The Inquisition: Legacy
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1999.
Ranked 170th of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 76th of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
8 (estimate)

Maximum Connected:


Average Connected:
8 (estimate)

Minimum Connected:
Connection Screen
          Based on DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
         Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
         Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn
         Based on ROM 2.4 copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

                            _ (\                       /) _
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                          ((   `>\_)               (_/<`   ))
The Inquisition MUTT        \\./` \\,      _._      ,// `\.//
2024-present by Maeve        \/    \|\.---`   `---./|/    \/
2022-2024 by Ghed                   |     _____     |
2010-2022 by Kinaed                  \   ]==o==[   /
2004-2008 by Ephera                  |    \_ _/    |
inq 2.5 by Tamara Boileau            |      V      |
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By what name shall history remember ye? [Type your desired character name.]
The Inquisition: Legacy is an RP Focused game started in 1999 with an original, dark fantasy theme. It has been designed solely for immersive roleplay ever since. The goal of our game is to tell a good story, and the theme focuses on the philosophical elements of why a society embraces oppression and it continues to function despite the evils it perpetuates. The game is highly character driven, and plot outcomes are entirely in the hands of players. The main theme is similar to our historical Inquisition, but takes place in an alternate universe called Urth where magic is real. Inquisitors terrorize the populace, and mages hide as best they can until their moment arrives to strike back. Our players are supported by system...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

English [1] [2]

[Rom] Customized beyond recognition [1]
ROM - altered beyond recognition [2]

1999 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Dark Medieval Fantasy (RPI) [1]
Dark Medieval Fantasy [2]

Horror [2]

The Inquisition: Legacy is an RP Focused game started in 1999 with an original, dark fantasy theme. It has been designed solely for immersive roleplay ever since. The goal of our game is to tell a good story, and the theme focuses on the philosophical elements of why a society embraces oppression and it continues to function despite the evils it perpetuates. The game is highly character driven, and plot outcomes are entirely in the hands of players. The main theme is similar to our historical Inquisition, but takes place in an alternate universe called Urth where magic is real. Inquisitors terrorize the populace, and mages hide as best they can until their moment arrives to strike back. Our players are supported by intuitive system tools that help them realize the extent of their storytelling capacity: They can modify room descriptions during RP, masquerade under aliases, spread rumors, keep track of IC events, make and sell objects, and much more. Experience gained through RP can be used in an account to improve their other characters, and finding RP is as easy as typing 'where'. FEATURES: + Developed solely for an intense role-play experience (RPI MUD). + A unique emote-based combat system. + A support system that adds social intelligence to our IC politics. + Hands-off staff policies designed to help players shine. + A magic system built to intrinsically support the RP theme. + A remember system allowing players to customize how they see others. + Automated Role-play rewards for advancement without staff interaction or approval. + Player revamping of rooms with mood text and a high degree of world customization to suit RP scenes. + A detailed crafting system and realistic economy to support it. + A shop system for players to sell their own wares. + Code-enforced privacy policies to respect player RP and prevent staff spying. + A snapshot activity system to dynamically reserve roles and authority for current players instead of entrenching old players versus new, including selecting the PC ruler of the realm. [1]
One of the oldest role-play Muds around, The Inquisition began in 1999 with an original theme and has been programmed and designed for immersive RP ever since. The Inquisition Legacy represents a re-opening of The Inquisition II with a new immortal staff. Our world embraces the culture of oppression in its desparate goal to destroy all those who use magic. Inquisitors terrorize the populace, and mages hide as best they can until their moment arrives to strike back. Our setting is rich, our story detailed (in a manner only a game open for over twelve years can be), and we have a superb base of creative, intense, and devoted players that drive our Machiavellian-style RP. In turn, our players are supported by intuitive system tools that help them realize the extent of their storytelling capacity: They can modify room descriptions during RP, masquerade under aliases, spread rumors, keep track of IC events, make and sell objects, and much more. Experience gained through RP can be used in an account to improve their other characters, and finding RP is as easy as typing 'where'. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
This is one of the most amazing mu games I've ever ran into. The code is well written, and done in a very rewarding way, for clever RP, which it both requires, and encourages very well. My top two favorite features of this game are a, how it rewards you xp based on how much time you spend in RP, rather than based on votes, and b, it's advanced identity system, where you can assign a name to anyone you meet, as how your character would remember them.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 6, 2019
So, let's start with the bad news first. Just so we can end on a happy note. The staff, are pretty good. I've seen worse staff on other muds. however, due to the fact, that certain staff members don't play, they tend to lose grip on how things tend to work practically. We do have an ooc meeting each Saturday, to iron out some things. However, I've found, that the dev is not very receptive to certain criticisms. it is simply that if she wants it a certain way, it's going to be that way, anyone else's protests, opinions be damned. she simply likes the game to be a certain way, and anything else just sort of rolls off her, and therefore, they aren't very receptive. Now to the positive points. I love this game. I keep leaving, for various reasons, and it keeps pulling me back. I'm like a magnet, and this game is metal. I keep getting attracted to it. Despite the staff issues, I'll be totally honest in saying, there isn't a game like this one. there isn't a place where you can get such high quality rp, backed by amazing mechanics. I've played muds where the mechanics were great, but the rp was terrible if not nonexistent. I've seen muds where rp may be great, but the mechanics are nonexistent and terrible, because there's nothing to back that rp up. That isn't the case with TI. They have achieved the perfect balance. Despite it's issues, I keep coming back because I just can't find better, I really can't. so if you're a person who loves good high quality rp, and great mechanics, come join us.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 16, 2019
This MUD is the first MUD I ever played, and I can confidently say, that I will always play this MUD. There is always something to do, a new code to explore and use. Every time I return to this MUD, because life has a habit of whisking me away from time to time, I am always -VERY- impressed with the new codes, the updates, and the stories of the roleplay that went on. There is always goals to achieve, and secrets to find, always. I have been trying to learn all of the secrets for as long as I can, and I haven't even scratched the surface of them. On top of all of this, this player base is always welcoming, and is like finally seeing an old friend after a long time. I am proud to call this MUD my home!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 21, 2019
The Inquisition: Legacy is a mud that's been developed for quite a long time now, and the results are evident. The premise is as simple as efficient: set in a Dark Ages world, it tells of the constant strife of the Church to fight magic, which, unfortunately for them, is quite real. This doesn't mean the game is monothematic in any way: a myriad of different roles is available to players, each carefully defined and integrated in the ever richer setting and background. In fact, each guild has its unique perks, and picking one in which to play is rather hard. TI simply -works-: it's just too plausible, believable not to. Staff is present and caring, always working to improve the game, both thematically and mechanically, and the players have more than one way to shape the world they play in, be it artistically, socially, politically or by brute force or (more or less) subtle magery. The choices are endless. The playerbase however deserves a praise of its own. There's almost always someone to RP with, and most everyone is truly nice and helpful: the mechanical perks designed to help new players integrate are just the tiniest part of the help a new player can expect to receive upon registering. There would really be too much to say, so don't waste any more time: come and try yourself! We're waiting for you.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 17, 2018
I only recently started playing TI:L again after a long time away from the game. I must say I'm impressed. I have had fun, and that's the important thing. I've read negative reviews on this site. Frankly, they only encouraged me to check the game out again. I am glad I did. I will continue to play for months, if not years. The immortals have not come across as controlling. In fact, the one time I actually asked for advice, I was told it was against the rules to offer any. Every player has been great OOCly. As far as I know, someone may want my character dead, and he end up dead tomorrow, but that's fine. I'll just make another. The environment is a lot of fun. The theme is rich, and the code is remarkable. My only real complaint is that I still don't know how to do some of the things I probably should know how to do. I guess one could argue that the code is bloated, but there are worse things in the world than code that is too good.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2018
Thanks so much for your review, Giles. It's really good to hear it when somebody is having fun on TI.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2018
TL;DR : I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this MUD to anyone. What I can say is that the code is solid, a good amount of the players are generally agreeable - if not outright great - and the idea of the theme of the game is mildly interesting. If you absolutely have to give this MUD a try, my advice is this : stay the holy hell away from the imms and literally anyone who banters with them on the OOC channels or the Discord. Additionally, stay far, far away from any of the game's coded guilds, and the OOC channels within. You will save yourself a LOT of the grief that comes with this MUD. Theme : The basic theme of TI:L is that of Order versus Mages. The Holy Order of Dav is placed on-grid and generally comprised of players that attempt to justify the decisions of the Holy Order in it's eternal fight against the forces of evil that are comprised of the Ruebus Manus, the Mages on-grid. The secondary theme of the MUD is that the Reeves of Lithmore are locked in a constant struggle against the Brotherhood of Common Goods, basically playing cops and robbers with one another until one takes a momentary victory and sits upon their laurels. All of this sounds really good. And it is - the theme of the MUD is great! There's even hidden and esoteric literature scattered around the game that will give you a deeper, darker understanding of the theme that others dance around and play with, and exploring these hidden tomes is absolutely worth it. The people that set up the theme to TI wrote an incredibly dark and compelling story, and it really does show when you examine it. Of course, you'll never examine it, you'll be berated for examining it, and the theme has largely been killed off by the GM's of the game. And by “largely killed off,” I mean “practically mutilated beyond repair.” Now, I've seen a lot of the past reviews get dismissed for 'trolling' for pointing this out, so let me explain. I listed what I viewed as the core gameplay of the MUD above. Order v Manus, Reeves v Thieves. The problem – right off the bat - is that the Manus has been shut down as a guild. No problem, just have it Order v Mages, right? No, that's mostly discouraged as well. As some of the other reviews have pointed out in detail, player-killing is met with a pretty enormous amount of suspicion, especially when it's done by the Holy Order. In fact, as previous reviews have pointed out, people have been thrown out of the Holy Order for doing this. I can very clearly recall two very recent cases, one that happened realistically not even a few months ago, as of this review. So, certainly, the other core gameplay of the game must be alive and well? Absolutely not. The Reeves have long regarded... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2018
Thank you for your honest (and at times a little bit painful; all I can say is "ouch, I need to try and do better") review. If you're still a player on TI you can contact Staff and get a QP reward for writing one, though it's completely understandable if you would rather not. Best of luck to you.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2018
The Inquisition: Legacy is a deeply flawed game that deserves a shot, but it still is necessary to address the problems. I was invited to this game some years ago by a friend, who does not play anymore due to these reasons. The good, is that the game tries to at least give a semblance of a well balanced RP structure, and it does pretty well at it. If you want an RP experience without a high focus on combat, and the ability to feel accomplished without having to kneecap your character entirely. The bad, is more varied. Leadership positions are available in-game, but you better not count on being treated entirely fairly. Most people who play the Grand Inquisitor role face constant policy cases for basic actions, and a vast majority of players attempt to entirely avoid RP with the church and sweep the blame on the easier target, the In- game Guild leadership. (There are even instances of blackballing info against the Leadership roles to force them to do as a single person says, whilst playing the victim.) It has lead to an uncompetitive field of Player characters dreading any kind of leadership role and those that enjoy it have a tendency to only have a honeymoon reaction to it. And staff choices to affect the leadership, have made it so that aged players are more likely to play roles that are barred from leadership, leaving people with empty roles. There is also a gigantic problem of people cycling through the same roles, and very thinly veiling their OOC intent to either Player Kill, or simply play the same 'Archmage Voldemort' that goes out of their way to try and convince you that it's great RP to have characters that you know are the Big Bad Warlock, and you know barely any RP will surround their actions. The player-to-player RP is great, and there are some genuinely good people who make this game their home. But the reviews for this game are getting more negative, with time, and it's genuinely worth discussing why that is. This review isn't written with sour intentions, but more out of worry for the long-term health of the playerbase.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 1, 2018
