie training area complete with actually useful eq, help files and such that enable you to begin your rise to power rather quickly. Tempus has houses, guilds, clans, 2 different time periods, a good number of races/classes to choose from and so much more I could keep you reading for hours; but I wont. If you are chosen to be an Immortal, there are several positions available each with its own way for you to contribute to the mud which is cool. You can be a Questor imm, Builder, Coder, and probably something in between or not mentioned here. Personally, I found the Immortal gig had a little bit too much red tape but hey thats probably just me. (I hate waiting to do something) To summarize, TempusMUD is found at www.tempusmud.com port 2020, it is going to blow whatever mud you are used to out of the water, and frankly, it wont be the same if you and your friends dont come by to make it your home and leave your mark like so many of us have. Dont fear the unknown...Conquer it. DarkeSoul Shadowdweller
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 2, 2002
Tempus MUD wants YOU!!! What does Tempus offer? - Over 32,000 rooms - Newbie friendly atmosphere - Clear, concise rules that make sense - Clans/guilds/houses - Immortal-run quests to help keep them original and fresh - Pk allowed but is restricted - Immortal staff that listens - Stable coding - Great players willing to help if needed - Extensive help file system covering nearly everything not just spells, skills etc. etc. - Separate time frames (Past and Future) - and MUCH MUCH more What is Tempus missing? YOU :( so please do us all a favor and come try TempusMUD by pointing your mud client to host : port 2020 oh and Tell them Syntax sent you :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 18, 2002
To do this mud any justice, i would have to pull out a thesaurus to find better ways to describe it. To say that Tempus is the best MUD out there is insufficent... It is true, but insufficent. I have been a player here for 2 or 3 years now, and i have watched it grow by leaps and bounds. Tempus has features similar to many muds lots of classes, races, spells, skill etc etc, which is nice, but unlike many other muds it has over 32,000 rooms at last count, hundreds of fresh, and exciting zones, and a small but good player base. The immortal staff is constantly doing their part to make Tempus a better place to MUD. There are awesome quests all the time, there is something called a realm board for players to post their comments, ideas and the like which the Imms read and give feedback on all the time. Tempus is a pk mud but it is restricted. Tempus is also a spectacular MUD for experienced and new MUDDERS alike. The help files are VERY good and they actually contain useful information should you need it in most cases. Folks, in a nutshell, Tempus is the proverbial "diamond in the rough" it totally ROCKS, yet very few mudders know about it because it isnt listed near the top on any of the alphabetized mud lists. Do yourself a HUGE favor and take the time to scroll down those lists to the T's and then click on Tempus MUD (www.tempusmud.com for telnet) or port 2020 for zmud or any other MUD client. Trust me, this MUD is well worth the extra 10 seconds it will take you to do this. We will warmly welcome you and your friends to our wonderous world... the world of TEMPUS.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 17, 2002
The IMMs offer quest items and prizes for players who submit reviews.. here's mine. Played there over 6 years.. lots of changes have occured in that time. The code its pretty tight.. very elaborate and the stability has it's ups and down.. but mostly up lately. As pkill muds go, I find the IMMS love playing the role of pkillers.. however, most of the newbie helping is left up to the players. All in all, its become a pretty rough game.. not for the faint of heart, or the unpopular.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 15, 2002
I have been playing this mud in excess of 2 years, and I have discovered that not only is this the most advanced and intricate of all the muds, but is the most friendly- no matter if you are a newbie or an experienced player. This mud is both fun and challenging, allowing all levels of players to challenge themselves and move at their own pace. The amount of socialization commands and the freedom to speak your mind allow the Mud to become more finely tuned to your style and personality. With so many different class and race combonations, the depth of the Mud is immense. Free your mind, and dive into the world of TempusMUD. Andy
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2002
Experienced or new mudders alike need to come check this MUD out! Other muds talk about being good for this or that reason, but TempusMUD is hands down a total package that adds up to an awesome mud experience for you and your friends. The player base is small but great. Many newbie friendly players who remeber what it was like when they were just starting out themselves. And maybe the best feature of Tempus..the Immortal staff. They have realm boards set up for players to post ideas; they are considered, and discussed, and if feasible to implement and a worthwhile addition, they are put into the game. (YES! These Imms listen!) Tempus also has the standard things may other muds have, clans, guilds, good variety of classes/races/skill/spells a staff of Questor Immortals with new and cool quests all the time. As cool as Tempus is though, it is missing one important thing... YOU and your friends. stop by, you will be glad you did, and so will we. Lance/DarkeSoul et al.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2002
