The Laboratory
Adult-themed MUX (Multi-User eXperience) founded in 2005.
Ranked 438th of 781 worlds statistically.
Ranked 12th of 17 worlds in the Adult genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (an hour ago)

Maximum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

    _         _                  _                  __  __ _   _ ___ _  _
   | |   __ _| |__  ___ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ _ _ _  _  |  \/  | | | / __| || |
   | |__/ _` | '_ \/ _ \ '_/ _` |  _/ _ \ '_| || | | |\/| | |_| \__ \ __ |
   |____\__,_|_.__/\___/_| \__,_|\__\___/_|  \_, | |_|  |_|\___/|___/_||_|

 Welcome to Flemming Laboratories, a wonderful new place that makes YOU into
  the latest and greatest thing since sliced bread.  Signing in is easy, but
                          leaving is impossible.

                                To login:

                 New Characters: cr <playername> <password>

               Current Characters: co <playername> <password>

    (Do not actually type the <> characters, they are for reference only!)

Admin email:            WWW:
                _              _        ___
               | |   ___  __ _(_)_ _   / __| __ _ _ ___ ___ _ _
               | |__/ _ \/ _` | | ' \  \__ \/ _| '_/ -_) -_) ' \
               |____\___/\__, |_|_||_| |___/\__|_| \___\___|_||_|
You are in a laboratory in the midst of Nevada, where unknown experiments take place. Rumours from the nearest cities tell of vulgar experiments involving sexual depravity, such as civilised people have never dreamed of. The lab itself is self funding, a free flow of information is provided to its sister research centres, and is founded on land now deemed as international. Here, the laws are made by the senior administration of the laboratory, and summary execution is also permitted. The main premise of the lab is to advance the human understanding of life, and has military backup when required, courtesy of Area 51, to which the labs staff are the only civilian organisation allowed access. As such, humans, and often aliens, are quite common in equal measure, though some 'aliens' are merely genetically modified human life-forms. One common element of this lab, is that, although the place is guarded, anyone is free to step up to the building and enter, though from eye-witness reports, nothing, and no-one EVER comes out, not even in a box. This is because, in an effort to protect both the general populace, and to prevent information leaks, any escapee is promptly killed on sight, by one of the many automated weapons systems, hidden around the grounds.
- The Mud Connector (2009)

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

March, 2005 [1]

Sexual/Science/Medical/Futuristic [1]
Strong Adult Content [2]

USA [1]

[MUX] TinyMUX [1]
TinyMUX [2]

You are in a laboratory in the midst of Nevada, where unknown experiments take place. Rumours from the nearest cities tell of vulgar experiments involving sexual depravity, such as civilised people have never dreamed of. The lab itself is self funding, a free flow of information is provided to its sister research centres, and is founded on land now deemed as international. Here, the laws are made by the senior administration of the laboratory, and summary execution is also permitted. The main premise of the lab is to advance the human understanding of life, and has military backup when required, courtesy of Area 51, to which the labs staff are the only civilian organisation allowed access. As such, humans, and often aliens, are quite common in equal measure, though some 'aliens' are merely genetically modified human life-forms. One common element of this lab, is that, although the place is guarded, anyone is free to step up to the building and enter, though from eye-witness reports, nothing, and no-one EVER comes out, not even in a box. This is because, in an effort to protect both the general populace, and to prevent information leaks, any escapee is promptly killed on sight, by one of the many automated weapons systems, hidden around the grounds. [1] [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. Mud Magic
This is a wonderful MUSH with a great theme and staff who are willing to help. The biggest problem here is a small pbase. And by logging in and playing, you can change that.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Dec 15, 2005
The best part, for me, of this new server is the uniqueness of the setting and the creativity of the other players, who genuinely give opportunities to try out new ideas and come up with some very original and scintillating ideas of their own. I've found RPing here to be a very rewarding and addictive mix of erotic and theme-based scenes. The staff are helpful and fair, and there is usually at least one staffer on. They are also all very enthusiastic about the game, and the server is constantly being expanded and improved. Player concerns, in my experience, are always addressed, and player feedback plays a large role in the growth of the game. The playerbase is small but spirited, and new players are very much encouraged in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. The available character types are wide and characters from zombies to furries to dragons to ordinary humans are played. The server is low-latency and I have never seen it crash or have unscheduled downtimes. The only issues with the server that I see are the amounts of time spent OOC waiting for a chance to do a scene because the game operates mostly on arranged scenes. Still, with a little courage or patience, a scene can almost always be painlessly arranged! Another issue is the limited availability of people to play with. Both of these issues will hopefully disappear once the word gets out and more players start coming in! I encourage all players who might be interested to sign on and check us out! Suggestions, questions, and comments are always encouraged.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 9, 2005