The Greatest Generation
War (WWI and WWII)-themed MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination) open from 1998 to 2012.

Db Size:

Players Connected:

Maximum Connected:
3 (final 30 days)
DEAD (12 years)

TinyMUSH 3.1.p5

Average Connected:
0 (final 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (final 30 days)
Connection Screen


"Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones can not bear it
 for long; only men endure."
- An unknown German soldier who fought at Stalingrad

      THE GREATEST GENERATION - A roleplaying MUSH set during World War 2.

 *  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
 *  "create  <name> <password>" creates a new character.
 *  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
 *  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
 *  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
 *  "+help" in game gives additional help specific to this MUSH.
This is a MUSH about war - specifically, World War 2. Here you get to roleplay the soldiers and civilians of the various combatant nations of the most devastating conflict in human history. We plan on covering just about every campaign of the European theatre in the fullness of time, from the German panzers crossing into Poland, through the desert campaigns of Africa with the British and their allies fighting the Afrika Korps, the Eastern Front against Russia, and finally, D-Day, the Normandy campaign and the final year of the war. The focus is on military RP but there is some space for civilians as well. Combat is quick thanks to a comprehensive coded system which can handle just about everything World War 2 combat needs, from digging trenches to flying Spitfires to blasting Shermans with antitank guns.
- Pennmush Community Portal (2015)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

1998 [1]
1 Aug 2005 [2]

An original medieval fantasy world, created in 199 [1]
Historical [2]
Other [3]

USA [1]

PennMUSH - 1.7.7p11 - Korongil Mods 0.2 [1]
TinyMUSH [2]
Mush [3]

Medieval Fantasy [1]

Korongil is a world of fantasy, where demons and sorcerers battle knights and kings. The darkness of evil Moralan is growing once more, and the forces of light build their strength to rise up and oppose it. What will happen? Is war inevitable? Within this struggle you will find common men and women who shall rise to become legends, will you be one of them? Only time, and RP, will tell. The theme of KorongilMUSH is a pseudo-medieval setting of fantastic proportions. The struggle between good and evil is spread throughout all levels of existance, from the lives of mortals, the world's nations, even to the deities responsible for this reality. The tides of war and peace flow throughout the past, present, and future, carrying the whims of mortals and immortals alike. The essence of sorcery surrounds all that exists, offering its power to all who have the strength to wield it. Fantastic creatures inhabit the wilds as the sentient races build Korongil's nations within their cities. The path the world will take relies upon the choices of those who struggle within its reality. KorongilMUSH offers interesting Role-Playing within its original fantasy world. You can portray one of the many inhabitants of this vast and varied world. Select to play any of our standard races, from the dour dwarves to the brutish xyloks, and perhaps earn the role of one of our more restricted species. Explore the nations of Elduran and Moralan while taking part in the intrigues and events that swirl around you. Your actions can shape the world. Justice or tyranny, life or death, the choice is yours. [1]
This is a MUSH about war - specifically, World War 2. Here you get to roleplay the soldiers and civilians of the various combatant nations of the most devastating conflict in human history. We plan on covering just about every campaign of the European theatre in the fullness of time, from the German panzers crossing into Poland, through the desert campaigns of Africa with the British and their allies fighting the Afrika Korps, the Eastern Front against Russia, and finally, D-Day, the Normandy campaign and the final year of the war. The focus is on military RP but there is some space for civilians as well. Combat is quick thanks to a comprehensive coded system which can handle just about everything World War 2 combat needs, from digging trenches to flying Spitfires to blasting Shermans with antitank guns. [2]
The unresolved questions of the period of National Socialism remain with us. The enormity of the crimes committed, the huge scale of victory and defeat are the subjects of constant exploration and analysis. How could one of the chief centres of the civilised world have become a torture chamber for millions of people, a country ruled by criminals so effectively that it conquered most of Europe, planting its swastika standards from Norway to the Caucasus to Africa before being finally brought down at the cost of some thirty million lives? What had happened to the nation of thinkers and poets, the 'good' Germans that the 19th century knew? How did intelligent, well intentioned, educated, principled people become so caught up in the movement, so captivated by Hitler's magnetism that they could accept everything - the secret police, the concentration camps, the rhetoric of Aryan heroism and anti-Semitism - and vote such a regime into power? The fourth plot arc on the Greatest Generation focuses on the story of the rise and ultimate fall of the German Weimar Republic in the face of extremism, and its replacement with the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler. It will focus on the time period between 1918, when the Republic arose on the shaky foundation of a ruined and rebellious Germany at the end of the Great War, and 1933-34, when the NSDAP finally assumed power, and the Weimar Republic passed into history with, as an epilogue, RP covering the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the Low Countries in 1940 from the German point of view. 7115 [3]

  1. TopMUDSites.Com
  2. PennMUSH Community Portal
  3. Mud Magic