The reason it's so negative or becoming negative is due to the owner. She is very insecure with her position. She is constantly banning people and treating them like human waste if you disagree with her stance or take different character approaches. Unfortunately, she is likely under the impression that this is fine because you don't have to play her game. Thus, it will likely never change in the future. My recommendation is avoid all staff, avoid all in-game positions, just RP with the other players. They are mostly awesome and provide good RP experiences.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2018
I cannot say I've ever seen an issue with the handling of Order leadership so much as their regular players tend to play victim and blame the system when antagonist players manage to outwit them. Unfortunately, this has very much led to some strife, but mostly coming from said leadership in general. Everyone else seems perfectly fine with the game atmosphere and would be much happier for it if they were get over themselves. As for the game owner. Recently there have been some bans as some of the more toxic members of the community have been excised. This was needed for the health of the game, and as a player I wholeheartedly support her. She has her flaws just as any other game owner does, but they aren't in the realm of anything so intentionally dramatic as the first commenter has detailed. The game has regular weekly OOC meetings to address problems, player gripes, and make an attempt to best resolve problems. The staff are also regularly active on the forums to handle disputes and accept ideas to better improve the game. I can't say I've ever played on a game where game staff have been quite so quick to handle problems, especially when presented in constructive ways.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 17, 2018
Kinaed has been running the game for 15 years, so if it's a negative environment because of her it must have been negative all along. lol.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 19, 2018
-The Inquisition Legacy is a strange game to unpack. -The community can be somewhat strange at times, in both good and bad ways. Though, that somewhat describes the game in its current iteration. Confused, and without focus on its own subject matter, and thesis statement. -Not to say TI:L is devoid of a good experience. On the contrary, once focus is regained, it's one of the only games that focus RP that follows the MU(x) approach to offer fulfillment in whatever concept you go with. --CONCEPT -The central concept is the overwhelming power of the Church, and the evils it condones. Men and women are burned at the stake for their own souls. And in theory? Creating a morality system where a player empathizes with the organization out of a character belief, rather than going a fedora-tipping atheist? It's pretty refreshing, honestly. It attracts a crowd that favors deconstruction, and a high-caliber RP circle that, when kept around, can provide an amazing experience not found elsewhere. -The issue, as of the writing of this review, is that this is not how it's reflected in game. The church is openly questioned in a setting that would shun you for it . Things deemed as 'sin' are done in broad daylight with no real weight to any punishment. At times, it can feel that actions are not only devoid of weight, but are even things that could be used to vilify you as a player. And with a game with such a focus on an anti-blackballing culture. This behavior is allowed to continue, so much so that it's become an active detriment to enjoyment, or tension. This can also be seen when OOC pressure is applied to force someone to overlook an exceedingly poor In-Character reputation. --MECHANICS -From a mechanical standpoint, the baseline for TI:L is very good. Every trade has a use, and you can be things that are non-combatant without being lampooned off of the game. This, is both refreshing, and a sign of good game design. Almost every single archetype is not only supported codedly, but is welcome and needed. This creates an interesting environment, with a constant need for new players, and a constant need to interact. -However, the biggest flaw in this scenario is how the community handles the weight of skills. There are times when players belittle entire trades and workforces, and staff decisions not only support this mindset, but weaken the game's skill ecosystem as a whole. --SETTING -The setting of the game itself is the Capitol city of Lithmore City, in Lithmore. It's a sprawling city with foreign quarters and the like, an underbelly that is ripe for exploring, and areas that are well fleshed out in ways that are rarely seen in these types of games. It has a rich player history all kept in a very clever system based on player submissions and staff approval that keep stories alive, long after the players leave the game. -The issue, is the... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 3, 2018
The Inquisition: Legacy is the third iteration of a MUD started in 1999. It takes place in a vaguely medieval western Europe setting called Urth, and in particular the city of Lithmore, capital of the namesake kingdom. Characters can be of one of three social classes (freemen, gentrymen, nobles) and seven races (all humans, although some racist characters may disagree). From then on you can join one of four (plus some secret) guilds. It's not mandatory but it's encouraged to give you goals, purpose and easy rp. And then you have magic. Magery is the utmost sin in the pervasive religious atmosphere in the game. According to ineffable dogma, mages are corrupted to their very soul and they spread such taint to whoever they engage, even if unbeknownst to them. For this reason the only way to 'cleanse' a mage is by fire. This means that if you're a mage and get caught, you are going to be set on fire and perma killed. Such is the price to pay for sin. THE GOOD -Good code: TI supports a huge variety of roleplay. You have code for emoting in specific parts of rooms, for changing languages mid sentence, for adding colors seamlessly. You have code for sneaking, pickpocketing, eavesdropping, for emoting to other rooms, sending messengers (the game's only way to ICly emulate 'instant' messaging, which actually takes a few minutes), sending mail, getting drunk, casting spells. Each guild has little coded advantages, often secret. There are coded pets, coded retainers, coded livestock, crops. There's even a skill for dancing. For politics, rumors, social power. And let's not forget you can organise special events and run your own plots with mini GM powers. Truly the code is so good that it's the main sell for many TI players. -Good RP: Emoting in TI is a serious affair. Players put up their best to make ellaborate interactions full of inflections, quirks, bodily posture, etc. There are few players who write less than two lines per single emote, and it leads to rich, colorful scenes, even if serious in tone. Guilds work together, clash, conspire. There's inner guild conflict, grand political machinations, magical attacks, even the rare demonic attack. -Good staff: Staff is good. There's no way around it. They are patient, they're very dedicated, and helpful. They are also few, which makes them all the more valuable. They answer questions tiredlessly and are just plain nice. -Extensive crafting: There's hunting, foraging, skinning, butchering, pottery, cooking, woodworking, jewelry, husbandry, smithing, fishing, papercraft. and so on and so on. Then you can customize the text (strings) for all the things you make, sell them, use them, whatever you want. -Theme is upheld: In general everyone is strict about it. That means that piety can make or break your reputation. Social etiquette, natural aversions or preferences, racism, bigotry, class warfare, they all exist and player characters actively promote them. THE NOT SO GOOD -RP is slow: It's a consequence of the emoting.... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 29, 2017
Though I've only been playing on TI for two and a half months as of the writing of this review, I can say with full sincerity that this is one of the best MUDs I've ever played on. I've been mudding for about 7 or 8 years now. I've been RPing a lot longer. And the moment I found TI, I realized that this is the exact sort of MUD I've been looking for all this time. The RP is phenomenal. Though writing styles and abilities have a fairly drastic sort of range, I think in all this time I've been playing so far, I've only come across one IC interaction where I felt so uninspired that I made up some excuse to leave the scene. Here, I feel like I'm actually writing quality stories with people as opposed to pouring my heart and soul into a pose and getting some one line 'say' in return. The crafting is the most in-depth I've ever seen. I spend far too much time crafting. I sometimes just log in simply to craft while I'm watching a movie IRL because I want something fun to do in the background and I'm like OH HEY. LET'S GO CRAFT SOME MORE SHIT. The theme is great. The lore is extensive. There's over 1000 helpfiles, though, so I would definitely say there is a learning curve. But most of the older players are help- ful. I say most, but definitely not all. I think within my first week, I just stopped using 'visnet' (the OOC help channel) altogether as I got tired of oldbies chiming in with really scathing replies to my newbie questions. I now use it very rarely as I prefer to just ask those oldbies who I know to be nice and helpful my various questions in private. The staff is very helpful and responsive as well. I've seen some oldbies complaining about staff fairly regularly... which leads me to believe these oldbies have limited experience with other MUDs and the sorts of staff that can be found there. I've played on MUDs where the staff got their jollies off on just killing people without rhyme or reason or trying to seduce all the female players for mudsex, etc. The eyeroll-inducing shenanigans are endless, but I've yet to see a staff member on TI do anything that would make me consider leaving the game. They've always been very quick to respond to my problems or concerns. Everything ranging from a, 'Oh shit. I just destroyed my entire keyring full of really important keys. Is there a way to get that back?' to a three page private message (known as a 'pboard' here) that I once sent with some concerns I had for a certain issue within the game. On any other MUD, I would have expected a message like that to have gone unread and unconsidered. But on TI, it was taken into account. Is TI perfect? No. But, honestly, of... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 13, 2017
I have played here for several years. The game is one of my favorites, but every game has flaws. First, I'll start with the good. The code is really advanced, more so than your average ROM MUD. There are many features that most RPE muds don't have, like messages, rumors, personal events, which are kind of like mini prompts to boost your RP, and many other features. Second, the community is warm and welcoming, despite its small size. Third, the world is finely crafted. The room descriptions immerse me, and I can almost picture myself there. As a final plus, staff response time is reasonably quick, and the small group of staffers seem to work in sync with each other as well as the playing community. Like I said before, the game has flaws, and here they are. First, the theme is oppressive. It's hard to play anything but a faithful Davite who blends in without bringing the order down on your head, along with the masses. Free speech is extremely limited, especially if you don't want to be branded as a heretic, which brings with it whippings, brandings, and at the worst levels, burning at the stake. While these things are part of the theme, people don't come to a game to be locked into boxes. In a world of strictly enforced conformity, anyone who doesn't blend in attracts the notice of others, and woe to you if you disobey a noble. They can lash you for disobedience. Second, the player base is small, at least in my opinion. Even in the evening hours, players are scattered across the grid, and it's hard to find RP if you don't want to sit in a tavern or church square waiting for RP. The grid is large, and I believe it should be fully taken advantage of. If you're looking for a dark world with a medieval theme, interesting story arcs, mostly, and a fully featured codebase, with everything from livestock breeding, to farming, to having children of your own, as well as the flavor of several cultures to RP, the inquisition: legacy might be a good fit.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2017
TI continues its slow decline since Takta (my impression was that Takta was Kinaed's counterbalance) was fired. I enjoy playing here. The coded systems are fantastic, and the setting is fleshed out. But TI's staff has always been what sets it apart from other MU*s, and these days, unfortunately, it's only enjoyable in spite of the staff, not because of them. I'm pessimistic about the direction the game is going in and could not recommend it in its current state. Staff readily admit they have little on-grid presence, and yet, still try to implement new systems and policy without listening to the ones whose experience is affected. A glance at the forums shows how certain staff don't attempt to read or understand player posts anymore before they dismiss them at best, and accuse them of cheating at worst (Kinaed is infamous for this). For example, when someone pointed out a problem with new hood/cloak code and asked if they could reconfigure cloaks for free to compensate, Kinaed accused them of trying to cheat out of paying--even though the problem was caused by an ill-thought code revision and was not anything a person would realistically have to pay for. Staff assumes problems are solved when players are silenced, or give up out of frustration. Which means there's a sad amount of nastiness behind staffer backs in private tells and other bile that sours the atmosphere. Players generally act content and reassure the staff publicly, because as Kinaed has said, you don't want to be on her bad side. And she has her favorites, meaning, certain players can break rules and harass others without repercussion. The players who think there aren't, are generally the favorites. I will probably take my leave when the next few major systems go in (an assets automation system that seems to be tailored to privilege oldbies, as one example). While players are constantly reassured that staff will continue to look at and rebalance new additions to the game, we are often ignored in practice. Kinaed encourages players to speak their minds, assures them she has heard them, and then proceeds to move on without taking action. They branded the last negative review on this site a 'troll review' when it was, in fact, written by a current player. Which goes to show where staff mentality is with regards to improving their game. Staff priorities include 'revitalizing' the grid with repetitive NPCs designed to occupy player roles. Want to take your bard busking in the city's major tavern? Sorry, there's already one there that you'll have to ignore. Hopefully staff will read this and look at their game with a critical eye, but I am expecting little more than to be lashed out at and branded a 'troll.'
