The Edge of Darkness MUSH
World of Darkness-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination) founded in 2010.
Ranked 689th of 780 worlds statistically.
Ranked 22nd of 23 worlds in the World of Darkness genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (52 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

RhostMUSH Alpha 4.0.0RL(A).p3

Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
         (""")                                               (""")
          III                                                 III
          III          .-,--.   .                             III
          III           `\__  ,-| ,-. ,-.   ,-. ,"            III
        __III__          /    | | | | |-'   | | |-          __III__ 
      /:-.___,-:\       '`--' `-^ `-| `-'   `-' |         /:-.___,-:\
      \]  |:|  [/                  ,|           '         \]  |:|  [/ 
          |:|                      `'                         |:|
          |:|       .-,--.          .                         |:|
          |:|       ' |   \ ,-. ,-. | , ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-.       |:|
          |:|       , |   / ,-| |   |<  | | |-' `-. `-.       |:|
          |:|       `-^--'  `-^ '   ' ` ' ' `-' `-' `-'       |:| 
          |:|                                                 |:|       
          \./                                                 \./
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
**Note** We have reverted to a tabletop style game. Due to our staffers holding full-time jobs and being adults, we are unable to be on the game 24/7. However, we aren't interested in returning to an invitation only status. If you are interested in playing, times and dates to meet for rp can be arranged. A staffer is usually on Thursday and Sunday evenings CST. ** This is an Old World of Darkness, White Wolf, 2nd revised game. We have friendly experienced staff and support Shifter, Mortal, Moral+/Sorceror, Demon, Mage and Bygone. Haplin was the perfect little town in the perfect little valley. Next to the perfect little farms. With all the perfect little secrets. Long ago, the bygones and fairie tale people formed a haven deep in the wilds of Minnesota and named the town Haplin. Hidden from the metropolis of Montcroft for centuries, it has remained an idealistic picture of '50's Small Town America. But things are changing. The once hidden gem is now revealed by the new expressway and dark forces are turning to look at what has been under that blanket of normality. But something has gone "horribly" wrong. Or maybe "horribly" right. Suddenly Haplin was ripped from the ground and over two weeks moved across the country. Where will they land? Somewhere in the "Carolinas". But why? (A game-wide plot that transitioned our move to a new server in 2014.) Come to The Edge, we are an Old World of Darkness Mush that is running Revised rules and transitioning to the new 20th anniversary editions of Mage, and Werewolf. We have plenty of stories to tell and a dedicated starting staff just waiting for you to come and play. We have a roster of 200+ pre-generated characters available for play. Log in as a guest and contact MB for help in gaining access to a PC. MB is usually online Thursday and Sunday evening CST since she's a full-time student and employee. Come to a place where the Wyld has hidden safe for centuries and the time has come to defend the American Heartland! The Edge: Port: 7410 We are a MUSH, as opposed to a MUD. This means we are a role-play game as opposed to a bot drone hack'n'slash.
- The Mud Connector (2018)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

July, 2010 [1]

Old World of Darkness [1]

USA [1]

[Unknown] Rhost [1]

**Note** We have reverted to a tabletop style game. Due to our staffers holding full-time jobs and being adults, we are unable to be on the game 24/7. However, we aren't interested in returning to an invitation only status. If you are interested in playing, times and dates to meet for rp can be arranged. A staffer is usually on Thursday and Sunday evenings CST. ** This is an Old World of Darkness, White Wolf, 2nd revised game. We have friendly experienced staff and support Shifter, Mortal, Moral+/Sorceror, Demon, Mage and Bygone. Haplin was the perfect little town in the perfect little valley. Next to the perfect little farms. With all the perfect little secrets. Long ago, the bygones and fairie tale people formed a haven deep in the wilds of Minnesota and named the town Haplin. Hidden from the metropolis of Montcroft for centuries, it has remained an idealistic picture of '50's Small Town America. But things are changing. The once hidden gem is now revealed by the new expressway and dark forces are turning to look at what has been under that blanket of normality. But something has gone "horribly" wrong. Or maybe "horribly" right. Suddenly Haplin was ripped from the ground and over two weeks moved across the country. Where will they land? Somewhere in the "Carolinas". But why? (A game-wide plot that transitioned our move to a new server in 2014.) Come to The Edge, we are an Old World of Darkness Mush that is running Revised rules and transitioning to the new 20th anniversary editions of Mage, and Werewolf. We have plenty of stories to tell and a dedicated starting staff just waiting for you to come and play. We have a roster of 200+ pre-generated characters available for play. Log in as a guest and contact MB for help in gaining access to a PC. MB is usually online Thursday and Sunday evening CST since she's a full-time student and employee. Come to a place where the Wyld has hidden safe for centuries and the time has come to defend the American Heartland! The Edge: Port: 7410 We are a MUSH, as opposed to a MUD. This means we are a role-play game as opposed to a bot drone hack'n'slash. [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com