I think that TempusMUD is the best MUD because it's the only MUD that I've played. That's not important though. Tempus gives a great help to newbies and the immortals sometimes do funny things. Everything is nearly easy to follow and most classes have great skills/spells.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2002
One of the reasons i love tempusmud is because of the multiple "time" settings and access to so much variation in the world. Also the diversity of character classes is excelent. I've played for several years and watched the mud grow by leaps and bounds. The original character classes like physicist and hoodlum are a blast even if not completely finished. Interaction between players is a great part of hte game. Many people like to wander solo but grouping is encouraged and there are always good things about having your friends backing you up as you square off against Polyphemos the Cyclops or the Azers of the Elemental Plane of fire. Play tempus, see the world, meet new friends and ahve a kick ass time!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 2, 2002
I have tried many MUDs over the course of 7 years, and have constantly returned to TempusMUD, because no one compares to their options. The players are friendly and fun, the remort/leveling system is fantastic, and overall, its a place you can go to enjoy yourself and have fun. I recommend TempusMUD to everyone.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 31, 2002
I joined Tempus about 6 months ago as a fairly new mudder. Apart from being absolutely huge, the remort system is excellent. The clans are many & varied & the help for newbies outstanding. The mud also contains top class humour & something for all tastes. I thought i would go on to kill some time & now spend far to long playing!! Tempus rocks Leytonor
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 30, 2002
I joined Tempus about 6 months ago as a fairly new mudder. Apart from being absolutely huge, the remort system is excellent. The clans are many & varied & the help for newbies outstanding. The mud also contains top class humour & something for all tastes. I thought i would go on to kill some time & now spend far to long playing!! Tempus rocks Leytonor
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 30, 2002
TempusMUD, in my opinion, is one of the best muds around. It is updated constantly, as new and more exciting things are added every day. Wide class/race selections allow for a variety of fun, to suit just about anyone's tastes. Tempus uses a remortalization system, where, after attaining your highest level, you can remortalize to level 1, and u can choose a secondary class. The immortals on the mud are extremely helpful and curteous. They have also constructed an entire zone dedicated to helping newbies both familiar and unfamiliar, get a good start into the mudding experience. Tempus features Immortal run quests, which are insanely fun, and offer great prizes ranging from quest points (which you save, and use for a variety of things) to special god-edited pieces of equipment unique in the game. Come by and visit us! Nathan (known as Basher on TempusMUD)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 29, 2002
TempusMUD, in my opinion, is one of the best muds around. It is updated constantly, as new and more exciting things are added every day. Wide class/race selections allow for a variety of fun, to suit just about anyone's tastes. Tempus uses a remortalization system, where, after attaining your highest level, you can remortalize to level 1, and u can choose a secondary class. The immortals on the mud are extremely helpful and curteous. They have also constructed an entire zone dedicated to helping newbies both familiar and unfamiliar, get a good start into the mudding experience. Tempus features Immortal run quests, which are insanely fun, and offer great prizes ranging from quest points (which you save, and use for a variety of things) to special god-edited pieces of equipment unique in the game. Come by and visit us! Nathan (known as Basher on TempusMUD)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 29, 2002
Tempus is one of the most fun...well, in my opinion one of the most fun MUD's ever created. It contains vast realms of unbelievable depth. Tempus has the most ineteresting system of classes, and races, and remortalizing systems I have ever seen. I have been playing Tempus for 4 years, and I haven't been through even half of the nifty zones created. Well, enough of my babbling. -Demerzel
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 28, 2002
I love tempus, I was cool till I started playing it now I'm a looser cause I play it all day. If you like muding I would recommend Tempus to anyone from the mud pro, to someone who has never played a mud before. Even if you don't play you can just babble, or you can play and babble. At any rate, its a great game with great people and the very best waste of time i have ever found.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 28, 2002
I'v been playing tempus on and off for 4-5 years and I decided to write a review about the mud that keeps calling me back. Tempus is a very large mud. It has a future and a past each with alot of zones. The immortals are nice and will answer just about any question you ask(don't be dumb about that). The players don't mind helping out new people or old people for that matter. Its very newbie friendly with alot of help-files. There are plenty of places to level and you don't have to worry about getting pkilled untill you have remorted a couple times.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 26, 2002