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2017
Hey there! As a new player who just started playing on TI this year, I have to say that I was surprised to read this review. Perhaps there are some things that you've seen that I haven't seen, but to be honest, out of all the MUDs I've ever played on, the staff at TI are some of the best I've come across. I rather like that they're hands off when it comes to the RP going on in-game, meaning that most of the RP is player driven. But I've always seen them be very helpful OOC even after having been sent a pile of tells, pboards, and requests they have to slog through. I probably bother at least one staff member once a day for something (thought it's usually more like at least two staff members multiple times a day) and they're always quick to assist and never seem to mind. And then there's the weekly OOC meeting. I'll admit that, at first, I refused to attend the meeting as I dislike OOC communication on MUDs in general, but once I started going, I started seeing how helpful they can be. For those who don't play on TI: every Saturday, the staff sit down with the players for one hour, give us some item like a toy that's usually focused on something that's been going on IC (as someone who is easily amused, I enjoy these waaaaay too much), and then talk about the changes they have made to the game over the following week and then let players air their complaints. Above all, at these meetings, I've seen Kinaed make an effort to listen to any and all complaints, even offering to stay after the meeting with a player one-on-one if their complaint ended up being something a little personal or sensitive. In regards to the assets, it's my understanding that that new system is simply meant to, at its core, be a way to explain the right now ambiguous allowance/income your character gets once a week. I'm not quite sure how that would give old players special privileges. But once again - maybe you've seen something I haven't. To the person who originally wrote this review: as a fellow player, I'm sorry that you're so unhappy with the state of the MUD at present. But I have to ask: Have you brought these concerns to the staff? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to listen and address your concerns. At least, in my experience, they've always been more than happy to address mine.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 28, 2017
I've been a longtime TI player, and only recently did I decide to stop. Some reasons were because of the game itself, and others a natural progression of extensive playtime. TI is initially quite confusing, as most MUDs are, but after the learning curve, which one should get over after a week of playing, the game becomes one of the best things you'll ever experience, given the right circumstances, all of which include an active playerbase, kind players, and a small population of players that make everyone's life difficult. Fortunately for TI, 2/3 isn't that bad. The game has a unique emote based combat system, although this is often phoned in for cheap and poorly constructed one-line attacks in an effort to save one's character from death. But the intention is very much appreciated. The crafting system is perhaps the best of any MUD out there right now, RP based or not. Threaded, not too cumbersome, satisfying, and very rewarding, no matter what is crafted. The game lends itself to a wonderful technical focus when it comes to impactful events, and not player based RP, which makes things seem linear and fixed. The reason I stopped playing was due to the influx of newer players. I play TI only for the enjoyment of sponging RPXP (a unique variant of XP-you gain it through roleplaying with other players!), with the few characters I've managed to maintain longterm in-character relations. I hate the idea of going out to public taverns and RPing with commoners and new players, since they are so less refined than my noble clique and the selective few gentry and freemen I permit, provided they be alts to a preexisting member of my circle, and even then, they must only provide me trade goods. The best RP is that done with maybe a few people who have high status both IC and OOCly. They have the most power, and the most influence over the game. I was an Aide once, a system that the game had a few years ago that gave normal players the power to snoop and access the RP and passwords of other players, although this was vehemently denied by staff. The Aide system was demolished after a rogue player exposed the exploitative nature that it had. The staff are efficient, if not a bit cold. There was a new player who had only loads of questions about the game, and to their credit, staff did answer him when he didn't use the Visnet channel, a line of communication for questions, but soon staff grew agitated with him, and blatantly began ignoring his questions. They ignored his pleas to explain why no one would answer him, or even RP with him. Staff led a very personal vendetta against him, for reasons unknown. I assume maybe he said something that upset them. The game is run by a woman named Kinaed who is perhaps the most autocratic staffer I've ever known. She recently banned long... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2017
Greetings, My staff alerted me to this review (thanks guys, I think). After reading it, I can't help think it's a bit of a troll post given that Leper 'left because of the influx of new players' and that they 'play TI only for the enjoyment of sponging RPXP'. No doubt a Freudian slip that they 'play' rather than 'played', right? Anyway, thanks for the compliments. For the negatives - well, no one's perfect. Tongue in cheek as it was, I take the point that older players can be insular and tend to accumulate more power in the game than newer ones start with, no matter the checks and balances we try to implement over the years. Fair enough. However, there are some important things my staff asked me to address to counter any potential scaremongering. 1) On snooping - Aides do not, and never have had, any ability to snoop. Any real previous Aide player can attest to that. To my knowledge, they never did, even when the game was Tamara's and Aides were called Citizens. Further, staff cannot silently snoop players. The snoop command alerts players that a staff member is snooping them, which is used for debugging. Staff members also cannot go invisible, and therefore we also do not watch or know of RP unless you're actually RPing with our alts. So, this part of the review is simply untrue. 2) On Kinaed being autocratic - well, that's one true. Like with most MUDs, TI isn't a democracy, it's a private server. I'd definitely prefer people didn't upset me as it's such a headache when they do. I have been known to resort to cannibalism and rhetoric in singsong, which as far as I can tell pains everyone else around me into submission (and is also tiring). So, yes, please do not upset me. 3) As for the 'banned ex-staffer' - I have never banned any of my staff, current or previous. I hope this clears up any misconceptions. Warm regards, Kinaed
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 9, 2016
As a player of TI, I was pretty shocked reading this review. Some of it struck me as overtly trollish, but as it was sandwiched between legitimate commentary I don't want to discount the entirety of what was said. First and foremost, the portion about leaving TI because you dislike newbies and having to interact with them -- I feel this is probably the most likely to be trolling, but just in case: if you dislike newbies and interacting with them, TI is indeed not going to be to your taste. As a newbie the reception was wonderful. As an established player, newbie helping is a celebrated pastime. Staff and players alike go out of their way to assist. It's just part of the game culture. If you legitimately don't like interacting with new players, you won't much like TI's atmosphere. The other portion that was likely trolling but I'd like to address anyway: The best RP is game-wide, not limited to a few people with 'high status'. Status doesn't exist OOC, and IC I've had some the most enjoyable, lovely storylines on Freemen (the lowest class), with other Freemen, than I've ever had on characters with significant IC rank. I am terribly sorry your experience there was poor! As mentioned, though, the community is wonderful and if you're having a difficult time getting involved, all you have to do is mention it. Half the pbase will be ready to grab you and bring you into their stories. The Aide system has been gone for awhile -- gone well before I joined TI three years ago. I'm confused about your comment about 'accessing passwords', though. That isn't actually possible, code-wise, for a MUD. Passwords are stored on MUDs inside pfiles, and encrypted. Even if players with the 'Aide' flag could have somehow accessed the pfiles on the server and opened them, the passwords would have appeared like gibberish, '23hfewfi' and such. Kind of a bizarre comment, and further leads me to believe large portions of your review is trolling. Lastly, the former Staff member you cited as 'banned for multiplaying' is a friend of mine. She wasn't banned, which was confirmed after you logged into the game and spammed the newbie-helping channel with all-caps accusations about her being banned. She was asked to log in by Staff to make sure nothing weird was going on, and was able to log in without issue. I can't address the comments made about Kinaed without rolling my eyes a bit, as they're both fabricated and kind've silly. In three years I can't think of an instance in which Kinaed was noticeably 'upset' about anything. I've certainly been against decisions that were made, but I've never gotten the impression they were being made for some self-serving, emotional purpose. She applies the rules as they stand universally, which is at times difficult for some to swallow. You don't get special consideration or leeway for being a long-term player, and there is no thing... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 23, 2016
I just happen to browse over some of the newer reviews and saw this one. I have to say that both of the comments kind of make me sick. Someone is reviewing the game based on their own perspective. Yet, you both think the guy is trolling. What is that? If you read my review, which is another player perspective, it's the same. When you have pretty similar reviews, then there is clearly a trend. How about instead of insulting the people who invest time into your game, you instead take what they say to heart and either use it or lose it. To end here, you are absolutely right about it being a private server. No one has the right to tell you how to run your game or in your really silly words, 'upset you.' But at the end of the day, this is our outlet to tell you, 'this game is bad and here's why.' Man, if only we can have less scumbags running MUDs that would be a gift in itself because the players there are pretty awesome if you weren't blantly abusing their time.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 21, 2017
The Neutral Staff are hands off until they don't want to be. This can be good or bad. I don't like invisible forces involved in my RP. Some people do. The plot system generates a lot of RP. That RP is usually focused around a small group of two or three guildleaders who keep the content under wraps. Your average Joe can still RP the effects. There is a huge amount of turn-over in certain guildleader roles. You might be able to snag one for yourself. You also might have a hell of a time getting anything done if you need one of them. For the opportunistic this is great. For anyone else it's challenging. You will need a certain amount of coded votes to get into a guild. It keeps guilds exclusive and thematic. It also provides a sometimes impossible hurdle to getting guilded at no fault of the guildleaders. A guildleader cannot codedly admit you into the guild without your having acquired X amount of votes from other members. This ensures guildleaders aren't just guilding their friends on a whim, but it also makes appealing to the guildleader useless when you can't find members who will RP with you. The theme is good but rigid. Your RP will not be affecting the world and may be discounted if it leads in that direction. Administration seems almost afraid of allowing far-reaching effects. Denying players the opportunity to change the world keeps TI as TI, but it can at times be frustrating. The Good You will find RP to suit any style. Some people have Armageddon style one-liners. Some people write beautifully detailed prose. Most fall somewhere in the middle. People are accommodating of other styles and usually keep to a loosely turn based format. You don't come across very many people who incessantly chatter over osay and a polite request that they cease is accepted without drama. I have encountered very little ooc drama on TI. Even the bad eggs are treated fairly by other players until bad egg behavior resurfaces. Lots and lots of coded goodies. Crafting is the tip of the iceberg. If you decide to make a character you'll be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activities you can participate in with or without other people. TI does a good job of keeping the game interesting without depending solely upon active RP. You have a reason to sign in and stay signed in even while the game is empty. Kinaed is a reasonable administrator. You won't find many of those. So long as you can express yourself in a non-combative manner she's highly likely to take your concerns into consideration. The Bad Cliques. Don't get me wrong, people will be plenty friendly, but don't try and get involved in their roleplay past a certain point. Most of the older players should be wearing shirts reading 'I have enough friends.' Even if you manage to develop an organic relationship with an older player, their will... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2017
As the noble player/staff member probably implicated in this review, I'd like to make a few comments: 1) While noble slots nowadays tend to be chosen by staff from applications, my character was actually ennobled in play via the impetus of other PCs in a way completely unrelated to staff opinion. That is to say, staff had nothing whatsoever to do with choosing my PC for nobility. The PCs who did choose to ennoble my character were not staff alts. 2) Staff power IS limited; they're kept from being GLs, who actually have a lot more power over the game. Noble power is very limited, and while I won't deny my character is powerful, it comes out of IC ties I've worked hard to forge. My PC had similar influence and power during a period I was not a staff member, and nobody expected me to be one again - it was a result of RP. But most importantly... I'd really like to encourage you to talk to me in person. I'm grieved to hear that I come across as cliquish; I love making relationships with new players when my time allows, and drawing them into whatever RP I have going at the time. If I inadvertently did something to make you feel excluded, I would sincerely love to hear about it so I could explain myself and perhaps help you get more incorporated into RP some other way. Many of us noble players find it hard to get new RP ties as people act differently around our PCs or even avoid us, so I actually cherish every new iC relationship I can manage to build.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 23, 2015
Hello Ariel. I only now saw your comment here. I'm sorry I gave you the impression I was singling you out. Your character was not my problem at the time my review was written. On the contrary, you went out of your way to take hold of plot hooks I attempted. My comment on staff and nobility slots was not a criticism of Ariel. It was a criticism of a system which doesn't bar staff from filling some exclusive slots. Barring staff from applying into and receiving limited nobility application positions would have solved the issue I described. It was never about Ariel.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 25, 2017
I have played everything from a grand inquisitor, to a knight, to a merchant, to an ex-slave, to a hermit ranger of the wilderness. If you can conceive of it, you can bring it to life in Lithmore. With systems to support the stories you tell, you will find yourself drawn in by an immersive medieval setting the layers of which are nigh limitless. Will you be a mage hiding from the Order and trying to survive? Will you be an orderite desperate to save tainted souls and protect your flock from the evils of magery? Will you be a troubadour bringing song and laughter to a tavern of merchants who have just gotten off work? Your concepts are limited only by what you can dream up for them. I can tell you this, however. Be prepared, for once you enter Lithmore... you will never want to leave.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 8, 2016
As my second anniversary playing TI is coming up, it's time to revisit and write another review. Much of the 'sparkly new' has faded for me, as it does. As such my view has of course gotten more critical over time. There are a couple things about TI that really stick in my craw, but as a whole it remains the single best place to go for rewarding, well-written roleplay, a stellar Staff and amiable userbase. I remain heavily invested in TI; beyond shadow of a doubt, this is the game I'm very happy to call home. The Rules/Staff/Admin: There will never be a game without aspects which irritate or upset portions of it's userbase, and TI is no different there. Where it is different is that its policies, decisions, and rules are made with reasons that are typically understandable to the majority. You might not agree with the reason, but they very, very rarely seem out of left field or based on Staff preference over user preference. I can count the number of times I've seriously worried over Staff motives on two fingers, and one of the two was pretty swiftly rectified. In two years, that's an amazing track record. Most Staff members are highly approachable and maintain some aspect of interaction over OOC channels with players. Partially because of this Staff are humanized, which is a big leg up over just about any other MUD I've played. Some of the rules are very unique to TI, such as the multiplay policies; if you're looking to join, read them up, down, backwards and forwards, and even then be sure to ask Staff if you have a whiff of an idea that it could be viewed as multiplay. If you've played a dozen RPI MUDs you're still unlikely to understand the depth of the rules at first or second glance. They're livable, but they're also a confusingly unique concept at first. Check and double check; Staff won't fuss at you at all for asking for a clarification. Alternatively, it's not unrecommended to just play one character. All in all the rules and their implementation range from livable to excellent. I can't really complain about either. Roleplay/Game World: After two years I still uncover new portions of game history and lore through the course of investigation and RP. It's a rabbit hole you'll probably never get all the way to the bottom of, and it's fantastic. Always expanding as well, as everything contributed by the current players will one day be the lore of the next generation of players. The theme really is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of playing in. It has a little bit of everything folks tend to like in a medieval world, takes significantly from real life history (the Reeves are even a guild!), but also has a huge quantity of completely custom theme material. The real and the fictional blend together into something wonderful and engaging. TI's guild system an... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2016
