So officially TCZ is a unique MUD, a virtual world with a www interface, and Telnet and JAVA Telnet connection modes, where users socialise, interact in real time with real people from all over the world [time zones engender 'rush' hours, as TCZ is based in the UK [England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales]. The first 'rush' hour of the day starts at around 9am BMT [British Mean Time]. A second 'rush' hour is more like, beer o'clock . . . around 6pm or so, when most of the UK population return home from work, school, etc. Then there is another 'rush' hour when the USA wakes up! Then of course there is the rest of the world, from Australia to New Zealand, through Asia, South America and Europe . . . TCZ has the entire world covered! All in all it can be frenetic, with many conversations traversing the airwaves [as such] in real time, a real crush in the virtual 'Pub' where Newbies are warmly greeted by all connected [if possible]! And, when you pass from Newbie Status you can become a Builder and create your own environment. You can compete in many and varying competitions from Scrabble and Ludo through to Poker and Battleship Tournaments; play any or all of the following games; Baccarat, Backgammon, Boggle, Bridge, Checkers, Chess, Connect 4, Connect Cube, Cribbage, Dominos, Draughts/Checkers, Euchre, Hangman, Jeopardy, Laser Quest, Lights Out, LORD [RPG], Low Life, MasterMind, Millionaire, Minesweeper, Monopoly, Patience, Poker, Pontoon, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, Sliding Block Puzzle, Sudoku, Sokoban, SPS Robot, Stone Paper Scissors, TCZ Balloons, Tic Tac Toe, Tower of Hanoi, Trivial Pursuit, UNO and Yahtzee, amongst many, many others!
– MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by AMberzNectarz on May 1, 2007