Ive been playing for a few years off and on and its amazing of the new stuff they bring it. The help thats given to you as a newbie is like a child introduced into a loving family thats willing to show you the world. Theres so many classes and races to choose from. You can even have your own room in the game! Its made just for you! and the great thing about this is...Everything is free! no donations no monthly fees...all they want is just for you to poke your head in and give them a try. What is there to lose? other then a few addictions :p friendly enviorment, cool mini quest games, lots of colors, races, class, chat channels. Looking for a game where you can play two classes at once? this is the spot! filled with help files for anything in the game you need or want to know, its all there for you...so whats stopping you? try it out!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 26, 2002
I have play at tempus now for 6 years of my life and i'm still playing it. I have grwon to know the people on the game as friends. They change alot of things to keep making it fun and differnt, not always playing the same game kinda thing. The people there are nice and helpful, always willing to help people. I have play in many of there Imm run games called quest and they are always fun and full of action. The Gods, and Imms there are trying to run the best make beleave world as they can, and i think thay have done very well for themselfs. So I think they should be the top mudsite.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 26, 2002
This is the first MUD i've ever played but its awesome! Almost everyone is nice and everyone loves new people! They give em eq and stuff and have a great newbie tower to help you start out on tempus. if your only gonna try one try this one, it seriously is fun :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2002
TempusMUD is an excellent MUD for a well rounded mudder. Whether player killing, making friends online, or exploring the imagination of an always expanding world is your pleasure, this MUD has it all. The administration staff for this MUD is always interacting with the players to get ideas and make the role playing experience as fun and exciting as possible. The 10 generation remort system which they boast is in very advanced stages. You're extensive time with this MUD comes well rewarded with power and respect. Make sure you give this MUD a shot... it will prove to be a very fun experience for you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2002
A great mud for all ranges of players to learn. Either new, or experienced with muds and rpg's, players can immerse themselves in the depths of detail that is put into every zone, area, and enemy you encounter. Try TempusMUD today. -Tidus
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 25, 2002
I must admit, 3 years ago I would have never thought anything like TempusMUD would be fun. But, after all this time I still can't find anything I enjoy more. A smaller, but friendly player base is what most people will tell you they like about Tempus. There a player killers, and there are non-player-killers, both of which can be just as friendly as each other. New players are welcomed with open arms, and can expect to receive enough information to get them right into the game. No need for other players to help - everything is written out clearly in the newbie acadamy! The total rooms of this mud is staggering. Prime plane alone, the lands of the past, is easily enough to keep yourself occupied for a long, long time. From the halflings to the glacial rift, to the valley of the Holy Grail, there is something for almost everyone on prime plane, and most of it is easily accessable by foot. Some places you will need the ability to fly to get to, but flying equipment is actually rather inexpensive (by Tempus standards, anyways!) and should be requested over the auction channel if one needs it. If prime plane is too boring for you, you can always go to one of the many other planes. Everything from the demon-filled halls of abyss, the nine levels of hell (eight and nine under construction, but seven is enough for anyone!) heaven, amoria, COSTAL, olympus, astral, Githanky fortress, the elemental planes, future, and more await, with new expansions to every plane at almost regular intervals! Needless to say, this place is HUGE and has a zone for everyone. Just for the fighting and RPGing, the zones are what matter. But on the people end of things, you have a very wide variety of friendly players of a wide span of levels, Immortal characters building, administrating, coding, or running quests, and hundreds of socials available for use. The immortals do an excellent job, and you can expect something new form them on an almost daily basis. Whether it is a new quest, a new skill, or a new zone, Tempus is always changing! Player kill is an accepted part of tempus, and can be done in two ways. The first is in one of the arena zones, where you can kill and kill and kill and never lose a thing. Outside of arenas and non violence zones, tempus has restricted player kill and loot. Some people indulge in this, while other stay as far from it as possible. Either way, it can be fun for all parties involved, so long as both groups are friendly about it. Quests happen at lest once a week, and are simply games played by the immortals for very valuable quest points and items. These range from arena player-kill quests, to trivia, to "find the immortal." ALmost everyone can win at these, so even the strongest of players can be humbled by a character.... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 20, 2002