I am the original author of the above review, and I wanted to revisit to address something I specifically criticized. My comments about the multiplay policies were based upon incomplete information that has since been remedied. I would still recommend becoming very familiar with them prior to making an alt, but they are nowhere near as esoteric as they appeared to me when I wrote my review. It was my lack of comprehension for a specific situation, rather than the rules in and of themselves, that had managed to perplex me.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 4, 2016
The Inquisition: Legacy is an RP-enforced MUD centered around the political and social structure of Lithmore and the ongoing conflict of mage persecution. TI does not grant experience points for combat or skilling; rather, experience is gained solely through RP. This mechanic creates an extremely social, RP-focused MUD that not only encourages but actually requires strong participation in order to advance your character. Wandering the streets of Lithmore did sometimes feel a lonely experience, as TI's playerbase is not large. However, everyone I encountered was friendly, helpful, and best of all, perfectly willing to RP with a newbie. It was a fun and welcoming environment. My favorite aspect of this MUD is the lore and politics: even though I haven't been playing for very long, I can already feel that the game's machinations are complex and exciting. The only truly negative thing I have to say about TI: Legacy is that, because experience isn't granted from, say, killing monsters, it can be easy to feel like you have no direction. Overall, this is an excellent MUD that I look forward to exploring further.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 7, 2016
I have been playing this mud for a little over a month now. It is an extremely well-rounded game so regardless of what sort of role play you prefer, I am sure you'll be able to find it here. the staff, are extremely accommodating and understanding. There is an out of character meeting that takes place every week, where the players and staff get together and just have a discussion on how the players are feeling,what can be improved, any concerns or issues you've been having with the game. The crafting system, is beyond superb. You are able to customize pretty much everything. The way something looks, tastes (if you're cooking something) just everything. I've not come across a better crafting system. The role play is pretty intense, but the players are extremely nice and understanding. Especially since when you first join the game, everyone is aware you are new and so try an help you along role play wise if you're having trouble with the emoting syntax or anything in general. What I really like is that the rp xp you gain, you can use on skills but those skills actually do not improve unless you use them. So in that aspect it is very much like real life. Over all, I absolutely love this game. I have spent countless hours, (probably more than I really should) enjoying this game. Oh also, if you are one that really likes to get involved in the game, create your own plots and storylines, that is absolutely possible and encouraged in this game. The staff will help you along, so you can really shine. I honestly cannot, say enough about this game and the staff that are involved in making it what it is. Please, come check it out. I guarantee you, you'll enjoy it. It took a good friend of mine four months to convince me to actually play. Now, I'm regretting I let so much time go by before I started playing.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 15, 2016
I don’t know why I tried TI:L. It seemed unappealing on the surface. It had a laundry list of things that I think flat out ruin most other games. PvP, Permanent Death, and a heavy emphasis on religious RP. But I've been having the time of my life with this game! And these don't describe the game very well. It's accurate, but less intimidating than it sounds. And really, I’ve never seen a game handle said issues with such maturity. Let me give you an overview before diving into my likes and dislikes. The game’s backdrop is an Inquisition not unlike the real life one. However, Magic does exist in this game -- you can choose to play as a mage. But Magery is considered the ultimate sin. And the only cure is incineration. There are lots of ways to play the game. I approach it like a fictional MUD. You don’t need to play as an Inquisitor, Mage, or devout. It's just the theme. You can take on any role you want. I've seen butchers, merchants, and lawmen. I'm a dancer in all this chaos! You can be what you want to be. The community is one of the greatest I’ve ever seen, and I've seen many. There's pvp, but there is no roaming kill-squads of players out to kill you. There’s rules in place that limit PvP, so you just don't killed for whatever. Most deaths are from executions (Being a Mage or a repeat criminal offender). This is a game that encourages people to be proactive. You need to go for it. But the reward is worth it. As long as it's thematic, it's probably approved. Sorry, but you can't play as a dude with a mini-gun or giant mech. Let’s get into the specifics. I’ll start with what I love about the game. Positive #1 A focus on roleplaying This is an RP MUD. You get experience through RP with other characters. You do not wander around genociding the local wildlife to level up. You pool XP by playing with other characters. It's an idea I love. This system forcest RP. You then convert that XP into skills through use. Want to be a better cook? Get cooking. Want to stab really hard? Start stabbing people (preferably with safe weapons in the training arena). There’s guilds that you can join to get more RP. And each has its own flavor. There’s lots of commands to make it easier to find others to play with. One command shows you which rooms in the game have players who RPing. And with another zips you over without needing an online map. This of course is optional. You can be as covert as you wish. Positive #2 The Skill System If you’ve ever played Ultima Online, this game will be familiar to you. There are no levels in the game. There’s skills, stats, and equipment. It’s a free system that lets you develop your character however you But,... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 20, 2015
I started playing this MUD a few months ago off and on. Lately, I've been playing it non-stop. Before I go into much more detail here, let me say I am still very much a newbie to this game. My review is from a new player perspective and not that of an experienced veteran. However, I have been playing, developing and managing MUD's since the late 90's. So, I've been around the block in the community and back a few times. When I first started playing the game, the community and staff welcomed me into open arms. Everyone was extremely friendly, there was a diverse set of RP characters and the game felt robust. As I type this, there is about 50 players on with 5 staff visible. It's very healthy and active. I played primarily a criminal character that robs other players. Generic for some, but they support it. Both nobles and criminals are supported and the game encourages all types of RP. I really enjoyed that about the game and got hooked because of the possibilities I could do. Unfortunately, the new feel kind of wore off when I sort of rubbed a staff member the wrong way. I feel this happened because I was a bit to needy from the staff when trying to learn the game. In summary, I was always poking them and talking with them about the game because generally, I was pretty excited about playing and learning as much as I could. To make a long story short, I had a player complain about a PvP scene I was in. They said I left to early before giving them enough time to react. The staff investigated this issue, saw the logs and told me that I should be fine. But, it would not be official until the IMP reviews the logs and makes the call. During that investigation, I found the staff member to be very rude. She obviously held some type of grudge with me and was not helpful at all. She told me I was being investigated, yet was getting spammed by other players to fully talk to me about the situation. This made her very short with me and made me feel like she really just didn't care. The conversation ended with me getting super frustrated with the staff member where I vented a little more than I should. I feel this only happened because of how short the staff member was to start even though I tried to supply her with all the information she needed to fulfill her request. At the end of the day, I really do like the game. But issues like this make it so much harder to play the game too.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 6, 2015
I started playing this MUD a few months ago off and on. Lately, I've been Here is a follow-up to the previous review. The information before is not in result of my previous review. Just a follow-up on what happened in the issue I was facing with the staff and how they handled the situation with me specifically. The owner of the MUD contacted me about two topics. The first topic was on how I handled that PvP situation. The owner reviewed over the logs and told me I handled the situation good and that I had nothing to worry about in that regards. The next topic was on how the conversation between the other staff member and myself went. It obviously went bad and the owner gave her weigh in on what happened. The verdict was that she say no issues with how the staff member handled the conversation (the investigation) and I should re-frame from treating staff the way I did in the future. At this point, I feel that I need to express my reasons on why I took the approach I did and why I feel concerned on how the previous staff member handled the situation. This went on, back-and-forth a couple more times in a very civil manner on both parts. I expressed my concern, the owner expressed why she disagrees and why it does not matter. Case is closed, move on please. The last correspondence from the owner was that everything was final. Any future messages on this topic would be futile and likely result in some type of action against me due to harassment. So, I knew the next message would likely result in some type of punishment. I went for it anyways. In the end, I got wiped and IP-Banned. This is all because the owner has made up her mind and nothing else matters, especially the concerns of the players. This seems pretty common among the other reviews. The staff are pretty set on what they want and that's the end. Any future attempts result in the system shutting down much like it shut down in this situation. It's their way or the highway ideally. So, this is Baine signing off. It was a real pleasure RP'ing with everyone. Again, the game and staff for the most part are great. It's just went push comes to shove in more complicated situations that have been ruled on, they shut down and step on you like puny little ant. Such a shame.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 1, 2015
I have been on and off with TI for some time now, usually in spurts of 6-8 months on with then couple months off to plot new characters, ideas and schemes. And every time I come back the game has evolved even further, not only in terms of code and features but also in terms of player base, and while 2 years ago I could not recommend it to someone playing in GMT timezone as he would have very slim picking of RP partners, now you can have an array of players to pick from at any time of day and night. And there is a lot of RP to take place, from being a humble trader, through a terrifying mage to a feared grand inquisitor whose will can send people to the dreaded pyre. If you can imagine it and it fits the theme of medieval witch-hunt (more or less) then you can bring your creation to live and see how it will find itself in this fascinating world. And if you want to do something that code doesn't support but makes sense, staff will be happy to help you bring that dream to life, which is just fantastic.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2015
I have been playing on The Inquisition: Legacy for a year now and it has been a very rewarding experience on a number of levels. The role playing on the game is fun, inviting and very encouraging. The code is updated and advanced regularly and the staff of the game are some of the best I've ever seen on a game. The theme of the game is one that can be a challenge for some people as it does lend tis self to conflict. That doesn't mean the game is a PVP fest by any stretch of the imagination, but it -is- a dangerous world where the wrong choices/actions can lead to consequences or even death for your character. The game features a strong main religion with a number of minor heresies that are being hunted down, allowing for some intriguing rp surrounding that. It further has a class system where one can play as a freeman, gentry or noble, each with their own individual benefits and drawbacks. These basic options combined with a skill based character advancement system allows for such much customization that you can have most anything you want for a character and the character can be changed and influenced by ic events in meaningful ways. I've seen characters start off as combat characters who have slowly shifted out into other focuses. By not having character classes (as opposed to social classes) it allows the freedom for characters to change jobs, and adjust to in character circumstances. Those same changes can extend to cahgnes in your social class and religion as well. There is one well known character who started as a freeman pretending to be gentry, then became gentry in his own right. Later through heavy RP the character rose to nobility. While it isn't a common occurance changing social classes icly, it is possible with rp and I think that is a glorious addition. There is a varied guild system where the joining of guilds encourages rp and is a great way for new players to get involved in meeting other players. You seek a guild and it sends a flag that members in that guild can see. You approach them and you find sponsors to enter the guild and as a result you meet those fellow guild members, getting right into the player base. The code support of the game is wonderful. Like any mud, there are always issues, changes of crashes and the like. However, the staff are very quick to address such issues and they are constantly innovating, expanding the code system with new features. In recent times they have included two major additions to combat in terms of ranged combat, support systems for combat, new spells, overhauls of medicine as well as the introduction of a system known as places, where players can set up 'places' to speak within a room that talks to those at the place, allowing for private conversations amidst a larger group. This of comes... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 28, 2015
I have been playing TI: Legacy for a while now, so I have a pretty good feel for things on this mud. The single most important thing to me in a game like this is that it's relatively fair, and I can say that this game is. I know that I can trust the staff to at least make attempt to be fair and keep things that way, and even if I don't like some of the things that they do, and even if I don't always agree with them, I know at the end of the day that they tried. That I can trust that for the most part is so hugely important for me. That being said, here's my views of the whole thing: The good: + There is a lot of opportunity to be whoever you want to be in this game. I've been everything from an ex-slave to a noble and back again, and all the roles were interesting, and there is a lot of things that you can tailor to your own likes and dislikes. + The chargen system in this game is the best that I've ever seen, and I've been mudding for nearly fifteen years. Very straightforward and thorough. + It doesn't usually take that long to get involved and get into a guild for the most part. + If you like to play evil characters that wreak havoc, the staff and player base tend to be quite accommodating. + The staff isn't on you all the time for every little thing you do as long as you play well in the sandbox with the other kids, so to speak. + When spats erupt OOCly, which is very rare, people are very nice and very receptive to apologies, and usually make peace pretty quickly. + For the most part, the staff is very responsive to player feedback. The staff is generally very responsive...period. + The player base is, in general, very easy to get involved with. I will say that sometimes it can take a few days to find your niche, but I have never had what I would call a hard time, and if people know that you're a legit newbie or think you are, they tend to go out of their way to help you and include you. + Staff actively plays the game. That's negative for some people, but for me, it tends to be positive because you know that when there's a major issue with RP, they truly understand how frustrating it is and can empathize when they're giving you help with this or that or the other. The ugly: + If you're gone for any reasonable length of time like I sometimes am, say four or five months, you can log back into the game to find that a great deal has changed. For some people this is great, but I am not a fan of so much change. I'm never lost, but I'm just the... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 26, 2015
For a worn-out administrator of many years ElseMU*, TI: Legacy has been a breath of fresh air in every possible capacity. I spent probably six weeks searching in a last ditch effort for someplace to relax and be a player again, needing an environment judged worthy from an all too critical 'Well it's not MY game, so it can't be as comfortable as home would be' perspective. TI: Legacy has become so quickly a home that I've found myself scheduling in administrative duties ElseMU* around it, just to make sure I get the chance to regularly play. Like any game it has positive and negative points, though I should note the positive so greatly outweigh the negative it's hardly even worth mentioning points from both sides. I'll try to do so for the sake of neutrality! Biggest Praises: - Community/RP: The great majority of players are fantastic roleplayers (we can toss the mask of 'roleplay' out and just label them writers). The creativity In Character, in crafting, in scenes, has never failed to compel me to keep logging in. From the very first scene I stumbled into by accident with a peg-legged butcher to my eighty-seventh (I do keep track; no idea why) with the Poet Laudate of the Troubadours last night, every encounter has been an absolute treat. - Staff: Though at times they come across as slightly overworked (at no fault of their own; they're simply invested in the game and it's visible) I'm literally envious of the Staff on TI. I couldn't find a fault with a group of such infinitely polite, neutral, hands-off, discreet and productive people if I tried. - Theme: Excellent. Flawlessly designed and just as flawlessly demonstrated. Every culture (of which there are many) seems alive, every continent in the Kingdom seems real. The capital's conflicts are your own personal conflicts--no matter who you are, you will be affected in some way, often, by the flux and flow of the world around you. That Order vs. Mages isn't a black and white demonstration of good vs. evil (perspective is of vital importance) is another nod to TI: Legacy's theme. Providing guidelines without making them so rigid you can't breathe is quite a feat. TI accomplishes it. - Grid: Gorgeous room descriptions in all public or semi-public areas. - Combat, music, acting, singing and all else is done in the moment and written as you would a pose/emote. Really amazing for immersion and personalization. - Newbie friendly. I can't stress that enough. Biggest Gripes: - The movement system kinda drives me nuts. Walking from one room to another takes a few seconds, which doesn't sound like much until you're doing it. You can choose to move quicker but have to eat or drink a great deal to do it for long. A stroll down a couple blocks even at a full-out run probably shouldn't require a couple loaves of bread to be gobbled down in order to crawl a little further. end... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 11, 2014
I've only been playing The Inquisition Legacy for two weeks, but I've found it has been all I've been looking for when it comes to a roleplay focused MUD. They are a dying breed, and often succumb to either the seduction of pay-to-win, or a lack of dedicated players. Instead, TI-Legacy seems to have a small but committed player base, that is run by excellent volunteer staff. It has the freeform roleplay of the emote system, but with a large codebase to add depth and conflict to the game. The important conflict of the game is the idea of religion versus magery. Magery is despised, and actively hunted, in a style almost reminiscent of WOTMUD. However, there also mounds of secondary conflicts in the game that add spice to the central theme. You can choose to be a priest by day, and a thief by night. You can choose to be a physician who dabbles in the arts of earth magic. You can be evil, you can be good, you can be ordinary. But no matter who you are, you will always have excellent RP with the experienced and welcoming community.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2014
When I first started The Inquisition: Legacy, I had to be wrangled into it by a group of close friends. They all insisted I would love it if I gave it a try, but to tell you the truth, I had my doubts. I had dabbled in MUDs before and I liked the idea of a text-based game, but I had never managed to become attached to one. I tried a few, of course, but the excitement usually faded within a few weeks and I lost interest. That all changed for me as I started playing this game. I've been playing The Inquisition: Legacy now for over two years. Here are a few of the reasons why, and why you should too: The game has one of the most complex, well-developed themes I’ve seen on any MUD. It is centered in a medieval realm not too unlike our own, called ‘Urth’, where, hundreds of years after a mad King’s loss of his family to magic, the Inquisition seeks to eradicate all signs of magery and heresy throughout the kingdom. There are eight unique regions, each with their own cultures and features, and a history spanning hundreds of years with books and lore to match. Though it may seem like a lot at first, there are also thousands of helpfiles to give insight into the game. TI: Legacy has staff members who are miraculously sane, courteous, intelligent and unbiased people. They’re happy to assist with improving RP in the game, they make certain to solve issues in a nonpartisan manner, and they’ll promptly reply to any inquiries, requests or bug reports. Not only that, but they seem to genuinely care about the opinions of the players. There is even a weekly ‘OOC Meeting’, in which players and staff gather together to discuss what improvements are going on, how RP is, and possible future changes for the game. The game is centered around roleplaying, not grinding, with players who are creative, kind and diverse. There are infinite possibilities in creating your characters. Here are a few I've seen or played: -a lanky Tubori seaman turned to a thief in hard times -a beautiful but treacherous Vandagan bard, also a spymaster -a loyal Knight, crippled and returning from the Edessan wars to the capital -a greedy Vavardi merchant with an eye for power -a former guttersnipe from Southside, running a Tavern with two friends -a mage pretending to live a normal life while possessing hidden gifts -a Farin magistrate trying to balance the scales and put criminals to justice -a young, naive priestess, unwittingly put in a position of terrible power -a former noble in disguise, struggling to live a common life And these are just a few of of the many possibilities out there on TI. I encourage anyone who loves a good story, interesting RP, and diverse characters to come check the game out. If you do, feel free to send me a tell and say hi.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 5, 2014
After 15 years of playing other MUD games, I had pretty much given up. I was tired of the old hack-and-slash routine. Tired of working endlessly on characters whose personal stories were subsumed by be-all end-all combat mechanics. Tired of rude, know-it-all players, griefers, twinks, and trolls. Tired of player and staff cliques. Tired of the GRIND. And then, about a year and a half ago, I found TI: Legacy. I can't tell you how glad I am to have given this game a chance. If you enjoy storytelling, intrigue, and an emphasis on character development, you need to give TI: Legacy a try. In this game, you earn experience not by killing the same monsters over and over but simply by roleplaying. If you've never played a roleplay-focused MUD, this means that you earn experience basically by telling your character's story: describing their actions, speech, and thoughts through emotes and poses with other characters in the world. The first character on your account gets bonus experience, every character gets a customizable first set of clothes, and every character gets a 1-room home that can be described however you choose. The theme, which pits the righteousness of the Church against the abomination of witchcraft, allows plenty of variety and creativity while still providing structure. Witches hide amongst the populace, and it's the job of the Order and the Knights to save the witches' souls by burning them on the pyre. Knowingly helping a witch can get you branded as a heretic or outright killed, so you must choose your allegiances wisely! Although PKing is allowed, it's taken very seriously in TI, as PK deaths are permanent. This provides the game with a sense of danger, as actions have potentially life-altering and life-threatening consequences. At the same time, however, the player-base is overall very friendly, patient, and helpful, especially toward newbies (as previous reviewers have mentioned). The game also has an easy-to-learn yet nuanced combat system that uses emotes rather than predefined 'attack' messages, which allows combat to be part of a story, not just an automated sequence and a means to an end. Climbing the social ladder doesn't require combat prowess for many professions, however. The economy in TI is player driven, and PCs can design, craft, and sell their own wares, including furniture, weapons, and medicines. You can play a pick-pocketing street urchin or, if you take part in the regular Regency Quest, potentially even the King or Queen Regent herself. So what are you waiting for? Give TI: Legacy a try! When you get in game, be sure to type HELP THINGS TO DO. Here's a list of some of the things I have personally done, to give you a taste of what's possible: - Punched an insufferable Daravi emissary in the face. - Saved a room full of people from a terrible demon. - Rose from a lowly page to the Earl Marshall of the Knights. - Saved the city from a grandmaster Earth -... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 27, 2014
Well I started playing The Inquisition: Legacy back in either October or November of 2012. Since then I have come to frankly enjoy this MUD. For me the best part is not so much the coding and functions in the game, even if they are great, is the community. I worried that when I joined that I would be seen as a noob and kind of not welcomed into the game especially since this was my first MUD ever. But this was not the case, instead I was welcomed with open arms and everyone was more than willing to help me get settled into the game. Since then I have come see the community as more like an extended family or close friends. In regards to the game itself it is an immensely thought out game. With a myriad of skills and different character types you can play along with such a detailed story it creates a rich game. In my roughly year and a half of playing I have played 18 characters and 13 of them have been mages and despite losing so many characters it was well worth it and created tons of rp for my fellow players. In regards to Staff. It is unique how staff have taken more of a backseat position on the game. They try not to get directly involved unless needed and are open to player suggestions and what not. The fact that you can joke with staff and they are not at all threatening to approach is just an added bonus. So in summary this is a great game for first time MUDers, such as myself, and veteran MUDers alike.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 1, 2014
I've played on quite a few other RP MUDs before and have had my share of PK-only and Hack 'n Slash games. After playing for almost 2 months on TI now, I have yet to complain. Here are some of the things that have been striking to me: -Autoreward system which is hard to abuse and requires very little to no staff intervention. -RPA (RP Assistance) which allows players to bring about events of small to large scales, some affecting the entire grid. -Numerous events that brings a large portion of the player base together and creates an exciting story. -The player base is a gem. Conflict between players is tightly controlled, sorted peacefully and swiftly. -Staff always respond. Maybe not right away, but they will do their best to get back to you. I have yet to find MUD staff more helpful than those on TI. -Frequent updates and bug fixes. When they are found, they are quickly squashed and staff do what they can to accommodate players if it proves to be a problem. -The theme and lore is expansive and strong. Think the Holy Crusades from the early 1100's. -The game offers a newbie channel (visnet) in which someone will almost always respond. -The player base size is decent and there is always fresh RP to go around with numerous intertwined plots. -Some players play to win, unfortunately, but that is merely a minority. It frequently causes a little tension, which is quickly sorted. -Movement takes getting used to as one has to wait for their character to cross an area before getting to the next room. -There is a bit of a learning curve. Fresh players have a lot to read up on, but in most cases people learn as they go. I like 'The Inquisition' more than I do any other RP MUD and would highly advise anyone curious to stop by.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 17, 2014
The Inquisition: Legacy has been a wonderful outlet in life for creativity! I have met many people who I otherwise would have not had a chance, and made many friends as a result of playing this game. Everyone is helpful and new players should feel very welcomed! This game lets you as a player have a great deal of influence with the world- more than just clothing but your surroundings as well. Players are encouraged to submit ideas for review, and possible implementing to the game for all to enjoy. A variety of skills provide you with many opportunities for work as an individual and then there is always the option of being a mage and creating chaos! Come play with us!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 20, 2014
The Inquisition: Legacy, comes from venerable stock -- drawing setting and inspiration from the original Inquisition, and therefore is a continuation of time tested and established lore. The Inquisition, true to its namesake, establishes itself in a late Medevial period, in the nation of Lithmore, during which religious zeal inspires great devotion -- as well as suspicion in those whose faith seems lacking. The lynchpin, however, that separates the Inquisition of fantasy from the inquisition of reality is that magic, in this game, is very real. In the setting of Legacy, magic is not a superstition -- its existence is a documented fact. This sets the scene for the main draw of Inquisition -- a cloak and dagger shadow war between the pious and the heretics, where the former can legally throw the latter on the pyre, and the latter have power far beyond that of mere mortals. It's an interesting concept and one that plays out well for a Dark Fantasy MUD. The war between various factions almost always spools out indirectly -- assassinations, rumor gathering, spying are central and common occurences in this theme. Both mages and thief characters have a heavy emphasis on subterfuge and secrecy. As both can only exist as long as their identities remain anonymous, they must balance honing their skills against the persistant threat of being 'found out' -- particularly dangerous for mages, which are summararily executed. Likewise, achieving goals is a delicate dance for a mage or thief, who must find unorthodox ways to coerce, kill, or subtly influence to prevent the situation flipping on them, resulting in their deaths. Often times, a single careless gesture or mistake can produce this grim end, producing an unending tension that heightens the draw of Legacy. On the other side of the coin, the Order and the Reeves (orginizations centered on fighting mages and thieves respectively), rarely have evidence to convict on, unless the thief or mage are caught red handed. Only by a careful attention to detail, flipping of informants, and shrewd dectetive work can lawful players close in on apostates and thieves, before they themselves are picked off. And even the most well presented evidence always leaves the nagging suspicion that maybe, just maybe, the one dancing on the pyre was a victim of mistaken identity. This never ending game of cat and mouse is made more compelling by a well drawn out setting. Multiple cultures (each with their own religious and lifestyle dogmas) lend facets to the roleplay, while groups such as the silver-tongued Troubadors who control public opinion, to the Nobles -- who control vast reserves of wealth -- influence and manipulate how the ongoing struggle for the souls of Lithmore play out. An advanced rumor system, as well as intricate crafting, performing, and utility skills meld fluidly into the mix, deepening the experience exponentially. However, with a focus on subterfuge and 'shadow war' mindsets, the obvious problem that emerges is the OOC exchange of information. However, an extremely active and alert staffing force is in place to combat and keep an eye on suspicious behaviors. In my month or more of playing, I can count on one hand the times I have logged in and there have been no visible staffers. Generally, (perhaps ninety five out of one hundred times) there is a staffer on, providing thematic assistance and policy oversight. However, a greater barrier to OOC manipulation exists, in the fact that TI: Legacy's player base is among the most mature and friendly I've encountered. Any in character backstabbery is left just as that -- in character. If there is a criticism to be made, it is that the game's meta plot tends to plod on quite a bit. Because of the secret, running battle that is centric to the game, it's hard to notice when things are going on. While there is thematically over warfare going on, the front if thousands of miles away from the IG playable area, restricting most conflict either cloak and dagger feinting, or social jockeying through rumors and 'tavern' scenes. This is alleviated greatly by the storytelling system, which allows staff to approve plots presented by players. These players are then given reduced staff powers for a temporary period, allowing them to briefly 'DM' scenarios for other players to enjoy. It's a tidy system that allows for open conflict and set-pieces to brighten the day-to-day gameplay, but they are far and few between. I have only experienced one in my time in TI: Legacy. That being said, the strength of the game's community, theme, constant staff input on code and policy, as well as unique game mechanics more than merit this to be examined by anyone looking to roleplay in a less visceral, more cerebral environment. TI: Legacy can be found at
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 2, 2013
Magic, corruption, Knights in armor and romance galore! The Inquisition: Legacy is a roleplay intensive MUD that has roots over a decade old, and all the stronger for it. Set in a medieval time period, where the Church rules all, TI:L, as it's called, is focused around the lives of those people, from Queen to beggar, the whole of the greatest city on Urth is available to the player. Lithmore City, the capitol of King Dav, battles daily, the balance of religion and morality at stark contrast with the seedy confines of Southside, or the devious machinations of the Order of Manus, a band of outlawed magic users in a land where to wield magic is to die. With six individual races, from the matriarchal Charalin to the relatively laid back Tubori, or even the military-minded Farin, there are an almost infinite number of ways for an interested player to step into the world. The culture of each and every nationality is fully fleshed out, with a clarity rarely found in even fantasy novels. In addition to the incredibly in-depth character customization process, players are given the game-altering choice to be a powerful mage, an unawakened mage, or even a mundane, though all three are fraught with their own pitfalls and rewards. One of the greatest draws, for me, is the economy of this game, entirely run by players. Blacksmiths, jewelers, woodcarvers, leatherworkers, all of these trades are accessible to the player. A meeting with the Merchant's Guild can catapult one quickly to riches and power, setting them over the masses in a few clever deals. With an intricate, multi-faceted, and completely customizable crafting system, nearly anything can be made, for the right price, and sold for even more. Possibly the most compelling aspect of this game is the Church and mage dynamic, where the Order of Dav has set out something very similar to the Spanish Inquisition. Dav decreed that no mage shall live, so those born with this power, this curse, have to hide, and many decide to strike out against the Church that holds them down. With a system of magic that begs for creativity and devious ingenuity, from fireballs to teleporting, enchanting and dream-weaving, the fight against the Order still wages, and the fires of retribution burn strong. Or you could fight for the side of good, be one of hundreds of Knights of the Crown, trained to battle magery and its taint with upraised sword and the praise of the Lord on their lips. They, along with the Reeves, the law of the land, enforce justice, fairness, and maybe even their own little bit of corruption. Boasting a wholly unique combat system, The Inquisition hammers home the point with impact-based fighting, augmented by a similarly unique crafting system. With an open, inviting community, this game truly strikes me as one of the absolute few must-see stops of the MUD world. I've played barely a month, and I feel as if I've belonged for years. With an incredibly active staff and player base, both of which are more than friendly to any and all new players, it's a welcome haven to the MUDders who come seeking roleplay, community, excitement, and story. Try it today!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 6, 2013
Let me start by saying that I am a new player on TI, but I am already loving it. The game is truly an RPE not RPI mud, as you are forced to roleplay at all times (and not doing so is a big no-no). And I am loving every part of it, especially since only way your character can progress is by roleplaying as it incorporates nifty rpxp system that automatically rewards you for roleplaying. The world of TI is robust and rich, you could spend hours reading about it in help files and that would only be tip of the iceberg. Most of the rooms have something called lore, which can be accessed if your character is capable of knowing it and gives you extensive details about history of a place you are in. Crafting system is fabulous, allows for a lot of flexibility, where you can not only color your item, but also change it entirely if there is no design available for what you need (within reason). It is worth mentioning that economy is almost entirely player driven, as there are barely any NPC's that are interested in buying goods. The world is dynamic and combat is very much driven by roleplaying but backed with strong and well though mechanics into one pretty smooth machine which allows for complex scenes that progress well. I could go for on and on about great features of this mud, but I will let you discover them on your own. What I will mention though that this mud is not for everyone, quite frankly it's for pretty narrow group of people who love sort of RP which consists mostly of scheming, plotting, developing intrigues and much much less of grinding. If you are tired of killing waves of mobs on so called 'rp muds', and want to simply focus on building your character and let him progress as you go, then you should definitely join us on the next mage hunt!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 1, 2013