Come play on Tempus Mud! Why you might ask? - 12 classes to choose from (6 are futuristic) - Remorting is in place which allows for some awesome dual classing options. - Lots of Questor Immortals all of whom are required to run at least 1 quest per week! -Restricted pk allows those with bloodlust to pk, yet wont ruin others fun. - Very newbie friendly with useful starting eq and informative help files to get you going quickly. - Very reasonable policies - So many zones that there is always someplace to level and or money run (last count I think Tempus was at or over 35k rooms). - Realm boards for Mortals and Immortals alike to post their ideas for new skills, classes, zones etc. - A coding staff that actually implements cool and stable code. - Most importantly, Tempus is always changing, being revamped to keep it fresh and exciting. I have given you only 10 solid reasons to try Tempus Mud, there are truly many more good reasons to, but the best reason to is because we can't wait to see you join the Tempus Mud Family.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 18, 2002
If you're reading this review then you've probably read all of the others talking about how BIG Tempusmud is. You've also heard all about Remorting and gaining Generations in order to become more powerful as you play longer. You've heard about the opportunity to become an Immortal that holds quests for other players, or builds zones to keep the Mud growing. All of that is well and good. But the thing that makes Tempusmud special is the people. I've played ever since my first year of college back in 1995. I havn't been on consistently for 7 years as the demands of life require long breaks at times. But no matter how long I stay away, or how much i don't think I want to go back; as soon as I walk on and someone says Tarin! How have you been! I'm hooked again. This mud is special because of the interaction of its players. You will meet people who will try and help you get started as soon as you log on. Questions are welcomed and answered well. Soon you will probably join a clan who becomes a pseudo family while your are online. You will meet honorable people who can become lifelong friends. You will meet dispicable people who will kill you and take what you have. You will grow to learn and love the mud and the people, until eventually you are one of the Honorable, or dispicable people whom i've just mentioned... in fact, you might be both! There is no limit to the number of characters you can roleplay. I have 5 different ones that I play regularly right now, for each character its a different experiance. I've read reviews stating that the player base is entrentched and intimidating to new players. I don't believe it for a second. I'm friends and enemies with players who started 4 months ago who are already much more powerful than I am. There is no limit to what you can be if you put the time in. So, to sum it up, let me put it like this. When you join Tempusmud you will be entering the greatest game you will ever play. Nothing will compete. When you leave Tempusmud it will be next to impossible to stay away because you don't want to let your friends down or your enemies win. Rich player interaction is what makes us special. Come Visit!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 10, 2002
When my friend told me start mudding about 2 years ago i was a bit skeptical. I always pictured MUDs to be boring, unsophisticated, and just not up to standards of today's 3D games and such. So my friend told me to make a character on TempusMUD. After initial getting used the all the text flowing on the screen, the first thing that intrigued me about this MUD was the ability to remortalize your character to further increase yourself. Basically, meaning once you reach level 49 you return to level 1 and keep working your way back up to level 49. The cool thing about remortalizing is that your skills become more powerful, you have more hitpoints, more mana, and other cool stuff. Another thing i like about the MUD are the immortals that are always willing to help. Whenever i have a problem there is almost always an immortal online. Also the immortals run lots of quests where players of all levels and generations can win prizes.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 10, 2002
This mud is really nice. I've been playing since 1997, and even now i am not bored of it. The 10 generation system makes the leveling harder and harder, and that means more experience and dedication needed. The pking on this mud is really fun, since you will often get pked, and you 'll want to pk eventualy. I rate tempusmud #1!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 20, 2002
Tempus is an excellent MUD. The interactive quests and massive world of nearly 40000 rooms provides unending entertainment. I have played here for 6 years and still find new and exciting things to do.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 20, 2002
Having not played any other MUD other than Tempus, I really have no say when comparing it to anything else. All I really can say is that Tempus has me addicted to a point beyond reality. Ever since one of my friends introduced me to Tempus, it has been a large part of my life. The only person I actually knew on the MUD was my friend that introduced it to me. Like any other new idea, it took some getting used to. An RPG played with only words is a new experience for those who have never seen it before. Starting out is hard, although, being an annoying newbie didn't really help my odds. Most of the people that we see now a days have MUD experience and get along with everyone. There are a couple instances where new people come along acting like they deserve to be treated as a king, but most people that find their way to Tempus enjoy the atmosphere and stay a while. I've even managed to get some of my other friends on and addicted. Funny thing is that one of my friends is actually so into Tempus that he doesn't do his homework, and sadly, had to delete zMUD so he would get away from Tempus to keep his grades. Currently, Tempus is going through a major