Don't be discouraged by the name. Although The Inquisition: Legacy is a sequel to previous Inquisition games, you do not need to be an expert in order to roll a character and jump right in. I've been playing TI: Legacy for just under a month, but I can already tell you that this is a game that I will be sticking with for the long haul. Here's why: Fantastic player base and staff. TI: Legacy may not have the largest pbase, but it has one of the friendliest and most helpful that I've ever come across. From the moment I joined the game, there were--and are--experienced players and staff willing to answer my questions about almost every aspect of the game. The VISNET channel was created specifically for this purpose, and player AIDEs are available to help newbies get to know the game and its unique setting. Great roleplaying. Not surprisingly, with such a great pbase and staff, TI: Legacy attracts excellent and engaging roleplayers. If you prefer RPI (RP Intensive) games, you will love TI: Legacy. Forget that hack-and-slash stuff. In TI: Legacy, you earn experience simply by roleplaying and practicing those skills you want to learn. The emote system is easy to use and doesn't require knowledge of a messy, complicated syntax. You earn additional experience for roleplaying with new players, which means there are coded incentives to meet new people and engage them in immersive roleplay, thereby improving the quality of the game for everyone. Grace Period for Newbies. In TI: Legacy, new characters have a grace period, during which they may return to the character generator to tweak their skills to match a desired character concept. This grace period lasts until the character earns 10k XP through active roleplay. I found this period to be invaluable as a new player: during the first week of play, I was able to return to chargen to tweak my character's age and birthdate, starting gear, and skills once I learned more about the theme and mechanics. In addition to the grace period, all new players also start with an extra chunk of experience points in order to help them hit the ground running with their first character concept. A Home of Your Own. All characters, even brand new ones, receive a lockable, one-room home at no cost in order to help 'establish' them and provide them with a reasonable place to return to and rest. Extras, such as additional rooms, hidden objects, and more difficult locks must be paid for with silver by the character, but you get to choose the location, description, and title of the one-room home right off the bat at no charge. Crafting System. If you give your character trade skills in chargen, you will be able to craft items as soon as you enter the world, provided that your character can afford the base materials. The crafting system is easy to use and allows you to create unique uses and descriptions for your items, including the use of ansi color. To establish your own shop, simply seek out a member of the Merchants Guild--or even the Merchants guild leader--and ask for information and sponsorship. TI: Inquisition uses a 'static' world, so your items will remain on the ground or in your home indefinitely unless moved by yourself or another character. Mail, Messengers, and Blogs. For only a few silver, your character can send a personal letter or package to another character while at a courier's office. Or, if you chose the papercrafts skill, you can raise your own carrier pigeons and send the mail yourself from anywhere. Any character can pay a few silver to send a unique emoted message to another character in the game, which is great for arranging meetings without going out-of-character via tells. In addition, many players tell their characters' stories via blog. A blog can be a series of letters to an NPC, a character's journal entries, or just a collection of stories or scenes from RP. Players are rewarded for their blog entries each week. Rumors and Politics. TI: Legacy has a built-in rumormill that allows players to keep abreast of the news or insert some of their own opinions, for a price. When you log in and hang out in public areas, you'll occasionally hear juicy rumors from by passers-by. Likewise, if you don't like your guild leader, you can choose to show your displeasure by 'disapproving' them, causing their approval rating to decline. Disliked guild leaders do not stay in power for very long! The bottom line: everything about TI: Legacy is designed to help make RP better, easier, and more rewarding. Roleplay always trumps code, and the staff are constantly working to improve the code based on player suggestions and weekly input. If you enjoy roleplaying in a unique world with a compelling theme, you will love TI: Legacy. So what are you waiting for? Come join us! YOU could be the next Poet Knight, Justiciar, or Tenebrae.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 11, 2013
I've played exactly one PC on this game, so this is a newbie review. Some of my questions or confusions are no doubt because of that. There was an extremely welcoming greeting upon logging in for the first time. A very accessible help channel. As far as I can tell, there's almost –always- multiple members of staff logged in, and they're all extremely approachable. Probably the best I've seen, in terms of number and availability and visibility, at any RPI, anywhere, ever. I sort of stumbled through chargen. Which was easy. But my sense is that I missed a lot. Can you start with weapons that your PC would already have? I'm not sure. And it's tough to know what to play, at first. So I tried an outrageously annoying PC, intended to be short-lived, just to get a sense of the world. There's a forum post about 'application' PCs (high level PCs you need staff approval to play), which of course aren't right for a new player. But there's also a forum post about staff not liking to see applications for PCs who aren't on that list … which seems to include, from what I can piece together, every guilded PC who has already achieved anything above the lowest rank. Also, my sense is that there's a smart way to approach chargen, in terms of maximizing skills and abilities, which new players just won't be aware of. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, though. I wandered the game world briefly. Extremely well-described. A lovely city. Not so big you spend half your time trying to walk down a road, not so small there's nowhere to go. And apparently there's plenty outside of the city, but I hardly saw that. There are some brilliant touches. Instead of just junking unwanted items, you can 'donate' them, so they show up at the almshouse. There's a city lore command that is genius. There's a friggin' *bounty system*, which is composed entirely of awesome. Many, many little touches like that which impressed the heck out of me. But of course, that stuff hardly matters if the RP isn't good. So I jumped right into the biggest scene possible, with Mr. Annoying. Very fun responses. Very welcoming and inclusive players. My PC ended up in jail (for good reason) which is always OOCly annoying. However, players made a concerted effort to stop in and RP. Which was hugely awesome. After being released, Mr. Annoying, in short order, stumbled into a mage trap set for someone else (amazingly fun), was pressed into a battle by one of the guards who arrested him (amazingly inclusive; he could've just ignored me), was captured by the enemy, who kept him briefly as a sort of hostage (well, or a 'pet') which -also -included Mr. A in everything, and sparked huge amounts of RP for me. So things HAPPEN at this game. And if you give players a hook, they'll drag you right into the center of things. There are, however, some things I wonder about. The social register among PCs ranges so widely that it almost feels like the mud should be two separate games. The very highest level of society, the Queen and Cardinal and all of that, is played by PCs. So are the mid-level merchants. And the scum of the earth. It's just … odd. Mr. Annoying was questioned by people who were so far above him they wouldn't have even wiped their boots on him. I think the game prides itself on having PCs in the highest reaches, but I very very much wish that the highest tier of society was NPCs, and the highest ranks available to players were what is now the second tier. Because other than a sense of generalized oddness, the current system causes, I suspect, some theme dilution. The theme is interesting, and could be harsh and dramatic, but with PCs in the highest reaches, played by players with a modern mindset and a desire to be liked, things soften. (This is not Armageddon.) Gender equity seems better in-game than at Bryn Mawr. Ethnic conflict is apparently downplayed or nonexistent. And the staff doesn't seem to enforce theme via vnpcs and npcs. And can't, really, when some PCs outrank any NPC. Then there are a few little niggling things: The combat system is very close to perfect. Simple and designed to promote RP. However, it also seems to reward OOC knowledge over IC skill, and while the game policy is to reduce the effect of OOC knowledge in other realms, apparently combat is designed to be an exception. The in-game boards are incredibly well-coded, but I'm not sure they're all that functional. After Mr. Annoying was executed (in, typically for this game, an amazingly fun scene that was designed by a fantastic player to maximize everyone's drama), I started a new PC, and was surprised to find myself with only about half of my first PC's chargen points. Which stopped me cold, as it felt like a penalty for playing Mr. Annoying. At this rate, in two more PCs I'd start with no points at all! Overall, however, I can't praise this game enough. Strong staff, strong players. Great game world, and most important, wonderful RP. If you're looking for thriving RPI with endless opportunities, you really have to log on and check it out.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 4, 2013
I just wanted to jump back in and say that this long, detailed, informative, helpful, and respectful response is typical of every interaction I had with the staff. (Well, okay, not always that *long!*)
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 7, 2013
Review of the Inquisition: Legacy TL;DR – Good place to roleplay with a variety of styles amongst their PBase, an extensive and original theme, and systems in place that put RP first. Check it out. The Good: Active staff and coders. Nice players, for the most part – all are helpful to newbies. Simple combat system, hard to master Caters to RPers. Extensive theme. 30+ players. 5+ staff. The Bad: Few bad apples in the PBase are a pain. Annoying movement point system. Not enough players to provide an equal spread of roles. (There are 30 players on at peak times, just most of them decide to be cool mages with a chip on their shoulder and a cigarette in their mouth. Just kidding, we use pipes here.) The Unknown: I haven't experimented with the magic system, but they are adding more onto it as I speak. I have not played with their crafting system. Herbalism, at first glance, looks too simple and not very expansive. They are currently adding more depth to it. In MUDs, I got my start eight years ago, when I first started playing Iron Realm's MUDs as a preteen. Those held my imagination over for a long while, but eventually I realized that the restrictions of a commercial MUD weren't working for me. The breadth of my imagination was restricted by the width of my wallet. So I moved on, and found roleplaying enforced games and RPIs. I've bounced from many, the bigs and the smalls – but none every stuck. Now, I find myself at a new MUD: The Inquisition: Legacy. Not quite an RPI by the definition of some, but still a very strictly RP enforced MUD. At the writing of this review I have played little less than a month, and already I'm wondering if I haven't struck gold. The Inquisition theme has been common enough the past few years, popping up in various incarnations that either taper off or are scrapped. Inspired by the European Inquisition and legends of witchcraft, TI: Legacy takes place in a world called Urth, which draws many similarities to our Earth, and many more differences; the biggest of which is that in Urth, magic is real – and it is deadly. The Holy Order of Dav, a militaristic monotheistic religion that spans most of the known continent, has spent most of its existence tracking down and putting to the pyre mages and heretics alike for their sins against the Lord of the Springs, a non-creator water- based entity, for it was the Lord who brought Dav the commandments that resulted in the creation of the Order, after Dav's family was brutally slaughtered by mages. Now Dav is gone, and his military campaign, the Consolidation, has left all but the Daravi Sultanate believing in the power of the Lord, and the evil taint that must be cleansed; magic. Staff: The thing that attracts me most to this MUD, and still surprises me playing it now, is the staff. I come from a long line of MUDs where the staff are mostly ”˜hands off'. In short, I'm used to staffers not being so involved – and I liked that, because when staff get involved, things usually get a convoluted, and favoritism results in one way or another. However, this is not the case at TI: Legacy. The staff here have put a lot of time and effort into their policy and crafted their positions in such a way that they CAN interact with players. They will hold plots, get involved, and they know what's going on. There are 5+ staffers active, and I haven't felt the least bit singled out by them, nor have I felt any sort of favoritism or elitism. As an avid gamer, that alone tells me that the game is going in the right direction, fast. Activity: The next thing that drew me immediately to the MUD was the sheer level of activity. I'm used to ten players, MAYBE, on small RP Enforced games. TI: Legacy has had more than thirty players online at peak times, and with all of them there are so many webs to spin, so many tales to participate in. And it's not only the players who are active; as I said before, the staff are constantly adding and expanding the game – but most importantly, the code is expanding. Bugs are being squashed, new systems are being implemented, and the MUD is growing – which is refreshing in a time where so many MUDs go defunct because of code stagnation. Currently they are gathering information in an attempt to change the herbalism system to make it more expansive, and they have been working for the last two months to hash out and implement a Storyteller system. I haven't asked much about the Storyteller system, but it has been described to me as a way for players whose plots are approved to act as a Dungeon Master for their fellow players – effectively giving every player a way to move plots along the way staff might, with echoes and other staff commands. Of course, they have a lot of policy subject to observe if you are to use the system, so that it does not become an imbalanced weapon for players to use as a way to win, instead of tell a story. Roleplay: When I join a MUD, I really like being able to get involved with different plots and storylines immediately. In TI: Legacy, there's so many intricate stories going on within the player base that it's amazingly hard NOT to stumble upon an interesting piece, and on top of that there's almost always a public event every week – whether that be a public burning of a heretic, arson, Mass, or a variety of staff ran get-togethers like masques and festivals. TI: Legacy runs off an emote system, which I hope is familiar to most of you reading this. The playerbase usually sticks to three-to-five sentence emotes, but I have seen quite a few players doing what I call ”˜Arm-Emotes', or the type of emoting style they use at Armageddon, which is one or two sentences with powerful content. Emoting is NOT turn based (although players will sink into it sometimes to be polite, or in particularly tense/messy scenes), and there's really no limit to what kind of character you want to run with – whether that be a Knight of the Order, valiantly hunting mages – or a twisted mage, willing the dead to rise and destroy your enemy's estates. With the implementation of the Storyteller system described above in ”˜activity', it will be all the easier to run large plots and share your story with the rest of the MUD. TI: Legacy also has groups called guilds (no points for originality here) that provide a few like-minded individuals for your character to interact with, from knights and priests to thieves and mages. Combat: Combat on TI: Legacy IS turn based, in a manner of speaking. Once combat is initiated, you use commands to attack – and also share an emote-type message of HOW you attack. This triggers various checks for success, and based on the type of defense your enemy is using (whether they are dodging, using footwork to avoid you, blocking with a shield, or parrying), the type of weapon you are employing, and your skill with that weapon, you will hit or miss. While combat code is something that I don't generally get involved in very often, the coders at TI: Legacy have made a system that is easy to learn, but incredibly hard to master. Using a sort of rock paper scissors system, they have certain defenses good against certain weapons – but they also have a variety of weapons implemented, from whips to maces. So it's really a matter of learning which defense is good against which weapon, as well as learning your weapon skills and defense skills. While not entirely innovative, the system is a good foundation on which to build – and it provides a good framework to check balance issues. I'm excited to see what other features they add into combat as the coders of TI: Legacy start veering away from code that NEEDs to be done, and code that is fun. The Bad: “Gasp! He's actually going to talk about the bad things? Why, I thought he was a fanboy!” Indeed. While my experiences at TI: Legacy have been mostly positive, there are a few things that have annoyed me over my time playing. Mostly one major thing is the code that the MUD has set up for movement points. Movement points, abbreviated MV, are points required to… well… move. You spend them each time you exert your character in moving anywhere, and they are directly affected by the dexterity stat, as far as I know. Quite honestly, the whole system annoys the heck out of me because here I'll be, walking across the city in an attempt to find somebody for roleplay, only to be stopped because I have 0 MV and am exhausted. Of course, you can get your MV points regenerated by eating food or drinking (which speaks distinctly to me of WoW) but then I just sit there wondering ”˜Why is my character so fat?' after my fifth loaf of bread. Other than that major annoyance, I have also been involved already with one policy issue. I am happy to say that the staff dealt with it very appropriately, but it was rather discouraging to see some players playing to win, rather than playing to have fun and tell a story. Of course staff can hardly choose their players, and I'm sure over time the problem will fade. That, or become existentially larger as more players come through the MUD. Policy is always a hard issue to crack down on in roleplaying games, and even the great ones suffer from cheating. There's no sure fire way to stop it as a staffer. Always a few bad eggs, y'know?
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 2, 2013
This was the first mud I have ever played. I found that after searching several other Mud's I found TI:Legacy to be the most in-depth, new player friendly and one of the easiest Mud's to play. Do not misunderstand me, it is also of the most in-depth Mud's I have found. The pbase is amazing, without a doubt and the Immortals are the kindest and most accessible, which for a newbie is amazing! I have found that the theme, dark medieval, is well thought out and maintained. The actual RP that is available is beyond extensive. One can simply decide that they want to be a law enforcer and there are two guilds just for law enforcers. The same goes for crafters and merchants, there is a guild or one can simply own their own shop. There are also thieves and mages, though they are covert. Along with that there is the Troubador's guild that are the bards and performers. Altogether your choices are almost unlimited. As far as developing the game more and more, it is changing for the better very often. The Immortals hold a OOcly meeting every weekend to get feedback on what is going on, and if the pbase likes what they have implemented, or not.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 19, 2012
I have been a player 'The Inquisition' since roughly 2000 or 2001. After several changes of ownership with minor theme tweaks and some new implementation of commands and capabilities I find myself back at it's most recent iteration (TI: Legacy.) If real life hadn't gotten in the way I would have been a player of TI:Legacy con- tinuously from the beginning. The player base, staff and richness of content can 't be matched by any other multiplayer roleplaying game in existance. Yes, I re- ally mean that! TI: Legacy is roughly based upon a long term fight between magic and religion and has a very unique, detailed theme. The entire world, all rooms, storyline and the rest of the content is original as far as I can tell. Be forewarned, roleplay isn't encouraged.. It's mandatory but you'll find TI:Legacy has some of the most understanding, patient and newbie-friendly players around.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 27, 2012
I started playing this game about a week or two after one of my favorite MUDs had closed down (RIP!). I have to admit, after my first RPI experience, I've been hooked ever since, so after a lot of people I had played with on the previous MUD had transferred here, I decided to give it a shot. Let me make it clear, I was thoroughly surprised. A lot of the game consists of mostly role-play, doing mundane tasks, and very little combat unless a brave soul decides to make a thief or mage and full on outs themselves. The people here, the role-play is so engaging here, that it is easy to get sucked into doing every day tasks, and speaking with the same people over and over again. The crafting system is such a joy. You can create almost anything as long as they fall within certain restrictions. The rumor system is such an amusing little addition to the game, but it is actually really important if you plan on playing a character with a political role. The staff here are so wonderful, they alone make coming back to this game over and over again worth while. Though they are spread thin in their duties, they make every effort to cater to the needs and desires of every player as long as each request is within reason.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 24, 2012
PREFACE by Kinaed: This review was written by our staff member & player, Takta. Unfortunately, she had technical issues posting it, so I offered to do so on her behalf. The rest of this review is Takta's words: The Inquisition: Legacy is a game like no other. It combines the interesting and in-depth code functionality of a MUD with the roleplay-intensive style of a MUSH. With a friendly, mature playerbase that welcomes new players, a wealth of custom systems designed to add depth and fun to gameplay, an active and helpful staff, and an original theme suited to great RP - it has a lot to offer anyone. The Playerbase: TI is pretty active, particularly during peak hours for EST players (after 8 pm EST or so). However, we have several players in GMT and Australian time zones, making RP available in off-peak hours as well. Quiet nights average 10 or so people on the wholist; busy nights can be upwards of 30. Players are friendly and helpful, welcoming new players and trying to be inclusive. Also, the quality of RP on TI stands out even among RP-enforced games, with many of our players very experienced roleplayers and good sports. Custom Systems: TI has multiple systems that are very unlike the standard stock ROM MUDs you see around - in fact, though its codebase is ROM, it's hardly recognizable. Here's a brief list of some of the game's unique systems (and it's only the tip of the iceberg!) : * The combat system is based around combat emotes, incorporating strategy in decisions such as weapon choice, range, and rate of defense versus attack. * The bounty system allows players to anonymously post for jobs they want done by the shady underworld figures - for a price. * The rumor system allows players to disseminate, spread, and refute gossip about IC events - whether true or exaggerated. * The magic system is unique and customized, focusing on the energy of the moons to cast all-original spells with interesting and RP-generating properties. * The health system goes beyond HP to model actual, specific wounds to certain areas of the body that require a doctor's help to treat, with realistic effects based on severity and wound location. The Staff: TI is fully staffed with a team of hard-working and active staffers who prioritize creating a fun game for their players. New projects are continually underway, with the coder frequently generating new systems and fixing old ones to include more depth. A brand-new grid is under construction to allow for more intriguing roleplay locations, ease of navigation, and top-quality descriptions, objects and mobs. In general, the staff constantly try to keep the game improving. The Theme: TI's theme is set in a world similar to medieval Earth, but with unique cultures and many departures from actual history. The roleplay centers around the conflict between the mages and the Holy Inquisition, which seeks to search them out and burn them at the pyre - similar to historical witch hunts, but here the magic is real. There's a wealth of other options to play beyond this central conflict, including merchants, guards, bards and more. The theme allows for the exploration of a wealth of interesting concepts and conflicts: clashes between the philosophies/ways of life of TI's unique races; the moral issues surrounding a religion that burns witches to save their souls; tensions between secular and ecclesiastical authority; the flaws of a rigid class structure that's difficult, yet still possible, to transcend. Roleplay can be very dark and dangerous, however. As a non-consensual game, TI: Legacy does allow things to happen to your character you may not wish for, or enjoy. Torture, executions and more can and do happen, and in general the game atmosphere is very gritty. Certain topics such as rape are prohibited in roleplay in order to ensure an environment where players can still feel comfortable, however. Overall, if you're looking for mature, complex roleplay that goes beyond socialization, you can definitely find it here. In general, I would strongly recommend TI: Legacy to players who like great, complex roleplay and unique systems that show how code can benefit and enrich the roleplaying experience. We're always looking for new players to come join our world and add to it in new ways; through good roleplay, any player can rise to a position of power. Indeed, right now we've got a lot of slots open for players to take control of powerful roles right out the gate. Many players have picked up the reins and greatly influenced the course of the game in TI:Legacy's history; will you be the next?
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 26, 2012
When I came to TI: Legacy, I was mostly a child born of combat MUD's and other shenanigans, so the idea of an RPI was... At best, confusing and silly to me. But, I had it on good faith from the player who recommended me that I would enjoy it. So... I stuck around. At first glance, TI: Legacy does admittedly seem a bit silly. The mechanics are difficult, at best, for new players, and the town layout is utterly insane. But I stuck with it, just to prove to myself that I could learn an entirely new MUD system and get away with it scot-free. And so began my eight-month journey. Over the course of such, I eventually learned the mechanics - the combat system, the experience system, the skill system... And when I looked back at what I considered silly mechanics, I realized that they all fit beautifully with what the MUD was attempting to do. An RPI *needs* what they have - a combat system that is easy and intuitive, so that one need not be a pro to master it. An experience system that rewards you for RP'ing with characters that you rarely RP with. A series of skills that depends less on botting, and more on actually putting them to good use. And now, I can't even look back at my combat MUD's. TI: Legacy has become a second home to my MUD'ing spirit - something that I've not come across in quite some time. The staff is helpful and kind, the players are equally so - there are of course some bad apples, but what MUD doesn't have those? If you're a fan of RPI's, and you can stomach the theme of the MUD, then I would highly recommend this one. The mechanics and the theme mesh beautifully to create an environment that is seldom seen in such places. And I will certainly see you on the grid.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 21, 2012
Having been away from the RP mudding scene for over 18 months I was nervous starting again on TI. But really, I didn't need to be, because at once I was made to feel welcome. The players and staff went out of their way to help me, and take an interest in the story I was trying to create with my character. The world is deep and rich, and the stories player generated with the majority of roles of power filled by players. Rich in intrigue, original and full of mystery, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend The Inquisition - Legacy.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 25, 2012
The Inquisition Legacy (TI:L) is an RP-mud focusing on characters in a city where the church runs all and magic is a heresy punishable by death. Players play anything from mages and priests, to nobles, knights, bards, thieves and the normal people getting stuck in the middle. I've been a player at TI:L since autumn 2011, and here's my view on it. The main pull of TI:L is, as it must be with any RP-heavy mud, the players on it. The average player age is probably a bit higher on RP-heavy muds than on your average MUD, and it makes a difference in the way people act and behave towards each other OOC. For in a game where the IC characters can - and often are - really awful to each other, the OOC mood and style matters greatly. In this, TI:L has a very friendly atmosphere and both old TI hounds (some veterans of the several TI that existed before) and TI newbies (that's me) get along well. Since a new player is (optionally) marked with a special colour, people tend to give them a lot of leeway in-game to find their footing. Getting used to the emoting might take some time if you are used to fixed emotes. Personally I find fixed emotes an archaic thing, way too restraining to use in anything but a hack&slash game. Anyway, the result is that TI:L emotes tend to be several lines long, often full of rich detail and exposition. Spoken words are most often included directly as quotes in the emote, including language parsing. Other technical niceties of the MUD is a travel system and a well-developed system for sending in-game messengers and mail to each other. Without that it would be hard to arrange larger things (or to plot secret schemes, for that matter). The game world, having a deadly theme of clandestine societies and oppressive religion can feel gloomy at times. My character is a representative of the 'grassroot' people, but from what I've seen, much of the higher-level roleplay is based on deception and political maneuvering. Everyone's subject to the threat of heresy and conviction at every turn. Studying this a bit, there are several things that favor dynamic roleplaying on TI:L. First of all, I find that whereas there are staff-driven events from time to time, most events and action actually seem to happen due to the incentive of Players (either this or staff is fiendishly clever in inducing play, in which case hats off for them). Code-wise, the system presses you to stay active, with coded timers indicating how online-active and RP-active you currently are. These things help to keep you from drifting off, and if you do, the system knows to free your spot in the IC-hierarchy. The fact that people also tend to -die- from time to time makes death a very valid way for opening up roles in society. That seeking guilds is a vital part of the game is also an easy way for newbies to get into roleplay. One a more general note, it also seems that this prevalence of death makes players accept it better. Whereas I admit I'd be heart-broken to have my character die, it seems some of the old hounds often do things with the explicit expectation that it may lead to their character's demise down the line. This of course creates excellent roleplay and I find this behavior very impressive indeed. As is common with any faucet-drain game economy it's very easy to stack up money in TI:L. There are very few prescribed drains, you don't -have- to eat to survive, for example. It's a double-edged sword, because on one hand I dislike 'you are hungry' messages as much as anybody, but on the other, it's clear that no one is really poor unless they actively choose to be. From a roleplayer's perspective I can appreciate this - it means I have freedom to roleplay being as poor as I want, but still having money to buy whatever props I need to flesh out my character. As a game designer it somewhat irks me though. TI:L usually has a decent number of players on, normally in the 10-20 range on peak hours. But as usual with a game trying to emulate a larger social structure (a city in this case), there tends to be more IC roles available than there are players. Multi-playing is allowed (which works surprisingly well I think), but it's still common to see some chars rising very fast to power simply because of low-number statistics. This is not really TI:L's fault per se though, it's something only solved by a larger player base. To that end, I do think the membership count is increasing, to no small part due to an excellent and active staff which is very active and friendly, both with fixing bugs, implementing suggestions and with offering help in-game. They all seem very professional and dedicated whenever I've been dealing with them. So, to summarize: For a roleplayer looking for a challenge, TI:L is well worth trying out. A solid, if possibly deadly, roleplaying experience in a very friendly and mature ooc environment. . Empheba
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 16, 2012