facelift in code by our awesome coder, Ashe. New ideas and features are being implemented to make all our lives better. I guess that's enough with the news and the background story......I've never really written a review for anything before, but since it'd be nice to see some more new faces, I'm here and writing. At first, I played this game because it kept me busy and my friend played it. Now that I've matured as a Tempus Denizen, it's been a whole new deal. Once eq and money don't become an issue, the whole goal of playing the MUD is totally different. It's like looking at the world from a different perspective. Like any other RPG, Tempus comes with a lot of satisfaction and sense of achievement from accomplishments by your character. Building up your character is one of them, but not the only accomplishment that you can achieve. Also, 2nd classes and remorting make your character have endless possibilities. Exploring the gigantic world is another one of those achievements. Explores beware: This MUD is amazingly ENDLESS. You think you've been everywhere, but just then, you find something new to explore. It's crazy. Anywayz, since this review is getting way too long and is unorganized as hell, I'm gonna stop talking and let you see tempus for yourself. www.tempusmud.com:2020 -Need help? "tell Divine Hi"
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 7, 2002
The world of TempusMud - using "large" to describe this MUD would be a poor understatement. Tempus is "GIGANTIC". Aside from the prime plane (which I have only explored about 1/5 after 2 months of playing), there is also blazing Hell of demons, saintly Heaven of angels, eerie Abyss dominated by devils, Olympus - home of the gods, and even the parrallel existence of future! Of course, just having a gigantic world to explore is not what Tempus is all about. There are a handful of races and more than a dozen classes - each with unique skills, strengths and weaknesses. These differences reward group effort as no single class can come on top in every situation alone. Somtimes grouping can be the only mean of survival in tough areas - imagine facing 2 Archmages, with 10 armored body guards, and one BIG UGLY black dragon. Thus, multiplayer is encouraged, and isn't that what MUD is about? Another nice thing about Tempus is its rich, creative and often humorous descriptions of EVERYTHING. From skills and items to player emotions. How about piledrive your oppenent "so hard that his spinal column shoots out of his @$$hole!!" ? Or behead an annoying skulking thief so "its head rolls away with a look of horror on it." to let out your anger? Care to pull your friend's "underwear over his head"? The possibilities are endless and your imagination will not be disappointed. I suppose I can babble for another 10 pages about all the other great features in Tempus. But why not come and find out for yourself? Go to www.tempusmud.com and join us!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 18, 2001
Its easy to see why someone can like Tempus. 14 different classes. 7 Different races. The colors used aren't irritating to the eyes :p I've played here for about 6 years, and though I think Tempus is possibly the greatest mud, it does have one problem. We have quests being run on a regular basis, unique classes and skills, a remort system allowing dual classes and 10 generations, immortals online almost all the time to help anyone, powerful players wanting to help newbies... The problem? Not that many newbies. If you try Tempus as a newbie, you'll come back. I speak with the experience of trying to pull myself from this addiction... Quake 2, Ultima Online, Everquest, and countless other muds. None of them has gotten me to break this addiction.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2001
I've been playing Tempus for about three years now. I've tried other muds, and Tempus just blows them away. Tempus' world is enormus, and gets bigger constantly. One could spend an endless amount of time simply exploring the world. Tempus also has a really cool remorting system that allows you to adopt a second class to augument your first. As well as having a great fantasy orientated past Tempus also has a cool future time set complete with cyborgs, mercenaries, psions and phyzs. The players can travel between the future and past easily to increase the variety of zones and areas they have access to. Its a rockin mud
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 19, 2001
I stand in my fifth year of playing Tempus, and I am not tired of it. There have been ups and downs, but never have I lost my urge to log on and be part of this game. As a Sci-Fi/Fantasy fiend I can bounce from one side to the other, and mix the two. I’ve always been a lower of telekinetic imagination, and here, Tempus gave it to me. I could wield a sword in one hand, and an Uzi in the other while I hunted for my guild. I once had a red wolf as a companion, and my sister became a cleric. My eyes don’t hurt from weird, flickering colors. The game allows you privacy, and it also hands such a deep, social interaction with other players that it is amazing. The options, if you chose to access them, are virtually limitless. There is not an ‘end’ point. You only stop when you wish to stop. The administration system was completely redone to reflect upon the players. The players complain about various things, but how many muds allow the players to go up to the gods and speak their minds without any repercussions? The game is fair to its players, and it allows them to speak about what bothers them without worrying they are going to face the Finger Of Death for having an opinion. The administration may not agree, and they may say so, but its communication. Tempus even offers a bulletin board for discussion about various on and off mud topics. The zone expansion is perhaps, a zone a month, sometimes two. Zone size is 100rooms minimum. Many are 200 or more. There are vast expanses of landscape, but the landscape is filled with experience, and often hidden secretes. In the highly modified code base, the game has become more interactive. Some zones are complete puzzles from start to finish. Others are hack and slash worlds, and still others are video games inside of the game. Players can interact with the world in a tangible manner. Clans have homes and territory, and players may buy their own homes, personalize it with furniture. This does not touch upon things like EQ renames and edits based off of the quest system. The quest system has its own staff of immortals whom run everything from RPG quests to IRL based questions, trivia, monolopey, hide-and-go-seek, and more. Five years, and I’m not tired of it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 12, 2001
I've played a series of muds. TempusMUD has probably the best mix of players, zones, races, classes, and unique skills that I've seen. While there are only about 14 classes, and about 10 races available to play, each of them contains enough variety (skill/spellwise) to keep a newbie or a hardcore old schooler happy. Things that I thought set this MUD apart - in no particular order: Two different timeframes, blended together by a good plot. Concept of implanted items. Extremely unique classes, skills. Remort system allowing dual classes and up to 10 Generations. Players on the mud are usually very helpful to newbies. Immortal staff members almost always available to answer questions or address concerns. I've played here since late 95, and even with Diablo II, everquest, etc... I still haven't been able to drag myself off of it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 9, 2001
I have been playing on tempus for almost 3 years and I really like the mud. Below are just a few of the reasons I enjoy it: - 12 different classes / 7 races - 49 levels and then 10 generations of remorting where you can take on a second class - Colors - This is one of my favorite things about Tempus, there is a very organized color system, which makes it easy to see things, people are one color, room descriptions a different color, room titles another color, exits a different, etc. - Dedicated immortals and builders who help the players out and are constantly adding to the hundreds of existing zones. (Tons of 200+ room zones have been released in the past 6 months) - Fun Quests (trivia, scavenger hunt, hide and seek, etc) - Lots of social people to chat with or group with when you feel like talking.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 8, 2001
I must say I have played many MUD and I believe that Tempus is one of my favorites. The realm is huge, the people are extremely friendly and it has everything a mud should have. The only thing that I feel is bad about Tempus is that it has a lack of new players. Most of the player are High level chars that remorted into really strong chars who will help you often. If you play Tempus you will never play anyother mud ever again
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 5, 2001
Tempus offers the atmosphere of a typical D&D world. From dwarven to drows, rangers to clerics, it gives a good balance between different classes and races, no one particular class is all too powerful. Underdark, Neverwhere, Abyss, just to name a few areas one can find in Tempus that echos the grand D&D world. Creatures such as dragons, beared devils, drows, lloth, and other icon figures that symbolize fantasy gaming populated Tempus; moreover, the creater managed give each creature a distinct personality. From the janitors whom walk the road of Modrian, occassionally complaining the amount of trash on the street to the Dragon Highlord whom will track you down if you dare to steal his desolation blade, the people behind Tempus successfully breathed life into each mobsters. These mobs are not just silly targets waitting for you to kill, but characters that you will learn to love and hate (some of the less intellegent mobs do still sit around for their death to come, but only proper). The fantasy part of TempusMUD is just half of the story; Tempus also features a innovated future realm in which your character can learn electronics, receive nano-tech implantations, driving pintos and the list goes on. On top of the solid stucturing is usage of interface that impressed me the most. TempusMUD has the best interface, color schem I have ever came across in MUDs. Solid presentation present you the information ever-so-clearly. This is definitely where Tempus stands out from the crowd, no over fansy color, orderly arranged "blocks" of info, etc. Just log on, roll a character and see for yourself! I am a hardcore D&D fan, and what made this MUD stand out from all other awesome D&D is it's friendly interface, so sweet and solid it can't be over-stressed. Guys, you have to see for yourself! As for now, Tempus seems to be packed with high-level remorts, whom are eagered to see new bloods in Tempus. I was overwhelmed by the quality and amount of helps I received in the first few days into this MUD. Tempus might seem quite unpopulated at times, but that might just because most players have high invisible equipment that prevents one from detecting them. The lack of new players is the only down side I see in this MUD, but that should all be changed once people discover how much fun TempusMud is. If you love sword and magic, and if you think the MUD you are playing in is a bit too colorful or unorganized, then TempusMUD is one MUD that you definitely need to give it a try.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 5, 2001