Well, where to start? Whether you want to be rubbing shoulders with the the beautiful people in the Palace, or slumming it in the church street Almshouse, there is a massive range of possibilities and roles that you can take on. The game isn't designed with rigid classes or factions and instead allows you as a player to mold your character to fit the role they are to play in Inquisition's setting as a commoner, a member of the middle/upper classes, or as one of the nobility and any respective professions they might carry out. As a roleplayer, I think my favorite aspect of the game is that there are no grind-able PVE quests and it's designed as a social game to encourage the social ecology that is often stilted or missing in other games. You gain exp through roleplaying and can then use that exp to improve your character in various ways, primarily their skills and knowledge, but in other ways too, which I think works well to represent the effect of 'experience' in its more traditional meaning. There is however PVP action, and the noticeboards are littered with the executions of Mages, murder, and the war! The playerbase is small and friendly and really deserves massive praise for patiently and kindly answering my thousand newbie questions. I recently hosted a 'Spring Ball' and it was a great success thanks to them. Also, worth noting, the Immortals (staff/admin) are really down to earth and friendly - they're doing this for just like you - and their passion and enthusiasm for roleplay really shows through in how the game is run and put together. As a person considering this game: If you enjoy roleplay for the same reason as I do, fleshing out a character and exploring a world as that character, experiencing the real risks of your actions, this game is certainly for you!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 14, 2011
This is one of the best rp games I have found.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 20, 2011
This is a game of great potential. It has intrigue, it has violence, it has friendships, it has magic. And not just magic of the arcane kind, but of the mental kind, where the players can create some truly amazing situations. There is a root positive tone that the Immortals that run the game have that makes it much easier to get into. Joining and making a character is not particularly difficult, if you aren't afraid of learning the annoying restring command to cloth your character properly, and you could always ask for help if it's really giving you problems. The playerbase is supportive and, at least, friendly as far as I've seen. Being a jaded creature by nature, I took most interactions with a grain of salt. Most people aren't nice because they want to be nice, but a vast majority do give the feeling that they are good people. The only issue I have is that it is in fact, a non-consent PK game. You can end up getting your character killed fairly easily if you fumble, which has always been a turnoff for me. The specific reason for that is characters, as they should be, are things that need a proper story. Whether to augment the story of another until their demise, or to present something gripping for the players of those characters themselves. The idea of killing off a character is fine if it's common to a theme, but the intrinsic nastiness in the way people play videogames makes it easy for people to take advantage of these mechanics. If a mage were to be made, yes, there is a warning in the game that your character will quite likely die. But I don't think this should be such a character cheapening idea. The character should, at least, impact another in a significant way for good or ill before they end up in a grave. Sometimes, a player doesn't get to do that on a game with other players. Misunderstandings happen, characters die and the story is left to the dust instead of being anything worth that player's time. It's the only thing I want them to look into about this. A character's death should not be a simple thing. It should never be. Death is not a small thing in real life; people are affected, family and friends, colleagues at work and bosses, events and ideas. It is a huge idea, and I have seen it easily lowered to becoming a very unimportant feeling here, at least once or twice, especially when certain events have been explained to me. However: They are trying to improve, and they're already a fantastic game. I recommend people try it out and see if it's their cup of tea. I've already gained some good memories, and good stories to share from it, though I feel it's probably not my thing overall.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 29, 2011
The Inquisition: Legacy represents a rebirth of the old spirit of RP that once infused other games of the TI lineage. Though it uses an older codebase, all of the essential features of TI remain, and day by day it seems more code changes accumulate. The strength of TI:L is in its playerbase, though. The game is gifted with a skilled bunch of players, and new plots spread faster than wildfire. The game is filled with all of the intrigue and danger one could hope for in an RPIMUD – and that's what TI:L is, in my mind, though it does not seem to associate itself with that community. If you like George R. R. Martin's books, or anything written by Joe Abercrombie, chances are you will find the original mythos of TI:L to be compelling. Backbiting nobles, wicked clergymen, poor tramps-turned-assassins, heretical cults, secret mages – these are just some of the characters to be found on the current game. TI:L is the only RPI to be found that, with sophisticated code systems to support its RP, truly embodies the harsh, gritty realism that dominates modern fantasy.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 2, 2011
A true pure RP mud, with zero hack and slash tendencies that other RP muds claim to be. Upon first playing, players will find the MUD quite different from what they have been originally playing, maybe even confusing. Luckily there are normally always players on who know how to help and guide those who may be first arriving in the right direction Alot of RP MUDS out there claim true RP or always stay in character. This is truly the first MUD I have played that is able to combine true RP with excellent command game play. For example, if you're in the mood to become a blacksmith, leatherworker, jeweler, or even a wood cutter, you can! And you will have guild specific skills you can use to use those skills. My FAVORITE thing about this mud is the combat system, which is unlike anything I have ever played. You emote even through combat ticks, and by utilizing certain words, it bases your hit/miss ratio and the power of your attacks through that alone. The IMMS are currently working to improve the MUD, given that this version just recently came out. So expect big things. During peek hours, there are tons of people on to RP with, allowing you to make one, two, or even three different characters to RP with at one time. Come check it out and I promise you wont be disappointed in the results. They should have named this MUD addiction, because really i cant stop playing it. Hope to see you there.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 5, 2011
If you fancy a solely RP-focused MUD with no levels, quests, or mass NPC killing, but plenty of player-initiated plots, twists, and intrigue... this one's for you. The quasi-medieval theme, strict social castes, mage paranoia and Church domination creates the perfect atmosphere of oppression, fear, and secrecy. I have personally found the dark fantasy theme to be very compelling, and have played on the old reincarnations of the codebase as well. Plots here are solely player-generated - the people of power, who make the big decisions, are players; the grassroots are players, and the mages and thieves who lurk in the shadows are players. This allows for an extremely flexible play style and RP opportunities. There is often more than meets the eye in most RP scenarios, and discovering hidden plots, identities, and secrets of other players (and formulating your own!) never gets old. I have had the opportunity to try several character concepts out so far, and in each case the theme and RP policies truly allow each character to take on a life of its own - so much so that I make to-do lists for some characters to keep track of them! The staff are generally friendly and accommodating, accepting of player feedback and doing their best, I believe, to provide an excellent RP environment for all. The number of players online at a time is low enough that an active player would be able to meet and know most other characters, yet high enough that there is RP available for almost anyone at most times.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 27, 2011
What to say about Inquisition? Though I only started in the last 24 hrs, people are helpful and the population is blooming beautifully. The game is well done and there are plenty of help files, to get you started. The players are wonderful and knowledgeable. Population: Booming and bustling and very active. Features:Just about everything under the sun Theme: (Over simplification) Magic=Bad, world medieval-ish , the church is 'Good' (in a sense) . Become involved in politics or living everyday life. Differences: 40 years from a prior incarnation. Monarchy is no longer hereditary/ unachievable. In short this game is ALL about the PCs! Sister-Game to Inquisition: The Atonement.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 25, 2011
The Inquisition has long had one of my favorite codebases. It allows an excellent mix of personalization and player control with code-provided support for roleplaying. You gain experience points for engaging in roleplay, not for going off and grinding away at monsters, away from the real fun. A lot of skills are freeform on a base skill-level structure, allowing merchants to make items look however they want, troubadours to describe their music themselves, doctors to plot out their own treatments and combatants to describe their attakcs. The code determines allowance and success (or degree of success), but leaves the roleplay up to the players. Yes, that's a lot of trust placed on the players, but that's just the sort of game this is. Speaking of the players, the playerbase is really what makes TI. We have a community of very smart and creative players who are very talented roleplayers, and somehow they're still friendly, helpful and welcoming. Players take the game seriously, but everyone always seems to be willing to help people learn the theme and adjust to the not always forgiving world it is set in. Player numbers are up, some of the highest I've seen since the first incarnation of The Inquisition, but there's still plenty of influential roles needing filled and places for new players to make a real difference or just get their feet wet. With this newest incarnation, The Inquistion - Legacy, we have an excited staff who is very visible and has been making a lot of improvements already. They have set a strong new aim for inclusiveness, and have run for that goal head-on. Even new players can try their hand at important positions and prove their ability to handle it, and the starting bonus experience to a new account is enough to make almost any concept happen, right from the get-go. If anything, it might be said that the immortals are too permissive, but they insist that, within reason, things which will be a problem will work themselves out through RP, and so far they do already seem to be tending that way. If you're an avid roleplayer looking for a new home in a darker low fantasy world, The Inquisition - Legacy would be a great choice and now is a great time to get in. With the new incarnation, all the slates are wiped clean so there are no old super characters to contend with, and, as I mentioned before, there is a lot of room to establish yourself in an influential position.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 23, 2011
There are so many nice things I could say about the Inquisition: Legacy. There's so much to do, and so many different character types to play; the variety is truly outstanding, while at the same time the theme is cohesive and well-defined. The immortal staff has been extremely helpful to me, and virtually every player is talented at role play and puts his or her heart into the game. The OOC atmosphere is very warm and kind; the IC atmosphere not so much, but that's just part of the theme. I won't go on and on, but I highly recommend the game to new players; a word of warning, however: the theme is complex, and takes some getting used to, and in some cases it can be rather brutal. Characters/players are forgiving of new players, but that doesn't last forever, and acting oddly or outside social norms will get you killed. Anyway, in short: the game's a blast, and I highly recommend it!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 21, 2011
The Inquisition Legacy is a mud unlike any other I have seen before. The mud revolves around the theme of an ever-present, overpowering Order, whose job is to find, arrest people, torture them, and burn them if they are users of magic. These are the good guys. On the other side of the coin are the magic users themselves, mages or witches or whatever you would like to call them. They live oppressed, constantly at war with the Order. These are, despite all that, the evil guys. They live in secret and walk among everyone else, doing their best not to be caught, while still learning, teaching and using the magic that is their own. The other people in the story are the royal family, the nobility, merchants, Knights, Mercenaries, Bards, doctors, scholars.. essentially every other class and job you would typically associate with a medieval setting. Sometimes these people cross the boundary into mage or Order-member, sometimes they are simply bystanders in the crossfire, or unwitting pawns of one or the other side. Let's put the story aside, however, despite the fact that there is a very rich and complex history to it, and discuss the code aspects of the game. First of all, all actions are in character. You do not kill random people and gain experience and then assume no one will call you out on it. In fact, you don't gain experience from killing NPCs or PCs at all. Killing a person IC, be they NPC or PC, is usually a crime and the PC law enforcement is in place to stop this kind of behavior, just like in real life. This means if you are a fan of hack and slash, or PK only muds, you may want to just stop reading here, this isn't for you. But if you are someone who enjoys a story, enjoys making and developing a character and putting that character into situations that test the concepts you had for it, this is the mud for you. The combat system is unique. It is not turn based, but instead revolves around your skill ranks(did I mention this is a levelless mud?) and around the key words you use in special combat emotes, or cemotes. You fight in this game in a way that is very nice for someone who likes code-support to show your abilities, but still enjoys the roleplay of emoting out each attack. You essentially emote the actions your character takes and your attack is rolled, invisibly, augmented with your skills, to determine a hit or miss. Further, hitting or missing is not all, how well you overcome your enemy's defense affects how hard of a hit and how damaging the attack is. It makes for very exciting and fun combat, when combat does take place. Now, I mentioned you don't gain experience by fighting, and you also don't gain levels. That is because we have a fairly unique system for gaining experience on The Inquisition Legacy. You gain experience by talking to, emoting with, and thinking about things in the game. You do need at least one other person to interact with, but typically you will get into a long RP session and before you know it you have experience to use. Our skills are increased by use, similar to certain video games like Morrowind/Oblivion. As you use the skill, your skill rank slowly increases by a percentage. When it is ready to advance, if you have the experience needed to do so, you gain a rank and become that much more proficient. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the magic system from a code standpoint. However, from what I have seen from being on the other side of it, I can tell you that there are many paths and spells you can unlock, and many of them are extremely powerful and cool. All in all, the Inquisition Legacy is for people who like to seriously get into a character and roleplay it. I am not going to say we have tons of quests, or tons of areas to explore, tons of monsters to destroy, because none of that is the case. However, we do have a great atmosphere, very dedicated immortals, and a slew of players who love the art of roleplay and are eager to welcome and integrate new members.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 21, 2011